Chapter 240 – Gentle War

Feigning calm, I gestured to Robben with a hooked finger, "Give me back my phone."


No sooner had I spoken than A Feng, who had been organizing the event on stage, invited me over with a microphone in hand, "Zhao Yang, come liven up the atmosphere. We're all looking forward to your performance."


As the crowd's eyes followed A Feng's gaze to me, my mind was still preoccupied with the message from Mi Cai. I gestured to Robben once more.


Robben, seemingly enjoying the tease, chuckled and said, "Everyone's waiting. Sing first, then you can check your messages."


A Feng started to encourage applause for me.


Pointing at Robben, I blurted out, "You're nothing but a damn street rat." Reluctantly, I headed to the stage.


A Feng handed me the guitar that was up for grabs. After testing the sound, which was quite decent, I turned to the band behind me and requested, "Let's do JJ Lin's 'River South.'"


The band signaled they were ready, and I began strumming the guitar. Despite rarely playing with a band, I quickly found their rhythm.


I was quite fond of this guitar, which is why I chose "River South" with care. After all, Xitang is a classic town in the Jiangnan region, and this song would add an emotional touch.


I started singing along with the accompaniment. Initially, I was immersed, but as I entered the chorus, my mind wandered back to Mi Cai's message.


Suddenly missing a beat and forgetting the lyrics, I awkwardly hummed "Hmm… Ah" to get through, met with a chorus of boos from below. With thick skin, I finished the song with more "Hmm… Ah," while CC and Robben below could barely contain their laughter.


I handed the guitar back to a surprised A Feng and walked over to Robben and CC.


"I'm suffering here, and you two find it funny? Help me get the guitar down later, or we're not done," I said.


CC and Robben just smiled without a word.


I glanced again at the phone in Robben's hand, unable to contain myself, and asked, "What did she reply?"


Finally, Robben handed me the phone.


I swiped open the screen immediately, and Mi Cai's message appeared before me.


"Why suddenly call me 'babe'?"


Her response was typical Mi Cai style, but it left me conflicted, wondering whether to tell her that CC had actually sent that message.


CC asked with a smirk, "Zhao Yang, how do you plan to reply?"


Recalling all the moments we shared, I wished I could cherish her with all I had, puzzled why I couldn't express it. "If she's precious to me in my heart, why can't I say it out loud?"


After a long pause, I replied to Mi Cai, "Aren't you my babe?"


CC snatched the phone from my hands in a frenzy, read my reply, and burst out, "Zhao Yang, you really know how to play it cool, tossing the tough question right back at Mi Cai!" She then passed the phone to Robben to show him my response.


Robben sighed, "Their love is a battlefield…"


CC nodded, "Let's just hope it's a gentle one!"




Mi Cai took a long time to reply, perhaps she was eating, or maybe stumped by my message.


As I awaited her response, CC and Robben went up to the stage to sing a duet, with Robben taking over the drums and CC with the guitar.


I set my phone on the table, curious about what song they would perform together.


A melody began, and I immediately recognized it as Junzi's "Late Summer," but it was a rendition, more emotive than the original. I knew this arrangement was Robben's work.


CC's voice, sexy and magnetic, began to sing, earning applause from the audience, even A Feng gave a thumbs up in appreciation.


After the chorus of "Late Summer," a transitional piece led seamlessly into Junzi's "Winter Solstice," now sung by Robben.


With Robben's earthy voice, the two songs were flawlessly intertwined, immersing the listeners in a surreal atmosphere.


At some point, A Feng joined me, expressing his amazement, "Your friend is incredible. I've had my eyes opened today; his musical talent is enviable!"


I just nodded, not saying much, as Robben's talent spoke for itself.


A Feng offered me a cigarette, and as we smoked, we chatted. He inquired, "How's the inn doing?"


I shook my head, "Not great."


"Heard you're planning to renovate?"


"Yeah. Do you think it'll change the current situation?"


A Feng shook his head, "Honestly, it's tough… Your inn's location is too out of the way, and with such fierce competition, it's like surviving in the cracks."


I took a deep drag and said, "You're right about the inn's weaknesses, but I believe in making things work."


A Feng took a puff and said sentimentally, "I've been friends with the previous owner for years. I hope you can make it work; it was his life's work."


Curious about the former owner, I took the chance to ask A Feng, "Can you tell me about him and the inn?"


"It's a long story… Let's get some drinks at a restaurant some other time and talk."


I nodded, not pressing further.


Patting my shoulder, A Feng added, "If you need help with the inn, just ask. I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best."


"Sure, I won't hesitate to ask for help."




After chatting a bit more, A Feng left, and an idea for marketing began to form in my mind. Perhaps I could leverage A Feng's popular bar to boost the inn's business.


But the idea wasn't fully formed yet. I didn't want to exploit the bar's value for the inn's profit. The ideal outcome would be mutual benefit, the foundation for long-term cooperation.


I took a sip of my drink, my thoughts flowing, and quickly outlined several potential partnership plans in my mind, sifting the chaff from the wheat. Gradually, a viable plan took shape…


Excitement surged through me, and I took several gulps of my drink, feeling dizzy.


But I understood this need to release my excitement because I desperately needed to prove myself. I couldn't bear the humiliation of looking up at giants from below any longer.


Then, the phone on the table buzzed. I grabbed it instantly and swiped the screen. Sure enough, it was a message from Mi Cai.


She wrote, "I hope to be your precious babe, the one you'll never lose."

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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