Chapter 90 – Mysterious black robe, Earth Kun City

Throughout the journey, he was meticulously observing his surroundings.


However, the suppression of Divine Sense by this relic was simply too overpowering.


Extending Divine Sense was less effective than using Insight, so Li Guanqi heightened all his senses to their peak.


Soon, he came across a colossal gate.


Hanging above the city gate was a metal plaque with three bold characters etched into it.


‘Dikun City!’


The ancient bronze gate, towering thirty meters high, seemed incredibly heavy. He tried pushing with all his might.


The gate didn't budge.


Suddenly, feeling a hunch, he took out the rhombus-shaped object he had found earlier.


The object began to flicker with a faint light, and a rhombus-shaped slot appeared on the gate.


After inserting the object, a small door, just tall enough for a person, unexpectedly appeared in the corner of the gate.


Li Guanqi, sword in hand, darted through the door.


Upon entering the city, he found that the buildings were relatively well-preserved compared to those outside.


Wandering through several pavilions, he even discovered a few darts.


They were silver-white with grooves and holes, but there were only three.


After pocketing the items, Li Guanqi grew increasingly curious about Dikun City.


He didn't know the source of these mechanical mechanisms, as he hadn't detected any fluctuations of spiritual power.




Inside a two-story pavilion, Li Guanqi heard a faint noise.


He leaped over the railing, silently rushing towards the source of the sound.


Hundreds of meters away on the street, two figures were in hot pursuit, the one in front bearing numerous sword wounds, fighting while retreating.


Li Guanqi moved with the agility of a leopard and soon saw two figures, one in black and one in white.


The one in front was none other than Zhong Lin!


When Zhong Lin saw Li Guanqi, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, and he shouted, "Be careful! There are many of them!"




Hearing this, Li Guanqi's heart sank. His cultivation technique surged, and with a flash of purple light under his feet, he shot towards the Black-clothed Person!


He sensed that the opponent's cultivation was only at the middle stage of Foundation Establishment.


However, as he passed by Zhong Lin, the figure shrouded in a black robe suddenly retreated rapidly!


Li Guanqi swiftly turned around, flinging three darts with his left hand!


Clink, clink, clink!


The darts struck the rooftop, sparking a fire, and three needle-like objects were shattered by the darts.


A series of muffled groans came from the rooftop dozens of meters away!


Li Guanqi's eyes narrowed as he quickly advised, "Find a room to hide in! There's more than one of them!"


Without a second thought, Zhong Lin darted into a nearby room, shouting, "Be careful! The enemy is very strong!"




The ground trembled slightly as Li Guanqi and the Black-clothed Person crossed paths!


The sword flashed with a cold light, slashing through the air several times!




The Black-clothed Person clutched his throat, eyes widening, blood gushing out as he fell to his knees, powerless.


To his dying breath, he couldn't understand why, despite having blocked the sword, he still saw a flash of cold light before his eyes!


Li Guanqi flicked his wrist, and blood flowed down the blade.


The three people on the rooftop had already vanished.


He approached the Black-clothed Person, crouched down, and pulled off the mask.


Beneath it was a face he had never seen before, extremely young.


After searching the person's clothes, he found no clues about their identity.


Nor did he recognize the sword technique they used.


Zhong Lin emerged, clutching his arm, looking at Li Guanqi with a complex expression.


Such a formidable opponent had fallen in just a few moves under Li Guanqi's hand.


Perhaps sensing Zhong Lin's thoughts, Li Guanqi spoke softly to comfort him, "Everyone's path is different, as are you and I."


Yet, inwardly, he mused, "If you had died hundreds of times in three days, your strength would also have soared."


Taking a deep breath, Zhong Lin cast aside his chaotic thoughts and said solemnly, "When we entered, we were all randomly teleported to different locations. Besides the Black-clothed People, I've only encountered you."


"I've come across no less than six or seven Black-clothed People just while fleeing!"


Li Guanqi's brows furrowed as he asked gravely, "Who are these people?"


Zhong Lin shook his head.


"I don't know, but their intent is clear—they want to kill me!"


"Not only are they strong, but they also have many mechanical traps and hidden weapons."


"The wound on my shoulder was caused by a dart pouch they threw!"


While speaking, Zhong Lin took out a green Jade Bottle and poured out three Pills.


Two were pale blue, and one was crimson.


He handed the Pills to Li Guanqi, saying gravely, "My family… we're a Pill-refining lineage. Take these three Pills."


"The blue ones are Evil-warding Detox Pills, and the red one… is the Red Sky Pill!"


Li Guanqi took them and asked softly, "Are their weapons all coated with poison?"


Zhong Lin nodded and explained, "After taking the Red Sky Pill, your Primordial Energy will surge by twenty percent instantly! But it can only be maintained for the duration of a stick of incense."


"After a stick of incense, you'll fall into a very weak state, completely limp and powerless."


"This Pill… is for life-saving. Be very cautious."


Zhong Lin glanced at the bandaged wound on Li Guanqi's arm and advised, "Take the Detox Pill first."


After swallowing the Pills, Zhong Lin stood still, not following Li Guanqi.


He looked at Li Guanqi with a resolute expression and said, "The situation is very complicated. If I follow you, I'll just be a burden."


"We still don't know how many of them there are or what their purpose is."


"I'll find a place to hide. You're better off on your own!"


Li Guanqi opened his mouth to speak, but Zhong Lin said firmly, "You should understand, this is the wisest choice!"


Li Guanqi stood still, his face showing no emotion, and softly said, "It may be the wisest decision, but it's not Li Guanqi's choice."


"I know you have ways to save yourself, but given your current injuries, if I leave you here alone…"


"If three of them come, you're surely dead!"


Zhong Lin wanted to argue, but Li Guanqi interrupted, "Enough, no more words!"


"Since I've seen you, I won't let you wait here to die. Let's go together!"


Complex emotions flickered in Zhong Lin's eyes, but he gradually became resolute, frantically assimilating the medicinal power within his body, and his injuries began to heal bit by bit.


The two soared through the city.


Zhong Lin said solemnly, "This must be a branch of the ancient Mo family's lineage!"


"The Mo family is renowned for their mechanical arts. I've observed the layout of Dikun City, and it subtly incorporates the principles of the Five Elements and the Bagua."


"But these Black-clothed People are clearly out to kill me, with no intention of leaving any survivors!"


Li Guanqi nodded slightly, a cold smile on his lips.


"Let's turn the tables on the hunters!"


"Let's go find them!"




Dikun City began to tremble slightly, and the two immediately took to the air, but the stone slabs beneath them suddenly collapsed!


An irresistible force from below pulled them down!


Buildings around them plummeted underground, while various tall structures rose from beneath!


The two shifted through the air, surrounded by the roaring sound of buildings ascending.

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