Chapter 154 – He Ju’s counterattack

The hall was noisy, with everyone sticking to their own arguments, the dispute unceasing, except for Si Hua, who was quietly watching a video with her head down.

Suddenly, Si Hua slammed the sofa: “Enough! Shut up, all of you!”

The living room quickly fell silent, and everyone looked up at Si Hua.

Even Bai Shang was puzzled. She had prepared so thoroughly, although… things got a bit chaotic later, but surely it hadn’t been discovered so quickly?

Bai Shang had never imagined that someone like Si Hua would silently search her bedroom.

“Ding-dong—” Everyone’s phones chimed at the same time.

They had a family group chat, and Si Hua had sent the video directly to the group.

Bai Shang’s phone also vibrated, making her anxious before even looking at it. Could it be what she feared?

But how could it be? She had hidden it so well…

“This…” Bai Yao frowned after watching the video.

After watching it, Bai Xu and Bai Qifeng lost their earlier defiance and looked at Bai Shang with complex expressions.

Half-doubting, Bai Shang opened the video and was stunned the moment she saw it.

It was supposed to be a scene she staged with He Ju to blackmail him into agreeing to her terms, but then Bai Yao arrived, and the urgent knocking interrupted everything.

So, Bai Shang had to change her strategy, waking He Ju up and creating a hickey on his neck, then undressing and lying in his arms. When Bai Yao entered, he saw them embracing.

The video said it all.

Everyone’s gaze at Bai Shang changed, while Si Hua took a tissue, had He Ju tilt his head, and carefully wiped the marks on his neck, looking quite disgusted.

Of course, what she despised was Bai Shang’s despicable tactics.

What was supposed to be evidence of He Ju’s affair with her turned out to be the most damning evidence against her.


She had hidden it so well.

Suddenly, Bai Shang stood up, strode, and ran upstairs.

At that moment, Yang Jing came down from upstairs with the tech team, facing Bai Shang head-on.

Yang Jing just glanced at Bai Shang indifferently, then moved aside with her team. Seeing Yang Jing and the technicians behind her with their tools, Bai Shang’s heart sank, and she ran even faster.

Yang Jing looked away and led her team downstairs.

Bai Xu and Bai Qifeng felt a chill seeing this. They had a feeling that…

The price they would have to pay next might be more than their family could bear.

At that moment, Yang Jing also came to Si Hua’s side, handing over the phone they found and the perfume bottle from Bai Shang’s bedside.

If it weren’t for the video, no one would have noticed that this ordinary-looking perfume bottle actually contained a prepared love potion?!

Si Hua took it: “Thank you, you’ve worked hard.”

Yang Jing then left with her team, the rest was no longer their concern.

Meanwhile, Bai Shang ran into her bedroom to find the walls chiseled into a mess. Her phone was hidden in a secret compartment, and they had silently smashed the wall to find her other phone?

Bai Shang’s room was in total disarray, even the floorboards were pried up, her favorite perfumes, her treasured wines, almost all destroyed, even the toilet lid was flipped off.

Was this a search? No, this was a raid!

No wonder the female doctor was so hesitant during the examination; she was busy with this?

Bai Shang was furious.

Wasn’t Si Hua the most etiquette-conscious young lady? How could she do such an impolite thing?

Enraged, Bai Shang charged downstairs and, under everyone’s gaze, strode towards Si Hua: “Why did you let people rummage through my room?! Don’t you know I hate it when others touch my things?!”

Bai Shang had just raised her hand, not yet struck, when He Ju grabbed her wrist with such force that her face turned pale in an instant, forcing Bai Shang to turn her attention to the furious He Ju.

He Ju spoke coldly: “I haven’t settled the score with you, and yet you’re so arrogant!”

With that, He Ju flung Bai Shang away.

Bai Shang, already unsteady, fell to the ground, scraping her elbow and grimacing in pain.

Bai Qifeng immediately rushed over, carefully helping Bai Shang up, not daring to confront He Ju on the spot.

Because he had clearly seen the ruthlessness in He Ju’s eyes. He had not seen He Ju this angry when falsely accused, but the moment Bai Shang tried to hit Si Hua, the malice emanating from He Ju was enough to alarm him, a seasoned businessman.

Si Hua also looked coldly at Bai Shang, her gaze as if looking at a dead person.

At this point, Bai Yao stood up: “Although I am the head of the Bai family, this matter involves my daughter and son-in-law being wronged, so I will not interfere. How to deal with it, I’ll leave it to Si Hua and He Ju.”

After speaking, Bai Yao took Si Mei’s hand and prepared to leave.

But Bai Xu stopped them: “Brother, sister-in-law, Bai Shang is still young, she was just thoughtless for a moment, please don’t hold it against her…”

Bai Xu hadn’t finished speaking when Si Mei interrupted with a laugh: “Third brother, your words are quite amusing. This isn’t our affair, of course, we won’t stoop to her level. We’re getting older and don’t want to meddle too much. Take care of yourselves.”

After that, Si Mei pulled Bai Yao away, ignoring everyone’s objections, and left.

Bai Xu called after Bai Yao several times, but Bai Yao did not look back.

The living room was very quiet.

It was then that Si Hua scoffed: “Those with ill intentions indeed should no longer stay in the Bai family.”

Bai Shang suddenly looked up: “What do you mean?”

Si Hua stood up: “Exactly what it sounds like.”

Si Hua: “From today on, the companies under Third Uncle’s name will be fully managed by Fourth Uncle. Third Uncle is getting on in years, so he should just enjoy his retirement at the old house.”

This sudden wealth fell into Bai Jun’s lap.

Bai Jun immediately became vigilant, knowing it was Si Hua’s scheme to sow distrust between him and Bai Xu, but…

Bai Jun couldn’t resist such temptation.

Bai Xu’s face turned green with anger, pointing at Si Hua’s nose and shouting: “Si Hua, don’t go too far!”

He Ju had been silent until now, but seeing Bai Xu’s gesture, he immediately stood up to shield Si Hua: “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

Bai Xu looked up at He Ju, thinking he had a heart of mercy, only to hear He Ju say with a smile: “Didn’t Third Uncle’s glory also rise with the power of the Bai family? I think in addition to taking his properties, we might as well stop his bank cards too.”

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