Chapter 198 – God Controlling Technique, Spirit Awakening Enlightenment Pill

Qing Nv didn’t return, as she was participating in the refinement of a third-grade Spirit Water with her mentor at the Jumang Dao Academy and couldn’t leave.

Chen Mobai initially thought he wouldn’t have much to talk about with her, but as they chatted, he found that the day had unknowingly turned into night.

Their conversation ranged from cultivation to academics, and then to their personal circumstances.

Chen Mobai boasted about his talents in puppetry and agriculture over the phone, and also mentioned his lagging progress in talisman making due to lack of energy.

He also mentioned that after taking the Clear Fire Pill she had refined, his spiritual consciousness had greatly improved, and his Mind Nurturing God Casting Technique had been perfected. For this, he expressed his gratitude to Qing Nv over the phone.

In the end, Chen Mobai even mentioned his unsuccessful attempts at comprehending the Boundary Law.

“Boundary Law? Indeed, this technique is a bit difficult to practice.”

Qing Nv echoed on the other end of the phone. Chen Mobai knew she was comforting him. Among the students of the four major Dao Academies, the success rate of practicing this technique was eighty to ninety percent.

And with Qing Nv’s heavenly spiritual root talent, even if she didn’t practice the Boundary Law, Foundation Establishment would be a breeze.

“Hey, it’s getting late. You should go to sleep. We can chat again when we have time.”

At this point, Chen Mobai glanced at the clock on the wall and found that it was already past three in the morning.

“By the way, I have a small gift to send you. Remember to check it.”

Qing Nv suddenly said this before hanging up the phone.

Chen Mobai didn’t think much of it, but after waiting for a few days without receiving anything, he remembered that he hadn’t told Qing Nv he was in Qingshan Village. She might have sent it to his home in Danxia City.

Just as Chen Mobai was preparing to call Qing Nv again that night, a strange call came in.

“Where are you?”

The voice on the phone sounded familiar. Chen Mobai thought for a moment before he remembered who it was.

“Kong Feichen?”

“Yes, it’s me. My sister asked me to bring a package to you. I’m downstairs at your house.”

Chen Mobai remembered that Kong Feichen had gone to the Medical Palace, which was in the same Linwu Cave Heaven as the Jumang Dao Academy.

He didn’t expect that while Qing Nv hadn’t returned, Kong Feichen had.

He wondered if Yang Jing had returned.

“I’m not at home, I’m farming in the countryside.”

“I need to give this to you in person to feel at ease. Send me your location.”

Kong Feichen’s tone seemed a bit unhappy, and Chen Mobai felt bad about asking him to come all the way from Danxia City.

“Why don’t you wait for me at Chixia Academy? I’ll come to you.”

In the end, the two agreed on a meeting place.

Chen Mobai was puzzled. What kind of item required personal delivery? Couldn’t it just be mailed?


At the entrance of Chixia Academy, Kong Feichen handed a tightly wrapped box to Chen Mobai.

“Can I open it now?”


Kong Feichen rolled his eyes. Chen Mobai sensed his moodiness, but he still eagerly unwrapped the small gift from Qing Nv.

Inside, he found a book and a bottle of elixir.

“What is this?”

Chen Mobai picked up the book and saw that it had no title. When he flipped it open, he found it was filled with content. After a quick glance, it seemed to be a technique for cultivating spiritual consciousness.

“God Controlling Technique, Spirit Awakening Enlightenment Pill!”

Kong Feichen mentioned two terms that Chen Mobai had never heard of.

“I’ve delivered the items to you. I have other things to do, so I’ll leave first.”

“It’s rare for old friends to meet. Let me treat you to a meal.”

Chen Mobai felt a bit embarrassed. After all, for the sake of this package, Kong Feichen had returned from Linwu Cave Heaven and then traveled from Danxia City to Chixia Academy. It was indeed a lot of trouble.

“No need.”

Kong Feichen declined and then left directly.

After returning to Qingshan Village, Chen Mobai first went to the Immortal Gate National Library to look up the origin of this technique.

As expected, it was a technique for cultivating and enhancing spiritual consciousness, seemingly specifically selected for him.

Not only could it stabilize the rapidly improved spiritual consciousness in a short period of time, but it could also seamlessly connect with the Mind Nurturing God Casting Technique.

If he could master it, he might even be able to experience the realm of spiritual consciousness out of the body before Foundation Establishment.

This technique required a third-grade user to download from the National Library.

Chen Mobai didn’t know where Qing Nv got it from, but since she could give it to him, there must be no restrictions of Dao Heart Oath. It might have been issued by the Jumang Dao Academy.

However, he was still a bit uneasy and checked it again on the auxiliary cultivation software.

This time, he found the problem.

There was a post titled “God Controlling Technique: An Improved Version of the God Devouring Technique, Proven to Increase the Success Rate of Foundation Establishment, Should It Be Promoted on a Large Scale?”

It turned out to be an improved version of a forbidden technique.

Chen Mobai thought of Qing Nv’s teacher and then thought of Lan Haitian.

However, after he was admitted to the Dance Weapon Dao Academy, Lan Haitian had not contacted him again, as if he had completely forgotten about asking Chen Mobai to observe Qing Nv.

Although the God Controlling Technique was very suitable for him, knowing that it might involve a forbidden technique, Chen Mobai was unsure whether he should practice it.

In the end, he decided to put it aside for now and ask Che Yucheng when he returned to the Dance Weapon Dao Academy next semester.

Then he picked up the bottle of elixir, which contained only one pill.

Kong Feichen had called it a “Spirit Awakening Enlightenment Pill”.

Chen Mobai searched for it online and, although the information was scarce, he still found its origin.

It turned out to be a second-grade spirit pill. After taking it, one would be in the most alert state for a day.

In this state, whether practicing techniques or studying knowledge, efficiency would be greatly improved. Even the most foolish person would understand things most thoroughly.

It was as if one’s spiritual wisdom had been awakened and one had comprehended the Dao.

For this reason, it was called the “Spirit Awakening Enlightenment Pill”.

This pill was exclusive to the Jumang Dao Academy and could only be exchanged with academic credits. One pill required 15 credits, making it as precious as the Mysterious Fire Spirit Liquid of the Dance Weapon Dao Academy.

“The gift you gave me is too precious.”

After understanding the origin of the “Spirit Awakening Enlightenment Pill”, Chen Mobai felt undeserving and called Qing Nv to see if he could return it.

“You can’t return it once you’ve exchanged for it. If you don’t want it, I can only give it to my little brother.”

Qing Nv’s little brother, Kong Feichen?

Then I might as well take it.With this thought, Chen Mobai no longer declined.

However, at this moment, he finally understood why Kong Feichen was a bit emotional towards him.

“Perhaps I should give you a gift in return.”

In the end, Chen Mobai felt that the item Qing Nv had given him was too precious, and he felt the need to reciprocate.

“Alright then, my address at school is…”

Qing Nv cheerfully reported her dormitory number. After chatting for a while, Chen Mobai hung up the phone with a sense of loss.

He took out all his belongings from his storage bag, trying to find something suitable to give to a girl, and the value couldn’t be too low.

Finally, he chose the pair of white jade bells.

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