Chapter 203 – Lin Baici hides his wealth

College is different from high school; the counselors are much more hands-off, leaving it to the students to be self-disciplined.

Although some professors take attendance, students can have someone else call out ‘present’ for them, or if they can manage to pass the final assessment without failing, or simply don’t care, they can choose not to attend classes.

Skipping classes is a common occurrence for college students, but ultimately, it’s not a good practice.

Liu Yu’s shout was deliberate, aimed at tarnishing Lin Baici’s reputation among his peers by casting a stain on his image.

Lin Baici frowned. He had been crouching, ready to slip out the back door, but upon hearing this, he straightened up and looked at Liu Yu.

In that instant, Lin Baici’s gaze was sharp as a knife.

Liu Yu shivered, taken aback by the oppressive force in Lin Baici’s eyes. Being stared at by him felt like being targeted by a ferocious beast.

It reminded him of the time when he was a child, encountering a large black dog in an alley. Although he wasn’t bitten, he never walked that way again after that incident.

“Old Bai, aren’t you having stomach troubles? Go ahead!”

Qian Jiahui spoke up, “When the teacher comes back, I’ll ask for leave on your behalf!”

“Liu Yu, you’re such a busybody. Old Bai has a stomachache and needs to use the restroom, does he need to report to you?”

Zhang Zhixu looked down on Liu Yu. This guy was impossible to deal with!

In front of the entire classroom of two classes, you mention skipping class, what are you trying to do?

It was lucky that the professor had gone to the restroom to smoke. If he had been playing with his phone in the hallway, Liu Yu’s remark would have put Lin Baici on the teacher’s radar, and he would have had no chance to skip class in the future.

Unless he didn’t care about the grade for this course.

Liu Yu didn’t expect Qian Jiahui to take the fall for Lin Baici, and Zhang Zhixu’s words were so harsh they made him lose face.

Damn it.

What’s so great about Lin Baici?

My dad is a section chief!

Liu Yu couldn’t understand why Qian Jiahui was so good to Lin Baici. Based on family background, he was the one worth befriending.

“Liu Yu, watch your mouth. Mind your own business when it comes to my affairs. You’re not qualified!”

Lin Baici’s tone was icy. After speaking, he nodded to Qian Jiahui and then left the classroom. He didn’t leave immediately but went to find the professor to ask for leave.

Liu Yu hung his head, pretending to read a book. This time, his attempt to cause trouble backfired.

Lin Baici left the school gate, hailed a taxi, and headed straight for Haijing Medical University. On the way, he received a WeChat message from Gu Qingxiang.

Gu Qingxiang: Are you free tonight? I’m making dumplings, come over and eat?

Lin Baici had planned to stay at the Medical University until the next morning, but upon hearing this, he immediately changed his mind.


Lin Baici replied. He couldn’t miss out on the counselor’s lovingly made dumplings.

During lunch, the girls gathered together, and naturally, the topic was about Lin Baici.

“So the class president can lose his temper too!”

Liu Zilu thought about Lin Baici’s stern expression when he looked at Liu Yu that morning and couldn’t help but feel excited: “So manly!”

“It seems you like the domineering CEO type!”

Zhou Zhou teased, “Too bad Lin Baici has no money. His threats are just bluster, with no real power behind them!”

Ji Xinyan glanced at Zhou Zhou.

No money?

Which Lin Baici are you talking about?


Zhou Zhou, your way of judging men will surely lead to losses in the future!

Ji Xinyan wanted to tell Zhou Zhou, do you know why Qian Jiahui speaks up for Lin Baici?

If you understood, you wouldn’t dare to look down on Lin Baici anymore.

“I heard Liu Yu’s father is a civil servant, and his position isn’t low!”

Tao Nai revealed.

“Heard? More like Liu Yu deliberately spread it himself.”

Ji Xinyan was disdainful. It had only been a month since school started, and everyone was still unfamiliar with each other. How could such a topic have spread? It was obviously leaked by Liu Yu on purpose.

This guy, unremarkable in appearance, but with deep schemes.

“What about Lin Baici?”

Zhou Zhou was curious.

“I don’t know, but judging by his clothes, his family seems to be just average!”

Liu Zilu often browsed Xiaohongshu and recognized those high-end clothes and bags. Although students who had them weren’t necessarily rich, as they might have bought them on credit, those without them definitely didn’t come from wealthy families.


Pei Fei thought of the two Disneyland tickets Lin Baici had promised her and suddenly felt they were burning a hole in her pocket.

Could it be that the class president bought them with money from a part-time job?

Then I’d better not accept them.


Considering how casually Lin Baici agreed, the money must have come easily, right?

Pei Fei was somewhat confused, but she still sent Lin Baici a message.

Pei Fei: I’ll take good care of the class funds. You can keep the tickets; I’m not interested in Disneyland.

Lin Baici: ???

