Chapter 203 – Swift-moving white-skinned pig

After the statement was released, the Free Nation still felt it wasn’t enough and immediately had the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hold a press conference.

“To the people still suffering from natural disasters, hello! I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Free Nation!”

“Today, we are not here to provoke disputes but to resolve them.”

“You’ve all seen the various statements between our Free Nation and China.”

“China wants to dominate alone, deliberately carrying out certain plans for its own benefit. And what about us?”

“We suffer from natural disasters, and every able-bodied young person in our families goes to the battlefield to fight those monsters!”

“Tell me, isn’t China despicable?”

“Once again, on behalf of the Free Nation, I solemnly declare to China: hand over Chu Yi and the national cultivation plan immediately!”

“Click—click—” Countless reporters below the stage were continuously taking photos and recording.

The news of the Free Nation’s press conference was instantly relayed back to China.

“Hmph! We’ve both been around for a thousand years, and you want to play tricks with me?”

After watching the Free Nation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ speech on his phone, Chu Yi sneered.

Moral blackmail, huh?

Sorry, buddy, I have no morals!

“Old Hua! I have my own arrangements for this matter, no need to worry!”

Old Hua was initially a bit concerned, but seeing Chu Yi’s confident smile, he immediately relaxed and smiled.

“Mr. Chu! I’ll leave this matter to you! This is a great opportunity for a counterattack!”

“Let those petty people see our current strength!”

Chu Yi nodded, and after sending off Old Hua and Wang Jiang, he slumped into his chair and lazily said to Chen Hao.

“Mouse! I’ll leave this to you! Given the nature of those bastards in the Free Nation, they will definitely start inciting other Southern Nations to form fleets or something!”

“They’ll probably be in the Pacific somewhere! Go shake them up a bit!”

“Don’t embarrass me!”

Chen Hao’s eyes instantly sparkled with excitement; this was a great opportunity to show off!

Seeing the situation, the Southern Nations would definitely broadcast it live, meaning the whole world would see it! The more he thought about it, the more excited he got. Chen Hao quickly agreed and turned to leave the office.

“Mouse! Wait! Remember! Be fast and look cool!”

Without turning back, Chen Hao loudly responded.

As expected, that very night, the Free Nation began inviting high-ranking officials from other Southern Nations to discuss how to continue pressuring China.

“William James, are you sure about this? China’s current strength is not to be underestimated. Since they launched the national cultivation plan, the number of Transcendents has been increasing…”

The large conference room was packed, with William James sitting in the center, his face gloomy. Next to him sat the Free Nation’s five-star general, Henry Labrador.

William James took a puff of his large cigar and then nodded.

“So what? No matter how many Transcendents China has, do you think they dare to start a war with us? Our spiritual energy researchers have long predicted that within the next twenty years, Transcendents won’t be enough to break the balance of nuclear deterrence.”

The existence of nuclear deterrence was why they dared to launch a public opinion offensive against China.

They were certain that China wouldn’t dare to act against them.

William James turned on the electronic screen, showing videos of Chen Hao and others showing off in the high skies of the stadium, Chu Yi battling the Blood Demon, and the Lin Family ancestor and his group.

“Kung fu?”

A young major, watching Chu Yi’s extraordinary techniques, couldn’t help but speak up. These superhuman methods had already made them question reality, and this terrifying strength seemed even more powerful than their own country’s god-gifted.

Nearly thirty military officers from various Southern Nations were present, and at this moment, they all had one thought: China’s strongmen are terrifying! The national cultivation plan must be obtained!

“The strange powers they display seem much stronger than our country’s god-gifted! Is this China’s national cultivation plan? It’s too powerful!”

“Mr. William James! What should we do?”

William James raised his head, looked at him, and pressed his cigar into the ashtray.

“What else can we do but increase the public opinion offensive? We can only hope that China will yield under pressure…”

William James said lightly, not holding out much hope, but they had to try, right? What if it worked?

After all, it was a risk-free move.

“But I need to see your sincerity. Only if we work together and strike together can we force China to hand over the national cultivation plan and Chu Yi!”

“Alright, I agree first!”

“Yes! Mr. William James is right!”

The officials from the Southern Nations now understood that with the Free Nation’s nuclear weapons, China naturally wouldn’t dare to act against them. They just needed to cooperate with the Free Nation in making a show of force to possibly get a share of the “national cultivation” plan.

William James took off his sunglasses, clipped them to his chest, and then walked out of the conference room.

Henry Labrador quickly followed.

“Mr. William James, I’ve already deployed the plan!”

“Tomorrow we’ll start increasing the public opinion pressure. In the meantime, we’ll practice the techniques we’ve gathered through espionage!”

“I think China will soon be unable to withstand the public opinion pressure and will have to disclose part of the ‘national cultivation’ plan and those advanced techniques.”

William James stopped and smiled at Henry Labrador.

“How does that old Chinese saying go? Forced by circumstances? Hahaha!”

William James patted Henry Labrador on the shoulder and laughed, then walked away.

The next morning, the Southern Nations’ media began to take action.

They wrote in newspapers and magazines:

“China disregards the safety of the world’s people! Hoarding the national cultivation plan.”

“Humanity faces extinction, and the culprit is—China.”

“Join us in condemning China!”

Under the manipulation of public opinion, the people of the Southern Nations seemed to be possessed, starting protests and demonstrations, and some Southern netizens even went to Chinese forums to post condemnations.

The momentum grew, and more Southern Nations joined the condemnation brigade.

“Hurry up and hand over the national cultivation plan! My husband died because of you!”

A Southern netizen wrote on a Chinese forum.

This netizen seemed to have found a new world and kept posting, urging other Southern netizens to join in condemning China on their forums.

However, Chinese netizens were not to be trifled with!

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