Chapter 208 – Soul sketching

Inside the large tent, screams rose and fell in succession, and the sight of each college student covered in blood made the scene look terrifying.

Lin Baici felt that if this scene were captured on camera and uploaded online, the views would definitely skyrocket.

As for worry?

Lin Baici didn’t have any. As long as these college students did as he reminded them, not choosing an odd number of sutures, they wouldn’t die. Even if they made a mistake in suturing, the worst outcome would be scars on their bodies.

At most, it would be a bit ugly.

“I’m done!”

A round-faced girl called out happily, turning her head to Lin Baici: “Lin Shen, can you come over and check if this is acceptable?”

“Don’t go, please!”

Cai Wenqi pleaded.

“It’s okay, you did well, just keep going!”

Lin Baici reassured her with a sentence and walked towards the round-faced girl.

Seeing Lin Baici coming over, the girl immediately handed over the banana.


Lin Baici praised: “Do you often do needlework at home?”

The stitches were arranged very neatly, pleasing to the eye.


The round-faced girl’s family owned a handmade quilt shop, which was famous in their town. Many people would order bedding and pillows from her shop for their weddings.

She started helping out at a very young age, so she had practiced needlework quite a bit.

“Lin Shen, can someone else do this for me?”

Wang Hanxu shouted.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Lin Baici, waiting for an answer, with some people eagerly taking their places in advance.

“Liu Qing, help me sew later, or I’ll die!”

Liu Qing was the round-faced girl.

“Stop wasting time, you can only sew this yourself.”

Lin Baici warned.

“Are you sure?”

Someone questioned.

“If you want to die, you can let someone else sew the banana for you. Oh, and the person who helps him will die too!”

Lin Baici was most annoyed by these kinds of people. At a life-and-death moment, they actually wanted to put their lives in someone else’s hands, which was simply cowardly.

As soon as Lin Baici spoke, those college students who wanted to take shortcuts could only honestly sew the bananas. Some of them had never touched a needle and thread in their lives. Honestly, it was tough for them.

They sewed while crying, not only because of the pain but also because of helplessness.

At this time, everyone hated Wang Hanxu to death.

“The last three minutes, those who haven’t completed the suturing will be given a lethal punishment!”

A male voice suddenly rang out.

“Do you understand lethal? It means to kill!”

Everyone was startled upon hearing this and hurriedly sped up their suturing. However, many were trembling with fear, resulting in poor quality suturing.

“Big brother, I have no grudges against you, why make things difficult for me?”

Cao Lei cried out.

“Yeah, big brother, doing this kind of thing is illegal. Stop now before anyone dies!”

The fat man Ming advised.

“We have two divine hunters here, are you sure you want to continue?”

Wang Hanxu was very cunning, directly diverting the trouble, trying to draw the ‘speaker’s’ attention to Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao.

No matter who won or lost, as long as a fight broke out, he would have a chance to escape.

Xia Hongyao heard this and didn’t react, but Lin Baici turned his head and glanced at Wang Hanxu.

Truly a scumbag, selfish enough!

Lin Baici guessed that this rule contamination was caused by Wang Hanxu, so he thought about handing this guy over in exchange for everyone’s survival.

But even if Wang Hanxu was a scumbag, he hadn’t broken the law. Sacrificing one person to save many was a bit like the trolley problem.

However, now, Lin Baici felt he should be a bit more ruthless.

The voice didn’t respond to Wang Hanxu but began a countdown.



This countdown to zero instantly filled everyone with a sense of urgency.

“I’m done!”

A girl cried with joy.

“You’re done, that’s good, don’t talk, it will pressure others!”

Xia Hongyao reminded, didn’t she see that these people were desperate?

Some people, in order to complete the suturing within the time limit, no longer did as Lin Baici reminded but just sewed up the cuts on the banana regardless of the quality.




The countdown ended, and the college students who hadn’t finished suturing the banana suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if they were being cut with a knife, and it was excruciating.

They screamed, fell to the ground, convulsing non-stop, with blood flowing from their bodies.

Those who had narrowly passed the test, seeing this scene, were horrified but also immensely relieved that they had finished in time.

A minute later, the punishment time ended.

“They’re not dead?”

Xia Hongyao was somewhat surprised. She ran to a boy to check his heartbeat: “Xiao Linzi, he’s not dead!”