Lin Baici, currently on the campus of the Medical University, was puzzled. What did she mean by that?

Pei Fei: Thanks for your kindness, class president.

Lin Baici: If you don’t like to play, then let’s eat. Western or Chinese cuisine? You choose, and I’ll book a table for you.

Pei Fei: No need! No need!

Lin Baici didn’t want to fuss: Then let’s go for Western cuisine. I’ll book a table for you at Bailu Alley, a meal for two. Bring a friend when you go.

Lin Baici knew girls loved to eat this kind of food, or rather, loved to take photos and post them on social media.

As for the restaurant, he had dined there with Jin Yingzhen.

Lin Baici: I’m busy, so let’s set the dining time for next Sunday!

Pei Fei: Class president, you’re too polite.

Pei Fei sent several messages, but Lin Baici didn’t reply, which made her anxious. It seemed like she was taking advantage of him.


Then I’ll just go!

It’s just a meal, after all.

I can afford it.

“Pei Fei, what are you thinking about?”

Bai Jiao didn’t want to discuss such topics; they were completely uninteresting.

“Do any of you know about the Bailu Alley restaurant?”

Pei Fei asked casually.

Zhou Zhou and Tao Nai didn’t know about it, so they looked at Ji Xinyan, who was the most knowledgeable about food and entertainment.

“I told you to download Xiaohongshu; you’d know everything then.”

Liu Zilu took a sip of her porridge. “Bailu Alley is the best French restaurant in Haijing, where you can eat the most authentic French cuisine, like truffles, foie gras, and snails.”

“Snails? What the hell?”

Zhou Zhou was shocked. Could that even be eaten?

“Don’t you also eat luosifen?”

Liu Zilu retorted.

Pei Fei swallowed: “From what you’re saying, this restaurant sounds expensive?”

“Two thousand per person, and you need to book a table in advance!”

Liu Zilu had always wanted to go there, okay, she wanted to go there to take photos and check in, but it was too expensive. She thought about finding some ‘socialites’ to split the bill, but she had just arrived in Haijing and didn’t understand the market, fearing she might get ripped off.

“Two thousand?”

Pei Fei was stunned.

Double that, and it’s my dad’s monthly salary.

She quickly opened WeChat and messaged Lin Baici!

Pei Fei: Class president, I like Disneyland, I don’t like eating snails!

Oh no! Oh no!

Please don’t let Lin Baici think I’m trying to take advantage of his money.


I really don’t understand!

One meal could buy three Disneyland tickets.

Lin Baici: You choose, let me know when you’ve decided!

Lin Baici truly didn’t care; he was now earning a monthly salary of 8.33 million, with a daily income of nearly 280,000. He didn’t care about the price at all.

Pei Fei: I choose Disneyland!

This answer was quick and decisive. After all, who would dare to choose that restaurant?

It’s too expensive.

After this meal, Pei Fei felt like she would owe Lin Baici, and for the next four years of college, she couldn’t escape being exploited.

“Whoever invites me to Bailu Alley for a French meal, I’ll bring my own Okamoto!”

After Liu Zilu said this, Ji Xinyan burst into laughter.

Zhou Zhou and Tao Nai didn’t get the joke because they didn’t know what Liu Zilu was referring to.

Bai Jiao rolled her eyes; she understood but didn’t like this kind of joke.

“Pei Fei, why did you suddenly bring up Bailu Alley? And you started messaging right after hearing about it. Don’t tell me a guy is inviting you there for dinner?”

Liu Zilu was curious and even leaned over Zhou Zhou to peek at Pei Fei’s phone.

“No! No!”

Pei Fei quickly locked her screen.

She felt that Lin Baici probably wouldn’t want others to know about this.

Where did Lin Baici get the money from?


“There’s something fishy!”

Liu Zilu flexed her wrist, sporting a spy-like sinister smile: “Looks like it’s time to interrogate you. Will you confess or not?”

“A classmate said he would treat me to a meal there!”

Pei Fei quickly begged for mercy.

“A classmate? You mean a boyfriend, right?”

Liu Zilu winked, teasing Pei Fei. Without a relationship progressing to the passionate love stage, who would invite you to such an expensive meal?

“He’s either drawing you a pie in the sky to deceive you, or he has ulterior motives!”

Bai Jiao warned Pei Fei.

“That’s right, after a man pays the price, he will definitely want to get back at least an equivalent return!”

Ji Xinyan had been to Bailu Alley for a meal. Some dishes were indeed well-made, but the prices were obviously high. It was worth going there for business or with a lover because the significance of eating there outweighed the actual food.


Pei Fei thought about it. With Lin Baici’s looks, he probably wouldn’t pursue her.

Oh my!

Could he be a hidden tycoon? Dressing so ordinarily, just to appear as an average person, looking for a girlfriend who doesn’t despise poverty and love wealth?

Pei Fei felt she had uncovered the truth.

