Chapter 215 – Qixing Mountain reputation system

After the announcement of the acquisition of Tianlan Valley by Qixingmen, it immediately caused a sensation around Qixing Mountain.

The grudge between Qixingmen and Tianlan Valley has always been a thunderstorm.

Except for Fangshan, a purposeful speculator, most of the merchants are actually holding and waiting, occasionally taking out some money to buy and sell stocks, and then withdrawing in time.

When Xu Heming and other foundation-building cultivators from Tianlan Valley appeared at Qixingmen.

The merchants who arrived at Qixing Mountain earlier couldn’t sit still anymore. They all rushed up the mountain, began to buy Qixingmen’s stocks on a large scale, and sent their children to Qixingmen through the identity of shareholders, trying to get close to the rapidly developing Qixingmen.

They didn’t care about acquisitions and mergers, as long as Qixingmen defeated Tianlan Valley, this good news was enough to make them crazy.

The investment of the merchants once again drove up the stock prices. The contracts that were originally worth only a few silvers, in a few days, became worth one or two five, two two, and the speed of wealth appreciation was much easier than farming.

The surrounding people went completely crazy. Everyone started mortgaging their houses and fields, and invested all the money they got into the stock market of Qixingmen, hoping for a chance to get rich. A large amount of wealth poured into Qixing Mountain, further boosting Du Ge’s attributes.

Fangshan, as an elite in business management, saw the wealth gathered at Qixing Mountain and further proposed investment and lending projects, wanting to make money with money.

Du Ge, who was eager to improve his attributes, naturally agreed to his request. He also proposed several new methods of accumulating wealth to him.

For example: Establishing a reputation system for Qixing Mountain. Conduct credit evaluations for everyone holding shares of Qixing Mountain.

Credit evaluation is based on personal assets, word of mouth among neighbors, whether there are debt disputes, and whether there is gambling behavior, and determines a value from one to one hundred. With this value, unsecured loans can be obtained. The higher the credit, the higher the amount borrowed from Qixing Mountain. With a small amount of interest added, timely repayment can maintain one’s credit value. If the repayment behavior is good, it can even increase one’s credit value.

Anyone who violates the repayment rules will be blacklisted, and their entire family will be prohibited from participating in the contracts and transactions of Qixing Mountain, and from participating in the construction projects of Qixing Mountain.

Moreover, it also needs to be publicized in Qixing Mountain…

For example, setting up a stock exchange in Danyang City; guaranteeing the industries of Qixingmen’s major shareholders, allowing them to issue stocks in the form of Qixingmen’s partners; issuing newspapers specifically to introduce Qixingmen’s various plans, as well as the operating information of various Qixingmen partners, and the daily stock prices, and so on…

Du Ge’s series of methods made Fangshan and the merchants who bought Qixing Mountain’s stocks amazed, feeling that they had lived in vain.

They wanted to accumulate wealth, they had to work hard to make money through business. Wang Chong’s approach was completely robbing money from everyone, and they were willing to be robbed… At this rate, in a few years, all the wealth in the world would probably be taken into Qixing Mountain.

The ordinary people in the world of immortals and martial arts are basically based on farming, and they have no experience of the means of capital. They have never even seen it, so how can they resist the temptation of a sudden increase in assets?

After all, the contracts of Qixing Mountain can be exchanged for real money.

Moreover, the reputation-based loan model of Qixing Mountain without collateral can solve their urgent needs.

In the eyes of the people, Wang Chong, the Sect Leader of Qixingmen, is like a kind-hearted child from heaven, giving out money to everyone, and is a Bodhisattva who saves the suffering. Some people even set up Wang Chong’s longevity tablet at home, offering incense day and night, hoping that Qixing Mountain will become stronger and more prosperous. The credit loan has just been implemented and has not yet begun to exert its power. The branch office in Danyang City has not been established. But with the help of several big merchants, Du Ge’s attributes have already shown a trend of growth similar to when he traded the keywords with the second simulation field.

The dozen or so foundation-building experts of Qixingmen, relying solely on evasion, no one can force Du Ge’s plundering hand.

In the blink of an eye, a group of people would be stripped clean, and they couldn’t even react.

According to Xu Heming, except for not being able to fly with a sword, Du Ge’s physical fitness should have reached the realm of Golden Elixir.

Of course, Xu Heming has never seen a real Golden Elixir cultivator, so his words are not worth referencing.

Unfortunately, perhaps because there are too many mortals on Qixing Mountain, the impure breath of the mundane world has contaminated the spiritual energy. Even when practicing in the training room, Du Ge almost couldn’t feel the spiritual energy, and he was stuck at the peak of the foundation establishment stage, unable to advance to the Golden Elixir stage.

