Chapter 207 – Twenty-sided dice

At 8 o’clock in the evening, Annan returned home and found that no one was in the living room. The lights were not even turned on, only a few mechanical spiders responsible for cleaning were crawling around. They quickly returned to their nests to recharge when they heard footsteps.


Annan called out, but there was no response.

Since her birth, Pancake had been taking care of her. Besides his forever young and tender face that made people jealous, he had always fulfilled his duties as a butler perfectly and never neglected them.

She had asked Pancake to stay at home and watch over the new staff members. How could he disappear?

A hint of alertness rose in Annan’s heart. Could it be that those people had found a way to release themselves from the control of the contract paper and secretly got rid of Pancake?

She took off her boots and walked on the wooden floor in her stockings without making any sound. She held a miracle spell in her hand and searched for traces in the house.

Soon, she discovered light coming from the Fun Game Room. As she approached, she heard the voices of the new residents inside.

“It’s almost done, it’s almost ready!” It was Asho’s voice.

“I’m almost done too.” Igura’s voice was filled with excitement.

“I also…” Harvey’s tone sounded as if a corpse was speaking, but there was a hint of passion.

“Goo… Come on, I’m ready! Let’s combine together!”

Pancake was inside too!

And what kind of conversation was this!

What are you going to combine together!

You are all men, how can four of you combine together!

Don’t just take advantage of Pancake because he’s so cute!

“What are you guys doing—”

Annan tightened her spell and pushed open the door, mentally prepared to rescue the defiled Pancake.

Then she saw four adults and a child inside assembling a dark building block castle over one meter tall.

Pancake, Harvey, Igura, Asho, and Lis all turned their heads and blinked their eyes when they saw Annan. Pancake, who was responsible for assembling the middle part, immediately stood up. “Miss, you’re back so early?”

“…Seriously, what are you guys doing?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Asho spread his hands. “We’re assembling the ‘Sky Curtain Castle’.”

Of course, Annan recognized this building block castle.

When she was a child, her father bought many of these types of complex and high-end building block toys. Several times, he wanted to pull Annan to assemble the Sky Curtain Castle together, but Annan had no interest in such toys. Therefore, these building blocks were left in the Fun Game Room. After Annan became the head of the funeral service at the age of twelve, she never entered the game room again.

“…Why did you suddenly become interested in playing with building blocks?”

Asho looked at Igura. “I saw that Igura still had a childlike heart and was playing with Lis, so I pulled everyone in. I didn’t expect Male Veela to be so soft-hearted…”

Igura’s face turned red. “I just saw that Lis had been playing for so long and couldn’t figure it out. I couldn’t bear to see it, so I taught her how to play! Actually, I was planning to leave, but Asho, you brought everyone here so enthusiastically. In order to take care of your experience, I stayed…”

“Rubbish, when I made a mistake in assembling just now, you scolded me so harshly. That’s called taking care of my experience?” Asho covered Lis’s ears.

Annan was a little confused and asked, “So… you guys were just playing with building blocks?”

“Yes, Miss.” Pancake nodded slightly and took out a pocket watch. “It’s almost… Why is it already 8 o’clock!?”

“Come to think of it, it seems to be dark outside…”

“No wonder I’m a little hungry. I thought my breakfast digested quickly.”

“Daddy, I’m too hungry to walk.”

“Let Aunt Bokin carry you.” Asho teased and turned to look at the “Sky Curtain Castle” behind him. “Shouldn’t we take a photo to commemorate it? After all, it took us the whole day…”

Igura said coldly, “I don’t have the habit of leaving image data—”

Asho thought Igura was going to refuse, but then he heard the latter change his tone. “But my record in the Kingdom of Gospel is clean, so taking photos shouldn’t be a problem.”

