Vol.2 – Chapter 94 – Beat the buffalo

“What’s going on?” Chu Liang, seeing Lin Bei’s flustered state, abruptly stood up and asked. He had ridden here on the golden-furred beast, and after dismounting, he had sent it back on its own.

The beast was his second most trusted companion – the first being his master. He couldn’t afford for anything to happen to it.

“It’s outside Tongtian Peak, you should go and see.” Lin Bei led the way. He had also come to Tongtian Peak on business, and upon seeing the golden-furred beast fighting with someone, he guessed that Chu Liang must be nearby, so he came looking for him.

Chu Liang followed him and flew out, only to see a crowd of people gathered around the outskirts of the square, watching the spectacle.

The angry roars of the beast and the booming sounds of impact were incessant. From a distance, a man in white was suspended in mid-air, stepping on white clouds, continuously wielding a long whip, lashing down like a white dragon.

Each hit was accompanied by a loud explosion. The golden-furred beast was suppressed on the ground, repeatedly trying to pounce upwards but being beaten back down, causing it to roar in anger and howl in distress.

Its golden fur was torn and flesh was exposed, with drops of crimson blood splattering. It had clearly suffered serious injuries.

Chu Liang had never seen it bleed before in all their adventures. Behind the man in white, there was a five or six-year-old child standing on the cloud, his eyes bright, pointing at the golden-furred beast and shouting:

“Kill it! Kill it!” Chu Liang vaguely recognized the child as the great-grandson of Elder Danding, who had shown great talent in cultivation from a young age.

The man in white, who appeared to be in his thirties or forties, had a cultivation level of the fifth or sixth realm, clearly not a peer of Chu Liang and his companions.

Chu Liang swiftly flew forward, standing in the middle, and shouted:


The golden-furred beast still wanted to charge forward, but Chu Liang grabbed its head and ordered:

“Stay still.”

The man in white’s whip was still in motion, about to hit Chu Liang, but Chu Liang stood still, staring at him with a piercing gaze. The whip wind swirled, but finally stopped just as it was about to touch Chu Liang’s hair.

“Senior brother, what has my spirit beast done wrong to warrant such harsh punishment?” Chu Liang asked as soon as the man stopped.


The man in white angrily said in mid-air:

“This beast almost hurt Elder Danding’s great-grandson. I was punishing it, and it still wanted to act violently. Beating it is light punishment. If it had hurt the child, I would have killed it on the spot!”

“Hmph!” The child behind him also snorted in a threatening manner.

The golden-furred beast growled lowly behind Chu Liang, seemingly very angry. Its fresh blood dripped onto the ground, causing Chu Liang to feel a pang of heartache.

At this moment, Lin Bei jumped out from the side and said:

“That’s not true! I saw this kid throwing stones at the golden-furred beast. It only roared at him after being hit, and then you started attacking! You’re clearly bullying it!”

“A mere beast, what’s the big deal if it gets hit by a stone?” The man in white looked down from above with a cold gaze.

“If you dare to let it roar in Shu Mountain again, I will report to the elders, and you will all be punished!”

The golden-furred beast was scratching the ground with its claws, ready to fly up and tear the man in white apart.

“Stay still!” Chu Liang shouted again. Today, regardless of who was right or wrong, it was fortunate that the beast hadn’t hurt anyone.

If it had only been beaten, the matter wouldn’t be too serious; but if it had hurt someone, Shu Mountain would definitely not let it go.

Not just Shu Mountain, but the laws of the world were like this. The laws were much stricter for beasts than for humans. If a human hurt a beast, no one would usually pursue the matter.

But if a beast hurt a human, it would definitely not be spared, even if it was the one in the right. Chu Liang said to the man in white:

“Senior brother, since the child wasn’t hurt today, and my spirit beast has been punished, it will definitely not hurt anyone in Shu Mountain in the future. Let’s just let this matter rest here.”

“Go back and discipline it properly. You youngsters, don’t think you’re great just because you have a mount. If anything happens, it’s not something you can handle!” The man in white coldly left these words behind.

He then turned around and descended from the cloud, protecting the child as they left. As the child was leaving, he stuck out his tongue at Chu Liang and made a face.

After they had left, Lin Bei angrily said:

“That little brat really needs to be taught a lesson. If there weren’t adults around him, I would have gone up and given him a couple of slaps!”

“Let’s go back first.”

