Chapter 111 – Xie Shu

Xie Shu’s post only had a picture of a watermelon, so he didn’t need to block anyone. Ruan Nianxi was quietly watching him post it.

While eating watermelon with Ruan Nianxi, he read through the comments on his post, finding them increasingly amusing.

He never understood why some couples loved to show off their love on social media, but now he finally got it. Hahaha!

After a while, he exited his social media feed, intending to turn off his phone and chat with Ruan Nianxi. But just before he did, he noticed a new message in a group chat that had been inactive for years. Someone even tagged him.

It was their high school class group.

After a brief hesitation, he clicked in.

There weren’t many messages, so he quickly scrolled to the top.

“@Xie Shu, what the hell! I just finished a few hours of gaming since I had no classes this afternoon, and I saw your post. When did you get a girlfriend?!”

“Playing games on a Friday with no classes, and you’re still single? Xie Shu just announced his relationship; you should play fewer games and learn from him, or you’ll be single forever.”

“What? I’m still in class and haven’t checked my feed. When did he get a girlfriend?”

“I’m also in class! I just sneaked a look at my phone and saw this. It’s more painful than being killed!”

“I remember Xie Shu and Su Qianyi went to the same school and major. Did they finally get together?”

“No… didn’t you see his post? It’s not Su Qianyi.”

“I have too many friends; it took me a while to find it. The girl next to him looks like Ruan Nianxi.”

Initially, the conversation was among those who were close to Xie Shu in high school. But after someone mentioned this, even those who weren’t as close joined in.

“Ruan Nianxi? The school beauty?”

“Yeah, in his latest post, they were wearing matching outfits and hugging.”

“I just checked, and it’s really Ruan Nianxi. But wait, didn’t Xie Shu like Su Qianyi? He even chose the same school as her.”

“I’m curious too. What’s going on?”

“Curious +1. Everyone in high school knew Xie Shu liked Su Qianyi. He and Ruan Nianxi only talked a bit in their first year, and then they barely interacted.”

Seeing this, Xie Shu put down his phone and glanced at Ruan Nianxi.

Ruan Nianxi was eating watermelon and hadn’t seen his phone. Noticing his gaze, she looked at him in confusion.

Xie Shu smiled and took another bite of watermelon before continuing to check his phone.

This time, he sent a message in the group: “Thanks for your concern, everyone. My girlfriend is Ruan Nianxi. I just started dating her a few days ago. We’re on a date now, so I’ll chat with you all later.”

After that, Xie Shu completely exited WeChat and turned off his phone to focus on Ruan Nianxi.

He had no idea what the group was discussing afterward.

Meanwhile, Su Qianyi, who was crying her heart out on the back street of the school, couldn’t take the heat anymore. Exhausted from crying, she found a quiet milk tea shop to sit in.

After sitting quietly for a long time, her mood finally began to calm down. But then she saw the messages in the high school group chat again.

Everyone was curious about how Xie Shu ended up with Ruan Nianxi.

That didn’t bother her much because she could convince herself it wasn’t true. As long as Xie Shu didn’t say it himself, it wasn’t real.

But then, Xie Shu really spoke up…

“My girlfriend is Ruan Nianxi.”

“We’re on a date.”

These two sentences replayed endlessly in her mind, refusing to go away.

Such straightforward words left her with no excuses to cling to.

Before, she could tell herself that An Tian’s words about Xie Shu having a girlfriend were just guesses.

She could tell herself that the matching outfits in Xie Shu’s post were just a sign of his close friendship with Ruan Nianxi. After all, many people have close male and female friends, and they were childhood sweethearts.

Even the captions in his posts… as long as Xie Shu didn’t say it himself, she wouldn’t believe it.

But now… he had said it himself.

She had no more excuses.

After Xie Shu posted that message, he didn’t appear in the group chat again. The others continued discussing what was going on, and Su Qianyi’s name came up occasionally.

When someone is extremely heartbroken, they can’t even cry.

Su Qianyi just stared blankly at the chat history, not participating.

Though she appeared calm on the surface, her heart was in utter turmoil.

At the amusement park.

After resting for a while, Xie Shu and Ruan Nianxi went to find other rides to enjoy.

They entered a haunted house.

As soon as they stepped in, the air turned colder, and the lighting dimmed significantly. The eerie atmosphere was palpable.

Ruan Nianxi, feeling scared, snuggled closer to Xie Shu.

The setting reminded her of a traumatic experience from her childhood when she was kidnapped and locked in a very dark place. Although it wasn’t pitch black here, the memories still frightened her.

But she knew this was just a game, and the fear was partly due to the haunted house’s scary elements.

Feeling Ruan Nianxi’s closeness, Xie Shu wrapped his arms around her, feeling delighted.

This was the proper way for couples to experience a haunted house!

While buying tickets, they ran into a familiar couple—the same one they saw arguing on the roller coaster earlier.

It seemed they had made up, as they were now hugging. The guy, standing tall, loudly proclaimed his intent to protect his partner, especially when he noticed Xie Shu. His voice grew even more determined.

However, his resolve quickly vanished once they entered the haunted house.

There weren’t many people buying tickets. Besides the two couples, there were a few single guys from a company outing.

The single guys didn’t want to be around couples, so they didn’t team up with Xie Shu and the others. Once inside, they split up, leaving Xie Shu and Ruan Nianxi with the other couple.

Their group had one flashlight and cautiously moved forward.

As they wandered through the haunted house, a “ghost” silently followed them into a room.

Upon noticing, Xie Shu grabbed Ruan Nianxi and headed for another door. But someone was quicker.

The guy from the other couple dashed ahead, opened the door, and left. Just as Xie Shu was about to follow, the guy shut the door behind him.

Xie Shu: “…”

Wait, he seemed to have left alone.

Xie Shu held Ruan Nianxi tighter and glanced back.

He saw the girl from the other couple standing motionless, staring in the direction her partner had gone. When she noticed Xie Shu and Ruan Nianxi looking at her, her expression stiffened even more.

The silence was deafening.

Even the “ghost” stood still, not daring to move.

“Give it to me!”

The girl suddenly spoke, reaching out to the “ghost.”

Perhaps used to such situations, the “ghost” immediately handed over its prop.

The girl took the prop but remained still, shouting into the air, “I’m going to kill you!”

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