Chapter 109 – Pinching legs

Xie Shu went to buy tickets for the roller coaster, while Ruan Nianxi got in line.

It was the weekend, and being close to the school, there were quite a few university couples around.

Ruan Nianxi watched the people on the roller coaster and listened to their screams, feeling incredibly nervous.

She was definitely scared.

She couldn’t handle the bungee jump when she was a kid, and now she was “upgrading” to a roller coaster as an adult…

She clenched her palms uneasily, trying to calm her anxious heart.

Xie Shu bought the tickets and walked over, seeing her hands tightly clasped together. Despite her efforts to control it, her beautiful face still showed signs of tension.

He approached, took one of her hands in his, and moved closer.

He wanted to say something to comfort her, but was interrupted by a long, piercing scream.

It was from the roller coaster passing by, doing a vertical drop that made all the riders scream.

There was a pool of water below, and as the roller coaster descended, water splashed up.

Although they were standing a bit away from the water, the splash was quite high. Xie Shu reacted quickly, pulling Ruan Nianxi into his arms and turning his back to the water.

The next second, a splash of water landed near them.

The splash wasn’t as big as imagined, not enough to drench someone completely, but it was noticeable.

Xie Shu’s clothes were half-wet, his hair a bit damp, and water droplets lingered on his neck.

Xie Shu thought it was fine, at least he wasn’t soaked, and the sun was out, so he’d dry off in a few minutes.

He released Ruan Nianxi and checked her; she was fine, not splashed at all.

The whole thing happened in an instant, and Ruan Nianxi didn’t even have time to react. Suddenly being hugged, she stayed in Xie Shu’s arms for a few seconds before coming back to her senses when he let go.

“Are you okay?” Ruan Nianxi immediately asked with concern.

Facing Xie Shu, she couldn’t see his back, so she pulled his arm to make him turn around.

Xie Shu turned as she wished, then quickly turned back to face her.

Before she could speak, he said, “I’m fine, it’s nothing.”

Then he finally said what he initially wanted to say, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll always be with you.”

“Look at other people’s boyfriends! Then look at you!”

Ruan Nianxi was about to speak when an angry female voice interrupted.

They both looked over.

There were many couples around them, and a girl with half-wet hair was angrily pointing at Xie Shu while glaring at the guy in front of her.

“I’m not asking you to shield me like other boyfriends, but what does it mean to hide behind me?”

Then the couple started “arguing.”

Although Xie Shu didn’t see what happened, he could guess from their conversation.

The incident happened suddenly, and many people didn’t have time to dodge, getting more or less wet. Xie Shu reacted quickly to protect Ruan Nianxi, while that guy quickly hid behind his girlfriend.

Most people got wet, and the girl wasn’t too angry, but seeing Xie Shu protect Ruan Nianxi made her furious.

Comparisons make things worse, and the more she compared, the angrier she got. The couple then put on a show of her chasing him, with him unable to escape.

Ruan Nianxi listened to the girl for a while, then leaned into Xie Shu’s arms, lifting her chin proudly. She almost let out a “hmph,” but managed to control herself.

How could her Xie Shu not be great!

Later, they waited in line for as long as the couple argued.

Finally, it was their turn to get on the ride, and the couple stopped.

Xie Shu and Ruan Nianxi sat together, fastened their seatbelts, and pulled down the safety bar, holding each other’s hands.

They didn’t speak, both looking ahead with anticipation.

Once all the passengers were seated, the roller coaster slowly started.

Their hands tightened, and their hearts began to race…

That day, the two of them enjoyed themselves with their loved ones, expressing their joy freely. They held hands, unwilling to let go, playing, shouting, and experiencing everything together…

After the roller coaster, they went on the giant swing, the pirate ship… a series of rides.

After coming off another ride, Xie Shu felt a bit dizzy.

He patted his head and looked at Ruan Nianxi, seeing her face showing signs of fatigue. He decided not to continue and found a place to sit.

They went to the resting area and found a quiet spot to sit.

Xie Shu wrapped his arm around Ruan Nianxi’s waist, letting her lean on him.

“How do you feel, happy?”

Xie Shu tilted his head slightly, resting it on Ruan Nianxi’s, and asked gently.


Ruan Nianxi’s voice was filled with joy.


Every day together was happy!

As long as she was with him, she was happy even if they did nothing.

She leaned her head on Xie Shu’s shoulder, rubbing it slightly.

Xie Shu couldn’t help but chuckle at her action. He turned and planted a light kiss on her forehead before quickly pulling away.

When Ruan Nianxi looked at him, he was already smiling and looking elsewhere.

Ruan Nianxi also smiled silently, then shifted her gaze to the distant scenery.

Yes, let’s rest for a while before playing again, feeling a bit tired now.

She moved her legs, then pulled one back and massaged her calf.

The amusement park was quite large, and although they were playing, her legs were sore from all the walking.

“Legs sore?” Xie Shu noticed.

“A bit.”

“Let me massage them.”

“No… really, no need!”

Ruan Nianxi’s tone was normal at first, but then became particularly anxious.

Because Xie Shu had already bent down, lifting one of her legs onto his lap, forcing her to turn slightly towards him.

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