Chapter 217 – The trouble caused by martial arts techniques

“Are you the new Sect Leader Wang Chong of the Seven Stars Sect?” The Supervisor Institute’s Director glanced indifferently at Du Ge, who was saluting him, his gaze lingering momentarily on the mutilated Xu Heming before speaking with an unfriendly tone.

“Replying to the Director, I am indeed Wang Chong.”

Du Ge straightened up, sizing up the Director opposite him.

He was a middle-aged man in his forties, with a long beard under his chin and piercing eyes that commanded respect without anger.

On the surface, he seemed no different from someone at the Foundation Establishment stage.

Behind him stood a young man in his twenties, dressed in dark blue embroidered with the Rosefinch, wearing a hat similar to that of the brocade-clad guards, with a long saber at his waist, full of vigor.

The Director asked, “Why didn’t you report to the Supervisor Institute after taking over as Sect Leader of the Seven Stars?”

Du Ge was startled and replied anxiously, “Director, at that time, Tianlan Valley intended to seize the Seven Stars Mountain. My master was harmed by them, and I took over Seven Stars Mountain temporarily, unaware that I had to report to the Supervisor Institute. Director, can I make amends now?”

“Nonsense!” The Director barked sharply, his piercing gaze shooting straight at Du Ge, “I’ll ask you, what was your master’s cultivation level?”

Du Ge’s heart skipped a beat, realizing the crux of the matter.

Why would the Supervisor Institute, a cultivation department, care about him collecting some money from mortals…

It was his sudden rise, sweeping through Tianlan Valley single-handedly, that had piqued their interest.

The question was whether there was any push from the warriors of the Alien Star Battlefield behind this…

Du Ge honestly replied, “Peak of Qi Refining.”

The Director narrowed his eyes, “What was your cultivation level when you took over as Sect Leader?”

Du Ge answered, “Mid-stage of Qi Refining.”

The Director hummed, “Guan Kezheng was at the peak of Qi Refining and still fell victim to a few disciples of Tianlan Valley. How could you, a mere mid-stage Qi Refiner, take over as Sect Leader and conquer Tianlan Valley in just twenty days? Moreover, you acted meticulously, gathering money from the common folk with inconceivable methods. I suspect you have been subjected to Body Possession…”

Body Possession?

The junior sister’s face changed, instinctively glancing at her admired third senior brother, suspicion creeping into her eyes.

Xu Heming sighed inwardly as he watched the Director. If a Demon Head had possessed him, why would he bother tying himself to a declining sect like the Seven Stars, striving to strengthen it and making himself a target of suspicion?

Oh, Director, what a poor excuse you’ve found!

Du Ge was taken aback and said, “Director, I have comprehended the lost Seven Stars Technique from the Sect Leader’s command, which is why my power has advanced by leaps and bounds…”

He looked up defiantly at the Director, extending his hand and said, “The Director surely has a method to check for Body Possession, just examine me. If it’s found that I’ve been possessed, I am at the Director’s disposal.”

The junior sister breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Heming and the others glanced at Du Ge’s extended hand, instinctively holding their breath.

The Director glanced at Du Ge and said indifferently, “Fine, I will personally inspect…”

Before he finished speaking.

The Director’s figure had already moved behind Du Ge, his hand pressing towards the top of his head.

Damn it!


Du Ge’s heart chilled.

He knew that Golden Elixir cultivators were tough to deal with, but he didn’t expect such a huge gap!

The head is different from other body parts; damage to it could mean instant death, without even a chance for recovery.

Although he knew the Director might covet the technique he possessed and wouldn’t fatally harm him, Du Ge was not willing to take that risk.

The South Dragon said that Pan-Universal Entertainment’s technology was sophisticated, and after soul fusion, it couldn’t be detected, but now, whether he was possessed or not was entirely up to the other party. If caught, he wouldn’t be able to clear his name…

Sensing the Director’s hand descending on his crown, Du Ge instinctively tilted his head, his hands rising to block.

His realm was low, and his spiritual power couldn’t keep up, but the attributes he had plundered had already boosted his speed to an inhuman level.

The Director was a Golden Elixir cultivator, capable of flying through the air and covering thousands of miles in an instant. He targeted Du Ge because he had investigated the deeds Du Ge had done. With Qi Refining cultivation, cutting off the arms of a dozen Foundation Establishment cultivators from Tianlan Valley was too abnormal.

Tianlan Valley had distance restrictions for Du Ge.

But for the Director, it was not a problem at all; he was well aware of what happened in Tianlan Valley.

Seeing him raise his hands to block, a sneer crossed the Director’s lips. His palm shook slightly, intending to bypass Du Ge’s hands and continue pressing on his head.

