Chapter 138 – It’s snowing, wife, I miss you

Su Ran’s gaze dimmed visibly as she lowered her hands and hung her head. “I overestimated myself, I’m sorry.”

He Ju shrugged, perhaps because he was about to marry Si Hua, he didn’t lash out at Su Ran. Instead, he casually poured her a cup of hot water. “You don’t need to apologize. After all… once you leave, I don’t think we’ll see each other again.”

When the cup of hot water touched Su Ran’s palms, her hands warmed up, but her heart felt colder than the bleak winds outside.

Su Ran was at a loss for words. In less than a year, everything between her and He Ju had changed beyond recognition.

Smelling the scent of instant noodles in the house, she asked, “Is that all you’re having for dinner?”

He Ju smiled. “When the wife’s not home, I just eat whatever.”

Su Ran, trying to appear strong and nonchalant, smiled back. “So, you’re moving out?”

He Ju replied, “Yeah, we’ll have kids, and later grandkids. The apartment’s too small, so we’re moving to a bigger place.”

Su Ran looked down, tears swirling in her eyes. She sat on the sofa, gripping the water cup, unable to utter a single word of congratulations.

If only she had understood her own heart sooner, would she be the bride of He Ju now?

If Bai Yan were here, he might have said, “He Ju, this is a heartbreakingly cruel move.”

He Ju quickly slurped up his noodles in the kitchen and then came out. “I’ve got work to do.”

It was a clear signal for her to leave.

Su Ran immediately stood up. She had been there for twenty minutes; it was indeed time to go. “Sorry for the intrusion, I’ll leave now.”

He Ju nodded. “Su Ran, no matter what happens, don’t come looking for me again. I’m married now, I have a wife, please respect that.”

Without looking back, Su Ran couldn’t see the tears streaming down her face as she spoke with a smile, “I promise, something like today won’t happen again. I just… really didn’t want to let go…”

Perhaps her words didn’t fully convey her feelings, but Su Ran was genuinely happy for the decade of companionship with He Ju.

Yet after ten years of entanglement without a proper resolution, how could she not feel regret?

But the wind had already scattered them, and her persistent memories would no longer yield any results.

He Ju knew Su Ran all too well. Even though he no longer loved or cared for her, he could still hear the unspoken sadness in her words. Now, Su Ran was no longer unreasonable. She was like a defanged little wolf, docile and cautious.

In this early winter, Su Ran finally woke from her long dream, realizing that she had missed out on the love of her life.

As he closed the door, He Ju said, “Leave City A, live well, and change your temper. No one will be there to help you if you suffer again.”

Su Ran smiled, her tears blurring her vision so much that she couldn’t see the path ahead, her mind briefly flashing through her absurd life.

With the door firmly shut, the chapter between Su Ran and He Ju was also closed.

He Ju stood still for just two seconds before turning to take a shower. Su Ran’s transformation had indeed shocked him, but that was all.

Meanwhile, Su Ran covered her mouth, crouching outside He Ju’s door, crying to the point of near fainting, yet not daring to make a sound.

When He Ju came out again wearing his coat, he found the city blanketed in white. Snowflakes fell beautifully, yet it was so cold. Even bundled up, he couldn’t help but wrap his clothes tighter, then took a few photos to send to Si Hua: It’s snowing, wife! I miss you so much~

Just as He Ju reached the ground floor, he heard the sound of an ambulance. He instinctively looked over to see a crowd gathered, but the ambulance had just driven away.

He overheard an old lady saying, “Oh dear, I wonder whose little girl it was. She just fainted while walking, and the passersby hurried to call 120…”

“Really? It’s just the first snowfall, not that cold, how could someone faint?”

“I don’t know, maybe some other illness…”

He Ju paused for a moment but didn’t think much of it and walked away.

Even if it was Su Ran who was taken away by the ambulance, she would be safe now.

From now on, he and Su Ran would go their separate ways.

Even at his wedding, he didn’t want to see Su Ran again.

Never crossing paths again, perhaps, was the best ending for them.

He no longer suppressed the Su family’s business or made things difficult for Su Ran. He let Su Zhen take away all of the Su family’s assets. Even abroad, the Su family could rise again. He Ju felt that this was the greatest leniency he could offer them.

Of course, he was willing to do this because of Si Hua.

He Ju remembered Si Hua hugging him and saying, “Husband, let the Su family go.”

He Ju had asked, “Why? Don’t you dislike Su Ran? Besides, she harbored ill intentions towards you…”

Si Hua just smiled, nuzzled his chest, and said, “I understand. Su Ran was just driven mad by jealousy, that’s why she acted irrationally. But in reality, she didn’t cause me any real harm, did she?”

Si Hua continued, “Let the Su family and Su Ran go, make peace with them. After all, you’ve had over a decade of love and hate with them. If not for the monk, at least for the Buddha’s sake. Su Ran is just a girl who didn’t know any better. Her apology showed she truly realized her mistake.”

Si Hua playfully drew circles on his chest, “Actually, it’s mainly because you love me that I can be so magnanimous. I might even have to thank her… If it weren’t for her, I might not have gotten such a perfect husband.”

He Ju smiled, feeling content.

So, he listened to Si Hua’s words.

Her words made He Ju cherish his relationship with Si Hua even more.

Thinking of Si Hua, He Ju felt an urgent longing, but they would soon be together every day, wouldn’t they?

He Ju returned home and decorated the house with his parents, adorning almost every room with big red “happiness” characters.

After the busy preparations, he went with his parents to the hotel to confirm the wedding procedures once more, working late into the night before returning home.

After a shower, He Ju lay in bed and took a photo of the festively decorated room, including their wedding photos, and posted it on his social media: Soon I’ll be bringing my beloved girl home with honor!

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