Chapter 207 – Autumn outing pollution

The hoodie-clad man held a piece of braised pig intestine, gnawing on it while observing Wang Hanxu and his group through binoculars.

“33 people!”

The man in the hoodie didn’t want to harm the innocent, but someone had already come knocking. If he didn’t act now, it would be too late. To make Wang Hanxu pay the price, even if it meant accidentally hurting others, he could only apologize.

Moreover, these people knew full well that Wang Hanxu was scum, yet they still hung out with him, so they probably weren’t any good either.

Wang Hanxu and his group had chosen a remote spot for camping and cooking out, to avoid being disturbed. Now, this isolation made it easier for the man in the hoodie to make his move.

After finishing the pig intestine, he wiped his hands on his clothes, stood up, put on a mask, pulled down his hood, and walked towards them.

Time to face your punishment!

Cai Wenqi looked at the message Lin Baici had sent her, feeling conflicted.

Lin Baici said it was dangerous, so what should she do?

If she didn’t leave, she could certainly make a good impression on him, but what if she ended up in trouble?

Wait a minute!

Lin Baici had handled the perilous God’s Curse game in the museum’s God’s Ruins, so this little situation shouldn’t be a problem for him, right?

Cai Wenqi took a deep breath and replied to Lin Baici: “Thanks for your concern, Lin Baici. I’ll be a good spy!”

After sending the message, she approached Wang Hanxu: “Senior Wang, thank you. Let me help you with the skewers!”

“No worries, go have fun. I’ve got this!”

Wang Hanxu flashed a dashing smile. Cai Wenqi was a junior from high school and a freshman this year. She was pretty, and since Wang Hanxu wanted to maintain a good image, he naturally wouldn’t refuse her request to mooch food and drinks.

“Senior, you’re such a nice person. The rumors at school must be false, right?”

Cai Wenqi blinked her eyes while helping with the barbecue, analyzing: “That girl is a feminist, right?”

Wang Hanxu had been thinking about how to steer the conversation in this direction, but Cai Wenqi took the initiative to speak up, and she was even considering his feelings, which delighted him.

Indeed, being somewhat handsome and wealthy meant he could do whatever he wanted.

Wang Hanxu thought Cai Wenqi might like him, so he glanced at her discreetly.

Her looks were decent, and her figure was fine—a quality junior.

It wouldn’t be bad to have a fling with her for a change of pace.

These thoughts flashed through Wang Hanxu’s mind, and then he put on a frustrated expression: “Ah, it’s my fault for buying too many things for Li Mei…”

Hearing this, Cai Wenqi felt disdainful. Wasn’t he just hinting that Li Mei was after his money?


Not only did he not want to take responsibility, but he also wanted to make Li Mei take the blame.

“Old Wang, I’ve told you before, don’t show off your wealth before you find true love. You just wouldn’t listen!”

A chubby guy came over, drinking beer and taking a freshly grilled lamb skewer: “Now you’re paying the price, huh?”

“Wang Hanxu, there are so many girls in our class. Why did you have to go for someone from another class?”

On the nearby lawn, several girls were sitting on a picnic blanket playing cards. Hearing this, a short-haired girl chimed in, her voice filled with resentment.


Cai Wenqi was impressed. Was this girl out of her mind?

Wang Hanxu was such a scumbag, and you still like him?

The chubby guy glanced at Cui Ying, the short-haired girl, thinking that women in love really were unreasonable. He flattered Wang Hanxu because the guy came from a good family.

He ate and drank on Wang Hanxu’s dime, so speaking well of him was no problem.

But privately, the chubby guy didn’t consider Wang Hanxu a good person, unlike Cui Ying, who truly believed there was nothing wrong with him.

“Damn, why can’t I have such a female bootlicker?”

The chubby guy felt depressed, suddenly finding the skewer in his hand less appetizing.

This topic was hard to respond to, so Wang Hanxu just shrugged his shoulders, showing a helpless expression.

It had to be said, the guy had a casual luxury about him, and coupled with his looks, he did give off a good impression.

“Indeed, even to be a scumbag, you need capital!”

Cai Wenqi couldn’t help but think of Lin Baici. If he decided to be a scumbag, probably no girl at Haijing Polytechnic would be spared.

Not only was he handsome and well-built, but he was also wealthy. More importantly, he was a mysterious and powerful god hunter, exuding an irresistible charm.

Cai Wenqi didn’t know about others, but she couldn’t resist.

