Chapter 204 – Terrifying Chen Hao

“Why should we? This lady is quite amusing! Just opening her mouth and demanding we hand over the national cultivation plan? Sure! How about you hand over Free Nation’s scientific achievements? A fair exchange, right?”

“Oh! Sorry, it seems your current scientific achievements can’t effectively resist this Alien Beast disaster, can they?”

“No! Who are you, lady? Why are you coming here to cry? We didn’t kill your husband! It was those Alien Beasts that killed him. And why did they kill him? Because your Free Nation isn’t strong enough!”

“Exactly, exactly! Here’s a suggestion: why don’t you just immigrate to China?”

“Spit! Are you throwing all your trash at China?”

For a moment, Chinese netizens retaliated fiercely, while the Southern Nations’ netizens were left speechless.

Indeed! The national cultivation plan was developed by China, akin to a scientific technology. But demanding it while crying is a bit too much, isn’t it?

Southern Nations’ netizens were left bewildered by the backlash and didn’t know how to respond.

However, Southern Nations’ media ramped up their efforts, continuing to brainwash their populace.

They even instilled a fixed mindset: because China didn’t share the national cultivation plan with the world, other countries suffered massive casualties while resisting the void rifts. Even if the national cultivation plan is China’s new scientific achievement, shouldn’t there be some humanitarian consideration? Couldn’t they share just a little?

The crying lady returned to the Chinese forum, continuing her lament.

“So my husband died, and you have nothing to say? Haven’t you experienced the pain of losing a loved one? Even if China had revealed just a bit of the national cultivation plan, my husband might have survived!”

“You murderers! It’s you! You killed my husband!”

“Seeing other humans die in this disaster, haven’t you shed a single tear? Are you so heartless?”

These accusations came flooding in, but Chinese netizens responded righteously.

“Oh dear, lady, didn’t we tell you? It was your own country, Free Nation, that sent your husband to the battlefield to resist the monsters from the void rifts! It wasn’t us who forced him to go!”

“Bad luck! Lady, I beg you, stop crying here, okay? The pain of losing a loved one? Sorry! My parents are alive, my children are healthy, and seeing your posts first thing in the morning ruins my day!”

“To be fair, doesn’t Free Nation boast about its advanced scientific research and weapons? Why don’t you use them? Are they too costly?”

“Lady, take my advice: watch less live streams, read fewer newspapers, eat more snacks, and get more sleep!”

Faced with the Chinese netizens’ counterattacks, the Southern Nations’ lady fell silent again.

Just as the public opinion was dying down, another major event suddenly occurred, shaking both Chinese and Southern Nations’ forums.

“Latitude 55°N, Longitude 92°E… Today’s wind direction…”

On a sunny afternoon, a tester on a Free Nation naval fleet stationed in the Pacific was calculating the current geographical information when he suddenly heard a loud whooshing sound.

“Is that… a meteor?”

“No… but it can’t be a UFO, right?”

Fifty soldiers on the fleet looked up at the sky, seeing a beam of light roaring towards them from afar.

“This is Fleet M581. We are currently at Latitude 55°N, Longitude 92°E. We’ve detected an anomaly! Requesting reinforcements! Over!”

A young naval captain on Fleet M581, noticing something amiss, immediately sent a signal for support. It was his first day as captain, and he didn’t dare take any chances, reporting any unusual activity immediately.

But the meteor-like object in the sky didn’t give him time to prepare, streaking across the sky and heading straight for the fleet.




The naval captain finally saw it was a person! He was free-falling vertically!

The speed was terrifying. Just as the captain was still in shock, the figure was only 100m away from the fleet!

“Quick, quick, quick! Missile team! Prepare to fire! Blow him up…”

“Boom!” A massive explosion erupted, and the fleet was instantly split in half.

Chen Hao, carrying immense impact force, crashed into the fleet, slicing it in two.

“Buzz, buzz, buzz—”

Suddenly, a drone flew over, capturing the scene of Chen Hao punching the fleet apart.

Standing on the floating wreckage, Chen Hao noticed the drone and shouted at it.

“The sky roars, and I make a dazzling entrance!”

After speaking, he even made a victory sign.

The drone transmitted the entire scene back.

“Damn it!” William James, after watching the drone footage in his office, slammed his hand on the table, causing the documents to jump.

Henry Labrador, standing nearby with a dark expression, didn’t dare speak. His eyes were filled with shock, anger, and a hint of fanaticism.

Henry Labrador broke the eerie silence in the office.

“Leader, I think China has gone mad! Even though they have nuclear weapons, their proactive attack this time, punching our fleet apart, is a blatant provocation. This gives us more grounds to launch a media offensive against them!”

William James was equally shocked. China, which had always advocated peaceful development, dared to send someone to attack proactively, destroying the fleet with a single punch!

“Could it be that the national cultivation plan has reached its final stage?”

“Are they all god-gifted now?”

Just yesterday, he had confidently told high-ranking officials from Southern Nations that individual strength wouldn’t break the nuclear deterrence balance within twenty years. Now, he felt a stinging slap on his face.

This slap hurt!

“Quick! Deploy spies to count the number of Extraordinary Beings in China!”

“They must be well-prepared to dare such actions!”

Henry Labrador’s eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness.

“Leader, should we have the spies bring that technological device?”

“Once activated, it guarantees a beast tide that will engulf China in an instant!”

“Even if Chu Yi is powerful, he won’t escape unscathed!”

William James burst into laughter.

“You really know how to play! Hahaha!”

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