The leader of the heresy blinked in surprise and looked at the fraudster. The latter turned his head and seemed to be explaining something to someone. “And this castle is quite spectacular…”

“Miss Annan, can I trouble you for a moment?” Harvey took out a catnip cigarette and held it in his mouth without lighting it.”Of course, no problem.” The Purple Moth summoned her Gospel Book and then extended her index and thumb fingers, forming a frame with her hands, capturing a picture of the five of them and the Sky City inside.

In the next second, this scene appeared in her Gospel Book. She handed the Gospel Book to them in reverse, saying, “This way, your Gospel Books will also have this photo. I suggest you can create an album in the Gospel Book and put important photos in it…”

“These kinds of photos are not considered important.” Igura quickly left. Asho held Lis’s hand and followed to find something to eat. Harvey went to the balcony to smoke. Pancake stayed behind and said, “Miss, do you need me to prepare dinner for you?”

“Eat, you can take care of their dinner.”

Pancake nodded and ordered takeout from the Gospel Book.

Yes, the Gospel Rings provided to Asho and the others were actually a castrated or ‘collector’s edition’ version.

The real Gospel props had long integrated multimedia functions, such as accessing the curtain, instant messaging, watching videos, participating in forum discussions, and ordering takeout. The luxurious accessories like the Gospel Rings, which could only open the Gospel Book, were actually a display of status.

Just like how you could know the time by opening the Gospel Book, but there were still people who would specifically buy a watch – Pancake was one of those people, he thought pocket watches were cool. Therefore, there were also many wealthy people who liked to buy these Gospel Rings, Gospel Bracelets, and even Gospel Glasses that could only open the Gospel Book.

As for why only Asho and the others were allowed to open the Gospel Book… of course, it was to prevent them from having contact with the outside world, while also letting them experience the charm of the Gospel Book.

Humans are social animals, and communication is an extension of boundaries. When you see news from thousands of miles away, you are in that place; when you communicate with others on the curtain, you are not alone; when you see the real-time information flow of thousands of people in the Gospel Kingdom, your room becomes the entire country.

Conversely, when they cannot leave and cannot communicate with the outside world, this house becomes their world.

Their vision is limited within the four walls, and their ambitions cannot reach a broader world. Naturally, they can only focus their attention internally.

Just like how ancient palaces often bred conspiracies and banquets were full of deceit, Annan had long anticipated that Asho and the others would conspire against her – or rather, this was the result she expected.

The more they made secret moves, the more obedient they appeared on the surface.

With the constraints of the Contract Weaving Paper, Annan was not afraid of their rebellion. On the contrary, the more they thought day and night about how to deal with her, the happier Annan became, because it meant they were wasting their energy in useless places.

Conspiracy and suspicion are twins, and the shadow of revenge is called shortsightedness.

When each of them is occupied by negative emotions, Annan will find a way to sow discord, please some, suppress others, and easily divide them, strengthening her control over them, using palace intrigue to consume their vitality.

Although they had initially seen through her tricks, Annan never gave up on dominating these exotic people. She just made her plans longer, more secretive, and more difficult to resist.

But no matter what, the first step was to fill their hearts with negative energy.

Annan went to the Mermaid Palace today, intentionally leaving them space to act freely. She had thought that when she returned home, these new employees might not give her a good face, or perhaps they would greet her with smiles, and there might even be someone who would surrender to her.

She had prepared for everything, but she was still caught off guard by this group of people playing with building blocks.

Why are you all playing with building blocks so happily together!

The five of you combined are over a hundred years old!

Aren’t you worried about your future? Don’t you desire the wishes of the Divine Lord? Don’t you want to resist the constraints of the Contract Weaving Paper? I’ve worked so hard to give you the opportunity to connect with each other, and yet you’re playing with building blocks and even dragging Pancake into it!

Annan lowered her head and looked at the photo in the Gospel Book. The five of them stood in front of the Sky City, Pancake stood upright, Harvey smoked, Igura hesitated, Asho squatted down and made a V gesture, and Lis, although she didn’t understand, also made a V gesture with him…

Who is the one who made this stagnant water lively?