“Speaking of which, Lin Baici does skip class quite often. He’s bound to regret it in the future.”

Zhou Zhou felt that only those with established careers like Xu Daguan had the capital to be carefree.

“Can we stop talking about him?”

Bai Jiao was annoyed.

“If not him, then who? Xu Daguan?”

Ji Xinyan couldn’t help but chuckle: “When I want to lose weight, I can mention his name a few more times!”

“That’s right, Lin Baici’s looks are at least good for eating!”

Liu Zilu chimed in. She had been thinking about posting on Xiaohongshu recently, becoming a blogger, and earning some advertising fees, but she didn’t know what to post.

Why not post the growth record of our class president?

We’re all classmates; he probably won’t sue me for violating his portrait rights, right?

In the evening, Lin Baici hurried back to the neighborhood.

Gu Qingxiang had already returned and was busy in the kitchen.

Lin Baici washed his hands and hurried in: “Do you need me to do anything?”

“Just rest on the sofa!”

Gu Qingxiang had bought some marinated dishes and was arranging them on plates.

“Shall I cook the dumplings?”

Lin Baici offered.

“No need!”

Gu Qingxiang had the air of a good wife and mother, not letting Lin Baici do any household chores.

Helpless, Lin Baici could only lie on the sofa and play with his phone.

He browsed the Origin Forum, searching for posts about Busan God’s Ruins, but found very few. In contrast, there was an abundance of information about the Qin Palace God’s Ruins.

A quarter of an hour later, the dumplings were ready.

Lin Baici enjoyed the meal heartily. After eating, he wanted to wash the dishes, but Gu Qingxiang stopped him again.

After washing the dishes, Gu Qingxiang brought out a fruit platter and sat on the sofa with Lin Baici to watch TV.


Lin Baici felt uneasy.

“Do you have something to do?”

Gu Qingxiang noticed that Lin Baici wanted to leave.


Lin Baici nodded.

“Then go!”

Gu Qingxiang looked at Lin Baici and reminded him as she saw him to the door: “Someone reported you, saying you often skip classes and don’t return at night, causing a bad influence on the whole class. Baici, you’re not just a college student but also the class president. You should set a good example!”

“Was it Liu Yu who reported me?”

Lin Baici was speechless. How would someone not from his dormitory know he didn’t return at night?

Gu Qingxiang didn’t tell Lin Baici who reported him.

“I currently have a job, and I can’t tell you the details, but I assure you, I’m doing legitimate work!”

Lin Baici looked into Gu Qingxiang’s eyes, his tone sincere.


Gu Qingxiang smiled slightly, believing in Lin Baici’s character and promise.

Lin Baici left.

Gu Qingxiang stood by the window, watching Lin Baici depart. She had planned to follow and see for herself, but ultimately she gave up.

Better not to interfere with his life.

Lin Baici sat in the taxi on his way to the Medical University, calling Xia Hongyao: “Any findings?”

“There’s a rumor recently at Haijing Normal University about a sophomore girl who committed suicide by jumping off a building. She was taken to the morgue, but then she came back to life!”

Xia Hongyao’s voice sounded like she was eating: “I’ve checked it out. The girl only has minor injuries from the fall, but I’ve also asked a few witnesses, and they confirmed she did jump.”

“Don’t act rashly. I’ll take care of this girl!”

Lin Baici estimated that this girl was connected to the ‘Organ Thief’: “What’s her name? Do you know the specifics?”

“Her name is Li Mei.”

Xia Hongyao was reliable in handling matters, having already found this basic information: “She fell in love with a senior in his third year, got pregnant, and before jumping off the building, she had just broken up and had an abortion.”

“Is she that careless with herself?”

After understanding the situation, Lin Baici decided to start his investigation with this couple.

“Is Detective Lin going to make a move?”

Xia Hongyao was looking forward to it, this time I’ll be Watson, or at the very least, Yuanfang!

“Where is that girl now? In the hospital?”

Lin Baici decided to go and see for himself.

“No, she’s still attending classes as usual!”

“That tough?”

Lin Baici was shocked. She had just lost a child and wasn’t taking a few days off to rest?

When he arrived at Haijing Normal University, he went straight to the library to meet up with Xia Hongyao.

“Do you see her? The one on the left, wearing a white hoodie!”

Xia Hongyao pointed her out to Lin Baici.

“She’s quite pretty, how could she be dumped?”

Lin Baici was surprised. She was a solid seven out of ten, and judging by her attire, she seemed like a simple girl. He hadn’t expected her to get pregnant in college.

“Maybe it’s because she doesn’t have a good figure, and she was rejected for that!”

Xia Hongyao speculated.


Hearing this, Lin Baici turned to glance at Xia Hongyao. The girl was at least a C cup; how could that be considered bad? Did she think everyone was a D cup like her?

“Lin Baici?”

Suddenly, Xia Hongyao heard someone calling Lin Baici’s name.

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