Chapter 203 – Main god’s space editor

Lu Yao began experimenting with the abilities of the tree one by one.


He first clicked on "Anchor World" followed by "(Fragment World Unnamed)".


The screen immediately switched to a pixel world in the sky, transforming into a high-angle view overlooking the continents and oceans.


As expected, "Unnamed" referred to the initial pixel world, which now belonged to the tree-top world.


He selected "Anchor World" again.


The simulator displayed:


【Detected anchorable worlds: God Bo's realm/Wuzi Wang's kingdom】


Lu Yao chose God Bo's realm.


【Do you wish to connect this world to the Silvanus Tree】


【Estimated faith consumption: 109,421 points】




These two worlds met the conditions for anchoring, overlapping with the Yao Clan's world in the tree-top realm.


Lu Yao's faith reserves were plentiful, so he wasn't concerned about the expense. However, just like shopping around for an investment property, he thought it wise to at least check out the showrooms first.


Besides, these two worlds were currently embroiled in a divine war, with harsh internal environments. Under normal circumstances, it wasn't a good time to invest.


On the Silvanus Tree, there was a white orb displaying "Fragment World Unnamed," with an option for "Rule Repair" above it.


Lu Yao double-clicked to repair.


The entire Yao Clan's world unfolded in another form.


The pixel world was crisscrossed with golden lines like latitude and longitude, some dashed, some solid, and many local areas had incomplete lines.


Lu Yao tried selecting a solid line.


The line displayed "Climate Rules," with a dense array of sub-entries like "Clear," "Rainy," "Low Temperature," "High Temperature," "Dry," "Humid"…


Each entry had many secondary phrases.


For example, under "Rainy" were related terms like "Low Temperature," "Low Light," and "Duration." A seemingly simple rain event was backed by numerous rules, triggering many associated reactions.


These intersecting trigger entries were interconnected and mutually restraining, forming a complex and tight whole.


Lu Yao tried editing the various descriptions behind the entries and found he could even delete certain phenomena or species.


However, this required a large amount of faith, with higher-tier entries costing more to modify.


For example, the secondary climate rule "Low Light" needed at least 20,000 faith to alter its mechanism, and the actual cost would be even higher with more linked entries.


To completely remove the primary entry "Rainy," one would need to burn 400,000 faith.


In the end, Lu Yao didn't touch any of them.


Setting aside the issue of cost and benefit, these rules were interconnected, and even a slight change could cause tremendous turmoil in the entire world, making it difficult to predict whether the outcome would be better or worse.


After examining it, Lu Yao felt a bit dizzy.


If one wanted to remodel a world from the inside out, the workload for a deity editing rules was not trivial.


Lu Yao clicked on a dashed line and found these were rules that were either incomplete or still evolving.


He was particularly interested in the entry "Evolution."


Within the dense tree-like subsets under "Evolution," Lu Yao immediately spotted "blackwater minks" at the forefront.




"Blackwater minks": Appeared in this world in the 2nd Epoch, year 142, not extinct.


Aliases: Mink Monster, Blackwater Worm, Alien Worm, Water Fork.


Distribution: Found along coasts on land.


Morphological characteristics: A small, aquatic Transcendent creature commonly seen by the sea, in lakes, ponds, rice fields, and wetlands. Adults are 20 to 40cm long, dark brown, with sharp mouthparts…


Feeding: Can consume various organisms, as well as some minerals.


Reproduction: Mating from spring to early summer, will also mate regardless of season when food is abundant.




Blackwater minks have derived seven new mutant subspecies, one of which caught Lu Yao's attention.




"Domesticated Dark Progeny Blackwater Mink": A subspecies of blackwater mink transformed by "Dark Sun" and "Dark Sun Dragon · Pasha," further domesticated and evolved by the Yao Clan's humans. Timid in nature, lethargic and fond of sweets, clean, requiring a certain amount of living space.




Lu Yao scratched his head.


In a short time, blackwater minks had truly become a local economic species.


He refocused his thoughts.


The crisscrossing lines of reality and illusion represented the visual display of world rules, as well as an encyclopedia describing a world.


In the Yao Clan's world, every entry was constantly evolving new content, every species, every human, every piece of land, was continuously writing its own changes.


And the many incomplete parts were the torn rules of this fragmentary world. Around the gaps, dashed lines were slowly appearing, but repair would take some time.


Fortunately, this tedious and meticulous work didn't require Lu Yao's personal effort.


