Chapter 148 – He Ju is not afraid to take action, dog bites dog

The Wharf.

Xu Le stood at the edge of the wharf with Zheng You by his side.

Zheng You gazed at the water shimmering under the neon lights, puzzled, and asked Xu Le, “Where’s the boat?”

Xu Le chuckled, “Just wait a bit longer. The agreed time was 4 a.m., and it’s not time yet.”

Zheng You glanced at his watch—it was exactly 3 a.m., still an hour to go.

Zheng You: “Alright, let’s wait then.”

After speaking, Zheng You casually found a rock to sit on, and Xu Le, after giving him a look, sat down as well.

At that moment, He Ju arrived at the wharf with his crew.

Xu Le: “Zheng You, why do you pledge loyalty to the boss?”

Zheng You, feeling the evening breeze, smiled noncommittally: “I don’t pledge loyalty to anyone. Whoever pays me, I work for them.”

Xu Le fell silent for a while before speaking up, “So, if someone offers you more money than the boss, you’d betray him?”

Zheng You glanced sideways at Xu Le: “I have principles. I’d never expose the boss’s personal secrets.”

Xu Le suddenly smiled, saying nothing.

He only believed in the saying that money makes the world go round, not in any so-called principles.

Seeing Xu Le’s disbelief, Zheng You didn’t say anything. In their line of work, trust was paramount; otherwise, he would have been dead many times over.

However, as Zheng You lowered his head to check the time, a cold blade pressed against his waist.

Without turning around, Zheng You immediately realized: “Xu Le, is this President Bai’s doing?”

Xu Le smiled: “Perhaps you have principles, but we only trust the dead.”

The expression on Zheng You’s face changed instantly: “You’d better kill me, or I won’t let you off!”

No wonder they were waiting for a boat at the wharf—it was just a pretext.

Xu Le didn’t take Zheng You’s threat seriously. Even if Zheng You wanted revenge, that would be a problem for another lifetime.

Xu Le’s eyes hardened, ready to strike, when something pressed against the back of his head. Before he could react, a cold voice commanded, “Don’t move!”

Xu Le was stunned, and Zheng You also realized what was happening. He quickly snatched the knife and, without blinking, plunged it into Xu Le’s thigh. Xu Le bit down hard, trembling violently, his face pale as snow.

He Ju laughed: “Mr. Zheng seems quite capable of taking action.”

After speaking, He Ju emerged from behind Xu Le. Xu Le finally saw He Ju’s face and the object in his hand—it wasn’t what he thought at all, just an iron rod. Had he been so scared that he couldn’t tell the difference?

Xu Le, eyes red with anger: “You tricked me?!”

He Ju smiled faintly, and Xu Le was promptly pinned to the ground, his hands and feet bound by He Ju’s men, grimacing in pain.

Xu Le tried to speak, but his mouth was stuffed with a foul cloth. He Ju looked down at him: “That thing is banned in China, brother. What were you thinking? I’m a law-abiding citizen.”

Xu Le could only mumble in protest, glaring at He Ju and the expressionless Zheng You standing beside him.

He Ju kicked Xu Le before turning to Zheng You.

Zheng You, of course, knew He Ju. He thought He Ju was just a gigolo, never expecting him to track his location and save him.

Zheng You: “I don’t believe you’d save me for no reason. If I’m not mistaken, your men must be lying in ambush around here, right? I believe I can’t escape, so why not just tell me what you want?”

He Ju was straightforward: “I’m offering you a chance for revenge.”

Zheng You: “What makes you think I’ll listen to you?”

He Ju, looking at Zheng You: “Because I think you want to live.”

After a pause, He Ju added with a smile: “Of course, if you don’t, I can help you right now.”

Although He Ju was smiling, Zheng You knew every word he said was true.

He was the enemy seeking to kill He Ju and his wife. Why would He Ju save him?

If he didn’t go, he’d face certain death. If he went, there was a glimmer of hope!

He Ju was right; Zheng You wanted to live.

It seemed He Ju had known his background before coming and had quickly thought of a countermeasure.

Zheng You picked up a guitar case from the ground: “I have one condition.”

He Ju watched him quietly, showing no immediate intention to agree.

Zheng You: “Don’t worry, it won’t be difficult for you. I just want Xu Le.”

Zheng You was a man who believed in revenge. Since Xu Le wanted to kill him, he couldn’t blame Zheng You for retaliating.

He Ju nodded: “We’ll talk after we leave.”

He didn’t want to get involved in a case; it was bad luck.

Zheng You: “You can rest assured, I won’t implicate you.”

He Ju to Zheng You: “I hope you keep your word, because if I can find out about you, I can find out about them too.”

Zheng You’s heart tightened. Could He Ju also find out about his wife and son?

Zheng You didn’t dare to gamble: “He Ju, you must keep your promise!”

He Ju: “Like you, I’m a man with principles.”

He Ju’s principle was his wife and family.

If Bai Shangmo hadn’t caused this mess, he would have merely expelled them from the country, but now it was different.

He Ju: “Leave at six.”

With that, He Ju left without a second glance at Zheng You, taking his men with him.

What happened next was no longer his concern.

Xu Le writhed in terror on the ground. Zheng You didn’t rush to kill him; instead, he waited until dawn broke, people appeared on the sea, and the clock struck six. Then, Zheng You shot Xu Le between the eyes.

Afterward, Zheng You’s figure swiftly vanished from the wharf.

At seven in the morning, the police received an emergency call and rushed to the scene.

At the same time, another call came in to 110, prompting the armed police, criminal police, and emergency medical services to deploy simultaneously.

Meanwhile, Bai Shangmo sat in his study, inexplicably anxious.

Xu Le’s phone was unreachable, likely indicating trouble. But for safety’s sake, he had only sent Xu Le, knowing Zheng You was always on high alert. Xu Le had always been the one to deal with Zheng You, so Bai Shangmo dared not involve others, fearing it would raise Zheng You’s suspicions.

As dawn approached, Bai Shangmo couldn’t wait any longer. He dressed and was about to leave when, just as he opened the door, a long-barreled gun was aimed at his head.

Bai Shangmo was forced to retreat repeatedly: “Zheng You?”

Zheng You looked at Bai Shangmo expressionlessly: “You broke our agreement, President Bai. I have my rules. You failed to kill me, sealing your fate with the wrong choice.”

After speaking, Zheng You pulled the trigger without hesitation.

But Bai Shangmo ducked swiftly, rolling behind a desk and firing a shot at Zheng You with his pistol.

The bodyguards patrolling the villa were momentarily stunned before rushing towards Bai Shangmo’s room at full speed.

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