Lin Baici was also checking a college student, comparing the cuts on the banana with the wounds on his body.

Those who hadn’t completed the task weren’t killed, just that the cuts on the banana appeared doubled on their bodies.

This scene made Lin Baici frown. Could it be that his guess was right, that the organ thief didn’t want to kill?

“Aren’t you divine hunters? Don’t you have a way to save us?”

Cui Ying cried out.

Everyone looked at Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao.

“Complete the rule contamination, and you can leave here!”

Xia Hongyao explained: “Do as Lin Baici says, and you can live!”

“Live my ass!”

Wang Hanxu cursed under his breath.

“Everything you’re experiencing now, there’s a ninety percent chance it’s related to this Wang Hanxu. I think as long as that ‘organ thief’ is satisfied, you should be able to survive!”

Lin Baici explained.

“Organ thief?”

The crowd gasped when they heard this title.

It sounded terrifying.

“That’s right, that guy likes to steal organs!”

Lin Baici looked at Wang Hanxu.

“You… what nonsense are you talking about? I’m a good person, I live peacefully, how could it be related to me?”

Wang Hanxu was completely numb. Lin Baici’s words could kill him.

“Yeah, Hanxu is a good person!”

Cui Ying chimed in because she liked Wang Hanxu. In her eyes, she saw him through rose-colored glasses and thought he was excellent in every aspect.

“Good my ass, getting someone pregnant and then making her abort the child before breaking up, if he’s not scum, who is?”

Cao Lei cursed.

The others were silent. Although they also thought Wang Hanxu was despicable, it seemed somewhat unfair to accuse him based on a stranger’s words. More importantly, how could they satisfy the ‘organ thief’?

It couldn’t be by killing Wang Hanxu, could it?

“Look, the writing on the blackboard has changed!”

Cai Wenqi exclaimed.

Everyone immediately looked at the blackboard.

The original chalk writing seemed to be erased by an invisible eraser, revealing two new lines of text.

“These are three human anatomy diagrams, please choose one and draw it within half an hour. Full marks are one hundred, sixty to pass.”

“Those who fail will be eliminated!”

Three organ diagrams appeared on the blackboard.

The first was a full-body muscle anatomy diagram, meticulously labeled with the name of each muscle.

Just looking at it felt complicated, let alone drawing it.

The second was a diagram of the internal organs, the complexity of which made it nearly impossible to replicate.

The third was a human skull, which seemed simpler.

“There’s more!”

Cui Ying despaired. Wasn’t this endless?

“Will there be a problem if everyone draws the skull?”

Cao Lei worried.

“You can draw something else!”

Fat Ming saw A4 paper in the desk and immediately pulled one out, starting to draw the human skull from the blackboard.

“If I had known, I would have studied medicine!”

Cao Lei had no choice, and despite the skull’s simplicity, it was uncertain whether he could draw it within thirty minutes.

Everyone started drawing with a heavy heart, all for the sake of survival.

“Can you do it?”

Lin Baici looked at Xia Hongyao.

“I won a silver prize for young painters in the city when I was in kindergarten!”

Xia Hongyao smiled confidently, giving a thumbs up, with an expression that said don’t worry about me: “What about you, can you do it?”


Lin Baici laughed.

If it were before National Day, he could only draw at the level of a human skull, but now?


I’m going to challenge that human muscle diagram!

With soul sketching, I can do whatever I want!

This divine grace was obtained by Lin Baici after devouring a deity. As long as he had seen something, he could draw it perfectly.

“Start quickly!”

Lin Baici pulled out several sheets of paper from Cai Wenqi’s desk, handed one to Xia Hongyao, and seeing there were no desks, he simply squatted on the ground.

“Lin Shen!”

Cai Wenqi handed over a pencil.

There were spare pencils on the desk, as well as a pencil sharpener.


Lin Baici glanced at the anatomy diagram on the blackboard, then lowered his head and began to draw.

Shasha! Shasha!

In the tent, the pencil rubbed against the paper, sounding like silkworms munching on mulberry leaves.

Lin Baici’s strokes were divine. He had planned to look at the blackboard’s diagram, but he found it unnecessary. Just that one glance, and the diagram was imprinted in his mind as if he had drawn it himself.

