Vol.2 – Chapter 79 – Find!

When Chu Liang shouted out, his emotions were impulsive, nervous, and somewhat uneasy.

In fact, from the moment this little girl moved through the water like a fish, the doubts that had always existed in Chu Liang’s heart had been confirmed. She was not an ordinary person, especially when she returned to this Fish Belly Crystal Palace with unparalleled proficiency, casually plucking the Immortal Ascension Grass to eat raw.

Even Yun Zhaoxian should be able to see her extraordinariness if he were here, let alone Chu Liang.

But that was the Immortal Ascension Grass.

A rare Golden Elixir hope that only appears once in a hundred years was right in front of him, and someone was about to eat it like lettuce… without even dipping it in sauce. Wouldn’t any cultivator’s heart tighten at the sight?

It was a pure waste of heavenly resources.

When he shouted out, the little girl turned her head and looked at him strangely, baring her teeth.

Her expression seemed somewhat displeased.

As if she was protecting her food.

Her gaze inadvertently swept over the bodies of the golden drought demons outside, then glanced at Chu Liang, somewhat fierce.

This glance made Chu Liang’s heart skip a beat.

It seemed…

The golden drought demons outside were also here to steal her food, and then they were killed?

He immediately put on a full smile, conveying friendly intentions with his eyes, and gestured with his hands: “I want to eat this too, can I trade with you?”

The little girl held the Immortal Ascension Grass in her hand, unmoving.

Chu Liang took out a Golden Patterned Berry from his bosom and handed it over, “Have you eaten this fruit before? It’s very fragrant, isn’t it? I’ll trade with you.”

The little girl still didn’t move.

Even Chu Liang himself felt that trading a Golden Patterned Berry for Immortal Ascension Grass was somewhat outrageous.

So he took out another one.

“Two for one, okay?” He said softly, persuading patiently.

The little girl’s eyes swept over them, but she still didn’t move.

“I’ll say a number…” Seeing this, Chu Liang simply took out two large boxes and slapped them on the ground, “There are more than twenty in these two boxes, I’ll trade them for one stalk of grass, is that enough?”

The little girl finally showed a hint of hesitation.

To her, this grass was something she had eaten many times. It wasn’t that delicious, but it could make her feel a significant increase in strength. This fruit was the first time she had eaten it today. It didn’t have such a strong spiritual nature, but it tasted good… especially one particular fragrance that was extremely tempting to her.

If she were to tell Chu Liang these words, he would definitely stop the trade immediately.

Because the special aura contained in the Golden Patterned Berry, apart from dragon breath, was blood.

Apart from the legendary beasts that specifically prey on dragons, probably no one would crave dragon breath. And the blood in the Golden Patterned Berry is just a trace, the most blood-containing thing is naturally living beings.

If she becomes completely infatuated with the taste of blood, it might open a door to disaster…

Seeing her hesitate, Chu Liang thought there was a chance, so he took out two more boxes of Golden Patterned Berries and continued to raise the stakes!

“This is my last stock, can we settle it in one go?” Chu Liang gritted his teeth, “This Golden Patterned Berry is sweet and replenishes blood, it’s really a good fruit for nourishing yin and beautifying, a must-have for home and travel!”

The little girl hesitated for a while, slowly opened her mouth, “Ah ba ah ba” twice, and slowly spit out a stiff word: “Okay…”

Only then did Chu Liang realize that this little girl was not mute, but that no one had ever spoken to her!

Language, after all, needs to be learned.

Even if she is a genius, she can’t possibly know a language that no one has ever spoken to her.

Could it be that she has been living here since she was born?

Is this her home?

Chu Liang’s gaze fell on the small crystal coffin. Such a small coffin would not be prepared by a powerful person in the Heavenly Origin Realm for himself…

Just thinking about it, he suddenly felt a chill.

But seeing the little girl handing over the Immortal Ascension Grass, he still took it, then left the Golden Patterned Berries behind, turned around and wanted to leave quickly, “It’s getting late, I should go home. I had a great time playing with you today, see you next time.”

