Chapter 89 – Realizing it too late

Back then… how should I put it, the envy of all the girls in the first year gave her a strong sense of satisfaction. Everyone wanted what she had, and she didn’t have to do anything to get it.

Xie Shu treated her exceptionally well, often buying her little gifts. He never hid it, always giving them to her openly, and everyone could see it. This made the other girls even more envious of her. During that time, she felt like she was floating on air.

She never refused anything Xie Shu gave her, and later, she waited for his second confession.

He found her privately again, without putting any pressure on her, but she was still incredibly nervous. When she heard his confession, her mind went blank. Although she had received many confessions from boys in middle school, only when facing Xie Shu did she become so nervous that she couldn’t think.

At that time, they had only been in their first year of high school for a few weeks, and most of the students were still getting to know each other. There weren’t any couples in their entire grade yet. In the end, after hesitating for a long time, she rejected him, saying it felt too soon.

She regretted it as soon as she said it, but couldn’t find the words to take it back.

Xie Shu’s reaction surprised her. After being rejected, he scratched his head awkwardly and said, “How about we spend more time together and see?” She didn’t refuse.

After that, Xie Shu treated her even better, making the other girls even more envious. Her friends couldn’t stop expressing their envy whenever they talked about her.

Throughout high school, she was always envied by her classmates and pampered by Xie Shu.

Xie Shu was really great in every way. She knew he was popular and that many girls liked him. Anyone could have been the one, but why was he so good to Ruan Nianxi?

Ruan Nianxi… she just couldn’t stand her!

In high school, Ruan Nianxi was even more famous than she was.

She had heard about Ruan Nianxi during military training. She was beautiful and had a cold personality, ignoring anyone who tried to talk to her. Yet, she was very popular among the boys, who often called her the school flower.

Although they were in different classes, she heard Ruan Nianxi’s name so often that she got tired of it.

But the same girl who ignored everyone would wait for Xie Shu after school every day, eating and going home with him. Her attitude towards Xie Shu was completely different from her attitude towards others.

Before she had any contact with Xie Shu, she always thought he liked Ruan Nianxi.

It wasn’t until Xie Shu confessed to her that she asked about their relationship. Xie Shu told her they were childhood friends, which put her at ease.

Later, she forgot which week it was, but during a break, she suddenly felt unwell. Xie Shu came out of the line and carried her to the infirmary, staying with her the whole time.

She didn’t think much of it, but after the break, Ruan Nianxi suddenly appeared in the infirmary, giving her a cold look that made her uncomfortable.

She thought that was the end of it, but she started running into Ruan Nianxi more often at school. Every time, Ruan Nianxi would give her a hateful look, especially after she interacted with Xie Shu.

Since she wasn’t familiar with Ruan Nianxi, she didn’t take it seriously until Xie Shu confessed to her a third time. They were in a secluded corner, and she was nervously hesitating about what to say. Before she could speak, Ruan Nianxi appeared out of nowhere.

Ruan Nianxi walked up to them, looking even angrier than before. Both of them felt awkward, and it wasn’t until the bell rang that they went back to their classrooms.

What happened next was unexpected. Ruan Nianxi started following Xie Shu everywhere. She would wait for him outside their classroom during breaks, and if he didn’t come out, she would wait outside by herself.

These were just the surface interactions. In private, Ruan Nianxi caused her a lot of trouble. She even tried to give her a bank card several times, telling her to disappear from Xie Shu’s life and not to interact with him.

By then, she should have realized Ruan Nianxi’s feelings for Xie Shu.

She was angry about it but also found it funny.

Because Xie Shu didn’t like Ruan Nianxi. Even though she was his little shadow, Xie Shu still kept his distance from her to avoid misunderstandings.

After Xie Shu completely ignored Ruan Nianxi, she looked even angrier every time she saw her. Sometimes they would run into each other on the way to and from school, and Ruan Nianxi would always have a sour face, as if afraid others wouldn’t notice.

Although Ruan Nianxi never did anything to harm her, everyone could see what was happening. Over time, it became awkward for her too. Eventually, Xie Shu privately asked Ruan Nianxi to stop bothering her, and after that, Ruan Nianxi avoided her.

Even though there was no real conflict between them, she always knew she had won in the end.

So what if Ruan Nianxi was the school flower, the top student, and the cold goddess?

Someone like that was still jealous of her. In their second year, Ruan Nianxi was so consumed by jealousy that she couldn’t stand it and hit her.

She got everything she wanted without any effort.

After they went to university, without Ruan Nianxi around, she felt even more secure. She was pampered even more, to the point where she took it for granted that Xie Shu would never leave her.


Xie Shu has left her.

She feels miserable.

She feels jealous.

She regrets it.

She regrets realizing it too late.

But there’s no medicine for regret in this world… what can she do?

Xie Shu seems to dislike her now. He’s blocked her on WeChat and won’t answer her calls.

She knows she bothered him too much recently, which is why he blocked her. Now, she can only try to get close to him without disturbing him.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes, as long as she can restore her relationship with Xie Shu in the end.

If he could persist for so long before, then so can she!

From now on, it’s her turn.

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