Chapter 202 – If you’re not convinced, then come find me, Chu Yi!

After hearing these words, Old Hua’s face turned extremely grim.

Although he had anticipated this, given that the Free Nation had always shown such an ugly face, facing the condemnation from so many countries was still hard to bear, even for China.

Sometimes, the pressure of public opinion alone is enough to destroy a nation!

Chu Yi took out his phone and opened the official website of China.

As he watched the continuously refreshing comments on his phone, Chu Yi smiled, but his eyes grew colder.

“Why doesn’t China hand over the national cultivation plan? Does China want the entire world to die at the hands of the Alien Beasts?”

“China is so selfish! Do you know that the total number of casualties worldwide this time is in the billions!”

“China is truly a despicable and shameless country! They watch their compatriots die at the hands of Alien Beasts and refuse to share the national cultivation plan with the world!”

“How can China be so hateful? Because they didn’t share the national cultivation plan, my family died at the hands of Alien Beasts!”

“China, hand over the national cultivation plan!”


The comments on China’s official website were like beasts that devour people without spitting out their bones.

The ugliest side of human nature was fully exposed at this moment.

As he continued to read the comments, Chu Yi’s eyes grew even colder. He spoke lightly:

“Old Hua, immediately issue a statement saying that I, Chu Yi, am the proposer of the national cultivation plan. I believe that the people of these countries are worthless and unworthy of participating in my cultivation plan. If anyone has a problem with that, they can damn well come and find me, Chu Yi!”

Old Hua’s face changed upon hearing Chu Yi’s words. He hesitated and asked:

“Mr. Chu, are you sure you want to do this? These countries are not to be trifled with…”

Chu Yi smiled and waved his hand:

“Old Hua, just do as I say!”

Old Hua was deeply worried because, under the attack of public opinion, the perception of China by the people of other countries would become extremely poor!

In the end, China might even be completely isolated by the rest of the world!

As the leader of China, Old Hua absolutely did not want to see China’s reputation plummet or for the country to be isolated!

Although Mr. Chu’s proposed solution could effectively alleviate China’s current awkward situation, it could also put Chu Yi in a dangerous position!

But seeing Chu Yi’s firm and unyielding expression, Old Hua hesitated for a moment before turning to Wang Jiang and saying:

“Do as Mr. Chu said. Go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately and draft a statement!”

Wang Jiang nodded, understanding the importance of the matter, and instantly used his Alien Abilities to disappear from Chu Yi’s room.

Old Hua sighed helplessly, while Chu Yi continued to browse the various comments on China’s official website.

The more he read, the colder Chu Yi’s eyes became.

With a thought, Chu Yi’s voice appeared in Chen Hao’s mind:

“Mouse, come over here. I might have something for you to do later.”

At this moment, Chen Hao was teaching other students about cultivation at a high school not far from North Hill High School.

He was initially stunned by the voice in his mind, but then he immediately agreed.

After giving a brief explanation to the students around him, he flew towards North Hill High School.

In Chu Yi’s room, the strange spatial fluctuations appeared again, and Wang Jiang reappeared in the room:

“Old Hua, Mr. Chu, I have done as you instructed. The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will issue the statement within five minutes!”

Before Chu Yi and Old Hua could say anything, a loud and confident voice sounded outside the room.

Besides Wang Jiang, Chen Hao also arrived outside Chu Yi’s room at this moment!

Chen Hao opened the door without hesitation and looked at Chu Yi with a big grin:

“Master, what do you need me to do? Just say the word, whether it’s climbing a mountain of swords or diving into a sea of flames, I won’t even blink!”

No one answered Chen Hao’s words, and he finally noticed the serious atmosphere in the room.

Sensing that something was wrong, Chen Hao moved closer to Chu Yi and cautiously asked:

“Master, what’s going on? Why does Old Hua look so troubled?”

Chu Yi didn’t answer Chen Hao’s question but handed his phone to him.

Chen Hao took the phone from Chu Yi with some confusion and began to read it carefully.

After just a few glances, Chen Hao’s expression turned furious.

He pointed at the phone and roared:

“Are these people just looking for trouble? How dare they slander our country like this! This must be the Free Nation stirring up trouble in the dark!”

No one answered Chen Hao’s words, and the room fell silent.

At that moment, the phone rang again. Wang Jiang quickly answered it and, after a short conversation, hung up and looked at Old Hua and Chu Yi:

“Old Hua, Mr. Chu, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued the statement as you instructed.”

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Jiang continued:

“But… I don’t quite understand why we had to issue such a statement…”

Chu Yi didn’t say anything and just took the phone back from Chen Hao.

On the official website of China, a newly issued statement appeared:

“The proposer of the national cultivation plan is our Marshal Chu Yi. Marshal Chu believes that you are not qualified to participate in the national cultivation plan. If you have any objections, feel free to come and discuss it with Marshal Chu!”

The statement was short but extremely arrogant!

Shortly after the statement was issued, netizens from other countries exploded:

“Chu Yi? When did China have such a marshal? Could this be a person China made up to shirk responsibility?”

“This guy named Chu Yi has such a big mouth! How dare he say that people from other countries are not qualified! I demand that Chu Yi be brought to the international military court immediately!”

“Who does Chu Yi think he is to say we are not qualified to participate in the cultivation plan! I think he just doesn’t want us to become strong so that China can dominate!”


As he watched the overwhelming comments attacking him, Chu Yi’s eyes were full of mockery.

And shortly after China’s statement was issued, the Free Nation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs urgently issued a statement:

“We have reason to believe that China is unwilling to share the cultivation plan with the world, and Chu Yi is extremely arrogant and disrespectful. We strongly demand that China immediately hand over the national cultivation plan and bring Chu Yi to the military court for judgment by the global community!”

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