If Lin Baici asked her to go to a hotel today, she thought about it—she definitely wouldn’t refuse. She might even take a shower and spray on some perfume in advance.


If only I had worked a little harder and gotten into Haijing Polytechnic.

While Cai Wenqi was talking with Wang Hanxu, trying to extract some information, others were playing, card gaming, using their phones, playing badminton…

No one noticed that a tall man in a hoodie had passed by not far away. After he left, the environment around them changed.

What was once the grassy lawn of Senhai Park, surrounded by some tall trees, had now become a huge field tent.

Inside the tent, there were tables with a banana and a metal box shimmering with a metallic luster on each.

At the front, there was a blackboard with five lines of writing, the last three lines erased and blurred.

“What’s going on?”

The previously carefree crowd was shocked.

“How did a tent suddenly appear?”

“Wang Hanxu, what are you doing?”

“Is this some kind of 3D projection?”

The crowd was abuzz, looking towards Wang Hanxu.

Wang Hanxu was also dumbfounded. Instinctively, he wanted to run outside the tent to see what was going on, but he was cautious and stopped after two steps.

What if there was danger outside?

Some people thought of this too, but others, like the chubby guy, didn’t.

“Let’s go out and see!”

After saying this, the chubby guy turned around on the spot and was stunned because he realized there was no door on the tent.

“Where’s the door?”

The chubby guy charged towards one of the tent walls, knelt on one knee, bowed his head, and grabbed the bottom edge of the tent, pulling it up with force.

Outside, a dense fog spread, like the heavy fog of an early winter morning, with visibility not exceeding ten meters.

“What’s the situation?”

The crowd grew anxious, many taking out their phones, ready to call the police, but found that their phones had somehow turned off.

“Rule… rule contamination?”

Cai Wenqi’s lips trembled.

This was rule contamination, no doubt about it.

She wanted to cry because Lin Baici wasn’t here.

“We’re done for, aren’t we?”

Cai Wenqi panicked. She wasn’t afraid, provided Lin Baici was present.

Some people peered outside from the bottom of the tent, and two tried to crawl out.

Wang Hanxu thought this might be dangerous, but he didn’t warn them. In times like these, people needed to try things out.

Using death to eliminate a wrong answer wasn’t a loss.

“What do these words on the blackboard mean?”

Cui Ying shouted.

Everyone looked towards the blackboard at the front.

“Today’s homework is to learn surgical suturing!”

“Please carefully suture the bananas!”

These college students immediately approached the tables closest to them, with a few trying to pick up the bananas on them.

“Don’t move! Everyone, don’t move!”

Cai Wenqi shouted.

She was worried that these people might make an irreversible mistake.


Everyone turned their heads and looked over.

“Why shouldn’t we move?”

Wang Hanxu asked.

“Wait a moment, someone should come to rescue us!”

Cai Wenqi knew that Lin Baici was on his way here.

“Who’s coming to rescue? What exactly is happening right now?”

Wang Hanxu was anxious and walked up to Cai Wenqi in two steps, grabbing her collar: “Speak up!”

Before Cai Wenqi could respond, Wang Hanxu’s expression suddenly changed drastically, and he quickly let go of Cai Wenqi, retreating as if she were a monster in his eyes.

“Ah, her face…”

Cui Ying covered her mouth and screamed, looking at Cai Wenqi with horror.

At that moment, blood flowed down from Cai Wenqi’s hairline like a waterfall, engulfing her face.

Cai Wenqi was startled by Wang Hanxu’s actions and was about to ask what was wrong when she saw blood streaming down the faces of Wang Hanxu and the others.

“Cao Lei, you’re bleeding!”

“You’re bleeding too!”

“Damn it, what’s going on?”

Everyone realized they were bleeding and immediately panicked. Some didn’t know what to do and took their anger out on Wang Hanxu.

“Wang Hanxu, it’s all your fault. Why did you have to organize this outing?”

“It’s no use blaming me.” Wang Hanxu was annoyed. He was not one to suffer losses, so he shouted back: “Damn it! Did I make a mistake by spending money?”

“Stop arguing, doesn’t the blackboard say it? We need to suture the bananas!”

Cao Lei yelled.

At this moment, everyone reacted differently. Some were scared, complaining, and blaming others, while some were actively trying to save themselves.

Several people were observing the bananas on the tables.

“Don’t move, please!”

Cai Wenqi was worried about being killed by these people.

“If we don’t move, we’ll die!”

