Chapter 113 – Take the initiative to get close

In his previous life, during those years as a corporate slave, his resentment was heavier than a ghost’s. What would he be afraid of?


Xie Shu closed the water bottle cap, then moved a little closer to Ruan Nianxi, gently wrapping an arm around her waist. He leaned his head in, placing his chin on the top of her head and lightly rubbing it.

With her by his side, his happiness was more evident.

“Don’t say the sun is setting, for the sky is still full of beautiful clouds.”

The two stood embracing under the sunset for a while before parting. Then, hand in hand, they went to explore other places.

Although it wasn’t completely dark yet, the amusement park had already lit up. The evening amusement park had its own unique charm.

As they passed the carousel, Xie Shu noticed many couples playing inside and some taking photos nearby. After a moment’s thought, he pulled Ruan Nianxi over.

He originally planned to let Ruan Nianxi play while he took photos of her from outside. He had already figured out the angles and positions with his phone.

However, as he was queuing to buy tickets, a man with a camera approached them.

The man, a young photographer, introduced himself as a freelance photographer. His purpose was straightforward: to ask if they needed professional photos taken.

Of course, this service came with a fee. His target customers were couples at the amusement park, offering packages with a set number of photos per hour.

Hearing that he was a professional photographer, Xie Shu immediately agreed.

Having a professional take their photos would definitely yield better results than his amateur attempts. Plus, it meant he could be in the photos with Ruan Nianxi.

Though they could take selfies together, the interactions captured might be limited.

The photographer, sensing a business opportunity, was full of enthusiasm.

A professional is indeed different. He arranged their interactions, poses, and angles perfectly.

Xie Shu and Ruan Nianxi stood close together. To match her height, he bent slightly, resting his head gently on her shoulder. Following the photographer’s suggestion, they each extended a hand, forming a heart shape with their fingers…

The photographer then had them interact and take many more photos.

After dozens of shots, the photographer flipped through the album. Noticing that all their interactions involved holding hands, waist hugs, or other poses but no kisses, not even staged ones, he suggested they get a bit more intimate.

Both understood what the photographer meant and cooperated, but they only managed to hold hands, kiss the back of each other’s hands, and kiss each other’s foreheads.

After capturing these interactions, the photographer continued, “Alright, next set of interactions. How about getting a bit more intimate? You know what I mean, right?”

Of course, they understood!

But they had never done it before… except for that one accidental time.

Both were experiencing their first relationship. Their feelings were genuine, but so was their shyness.

With no prior dating experience, even holding hands initially made them secretly happy for a long time. Hugging, kissing the back of the hand, and kissing the forehead were significant milestones for them.

This afternoon, Xie Shu had planned to sneak a kiss on Ruan Nianxi’s cheek but accidentally kissed the corner of her mouth instead. Ruan Nianxi had been shy for a long time afterward, and Xie Shu hadn’t dared to bring it up again.

They knew neither would mind, but as first-time lovers, they both felt shy about more intimate contact. Even Xie Shu, with his thick skin, couldn’t avoid it.

The photographer originally wanted to capture a kissing scene, but their actions became noticeably awkward when he suggested it.

Xie Shu held Ruan Nianxi’s waist, looking down at her pretty face, while she slightly tilted her head up.

Their eyes met. The redness at the tips of their ears wasn’t as noticeable in the dim light. They were used to hugging, but in front of someone else…

Xie Shu’s gaze fell on Ruan Nianxi’s rosy lips. His heart pounded as he leaned closer, but suddenly he felt parched and paused abruptly, shifting his gaze to her cheek.

He tried to relax, silently telling himself not to be nervous.

Ruan Nianxi, following the photographer’s instructions, had closed her eyes in anticipation as Xie Shu leaned in. Her heart was about to burst with excitement.

Her hands, resting on Xie Shu’s chest, nervously clutched his shirt.

Both were incredibly tense.

The photographer, having seen many couples, quickly realized that this pair must have just started dating, given their slow and awkward movements.

Understanding their shyness, he decided not to push his initial idea.

“Alright, let’s try something different. Both of you look up at the sky. The sky is getting dark, and I’ll adjust the angle to capture some sky in the background. We can edit it later to make it look nice.”

Xie Shu, who had been preparing himself to kiss: “…”

Ruan Nianxi, whose heart was racing with anticipation: “…”

Just as they were ready, they were interrupted. Xie Shu felt his resolve crumble.

It was like someone about to confess their love, having mustered all their courage, only to be interrupted. They’d need to gather their courage all over again.

Though Xie Shu was usually carefree and loved joking around with friends, he was a novice in love. This was his first time doing something like this.

He wasn’t a seasoned player who could remain calm and composed. In his previous life, he had been single until the end.

After being interrupted, Xie Shu followed the photographer’s instructions and looked up. Though he didn’t kiss, his heart continued to race.

Ruan Nianxi, who had opened her eyes during the photographer’s instructions, went from dazed to displeased.


Why did he have to speak up at that moment?!

Since her expression didn’t change, the photographer didn’t notice her displeasure.

He continued directing their poses: “Alright, the guy is good. Now, the girl, lift your head a bit more and look at the sky. I’ll edit a nice sky background for you later.”

Ruan Nianxi, though internally displeased, suppressed her emotions in front of Xie Shu. After calming herself, she pouted and prepared to follow the photographer’s instructions.

But just before looking up, she glanced at Xie Shu’s neck and suddenly changed her mind…

As the photographer expected Ruan Nianxi to look at the sky, she instead stood on tiptoe, leaned towards Xie Shu, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Then, she planted a kiss on his neck.

Photographer: “!!!”

Xie Shu: “Hiss—!”

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