The Purple Moth swept her gaze over the faces of the new employees, and her gaze finally stopped on Asho and Lis.

The takeout arrived quickly, and the drone thoughtfully placed the hot Lalafell on the dining table. Asho had just sat down and stood up again, saying, “Leave some of the Red Flame Lalafell for me, I’m going to-“

“Stop, don’t say it, go quickly, no one is competing with you.” Igura decisively interrupted Asho’s curse.

Lis, who was hungry, couldn’t wait and took out a piece of cake from the takeout and stuffed it into her mouth, getting cream all over her mouth. Igura gently said, “Lis, eat the dessert after the main course. Here, eat the Lalafell first.”

Igura took the initiative to pick up a knife and fork and divided the most delicious food. One portion for Harvey, one for himself, one for Pancake, and one for Lis. After dividing it up, they were done.

“Aunt Bokin, you’re targeting Dad again…”

“If you don’t eat it, give it to me. I’ll bear the injustice.” Igura looked around and threatened Harvey and Pancake with his gaze.Harvey didn’t mind and started eating heartily.

Pancake seemed to have no appetite, but he politely licked the Lalafell.

Lis thought for a moment, deciding it would be better to eat it herself than to give it to Igura, so she started to feast.

“Are you having fun?”

Lis was taken aback, turning her head to see the Observer sitting in Asho’s seat. Just as she was about to speak, the Observer raised his finger, “Speak in your mind, I can hear you.”

「Happy!」Lis said in her mind:「Observer brother, you’re so amazing, can’t other people see you?」

“Just like Diya, no one else can see me except you.” The Observer leaned over to smell the scent of the Lalafell, “Speaking of which, where’s the witch?”

「Princess sister? She’s arguing in my mind about switching people.」Lis:「But let me finish eating first.」

“Right, it’s indeed time to switch, after all, the next activity is quite violent and bloody, not suitable for you, Lis.”

「What activity?」

“Before that, let’s settle your entertainment results for today!”

The Observer turned his hand and pulled out a twenty-sided dice.

He gently tossed it, and the dice rolled a few times on the dining table, finally stopping at 8.

“Today’s entertainment activity is rated as extraordinary, +7 points; Lis, you’re in a good mood, +5 points; Lis, you have a luck check +10, you can roll an extra ten-sided dice for bonus points……”

The Observer lightly tapped, and the twenty-sided dice instantly turned into a ten-sided dice, gently rolling and stopping at 3.

“Your points for today are 7+5+3=15 points, the Joyful Prince’s points are only 8, so Lis, you have won the Joyful Prince’s appreciation today, and gained 150% Fist Claw Sect experience.”

As soon as the Observer’s words fell, Lis felt as if ice cream had melted in her mind, and sweet knowledge continuously flowed into her mind.

She was stunned for a moment, then suddenly picked up a stainless steel spoon, staring at her reflection on it.

Then she put on a serious expression, staring straight at the Observer:「Why do I feel like I’m absorbing knowledge in the Virtual Realm? Observer, who exactly are you?」

“Is it the witch? Actually, I prefer chatting with little witches.” The Observer leisurely said: “In short, I arranged for you to play for your own good, after all, you can’t practice normally in this state, it’s not just to toy with you – at least not all the reason.”

「Not all, then what’s the proportion?」

“About 76.85%… But that’s not the point.” The Observer clapped his hands: “The entertainment is over, the next part is the main event, which is just suitable for you, the witch, to complete.”

Diya was a bit nervous:「What task?」

“Battle.” The Observer uttered a cruel word.

「Observer, you should know that I have no combat power in this state——」

“But I want you to fight.” The Observer said coldly: “You know, this is not an order, but you can’t refuse.”

Diya took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to argue:「Who’s the target?」

“The target is……”

The Observer raised his hand.

Pointing at the restroom that was currently in use.

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