Chapter 196 – Secrets

“You’re saying that Yuan Chiyi and I initiated you into the sect together at the Nanxi market?”

After hearing this, Ding Ying’s expression was first taken aback, but then she seemed to understand something and her face showed a look of realization.

“Alright, I understand. Don’t bring up this matter again in the future.”

“Yes, Senior Sister Ding.”

Chen Mobai nodded in understanding.

“If there’s nothing else in the future, don’t come looking for me, okay?”

“Is that so…”

Just as Ding Ying was about to close the door, Chen Mobai gritted his teeth and boldly voiced his request.

“You’re saying that you want to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill from Junior Sister Yin?”

Upon hearing this, Ding Ying’s face turned strange. She looked Chen Mobai up and down, and couldn’t help but sneer.

“Junior Brother, sometimes you need to recognize your own status. Some things are not for you to covet.”

After saying this, she closed the door directly.

Chen Mobai’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. He took a deep look at the courtyard before turning around and leaving.

He stayed in Shenmu City for two more days, not only waiting for Lu Jun to complete the transfer procedures for Xiaoyang Ridge, but also because Qi Rui had sent a message saying he wanted to meet him here.

Qi Hou and Chen Mobai were not particularly close, and since he had also obtained a Foundation Establishment Pill and was currently refining his spiritual power, he didn’t have time to come over.

However, he sent Junior Brother Xi over to catch up.

That night, in the agreed restaurant, Chen Mobai saw the long-lost Qi Rui and Junior Brother Xi.

“Junior Brother Chen, I knew with your talent, joining our Shenmu Sect would be a breeze.”

Qi Rui and Chen Mobai had a bond forged in life and death. Qi Rui was a straightforward person, and he gave Chen Mobai a big hug as soon as they met.

“My name is Xi Jinghuo.”

Junior Brother Xi’s name was very interesting. After he introduced himself, he quietly took his seat.

“Where is Senior Brother Wang?”

“Alas, during the beast invasion, he and a dozen other senior brothers were the first to fight, blocking the teleportation array and escorting us to leave. They have already lost their lives on Qingguang Island.”

When Qi Rui mentioned this, his previously joyful expression dimmed.

“If there’s a chance in the future, let’s go to Qingguang Island to pay our respects.”

Chen Mobai could only sigh, then asked about the situation of the other members of the team.

“Shi Pengyi and Luo Lin were separated from us when the beasts invaded the island. Junior Brother Wu died in battle with Senior Brother Wang…”

Qi Rui shared what he knew, and all Chen Mobai could do was pray that Shi Pengyi and Luo Lin could survive. However, given the situation on Qingguang Island, the odds were not in their favor.

“By the way, I’ve broken through to the ninth level of Qi Refining.”

Finally, Chen Mobai heard some good news. After the life-and-death battle on Qingguang Island, Qi Rui had finally reached the last step of Qi Refining. The next step was Foundation Establishment.


Xi Jinghuo, who had been quietly listening, couldn’t help but congratulate Qi Rui.

“I hope to enter the top hundred in the annual competition at the end of the year, and strive to become a true disciple within five years. However, I also need to start working towards earning the ten thousand contribution points needed to exchange for a Foundation Establishment Pill.”

Qi Rui had set a steady progression plan for himself.

The Shenmu Sect held a sect competition every year. Only Qi Refining cultivators under the age of sixty could participate. The purpose was to select the future of the sect, and the order of true disciples was also determined by this.

Chen Mobai had no plans to participate. It was a waste of time.

Moreover, he knew his own level of combat. In Di Yuan Star, he could be called “Victorious in Combat”. But here in Tianhe Realm, without enough talismans and magical tools, he was basically just delivering himself to the enemy.

Since his Good Deeds from the Immortal Gate were running low, the talismans in his storage bag were mostly leftovers from before, as well as homework from his talisman classes at the Dance Tool Dao Academy over the past year.

He had to be careful not to waste them.

Although participating in the sect competition could hone his combat skills, Chen Mobai felt it was better not to subject himself to abuse just yet. He would wait until he had reached the limit of the ninth level of Qi Refining before honing his skills.

Chen Mobai always remembered a saying from Qingping Shangren.

As long as your realm is much higher than your opponent’s, you will never lose.

After Qi Rui brought up the topic of the Foundation Establishment Pill, Chen Mobai naturally mentioned the one in Tianling Root’s possession.

“If you want to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill from Junior Sister Yin, I’m afraid it’s too late.”

Upon hearing Chen Mobai mention this, Xi Jinghuo couldn’t help but shake his head.

“Those of you who are not in touch with the circle of true disciples may not know, but we are very clear. The Foundation Establishment Pill bestowed by Ancestor Fu was only meant to be transferred to his own blood relative through Junior Sister Yin.”

He was a descendant of a Foundation Establishment elder and could be considered a second-generation immortal of the Shenmu Sect. Therefore, he knew some secrets that Chen Mobai and Qi Rui did not.

Among the true disciples of the previous generation, there was a direct descendant of Ancestor Fu named Fu Xingzhou.

Unfortunately, even with Ancestor Fu’s care and the exchange of a Foundation Establishment Pill, he still failed in his Foundation Establishment.

But Fu Xingzhou had a deep background and many magical tools. Even though he failed in his Foundation Establishment, he did not step down from his position as a true disciple. He originally planned to hold on until this Foundation Establishment Pill was refined, and then exchange for another one.

However, the previous Spirit Messenger was lucky enough to snatch the Tianling Root. Ancestor Fu immediately used this as an excuse to give the Foundation Establishment Pill, which was originally supposed to be exchanged for the next disciple in line, to her.

“Fu Xingzhou successfully established his foundation five years ago. It was said that Ancestor Fu bought a Foundation Establishment Pill from the Tongbao Chamber of Commerce, but we all know that it was the one from Junior Sister Yin that was transferred to him.”

Upon hearing this, Qi Rui was stunned, and Chen Mobai’s eyebrows furrowed.

“Isn’t this unfair to the disciple who was originally supposed to receive the Foundation Establishment Pill?””Fairness? In Shenmu Sect, the fact that Ancestor Fu is willing to use the Heavenly Spiritual Root as an excuse to take this Foundation Establishment Pill, is already maintaining superficial fairness.”

Upon hearing this, Xi Jinghuo said something with a poker face that left Chen Mobai silent.

“Only by becoming a true disciple can this Foundation Establishment Pill be absolutely safe.”

After a long while, Qi Rui spoke. His face, originally full of fighting spirit, became even more determined. It was clear that he had made up his mind to fight hard during the sect competition.

“It seems that there is no way to buy a Foundation Establishment Pill in a short time.”

In the end, Chen Mobai had to sigh. He had made up his mind to buy a Spirit Ascension Powder for his father, to help him gather the three treasures of Foundation Establishment, and fulfill his filial piety.

“There might be a chance.”

At this moment, Xi Jinghuo suddenly said something.


“The Battle of Qingguang Island, although our Shenmu Sect was defeated, we still gained something.”

Upon hearing this, Chen Mobai and Qi Rui looked at each other, their eyes lighting up simultaneously.

A Foundation Establishment Pill refined from the inner alchemy of a demon beast!

“Has Uncle Master Zeng already refined it?”

“I don’t know about that. If you have connections with the Spirit Plant Department, you can check whether the auxiliary herbs for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill have been taken from the medicinal fields recently. This can give us a clue about how far the pill has been refined.”

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