Chapter 200 – Council of Eight Nations

“Your Majesty, what has happened here?” The commotion caused by Saga’s battle with the Sapphire Dragon had drawn the attention of nearby kin, such as a certain Dragon Vein Storm Giant.

By the time the Dragon Vein Giant, Addison, arrived, the battle had already concluded. Saga was inquiring about the origins of the Sapphire Dragon, the two dragons conversing under the night sky until the arrival of the Dragon Vein Giant. At first glance, Saga showed no reaction, for he was the creator of this being. However, the Sapphire Dragon immediately bared her teeth and crouched low, ready for battle.

“What is this hideous thing!”

The Sapphire Dragon glared straight at the Dragon Vein Giant, growling lowly as the psychic spines on her tail tensed.

She was appalled by the ugliness.

Despite its formidable strength, the Dragon Vein Giant’s appearance was undeniably at the bottom tier of both dragon and giant aesthetics, highly displeasing to the eye.

“Hideous thing, what kind of monster are you?”

Addison understood Dragon Tongue.

After hearing the Sapphire Dragon’s growl, the Dragon Vein Giant fell silent for a few seconds, then cast a malevolent glance. However, out of respect for Saga’s presence, it did not lash out, merely snorting dismissively without answering the Sapphire Dragon’s growling question.

This Dragon Vein Giant was now stronger than an ordinary dragon of the same rank.

Thus, it held no reverence for the common dragon kind.

Loyalty to Saga, reverence for Saga, did not mean it would revere other dragons unless they demonstrated a power worthy of respect.


A giant with the scent of dragon kind.

Sensing an aura similar to Saga’s on the Dragon Vein Giant, the Sapphire Dragon gradually calmed down, a shocking hypothesis forming in her mind.

She looked towards the Golden Dragon and asked:

“Is this ugly fellow your Storm Giant transformed by the Dragon Vein?”

Saga nodded, “Yes, quite rare, isn’t it?”

Rare was an understatement!

The Sapphire Dragon had never seen, no, not even heard of such a thing.

Now knowing that the giant was not an enemy but a loyal kin to Saga, the Sapphire Dragon relaxed somewhat, her battle stance fading as she asked in puzzlement, “How did you manage this?”

Truth be told.

Though the Dragon Vein Giant was ugly, the Sapphire Dragon wouldn’t mind having such a kin under her command.

For a giant, taming a True Dragon was a great honor, envied by all their kin.

Apart from the White Dragon, almost no True Dragon could be tamed by giants, and even White Dragons could only be tamed during the Hatchling or Young Dragon stages. Adolescent White Dragons would rather die than be domesticated by giants.

Conversely, enslaving a giant as kin was considered a notable achievement among dragon kind.

But this was equally difficult, as giants would rather die than submit.

The Sapphire Dragon’s gaze swept over the Dragon Vein Giant, reflecting the purple-black skin and the faint patterns of lightning and storms.

And this was no ordinary giant.

A Storm Giant, the foremost of the true giants.

“Simple, a shake of my dragon form did the trick.”

Explaining the whole cause and effect would be troublesome, so Saga casually brushed off the question.

The Sapphire Dragon’s eyes flickered, not pressing further.

She changed the subject, addressing Saga, “Upon hearing of your title as King of the Near Seas, I also heard that the human duchies of the Near Seas seem to be preparing to crusade against you.”

Hearing this, the Golden Dragon’s gaze narrowed slightly, “I am aware.”

“You don’t seem concerned,” the Sapphire Dragon said seriously, “There are many human duchies here. If they unite for a crusade, it could be a formidable force.”

The Golden Dragon’s expression remained calm, “Is that so? I don’t think so.”

“Just a rabble.”

“No matter how numerous, insects are still insects.”

After a pause, Saga looked up at the endless night sky, gazing at the stars, his voice deep, “Even if they abandon the idea of crusading against me, this matter won’t end there. Since they’ve bestowed upon me the title of King of the Near Seas, heh, how could I let them down? I will show these insignificant creatures the wrath of a dragon’s thunder, the flames that have been ignited in my heart can only be quenched by death.”

Saga originally had no intention of dealing with the Near Seas nations.

But since they saw him as a threat and were itching for a fight, Saga would not stand idly by.

Rather than dealing with them one by one, Saga thought to wait until they gathered together and sweep them away in one fell swoop. However, if the Near Seas nations ultimately gave up, he wouldn’t mind spending a bit more time and effort to break them one by one, solidifying his title as King of the Near Seas and casting his shadow over the entire Near Seas region between Yar Continent and the Whirlpool Sea.