Even without spiritual energy, Du Ge’s talent and abilities can still be improved, which Xu Heming and the others envy. They, who have been practicing for years, can’t stand this noisy and worldly environment. Most importantly, if this drags on, they are afraid that their arms won’t be able to connect, and they will become disabled for life.But they also knew that the Seven Stars Sect had no spirit stones, and being anxious was of no use. No amount of mundane silver could be exchanged for spirit stones, and without them, even if they went to the Medical Immortals Sect, it would be futile. The cultivators of the Medical Immortals Sect would not pity these low-level cultivators who were not part of the mainstream.

Xu Heming and the others were discussing how to resign to Du Ge and return to Tianlan Valley to continue their cultivation when, before they could find a suitable reason, Du Ge came to them in person.

Xu Heming and the others hurriedly paid their respects: “We’ve seen the Sect Leader.”

Du Ge glanced around at them and got straight to the point: “Elders, I plan to borrow some spirit stones from the Supervision Institute to treat your arms.”

Go to the Supervision Institute? Borrow spirit stones? Du Ge’s words struck the crowd like a bolt from the blue, and Xu Heming and the others were frozen on the spot.

After a long while, they finally came back to their senses.

Xu Heming cautiously asked, “Sect Leader, spirit stones are of utmost importance to any sect. How could the Supervision Institute possibly lend us any?”

“Elders, I promised to reattach your arms, but the Seven Stars Sect has no spirit stones,” Du Ge sighed and said, “These days, I’ve been trying to find spirit stones, but no amount of mundane money can buy them in the cultivation world. We can’t even find a seller.

I am someone who strives for perfection. A promise unfulfilled torments me every day, to the point that it has become an obsession. Cultivation requires clarity of thought, and as long as this obsession remains unresolved, my cultivation will likely not advance an inch further.

I even considered using force to abduct a medical immortal from the Medical Immortals Sect to help you reattach your arms, but then I thought, a doctor brought here by force would inevitably be resentful and might sabotage the treatment. That would be my fault. So, the best solution is still spirit stones. Just when I was at my wit’s end, the Supervision Institute of Danyang City sent me a document, ordering me to explain the Seven Stars Sect’s annexation of Tianlan Valley and to stop accumulating wealth from the common people…

I think, the Supervision Institute, being in the heart of the mundane world and lacking spiritual energy, must rely on elixirs and spirit stones for cultivation, so they must have a large stockpile of spirit stones. When the Seven Stars Sect was in decline, the Supervision Institute did nothing, and now that we’ve finally found a way to prosper, they want to intervene. Since that’s the case, borrowing some spirit stones from them should not be a problem, and it’s the quickest way to reattach your arms.”

Gulp! The sound of synchronized swallowing filled the room.

The cultivators of Tianlan Valley were stunned. Everyone knew that spirit stones were crucial for cultivation and could not possibly be lent out.

Moreover, the edict from the Supervision Institute was clearly meant to suppress the Seven Stars Sect and forbid them from causing chaos in the mundane world in the name of the sect. How could they possibly lend spirit stones to Du Ge? With such astuteness, how could the Sect Leader not see the intentions of the Supervision Institute?

This time, it was probably not about borrowing spirit stones, but about stealing or deceiving them!

Xu Heming stuttered, “Sect Leader, this matter requires further deliberation. The Supervision Institute has the backing of the Great Yan Kingdom. Although the prestigious sects do not take them seriously, they still have to give them some face in the mundane world.

They dare not provoke the disciples of the great sects, but they have ways to deal with small sects like ours. I’ve heard that the head of the Supervision Institute in Danyang City is a Golden Elixir True Person. If you go to borrow spirit stones, it might be seen as an insult. If the head becomes enraged, even the Sect Leader is no match for him!

Sect Leader, please do not act rashly. We can think of other solutions…”

“Yes, we can think of other solutions,” Ling Ping Shuang echoed.

Having lost an arm, at least they were still alive. Causing trouble at the Supervision Institute could cost them their lives! Their Sect Leader was too bold.

It was better not to mention the Golden Elixir True Person, but once it was brought up, Du Ge’s eyes lit up.

Tomorrow was the end of the month, and once the rankings were announced, who knows how many overt and covert attacks would be directed at him. If he didn’t improve his power, he wouldn’t feel safe. Moreover, the rapidly expanding capital of the Seven Stars Sect would also attract covetous eyes. He was not one to sit and wait for doom.

Just at this time, the Supervision Institute reached out to meddle with his Seven Stars Sect, wanting to interfere with his endeavors. If not to rob them, then who?

“Elders, nothing is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. How can we know without trying?” Du Ge smiled, “The Seven Stars Sect has grown considerably. Perhaps the head of the Supervision Institute in Danyang City will give me some face!”

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