Cao Lei wiped his face, looked at his hand, and saw it was covered in blood.

Some people couldn’t wait any longer, opened the box, saw the needle and thread, and immediately started threading the needle, preparing to suture the cuts on the bananas.

Just as Cai Wenqi was losing hope, she suddenly heard a tearing sound. At ten o’clock, a bronze sword slashed a gap in the tent, and a man and a woman crawled in.

“Lin Baici!”

Cai Wenqi, as if pardoned, ran towards Lin Baici with joy and threw herself into his arms, clinging to him tightly: “Wuwuwu, I knew you would come!”

Everyone looked at Lin Baici.


Who is this handsome guy?

Lin Baici glanced around the tent and saw that the situation was similar to the rule contamination he had encountered the other day. He breathed a sigh of relief and then shouted.

“Don’t just grab anything, these bananas have names on them. Go find the ones that belong to you!”

Lin Baici saw that a few people had already started suturing the bananas and immediately warned: “You must suture the bananas with your names on them to pass!”

“Who are you?”

“What’s going on?”

“Where exactly are the names on the bananas?”

The crowd bombarded him with questions, creating a commotion.

“Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao are god hunters. We’re experiencing rule contamination right now. We must listen to them if we want to live!”

Cai Wenqi was no longer panicked, especially seeing how calm Lin Baici and Xia Hongyao were. She felt she had made the right bet. This time, she would definitely gain Lin Baici’s favor and become a god hunter.

“God hunters? I’ve heard of this title!”

“Rule contamination? Isn’t that just an urban legend? It’s real?”

“Damn it, never mind whether it’s real or not, tell us how to stop the bleeding!”

These college students were all panicking because of the bleeding, and since they had never seen rule contamination or god hunters before, they lacked awe for Lin Baici.

“Do as I say, first find the bananas with your names, and then choose an even number of suturing threads!”

Lin Baici declared loudly.

He quickly scanned the number of tables and then looked back at Xia Hongyao, noticing that she had no blood on her face, which meant that those who entered after the rule contamination erupted would not be involved.

“Hurry up and do it. We risked our lives to come in here. Do you think we’re here to deceive you?”

Xia Hongyao urged.

“Cui Ying, this one has your name on it!”

“Chubby Ming, this is yours!”

“Has anyone seen mine?”

As everyone started reminding each other, they quickly found their respective bananas.

“Make sure to take an even number of suturing threads, don’t use number 2!”

Lin Baici saw that almost everyone was nervous and reassured them: “I just went through this rule contamination the day before yesterday. It’s simple. Just do as I say, and you’ll live.”

These college students weren’t medical students, and their skills were not precise. Using number 2 thread, although painless, had too high a chance of failure.

“Ah? You mean, if we fail, we’ll die?”

Cui Ying’s words scared many girls into crying.

“Lin Baici, can you come over here?”

Cai Wenqi pleaded.

Although it wasn’t her request, Cai Wenqi was caught in rule contamination while trying to help, so Lin Baici agreed to her request.

Seeing this, others also quickly understood that Lin Baici was the key to passing the test, so they started shouting.

“Lin Baici, please come over and give me some guidance!”

“Lin Baici, I need guidance too!””Do you have a way to help me stop the bleeding?”

Most of the cries were from girls.

Cai Wenqi was worried that Lin Baici would walk away. When she saw him coming over to stand by her side, she didn’t know why, but a strong sense of security suddenly emerged.

“Listen to my words carefully!”

“The distance between each stitch must not exceed one millimeter; if it does, scars will remain on your body.”

“Once you’ve stitched a spot, don’t go back and re-stitch it, or it will also leave a scar!”


Lin Baici urged.

Someone made a stitch, then screamed out in pain.

It hurts! It hurts too much!

This isn’t like stitching a banana, it’s like stitching oneself!

Many girls immediately started crying. There was no helping it; most of them had been pampered all their lives and had never suffered like this!

Cai Wenqi pierced the banana peel with a needle and cried out in pain, tears suddenly welling up in her eyes.


It’s too painful!

When Cai Wenqi saw Lin Baici on Thursday night, although he had scabs on his body, his face was calm. She had thought that the rule contamination incident was a minor one, but now it seemed that Lin Baici was just too strong.

This thing felt like a thousand arrows piercing the heart. How could one endure it?

Cai Wenqi felt that if she could get through this ordeal, even if she were to be executed by traitors in the future, she would face death unflinchingly.

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