Above the gaps were signs that read "Wind-up Monkey Repairing," the monkeys being the most diligent programmers in the world's backstage.


Lu Yao right-clicked to exit, returning to the Golden Plains scene.


The next step.


"Create Passage" was grayed out.


Currently, only the Yao Clan's world was on the Silvanus Tree, lacking a linked passage.


Lu Yao looked at the second-to-last ability, "Tree of Creation."


With a click of his mouse, a blank chart spread across the screen.


On the leftmost starting point of the chart, two boxes slowly emerged, each with a target symbol inside.


According to the description of the Tree of Creation, at least one creature and one fire seed item were needed to proceed with creation.


Lu Yao opened his item bar.


He had plenty of fire seed items, so choosing one for the experiment was not an issue.


He selected the "Tyrant Whale Tailbone" obtained from the snowman and placed it in one of the boxes.


Then Lu Yao returned to the Yao Clan's world and found an old Fighting Beetle that could no longer walk, aiming the target at it. Instantly, the Fighting Beetle disappeared from its spot and appeared in the box on the tree.


With "Fighting Beetle" and "Tyrant Whale Tailbone" placed, a black line connected the two boxes, which also began to emit a white glow.


The screen prompted:


【Would you like to initiate fusion?】


Lu Yao clicked yes.


As the white light shone, the Fighting Beetle and the Tyrant Whale Tailbone merged into one, the black line extending from the two boxes coalesced into a third box.


Inside was a new species.


It was more slender than the Fighting Beetle, with a pale blue carapace, triangular bony fins on its back, and a long needle-like tail resembling a scorpion's, retaining pincer-like mandibles.


Lu Yao named the new species "Aquatic Beetle."


It could live in water, and the long needle on its tail served as a breathing tube, allowing it to breathe above the surface.


What excited Lu Yao the most was that the Tree of Creation allowed him to choose one or two abilities to equip the new species with.


The "Aquatic Beetle" could be endowed with abilities from both positive and negative categories.


Positive abilities included: "Rapid Reproduction," "Intelligence," "Camouflage," "Poisoning," and "Diving."


Negative abilities included: "Timidity," "Cowardice in Battle," "Gluttony," and "Madness."


Lu Yao endowed the "Aquatic Beetle" with "Diving," to better survive in water. After all, the waterside was the territory of merfolk and Cannibal Crabs, both mature and formidable characters. It wouldn't be easy to make a living there.


After the creation, the "Aquatic Beetle" species had a complete description and panel.


The simulator displayed subtitles again.


【Please select the world where you wish to introduce this species】


Lu Yao had only one choice.


In a moment.


【Aquatic Beetle successfully integrated into the world】


Lu Yao breathed a sigh of relief.


With the Golden Plains, the main god's space editor, creating and modifying creatures was more convenient and intuitive than his previous method of fumbling from scratch, and he could also cultivate them in a targeted manner.



Finally, the main event.


Lu Yao clicked on "Set Sail."


In an instant, a dazzling star map appeared in the simulator. Amid the dark expanse dotted with twinkling stars, a small green rectangle floated in the center of the screen.


It displayed "Fragment World Unnamed," which was the current state of the Yao Clan's world.


No wonder the Forest God referred to the newcomers as "Voyagers."


Lu Yao right-clicked and selected upward, and the rectangular world indeed seemed to face forward, but it remained motionless.


Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the pixel world was stuck by a U-shaped mini-world.


This U-shaped world not only blocked the Yao Clan's world but also clung to another small triangular world. It was like a lock wrapped around a wheel, immobilizing all three.


Lu Yao went through a frenzy of operations, trying to free the pixel world, but no matter how he moved it, up, down, left, or right, he couldn't break free.


His first day on the road and already stalling dampened his mood.


What a terrible road.


Lu Yao pulled up the "True Sight Curse" and scanned the U-shaped lock and the triangular world.




"God Bo's realm"


"Godhood": Present.


"Divinity": Low as ants (44306).


"Divine Body": Among the gods (321355).




"Wuzi Wang's kingdom"


"Godhood": Present.


"Divinity": Low as ants (9306).


"Divine Body": Among the gods (41355).




So it was God Bo. The divine war hadn't ended, and He was still attacking the newly ascended deity.




This wasn't an accidental stall but a deliberate block by God Bo.


Lu Yao pinched his fingers.


Alright then.


Since He's not letting me pass, I might as well join the fray.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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