The peak of Foundation Establishment was just one step away from Golden Elixir, seemingly only a step away.

But the gap from Golden Elixir was like a chasm, not like the difference between Qi Refining and Foundation Establishment. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be the saying that failing to reach Golden Elixir meant all was lost.

What did it matter whether he was possessed or not?

What he wanted was Du Ge’s technique for absorbing other people’s power.

But the next second.

The Director’s expression changed.

Because he found that his hand didn’t evade, Du Ge’s speed far exceeded that of the peak of Foundation Establishment.

The intelligence was wrong!

When he tried to raise his hand again, it was already too late.

In an instant.

Their hands collided.

The next moment.

The Director saw his own arm break at the elbow, held in Du Ge’s hand, and a wave of spiritual power in his body was already being absorbed by Du Ge.

His pupils contracted sharply, his other hand swiftly raised, slamming a heavy palm towards Du Ge’s back.

Blood spurted out as Du Ge, holding the Director’s hand, leaped forward, breaking through the window lattice, jumping into the courtyard, then dashing through doors and houses within the Supervisor Institute.

Chaos ensued along the way.

Any cultivator of the Supervisor Institute he encountered was stripped bare in an instant.

Golden Elixir cultivators could fly with swords; running away now would be foolish.

Using the complex terrain to find the spiritual stones of the Supervisor Institute was his only chance to fight the Director. Stripping every cultivator he encountered was merely to see if they had any spiritual stones on them.

Having snatched a wave of spiritual power from the Director, Du Ge already felt the signs of a breakthrough. Just one more spiritual stone, just one would be enough…

Of course.

Another grab at the Director would be even more effective than finding a spiritual stone.

“Thief, how dare you?” The Director’s trembling eyelids betrayed his rage as he pursued Du Ge, leaping into the courtyard and summoning a long sword beneath his feet, soaring into the air with a whoosh.


Tracking Du Ge, who was dashing through the compound, he pressed down on him with his flying sword.

Seeing a courtyard full of bare bottoms, the Director became even more determined to obtain Du Ge’s technique, his arm could be reattached, but if he could force Du Ge to reveal the technique for absorbing others’ power and enhance his own, he would be invincible.

No longer would he be just a minor Director of the Supervisor Institute.

The sudden turn of events stunned everyone in the room.

The junior sister was bewildered, “Junior brother, could third senior brother really have been possessed?”

The seventh junior brother frowned, silent.

Xu Heming and the others sighed silently.

It was over!

This time it was completely over. Didn’t they know that a Golden Elixir cultivator was not to be trifled with?

Borrowing spiritual stones?

It was a trap; they never intended to let you go!

After breaking someone’s arm, it was truly a fight to the death now.

“Take them down.”

The Supervisor Institute’s cultivators in the room suddenly shouted.

A group of five or six cultivators rushed in, surrounding the seventh junior brother and the others.

The seventh junior brother glanced at them, raised his hands obediently, and said to the cultivator opposite him, “Senior brother, you can use us to threaten third senior brother. Seeing us captured, he will surely hesitate.”

The junior sister was stunned, asking incredulously, “Junior brother, third senior brother wasn’t possessed?”

The seventh junior brother glanced at her, shook his head, and said, “If third senior brother was possessed, he would have abandoned us already…”

The junior sister angrily said, “Knowing that third senior brother wasn’t possessed, you still let them use us to threaten him?”

The seventh junior brother was silent for a moment, then said, “Junior sister, third senior brother has offended the Director, he’s doomed. By confessing our faults, we might save the Seven Stars Sect…”

“You…” The junior sister was shocked, “Seventh junior brother, how could you? Third senior brother even helped you reach the peak of Qi Refining…”

“I’ve always been this kind of person,” the seventh junior brother said, “Third senior brother’s reckless actions have led to this situation. Junior sister, you wouldn’t want our master’s efforts to go to waste, right?”

“Junior brother, I misjudged you,” the junior sister said with tears streaming down her face.

Just then.

Du Ge’s voice came through, “Old dog, don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to. If we talk nicely, we can still negotiate, but if you play dirty, I’m game. Be smart and throw down some spiritual stones, or else, this arm of yours is gone…”

“Wang Chong, you dare?” The Director’s furious voice.

“Why so loud? Look, you made me twitch, and I broke your thumb…” Du Ge’s cheeky voice came again.

The many cultivators in the room instinctively turned towards the direction of the voice.

The seventh junior brother sighed, “Senior brother, my third senior brother is cunning. If we don’t go now, the Director, stuck in a difficult position, might let him escape. If he gets away, he could be a disaster.”

The brocade-clad cultivator glanced at the seventh junior brother, pondered for a moment, and warned, “Don’t try any tricks.”

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