Chapter 196 – The ultimate robbery


In the dead of night.


Having fully absorbed the Yellow Dragon Pill, Du Ge felt his spiritual power increase by at least a tenth.


Yet, by the cultivation realm standards, he was still stuck in the mid-phase of Qi Refining, with Foundation Establishment seeming like a distant dream.


Without the main manual, their master had practiced for over thirty years and only reached the peak of Qi Refining.


Without the main manual or changing their cultivation method, the pinnacle of Seven Stars Sect's cultivation would remain at Qi Refining.


For the Sect Leader to only be at the Qi Refining stage after so many years, and for the sect to still attract attention, was nothing short of a miracle in the cultivation world.


Lacking the boost from medicinal pills and relying solely on absorbing the spiritual power from the air, the speed of cultivation slowed to a snail's pace.


Du Ge, who was used to rapid progress in his attributes, naturally couldn't stand this method of cultivation. He stopped and sneaked out of the training room to study his advanced skills.


Plucking feathers from a passing goose: Anything that passes through your hands will surely lose something to you.


Does the target have to be human?


After all, when he first awakened this skill, he had snatched a tail feather from a chicken…




In the quiet night of Seven Stars Sect.


The new Sect Leader, Du Ge, stood under the courtyard's sycamore tree, reached out to touch the trunk, and then swiftly retracted his hand.


In the next instant.


A leaf appeared in the palm of his hand.




He climbed the tree and reached out to touch a branch.




With a crisp sound.


The entire branch fell into his palm, without him exerting any force.


A smile crossed Du Ge's lips.




He was right; robbery doesn't make sense.


It takes exactly what it wants, and if he touched the head of an Elemental Infant stage powerhouse, he could pluck it right off…


Unfortunately, plundering a sycamore tree only yielded minimal growth in attributes.




If plundering a thoughtless tree could skyrocket attributes, then the Keyword would be far too cheap, and the pan-universal entertainment company's audience wouldn't be happy to watch!


Now, he had pulled down the branch.


What would he get if he continued to plunder it?




Or cells?


If he kept randomly touching the same target without pause, could he strip it clean of its organs?


Du Ge pondered the development and use of his skills while on the tree.




Under the moonlight.


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh…


Seven shadows leaped over the wall and into the compound.


After entering.


The seven split up quickly.


Four headed towards the room he shared with his seventh junior brother, two towards his little junior sister's room, and one straight to the back hall where the eldest senior brother resided…




They couldn't resist and came knocking on the door!


Judging by their clear division of labor, it was highly likely that the second senior brother and fifth junior brother who had fled were also caught, perhaps even killed. Before dying, they might have betrayed the situation of the Seven Stars Sect!


Indeed, a sect fraught with disasters…


If it weren't for his Body Possession, after tonight, the sect would likely have been erased from the annals of history.


The intruders moved with agility similar to his master's, but probably not as skilled.




The master wouldn't have fled back to the sect to die.


Theoretically, Du Ge wasn't a match for these individuals, but with the Keyword by his side, he had no intention of keeping a low profile and naturally wouldn't let these experience-rich targets slip away.


Moreover, he couldn't stand by and watch the sect he had just taken over be left with him as the sole survivor.




Where justice lies.


Du Ge suddenly pounced from the tree towards the lone figure, who was off to kill the deranged eldest senior brother, likely the weakest of the group.


Picking on the softest target.


Absolutely correct.


The man was solely focused on killing the eldest senior brother and didn't anticipate an attack from behind.


By the time he realized, it was too late.


Du Ge, pouncing from the sky, had already grabbed his hair: "Hand it over!"




He felt a chill on his scalp, a shock in his heart, and as he turned with his sword, the sword was already aimed at Du Ge.


Du Ge dodged and, looking at the shiny bald head opposite him, muttered about his bad luck. It was a pity he only grabbed his hair and not his head!


Looking at the shiny baldness, Du Ge smirked, the ultimate plucking technique indeed!


He tossed a clump of hair towards the man's face.


Taking advantage of the man's evasion, Du Ge took a deep breath, filled with spiritual power: "This mountain is mine, this tree I plant, pass through my gate, leave your life behind."


As he spoke.


Du Ge spun around and reached for the man's sword hand.


Snatching the sword was too risky, but if he could touch his hand, he could take his arm.