Chu Liang’s face was solemn. He reached out and touched the golden-furred beast’s neck. The beast whimpered and rubbed against him, seeming very aggrieved. Chu Liang first asked Lin Bei to go and inform Sister Chen Suli, then returned to Silver Sword Peak. After the incident with the Winged Fire Snake, the higher-ups of Shu Mountain were extremely concerned about what had happened on Evil Mountain. The fifth realm Winged Fire Snake was a minor matter, but the creatures living within Evil Mountain…There were countless ferocious beasts. If they all escaped, it would be a major issue. Thus, three seventh realm peak masters were dispatched to investigate. Di Nvfeng, having dealt with the affairs of the Wood Demon Mountain, was conveniently sent over. At this time, Chu Liang was in charge of Silver Sword Peak. If his master was here, he would undoubtedly rush over without hesitation, putting on a pitiful act, crying bitterly, and then following Di Nvfeng to settle the account… No, to seek justice. Unfortunately, his master was not present, so he had to tend to the golden beast’s injuries first. There were no dedicated doctors on Shu Mountain, usually, the people from the Dan Ding Hall were responsible for medical matters. The person who had just had a conflict with Chu Liang was probably from the Dan Ding Hall, so he didn’t feel comfortable going directly. Therefore, he asked a familiar senior sister for help. The golden beast was whimpering on the ground, its skin and flesh torn, the wound seemed very painful. To comfort it, Chu Liang stuffed a couple of fruits into its mouth.

“Huh?” The golden beast, seeing this, immediately collapsed on the ground, howling in its mouth, and seemed to be on its last breath… Chu Liang looked at it, both amused and annoyed. Considering its injuries, he decided to spoil it, feeding it the golden patterned fruits one by one.

The golden beast ate them one by one, smacking its lips, and quickly forgot about the pain. Its eyes were full of happiness.

If it could lie here every day and have someone feed it fruits, it wouldn’t mind getting beaten up every day.

After a while, senior sister Chen Suli finally arrived.

“Let me see…” She carefully examined the golden beast, then said:

“It’s just flesh wounds, apply some medicine and rest, don’t worry.” Chu Liang finally felt relieved. Chen Suli applied the medicinal powder to the golden beast’s wounds, then gently bandaged it.

The process must have been painful, but the golden beast only shivered and did not resist.

“This big guy is quite well-behaved, I don’t know how Brother Liu could bear to be so heavy-handed.” Chen Suli looked at the golden beast’s innocent appearance and felt a bit indignant on its behalf.

“Who was the one who hit the golden beast?” Chu Liang asked casually.

“Brother Liu Qin, he is the seventh disciple of Elder Dan Ding.”

Chen Suli said,

“Elder Dan Ding only has this one great-grandson, who he adores greatly. But he doesn’t have time to be with him all day, so he often lets his disciples take care of him.”

“This kid is a bit naughty.”

Chu Liang said lightly.


Chen Suli sighed,

“The child has no parents, and he is naturally smart. He is very loved by his elders, and has grown up spoiled, so he is a bit unruly.”

Chu Liang listened to her and guessed the general situation. It must have been this child who was naughty and hit the golden beast. The golden beast also had a bad temper and wanted to retaliate. In fact, the golden beast knew that it couldn’t hurt people on Shu Mountain, and it wouldn’t have hurt him. But Liu Qin was afraid of being accused of negligence, so he must have hit harder to show his seriousness.

“Alright.” Chen Suli clapped her hands, having finished bandaging the wounds. The golden beast was wrapped in several bandages, with beautiful butterfly knots on them, making it look quite delicate.

“Thank you, senior sister.” Chu Liang said.

“You’re welcome.”

Chen Suli smiled, thought for a moment, and then reminded him:

“I know you must be heartbroken that the golden beast was beaten, but the child is Elder Dan Ding’s favorite, and Brother Liu was just trying to protect the child. If you want to pursue this matter, you might anger Elder Dan Ding, and it will be difficult for you to get things done on Shu Mountain, so you might as well…” She was speaking the truth. Elder Dan Ding held a high position and great power. Offending him would indeed make it difficult to get things done on Shu Mountain.

“Don’t worry, senior sister.”

Chu Liang smiled,

“Please go back to the Dan Ding Hall for me, and pass on a message. Say that today my mount disturbed Elder Dan Ding’s great-grandson, and I feel very sorry. I will definitely visit to apologize in the future.”

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