Chu Liang hurriedly left these words, and immediately wanted to step out of the Crystal Palace.

But before he could walk out of the door, he heard a rumbling sound again, and in an instant, the sky was spinning, the universe was reversing, and a waterfall of water rushed in from mid-air!

And all this water was incredibly salty.

It was actually seawater!

In the night sky of the Immortal’s Marsh.

An elder in a robe riding a golden-spotted deer opened a huge rift in the sky above his head, and an unparalleled golden light poured down from the rift, covering the entire range of the Immortal’s Marsh.

It was as if a golden bowl was overturned.

At this moment, a cloud arrived in an instant, revealing a face as calm as water, serious and full of killing intent. The person was none other than Wang Xuanling, the head of all peaks of Shu Mountain.

Seeing him coming, the elder riding the deer was the first to salute, “Head Wang, Shu Mountain actually sent you, it seems that they attach great importance to this eradication of the drought demons.”

“Elder Sun.” Wang Xuanling also saluted, then said, “Because my disciple is in this Immortal’s Marsh, I am worried about his safety, so I came to check it out myself.”

“Is Head Wang’s high disciple not Xu Ziyang of Shu Mountain?” The elder Sun who was riding the deer asked.

Seeing Wang Xuanling’s face so bad, it must be this Shu Mountain genius who could make him so nervous.

“Exactly.” Wang Xuanling nodded.

“I have just opened the sky and brought down the Mirror Heaven Bagua of my Fog Hidden Immortal Mountain, controlling the entire Immortal’s Marsh. Now all the drought demons are trapped here. However, I have not yet found the trace of the disaster demon. If Head Wang is worried about the safety of his disciple, why not go in and search for him yourself?” Elder Sun said.

The Mirror Heaven Bagua, as the third divine artifact in the world, naturally cannot be casually taken out of the mountain gate. But he can use this method to bring the divine power of the Mirror Heaven Bagua here.

“I intend to do so. If there are other great powers from the Nine Heavens coming later, please inform them of my whereabouts on my behalf, Elder Sun.” Wang Xuanling didn’t waste any more words, gave instructions, and immediately set off in a hurry.

As he soared through the air, surrounded by clouds, his divine consciousness swept across the entire Immortal Marsh, leaving no stone, dust, grass, or tree unexamined.

For a seventh realm expert, this kind of fixed-area divine consciousness search was almost as effective as the immortal method of seeing and hearing everything.

In just a moment, he spotted Xu Ziyang’s figure by a lake.

Only then did Wang Xuanling’s tense face relax slightly.


Upon seeing Wang Xuanling, Xu Ziyang immediately bowed in respect.

His appearance was quite disheveled at the moment. His clothes were torn, needless to say, there were traces of blood on his cheeks, and he had several severe injuries on his body.

“The Immortal Marsh is in chaos, since you are safe, why didn’t you leave earlier?” Wang Xuanling asked sternly.

Although his tone was harsh, the concern was evident.

“Master, I came here to protect my junior brothers. One of them is missing, and I am looking for him,” Xu Ziyang replied.

“I see.” Wang Xuanling nodded slightly, acknowledging his disciple’s sense of responsibility, and then asked, “Which junior brother?”

“Chu Liang from Silver Sword Peak,” Xu Ziyang answered.

Wang Xuanling’s face changed again: “What?”

That was the only disciple of Silver Sword Peak, the only disciple of Di Nvfeng. Last time, when someone stole a few of his sword coins, Di Nvfeng took him to Cloud Remote Peak to seek justice. The incident had already spread throughout Shu Mountain. Although it seemed like a setup, it still showed the extent of Di Nvfeng’s protectiveness.

If he were to die…

The mere thought of it terrified Wang Xuanling.

So, without hesitation, he waved his sleeve and spat out a word: “Search!”

“I’ll search with you!”

“Search all night!”

(End of the chapter)

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