Chapter 251 – The Arhat Fist

"Come, stand in the horse stance, get into position, and start learning the Arhat Fist."


Lu Yang mimicked Meng Jingzhou's movements from earlier, sinking his qi to his dantian, chest out, head up, left foot half a step to the left, and both palms drawing an arc.




"Your voice isn't loud enough, again!"








Lu Yang's voice grew louder and louder, finally meeting Meng Jingzhou's standards.


"My master once taught me that shouting during a fight is a way to unleash one's limits. The louder the voice, the more power one can exert, even surpassing one's usual strength."


"When you throw a punch, keep your arm and line of sight level."


"Your fist should be tight, imagine holding a pebble in your hand, gripping it with all your might, as if you want to crush it."


These were the teachings Meng Jingzhou received when he was learning boxing, and now he was passing them on to Lu Yang.


"The Arhat Fist emphasizes the coordination of upper and lower body, the steps follow the hand movements, and the force is a combination of hardness and softness. Your movements are too rigid, they need to be more fluid and gentle!"


Meng Jingzhou pointed out Lu Yang's mistakes one by one and corrected them. These were common mistakes made during boxing practice.


Lu Yang had a decent talent in martial arts, which was evident from the fact that he learned the Xiangxing Fist in half a day and improved it into the Lu Family Xiangxing Fist in another half day.


"The sea of suffering is boundless, turn back and you'll find the shore!"


Lu Yang quickly got the hang of it, his eyebrows exuding the compassion of a monk. He looked like a great benefactor at first glance.


Meng Jingzhou's earnest teachings echoed in Lu Yang's ears: "My master once told me that the Arhat Fist is a boxing technique that encourages people to be good. The so-called 'the sea of suffering is boundless, turn back and you'll find the shore', if a set of boxing can make people put down their weapons and turn to goodness, then the Arhat Fist is considered to be accomplished."


"Unfortunately, most people in the world are ignorant and unable to put down their weapons and wholeheartedly turn to goodness. Therefore, throughout history, only a handful of people have been able to master the Arhat Fist."


Meng Jingzhou placed one hand on his chest, looking somewhat like a high monk.


"When learning the Arhat Fist, your state of mind is also very important. It's best to imagine yourself as a disciple of Buddhism. When I was learning the Arhat Fist, I even studied Buddhist scriptures for a while."


"Recite Buddhist scriptures?" Lu Yang felt that he had vaguely found the method.


Lu Yang didn't need to learn Buddhist scriptures now. He had read some Buddhist scriptures like the Diamond Sutra, the Mingwang Sutra, and the Heart Sutra in his spare time when he was in the scripture library before. They had excellent hypnotic effects.


He slowly closed his eyes, and the delicate face of the Immortal Fairy appeared in his mind.


The Immortal Fairy was wearing a beige pajama, tilting her head and looking at Lu Yang.


"…Fairy, can you stand next to my spiritual space? I'm recalling the Buddhist scriptures."




With the Immortal Fairy out of his sight, Lu Yang began to recall the Buddhist scriptures. The contents of the Diamond Sutra, the Mingwang Sutra, and the Heart Sutra appeared before his eyes. Lu Yang pondered and understood the author's state of mind in the scriptures, placing himself in it.


In reality, Meng Jingzhou looked at Lu Yang in surprise.


Lu Yang's eyes were tightly closed, his movements were slower than before, like an old man who seemed to be withered, but his every move had the feeling of a compassionate high monk.


"Could it be that this kid Lu Yang is suitable for becoming a monk?" Meng Jingzhou guessed secretly.


As Lu Yang's understanding of the Buddhist scriptures and the Arhat Fist deepened, his movements became more and more fluid, like flowing clouds and water, without any pause. It was as if he had practiced hundreds or thousands of times, and the movements were already ingrained in his heart, becoming instinct.




With every punch Lu Yang threw, there was a sound of air bursting, and faint Buddhist chants echoed, as if an old monk was chanting in the void, teaching people to be kind to others.


Lu Yang closed his eyes and practiced boxing from early morning until evening. Seeing that there was nothing more he could teach, Meng Jingzhou squatted aside, waiting to see when his grandson would open his eyes.




After finishing a set, Lu Yang took a deep breath, opened his eyes, his pupils were bright and spirited.


"Did you master it?" Meng Jingzhou looked at Lu Yang in surprise. It took him three full days to learn it, but this kid mastered it in just one day?


Is there any justice in this world?


"I've made some progress." Lu Yang said modestly.


"Let's try it out." Meng Jingzhou was itching to see how well Lu Yang had learned. He didn't believe that after practicing for more than half a month, he couldn't beat Lu Yang who had only been learning for a day.


"Let's give it a try then." Lu Yang was also eager to practice and see his own level.


The two looked at each other, simultaneously got into position, and displayed the Arhat Fist without any agreement, engaging in a pure competition.


"Black Tiger Steals Heart!"


"Black Tiger Steals Heart!"


"Downward Hammer!"


"Downward Hammer!"


Their fists and feet collided, powerful and fierce, like thunderbolts exploding in the field, shaking the leaves of the old trees around the practice field.


The two had the same moves and the same power, fighting vigorously, and it was hard to tell who was winning for a while.


"I didn't expect that after learning for just one day, you've already mastered the Arhat Fist like me. Maybe one day you can master the Arhat Fist and persuade people to be good!"


"It's just luck." Although Lu Yang said so, his smug expression had nothing to do with luck.


Just as Lu Yang was about to be modest for a few more words, he inadvertently glanced at the top of Meng Jingzhou's head and his expression changed slightly.


"What's wrong, is there something wrong with my head?" Meng Jingzhou was confused.


"No, nothing's wrong." Lu Yang's eyes dodged, as if he had done something guilty.


Meng Jingzhou looked at Lu Yang suspiciously and subconsciously touched his head.


Wait, is there something missing on my head?


"Where's my hair?!"Meng Jingzhou pulled out a small mirror from his jade identity pendant and stared at his reflection for a long time.


His head was as smooth as a polished stone, even a sparrow would slip if it landed on it.


He was bald.


Like a Luohan.


In his spiritual space, the immortal fairy was laughing so hard she was bending over.


"Lu Yang, explain to me what's going on!" Meng Jingzhou's first reaction was to suspect Lu Yang.


His hair was part of his cultivation body, how could it just fall out for no reason?


He just noticed that his feet were surrounded by hair, freshly fallen.


"I…I don't know either. I just noticed your hair was falling out really fast when we were practicing boxing just now. By the time I wanted to warn you, your hair was already gone." Lu Yang was somewhat flustered, he truly didn't understand what went wrong.


As he spoke, Lu Yang seemed to have an epiphany, "I understand now."


"What do you understand?"


"Think about it, isn't the purpose of Luohan Boxing to persuade people to be good? Evil comes from troubles, and in Buddhism, there's a saying about 'three thousand troubles'. Without these three thousand troubles, there would be no evil, and one could be good."


"Moreover, your current appearance is so much like a Luohan, it matches perfectly with Luohan Boxing!"


Upon hearing this, Meng Jingzhou lunged at Lu Yang like a hungry tiger, "You're the one who looks like a Luohan!"


Lu Yang, feeling guilty, turned and ran, "I've mastered Luohan Boxing, you can't hit me!"


"That's not Luohan Boxing at all, it's a head-shaving technique! Stop right there!"


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