But the man reacted quickly, retracting his wrist and flicking the sword upward, aiming to slice open Du Ge if he made contact.


Du Ge had to dodge again, but although he missed the wrist, his fingers hooked onto the man's outer robe.


The robe came off, revealing a white sweatshirt underneath.




Du Ge's warning voice carried far, alerting everyone in the Seven Stars Sect.


Facing a formidable enemy without retreat, knowing he was outmatched but daring to risk it all, such noble self-sacrifice naturally won Du Ge a surge of attributes.


The ambush failed.


The other two groups, angered, turned back, intending to eliminate this meddler first.


But upon seeing the man battling Du Ge, masked and in a sweatshirt, with a shiny bald head, everyone froze in unison.


Who was this masked, bald man?


Did they have such a person among their ranks?


He looked like the little junior brother, but the little junior brother had hair!


"Third senior brother!"


Two exclamations rang out as the little junior sister and the seventh junior brother burst from their rooms almost simultaneously, seeing Du Ge surrounded by the masked men, they rushed to his aid.


"Third junior brother, you've suffered. It's the eldest senior brother's fault for being weak. Hang in there, you must endure until the eldest senior brother recovers…" The eldest senior brother in the back hall clenched his fists tightly, tears rolling down his cheeks, silently providing Du Ge with attribute points.


It was unclear whether it was the nobility or the plundering of a peer that boosted Du Ge's attributes, but he was brimming with confidence. Risking injury for injury, he raised his hand to slap the blade of the sword opposite him.


In the midst of battle.


Having his coat suddenly removed, the man was momentarily confused, not understanding the other's fighting style.


But seeing the other daring to slap his sword blade, he instinctively turned the sword sideways, intending to shave Du Ge's palm with the blade.


But in the next instant, his hand was empty, and the sword had fallen into Du Ge's hands.




What kind of technique was that?


The man was completely baffled.


A Foundation Establishment big shot?


Weren't there only three incompetent disciples left in the sect, along with a half-crippled eldest senior brother?


Where did this bare-handed sword snatcher come from?


He was stunned.


Du Ge was not, perhaps because the man was stronger than him, stealing from him boosted his attributes quickly. He wasn't thinking about twisting heads anymore; he tossed aside the swords in his hands and lunged to grab his clothes.


Who cares about specificity?


Just touch.


Whatever you can grab is fair game!


To plunder a person, of course, you strip them bare, squeezing out all their value…


Facing a Foundation Establishment big shot, the man was filled with fear, dodging continuously to avoid vital points.


But he didn't know that Du Ge had changed his mind and wasn't thinking of killing him, just robbing him to boost attributes.


A touch was enough.


Sweatshirt, money pouch, pill bottle, socks, shoes, face mask…


In the blink of an eye, the man was stripped clean by Du Ge, not even leaving him a pair of underwear.


By the end, the little junior brother was stark naked, feeling the chill on his skin, almost ready to cry. He didn't know whether to cover himself or continue fighting.


One shouldn't overdo it when taking a life. Foundation Establishment is impressive, but why humiliate someone like this?



"It really is the little junior brother."


The moment the face mask was pulled off.


The others finally realized and charged at Du Ge to rescue their humiliated little junior brother.


First impressions.


Not having personally experienced the horror of plucking feathers from a passing goose, these people didn't believe there could be a Foundation Establishment expert within the Seven Stars Sect.




Even if there was a Foundation Establishment expert, the six of them together could take him down.


After robbing someone stronger than himself, Du Ge's attributes soared, and he confidently swung his sword to meet the six men: "Don't rush, none of you will escape."


The Keyword had the best healing effect; as long as one didn't die on the spot, any injury would heal quickly if it matched the Keyword's essence.


So, what was there to fear?


Spotting an opening, Du Ge charged into a sword aimed at his left lung. As the sword pierced his body, his hand reached for the blade, snatching it away.


The man's joy at hitting Du Ge froze on his face, while Du Ge, discarding the two swords in his hands, lunged forward with both hands, touching the man repeatedly. His hands almost left afterimages on the man's body, stripping him efficiently.


In two breaths' time.


This man was stripped as clean as the little junior brother by Du Ge.


Du Ge even risked being stabbed in the back to touch his hair, shaving him bald as well…

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