Chapter 192 – Yin Mountain Old Demon, come at me!


The Lin Family ancestor, unable to bear it any longer, roared and then turned to the old men behind him, saying:

“Follow me in now and kill that brat Chu Yi, and don’t spare any of these kids!”

The old men behind him nodded in agreement and prepared to enter North Hill High School.

But just as they were about to reach the gate, the Blood Demon Old Man suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

Seeing the Blood Demon Old Man blocking the path, the Lin Family ancestor shouted angrily:

“Move aside now! Don’t force me to deal with you before I handle these brats!”

It was clear that the Lin Family ancestor was truly furious.

After all, as the ancestor of the Kunlun Lin family, no one had ever dared to speak to him in such a disrespectful manner.

Moreover, the situation was completely different from what he had imagined.

In his mind, once they arrived at North Hill High School, the students would be terrified and scatter, begging for mercy.

But what was happening now?

These students were treating them like a joke!

Who could tolerate this?

Apart from the Lin Family ancestor, the old men behind him were also glaring angrily at the Blood Demon Old Man.

It was clear that if they didn’t get a reasonable explanation, a fight was inevitable!

Seeing the group of angry old men, even the powerful Blood Demon Old Man couldn’t help but swallow nervously.

One-on-one, he wasn’t afraid of anyone except the Lin Family ancestor, but with so many old men together, even he felt intimidated!

Despite this, the Blood Demon Old Man braced himself and said to the crowd:

“It’s not that I want to stop you, but we really can’t get in right now!”

The Lin Family ancestor frowned upon hearing this, then looked at Old Lu, who was squatting on the ground studying the gate of North Hill High School, and asked in confusion:

“Why? You better give me a reasonable explanation, or I’ll have to deal with you today!”

“That kid set up a formation outside North Hill High School. I tried to force my way in earlier, but it didn’t work, so I brought Old Lu over. As for what kind of formation it is, you’ll have to ask Old Lu.”

The Blood Demon Old Man said helplessly, pointing to Old Lu, who was squatting on the ground.

The Lin Family ancestor immediately looked at Old Lu, but Old Lu was completely focused on studying the Two Elements Micro Dust Formation and didn’t notice what was happening around him.

Helpless, the Blood Demon Old Man walked over to Old Lu and gently kicked him.

Old Lu turned around angrily and said:

“What the hell are you doing? I’m studying the formation, don’t disturb me!”

“Old Lu, what kind of formation is this? How long will it take to break it?”

The Lin Family ancestor’s voice rang out again, and it was clear from his tone that he was struggling to suppress his anger.

Hearing the Lin Family ancestor’s words, Old Lu quickly stood up and said excitedly:

“Brother Lin, this formation is truly marvelous! I’ve never seen such a sophisticated formation! If I can fully understand it, my formation skills will definitely improve by several levels!”

“I’m asking how long it will take to break this formation!”

The Lin Family ancestor’s forehead veins bulged, and he clenched his fists, speaking each word with force.

Seeing the Lin Family ancestor’s grim expression, Old Lu didn’t dare to hide anything and said honestly:

“With my current formation skills, I can’t break it at all…”


Before Old Lu could finish his sentence, he was sent flying.

It was undoubtedly the work of the Lin Family ancestor.

The Lin Family ancestor’s face was terrifyingly dark, but his fear of Chu Yi grew even more.

Although he had slapped Old Lu away, he had to admit his respect for Old Lu’s formation skills.

But for Old Lu, who had spent his life studying formations, to say he couldn’t break this formation!

It showed just how profound and mysterious this formation was!

The students, seeing this scene, burst into laughter:

“Hahaha, these old men are hilarious, they haven’t even gotten in and they’re already fighting among themselves!”

“I can’t take it, my stomach hurts from laughing, these old men are too funny!”

“Who would have thought that the formation Teacher Chu casually set up would be unbreakable for these old men, and they still boast about killing Teacher Chu, isn’t this just a joke?”


Not only the students, but the viewers in the live stream were also amused:

“These old men must be actors Mr. Chu hired for a skit, this is too entertaining!”

“First we had the Paw Patrol conference, now we have the old men conference, they can’t even open the door! Hahaha!”

“Are these old men going to stay at the door forever?”

“What else can they do? Didn’t you see? The old man responsible for opening the door can’t do it at all, he got slapped away by their leader!”


The mocking voices continued, and the Lin Family ancestor’s face grew darker.

Finally, the Lin Family ancestor couldn’t hold back any longer and pointed at the Yin Mountain Old Demon, saying:

“Yin Mountain Old Demon, go! Break this formation with all your might!”

The Yin Mountain Old Demon was startled, his face showing reluctance, but seeing the murderous look in the Lin Family ancestor’s eyes, he had no choice but to step forward.

The Blood Demon Old Man glanced at the Lin Family ancestor, then at the Yin Mountain Old Demon, and seemed to want to say something, but ultimately kept silent and turned his head away.


The Yin Mountain Old Demon, now at the edge of the formation, let out a roar, and a wave of dark spiritual energy spread out.

Then, with his right hand forming a palm, he struck the faint barrier at the gate of North Hill High School!


A violent explosion sounded, and the collision between the palm and the barrier created a spiritual energy storm!

In an instant, the storm kicked up a cloud of dust, making it impossible for anyone to see what was happening.

The Blood Demon Old Man shook his head slightly, a look of schadenfreude on his face.

Others might not know, but he did.

As the dust settled, the Yin Mountain Old Demon reappeared before everyone.

His once-imposing black robe was now tattered, and his body was covered in visible wounds!

The Yin Mountain Old Demon looked shocked, and the blood at the corner of his mouth left the other old men in disbelief!

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