Chapter 130 – Demon tribe writing, mysterious martial arts

In fact, for Meng Fan, after obtaining the Myriad Swords Art and the Free Wanderer's Godly Sword, mastering the third sword of Myriad Swords Returning to Origin was a certainty.


As long as Meng Fan dedicated himself to studying it, it wouldn't take more than a few days to figure it out.


However, Meng Fan had been quite distracted lately with many things on his plate!


Firstly, the fox demon bracelet he acquired from the grand hall in the Demon Realm's forest would take another three days to break the seal.


Then there were some other trivial matters; Meng Fan planned to stabilize his realm before attempting to comprehend the Sword God Stele.


Elder Lin had already mentioned to Meng Fan that whenever he wished to comprehend the Sword God Stele for ten days and nights, he was welcome to do so at any time!


Previously, Meng Fan had saved this opportunity, wanting to wait until he reached the Heavenly Origin Realm and cultivated his Divine Sense before attempting to comprehend the Sword God Stele.


Now, he had achieved that.


This time, Meng Fan could truly comprehend to his heart's content!


Ten days and nights.


If he used Spirit Stones to pay for it, it would cost a hundred Spirit Stones per hour, which would amount to over ten thousand Spirit Stones for ten days and nights!!!


That was a sky-high price in Spirit Stones.


Although Meng Fan had made a fortune in the Demon Realm, and Elder Lin had helped him sell his loot without any middlemen taking a cut, even so, Meng Fan's net worth was only about five thousand Spirit Stones.


Still, it was a considerable sum.


Even though it wasn't enough for ten days and nights of comprehension, it was enough for four days and nights.


But the thought of actually spending Spirit Stones to comprehend the Sword God Stele made Meng Fan somewhat reluctant.


For the next three days, Meng Fan didn't leave the Sword Pavilion, holing up in his room, fully focused on breaking the seal of the fox demon's jade bracelet.




After three days, the seal was successfully broken without any unexpected issues.


During these three days, Meng Fan devoted himself to using and restoring his Divine Sense, which significantly strengthened it.


After breaking the seal of the jade bracelet, Meng Fan's Divine Sense easily entered it.


Just as he had guessed, it was a storage bracelet.


The space inside was vast, a whole thirty cubic meters, equivalent to the size of a room!


Elder Lin had once given Meng Fan a basic storage bracelet, which only had one cubic meter of space.


Later, Meng Fan, finding the storage bracelet too small, spent a hefty two thousand Spirit Stones to buy a storage ring with a larger space.


But even such an expensive storage ring only had ten cubic meters of space.


Ten cubic meters is not 10 meters by 10 meters by 10 meters, but rather 1 meter by 1 meter by 10 meters!


Now, this jade bracelet actually had thirty cubic meters of space.


The storage bracelet alone was worth more than five thousand Spirit Stones…


This realization made his eyes light up!


Indeed, a boss-level entity close to the Demon King's strength had an astonishing net worth.


Then Meng Fan began to inventory the treasures within the space of the jade bracelet.


The demon tribe, too, could use Spirit Stones.


So, inside the space of the jade bracelet, there were also quite a few Spirit Stones, two boxes full.


Meng Fan roughly counted them and, including the medium-grade and high-grade Spirit Stones, the total had already surpassed ten thousand low-grade Spirit Stones.


This was an unexpected fortune for Meng Fan!


And the Spirit Stones were just the least valuable items there.


Besides the Spirit Stones, Meng Fan also found several weapons that were clearly not ordinary.


Meng Fan didn't touch these weapons because he noticed that some were of magical treasure level, and initiating contact could likely result in backlash, endangering his life!


With the fox demon's strength close to that of a Demon King, it was not surprising that it could subdue weapons of magical treasure level.


In addition to weapons, Meng Fan also found a box full of heavenly and earthly treasures, including Spiritual medicines and spiritual items, all beneficial for cultivation.


Before entering the Demon Realm, he had heard from Elder Lin that the Demon Realm contained many heavenly and earthly treasures, but aside from the lotus flower he encountered with Xiao Qing, he hadn't found any other treasures.


It seemed that the heavenly and earthly treasures of the Demon Realm had long been scavenged by these powerhouses!


Meng Fan smiled to himself, as it turned out to be a windfall for him.


Among the box of heavenly and earthly treasures, Meng Fan found a second lotus flower identical to the one Xiao Qing had.


Moreover, this lotus flower was still fresh and vibrant, not withered at all!


This was no longer a matter of preservation; it seemed that this type of lotus flower wouldn't wilt even if plucked, a true rarity.


He had borrowed the Jade Spirit Vase from Liu Yanping unnecessarily!


Meng Fan moved his gaze away from the box of heavenly and earthly treasures and continued to inventory the other treasures.


To his surprise, he found a piece of special jade.


Previously in the Demon Realm, Meng Fan had found a strange piece of jade in the belly of an ordinary bull demon, pure white and untainted.


He felt it was valuable, so he took it with him and after leaving, handed it over to Elder Lin for appraisal.


However, Elder Lin couldn't identify it either, so Meng Fan had to put it away for future consideration.


Now, inside the space of the fox demon's bracelet, there was another piece of jade exactly like it, proving its value.


Otherwise, the fox demon close to the Demon King's strength wouldn't have collected it!


Meng Fan put this piece of jade together with his own, carefully storing them away.


Next, Meng Fan came across two books.


However, both books were recorded in strange characters that Meng Fan couldn't understand.


"They must be the demon tribe's script," Meng Fan muttered to himself.


He took the two books out and placed them on the table.


"Xiao Qing, come here!" he called out to Xiao Qing.


Xiao Qing moved with lightning speed, appearing instantly on the table in front of Meng Fan.


"Master, what is it?" Xiao Qing curiously looked at Meng Fan.


Meng Fan pointed to the text on the books and asked, "This should be the demon tribe's script, do you recognize it?"


Xiao Qing didn't even glance at the text on the books and said somewhat awkwardly, "Master, I've been alone since I can remember, never even seen my parents, living by myself, how could I possibly know how to read?"


Meng Fan sighed in resignation; it turned out this guy was illiterate!


Still, considering Xiao Qing had managed to survive on his own from a young age, it was quite an achievement, and expecting him to read was indeed asking too much.


Meng Fan put the two books away; what's the point if you can't read the words?


In fact, he was very interested in the demon tribe's cultivation methods, as he had even cultivated the demon tribe's techniques, so exploring the demon tribe's methods wouldn't be strange.


But these two books might not necessarily be about the demon tribe's cultivation methods; perhaps they recorded something else.


After putting the books away, Meng Fan saw another special item in the space of the jade bracelet.


A wooden token, carelessly placed in a corner.


It looked unremarkable, but when Meng Fan noticed this token, he was immediately drawn to it.


He took the token out and examined it closely.


First, he scanned it with his Divine Sense, no reaction.


Then he infused it with True Qi, still no reaction.

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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