Chapter 111 – Accidentally stumbled upon! Do you seem to understand?

Unlike last time, the crow’s body this time still had intact feathers.

There were probably bitten by a black cat, and faint traces of blood could be seen.

The crow’s head was tilted to one side, and its neck showed a strange twist, obviously broken.

Looking at the crow’s body on the outer window sill, He Gu was stunned for a moment.

Rule 3 of the office: If you see a crow’s body outside the window, immediately open the window and throw it away;

And 111 asked He Gu to help him collect crow blood and feathers.

At this moment, He Gu hesitated.

According to the non-immediate death rule, it might be fake, or even the opposite.

For example, Rule 1, Article 6: If you see a cat in the factory area, give them some ham sausages, but if you see a black cat, leave immediately;

In fact, this rule is false, and black cats are the key to avoiding being eaten by the supervisor.

It can even be understood that this rule was deliberately added by “it” to mislead the challengers.

So, will the rule that requires the crow’s body to be thrown away be the same?

Thinking of this, He Gu made up his mind and quickly opened the window to grab the crow’s body outside.

The crow was still bleeding, and when He Gu grabbed it, a drop of blood dripped from his fingers and fell on the inner window sill.

To avoid being seen, He Gu took the crow inside and immediately stuffed it into the large pocket of his clothes, using his body to cover it.

Then, He Gu quickly closed the window and turned around to find something to wipe off the bloodstain on the inner window sill.

However, as soon as He Gu turned around, he saw the manager coming out of the next office through the glass wall, walking towards his office.

He Gu’s heart tightened, and he hurriedly sat down, not daring to wipe off the drop of crow’s blood on the inner window sill, and could only wait for the manager to finish checking and leave.

Soon, the manager came to the door of He Gu’s office, glanced at him expressionlessly, and said, “You seem very interested in the window outside?”

He Gu shook his head, “No, I just heard some noise outside and took a look.”

The manager did not comment on this, and walked straight into He Gu’s office, heading directly to the window.

Seeing this, He Gu’s heart “thumped” for a moment. If the manager saw the drop of crow’s blood on the inner window sill… who knows what trouble it might cause!

However, He Gu’s worry seemed to be unnecessary.

The manager’s attention was focused outside the glass, and he did not notice the tiny bloodstain on the inner window sill.

The manager leaned his head against the glass to look outside, then turned around with little interest, “I warn you, it’s best to follow the rules. Under normal circumstances, don’t open this window, otherwise…”

The manager sneered and a hint of malice flashed in his eyes.

But at this moment, He Gu didn’t even care to look at the manager’s eyes.

After the manager turned around, He Gu subconsciously glanced at the window sill again, only to find that the drop of crow’s blood was gone!

He Gu was slightly startled, and then compared the height and glanced at the manager’s abdomen.

Sure enough, there was a small spot of bright red blood on his work uniform.

The drop of crow’s blood had actually been accidentally wiped off by the manager!

111 wanted He Gu to find an opportunity to get some crow’s blood on the manager’s clothes. He Gu hadn’t planned to help him, at least not so soon, but things just happened to work out this way!

He Gu only glanced at it and immediately looked away, afraid that the manager would notice.

The manager only warned He Gu coldly and did not notice anything unusual. After speaking, he turned and left.

Watching the manager’s figure disappear at the end of the corridor, He Gu sighed softly.

At this point, he could only take it one step at a time.

Then, He Gu sat back at his desk, carefully took the crow’s body out of his pocket, using the desk and his body to cover it, and then took out the syringe and vacuum tube provided by 111 from his pocket.

After that, He Gu carefully used the syringe to draw blood from the crow’s body.

The crow’s body was so small, and there wasn’t much blood to begin with. After struggling for a long time, He Gu only managed to draw about half a tube of blood, and then couldn’t draw any more.

Helplessly, He Gu could only inject the blood he had drawn into the vacuum tube to save it, and then pulled out a few of the longest feathers from the crow’s wings.Afterward, He Gu pocketed the syringe, test tubes, and several pitch-black crow feathers, then glanced up again.

In the other offices around him, people were either absent or had their heads down, busily engaged in who knows what.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, He Gu took the crow’s corpse to the window and quickly tossed it far away.

Having done this, He Gu let out a slight sigh of relief.

He didn’t plan to hand over the crow’s blood and feathers to 111 directly; he was just preparing them in case the situation suddenly changed and he had no choice but to hand them over, so he wouldn’t be caught empty-handed.

Of course, He Gu’s intention was to avoid giving them if at all possible—who knew if 111 was making him do all this as preparation for devouring him later.

After that, He Gu continued to sit at his desk, deep in thought.

For the moment, there were no pressing crises for He Gu to resolve. What he needed to do next was to figure out how to retrieve item 315 and the contents of the storage locker from the security department.

Zhang Chao had mentioned in his message that the contents could lead He Gu to the truth, which underscored their importance.

However, given the current situation, it seemed unlikely to retrieve the items from the security office at any time other than during the night shift!

The problem now was that the manager conducted random inspections, and being caught away from his post would violate the instant-death rule.

Under the pressure of the instant-death rule, He Gu didn’t dare to leave the inner warehouse area to take the risk.

How could he get to the security department without the manager noticing?

Was there any pattern to the manager’s inspection times?

While pondering, He Gu took out his phone and secretly noted the time of the manager’s last inspection.

After the last inspection, the inner warehouse area returned to its usual calm.

He Gu made several rounds in the storeroom and noticed nothing unusual.

There were no more calls from the cats or crows outside the window.

Time passed by, second by second.

Then, at 1:41 in the morning, the sound of crows calling suddenly came from outside the window again.

Two minutes later, the manager appeared at the door of He Gu’s office.

He Gu silently noted the time; this inspection by the manager was four hours after the last one.

In the latter part of the night, close to five o’clock, the strange “tap tap tap” sound was heard outside the window again.

He Gu went to the window and saw, just like the previous night, a crow desperately flapping its wings outside.

Seeing this scene, He Gu thoughtfully turned his head towards the end of the corridor.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before the manager’s figure appeared again.

Watching this scene, He Gu’s eyes lit up: “I think I understand now…”

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