Listening to the Golden Dragon’s resolute and domineering words, the Sapphire Dragon’s heart pounded.

Ah, he’s just a young dragon, stay calm.

Using her psychic abilities to soothe her emotions, the Sapphire Dragon thought for a moment and warned, “The strongest human duchy among the Near Seas nations, I’ve heard, once had a legendary figure who may not have fallen but is no longer active in the public eye.”

Pausing, she said earnestly:

“Saga, I’ve sensed your uniqueness, but you’re still no match for a legend. You might defeat their crusading army, but attracting the attention of a legendary figure is not a good thing.”

Legend and non-legend, it’s a huge divide.

Any transcendent being stepping into legend undergoes a transformation, a leap in life, with a chasm as wide as the heavens between the ninth rank and legend.

Saga shook his head, calmly saying, “I’m aware of all that.”

The legendary figure the Sapphire Dragon mentioned, the shadow active in the outside world, had already relayed related information.

The strongest human duchy in the Near Seas, Tevel Duchy, had a former duke who reached legend, then gradually ceded power to his offspring, stepping down from his position and disappearing from the public eye.

One of the two ninth-rank powerhouses currently in Tevel Duchy was the former duke’s disciple.

“Knowing this, you should avoid the limelight for now.”

The Sapphire Dragon advised.

Although warlike, the Sapphire Dragon was not one to blindly engage in a losing battle. All Sapphire Dragons were strategists, and avoiding the limelight was also a battle strategy when facing a powerful enemy.

And it wasn’t just the Sapphire Dragon.

Dragons, though generally arrogant, were rarely foolish. Unless cornered into a desperate fight, they would choose to retreat when facing an insurmountable foe.

“You’re mistaken, it’s the Near Seas nations that should be avoiding the limelight.”

“But they chose to confront me, and I will make them pay the price.”

Saga grinned, still confident even after hearing there might be a legendary figure among them.

He wasn’t blindly arrogant; he truly had the confidence.

The Golden Dragonfather had given him the Golden Radiance Aegis Shield, which he still had one use of.

The Red Dragoness had given him the Hellfire Blood Spear, which he hadn’t used yet.

Saga felt that if he reached legend without using these, it would be a waste, as there would be no more opportunities to use them. And with his growth rate, it wouldn’t take long to become a legend. Even if he didn’t reach it in his adolescent stage, stepping into the realm of legend in his youth was a certainty, so it was best to have the chance to use them before then.

This time was quite the opportunity.

If the enemy was strong enough to push Saga into a corner, then congratulations, they would have the chance to witness the protective spells given to his offspring by a demigod dragon.

“You have a trump card that allows you to face legends without changing your expression.”

Looking at the resolute Golden Dragon, the Sapphire Dragon speculated thoughtfully.

Saga smiled slightly, not responding to the Sapphire Dragon’s guess.

The sound of the waves grew louder as a strong wind whipped up the sea, causing the waves to surge tumultuously.

The Golden Dragon listened to the sound of the waves, suspended in the air, bathed in moonlight, his gaze sweeping over the vast ocean.

“Near Seas nations, you’d better come quickly.”

“Otherwise, what was meant to be a crusade against me will turn into a war for your own lands.”

Saga murmured to himself.

Not to mention, with Saga’s growing fame as King of the Near Seas, the human duchies, in their cleverness, were now inadvertently driving more and more monstrous tribes to seek refuge in the Grayrock Archipelago. If more time passed, beings like the Sapphire Dragon would become more numerous.

Even without revealing his trump card, ordinary duchies were already no match for Saga.

And his power was still expanding.


In a small space created by magic, eight magical projections formed a circle, communicating with each other. Each projection was dressed in exquisite finery, exuding the dignified air of high-ranking nobility.

These were the rulers of the Near Seas Eight.

Soon, Duke Raymond’s deep voice broke the silence:

“The last time we convened was to deal with a pirate commodore who brought his fleet to the Near Seas, and we, the navies of the nine nations, joined forces to repel him.”

“But this time. As the council begins, the council of nine has become the council of eight.”

Pola Duchy was also one of the Near Seas nations, but since it had submitted to the King of the Near Seas and was ruled by a dragon, it was naturally excluded from participating in this council and was not recognized.

“What are you all hesitating for?”

Duke Cassel continued, “I believe you’ve also detected that more and more monsters are gathering towards the Grayrock Archipelago, joining the King of the Near Seas.”

“If we let this continue, in a short while, it won’t be us crusading against the King of the Near Seas, but the King of the Near Seas invading us.”

“Do you really want to start a war on your own lands? To put your citizens in danger and fear?”

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