Too familiar, so familiar that Lin Baici could draw every muscle’s position, length, and thickness without any error.

He was completely immersed in this creation. When he finished the last stroke, he checked his watch; only seven minutes had passed.

“Oh my!”

Lin Baici was startled by his own ability.

This power was simply amazing, like a human printer.

Lin Baici turned his head to look at Xia Hongyao.

What is this drawing?

A Neanderthal skull?

Lin Baici was speechless and quickly drew another skull.

This time, it only took forty-five seconds because Lin Baici’s hands were so fast that all that was left were afterimages as he drew.

“Hongyao, put this underneath and copy it!”

Lin Baici handed over the A4 paper.


Xia Hongyao saw it and was immediately shocked. The drawing was too realistic. Then, she was deeply moved.

“Don’t worry about me, you draw yours first!”

Xia Hongyao urged: “I can handle it myself!”

“I’m done!”

Lin Baici laughed.

Cai Wenqi, hearing this, couldn’t help but look up.

“Oh, right, is it this human skull? It’s pretty good!”

Xia Hongyao slapped her forehead, took the artwork carefully, worried about dirtying Lin Baici’s drawing.

“Not that!”

Lin Baici urged: “Hurry up and draw!”


Xia Hongyao was stunned.

“Hongyao, look!”

Cai Wenqi called out to Xia Hongyao, her voice trembling with shock.

Xia Hongyao turned her head and saw the anatomy diagram, and her expression turned to shock as she blurted out, “Holy shit.”

As a high ponytail nine-leak fish, she could only use this word to express her astonishment.

“Lin Shen, you’re not a medical student, are you? Why are you good at drawing this?”

Cai Wenqi was suspicious.

Could it be that Lin Baici was a psychological freak, secretly drawing these things every night?

Otherwise, why would he be so proficient?

“Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and draw!”

As Lin Baici spoke, he drew another skull and handed it to Cai Wenqi: “Hurry up and copy it!”

People nearby heard their conversation and turned to look, seeing Lin Baici’s work on the ground, and were immediately shocked. Then, several students who knew they couldn’t draw well enough came over.

“Lin Shen, can you draw one for me?”

“Please, I don’t want to die!”

“Lin Shen, I’ll kowtow to you!”

Everyone was asking for a skull drawing, planning to put it underneath and copy it.

“Let’s make it clear, don’t use my drawing as a substitute!”

Lin Baici didn’t refuse and quickly drew human skulls. After drawing three, he became proficient, and in just thirty seconds, he could draw one.

Of course, this was also thanks to Lin Baici’s enhanced body, with increased strength and flexibility in his arm muscles, allowing him to sustain such bursts of speed.

As time ticked by, everyone noticed the commotion here, and those who knew they wouldn’t pass came over, waiting for a human skull drawing.Everyone was giving it their all, and before they knew it, time was up.

The tent was extremely quiet.

“Why is there no sound? Did everyone pass?”

Everyone was anxiously waiting.

“This round, everyone passed!”

The voice rang out, giving its assessment.

Hearing this, people cried tears of joy, especially those who were not good at drawing at all. They had only managed to scrape through by copying the human skull drawings made by Lin Baici.

“Lin God, thank you!”

Everyone hurriedly expressed their gratitude. It seemed that this rule contamination wouldn’t be resolved anytime soon, and they would still need to rely on him, so it was crucial to maintain a good attitude to ensure this powerful ally wouldn’t kick them to the curb.

“The best anatomical drawing belongs to this student. As a reward, you may choose five people to leave with you!”


The voice offered its congratulations, hoping Lin Baici would leave quickly because this guy had put a lot of pressure on him.

Upon hearing this, everyone’s eyes lit up, all turning to look at Lin Baici.

“Lin God, will you take me with you?”

Liu Qing’s round face was covered in tears, her cuteness tinged with a pitiable charm.

“Lin God, I’m the only son in my family. I can’t die; otherwise, my parents won’t be able to go on living!”

The fat guy, Ming, was playing the sympathy card.

“Lin God, I’ll pay you, please give me a way out!”

Wang Hanxu went straight for the money, which in his view was the most useful weapon: “Two hundred thousand, plus a BMW 3 Series that’s only been driven for a few months, how about that?”

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