Chapter 78 – In the future, would you like to see the scenery with me?

Girls’ dormitory.

Ruan Nianxi had been daydreaming since the afternoon.

Every now and then, she glanced at her phone to see if Xie Shu had messaged her.

But their latest conversation was still from the afternoon…

He said he was busy and would contact her in the evening.

But now it was already dark…

At noon, he mentioned he was busy with homework and didn’t have time. In the afternoon, he said he was busy again, but didn’t specify with what…

What has he been doing for two days?

Was he really not avoiding her on purpose?

Had he reconciled with Su Qianyi and didn’t want her anymore?

Right, she almost forgot they were classmates; they could see each other every day in class…

Ruan Nianxi bit her lip in distress, exited WeChat again, and put down her phone, her gaze drifting back to the items on her desk.

Once she got an idea in her head, Ruan Nianxi couldn’t control her thoughts and would wildly speculate.

A heavy suspicion is a major symptom of paranoia; even if their suspicions aren’t true, they construct a complex, unified, and coherent framework in their minds.

As she pondered, Ruan Nianxi’s heart ached as if it were being sliced, and her breathing became labored.

What’s the point? They knew each other first…

Remembering the moments she had spent with Xie Shu these past few days, Ruan Nianxi’s possessiveness magnified, but each time this desire peaked, her mind miraculously calmed down, and she maintained her rationality.

She couldn’t make another mistake at school; if her parents found out, they would take her away from Xie Shu again.

At the same time… she didn’t want Xie Shu to see her true self, afraid he wouldn’t like it and would silently exit her world.

She couldn’t accept either outcome.

Right now, she had no real power; even if she had ideas, she had to wait until she was capable enough to act on them.

After quietly adjusting her mental state, Ruan Nianxi got up from her seat, stepped out onto the balcony, and tended to her gardenia plant.

She had no experience with plants and didn’t know how to care for them. It was only when the gardenia wilted significantly yesterday that she thought to look up information online, and then she moved the plant to a spot where it could get sunlight.

The gardenia was small and didn’t require much effort. After changing the water, she stood outside for a while, then went back into the dormitory.

There was half an hour left until curfew, and her roommates hadn’t returned yet; she was alone in the dormitory.

Even though she was used to being alone, she felt a profound loneliness these two days.

She glanced at her phone again; still no messages.

Her eyelids drooped, silently mourning.

She put down her phone, sat back down, and continued to daydream.

These two days… or rather, these past few years, this was how she lived.

When she had nothing to do, she would sit and reminisce about her times with Xie Shu, until something came up that needed her attention.

As long as nothing else distracted her, she could reminisce endlessly.

She had persisted for years, and now, just two days without seeing Xie Shu much, she was already feeling uncomfortable. She really was too greedy, wanting everything.

Just as she was internally reprimanding herself, her phone suddenly chimed, interrupting her thoughts.

Ruan Nianxi unlocked her phone and saw a red “1” next to Xie Shu’s name.

He had finally messaged her!

Her previously downcast mood instantly lifted.

She eagerly opened the message and saw a “richly illustrated” message:

【?Bored? ☆Alone☆and☆lonely☆?Hot weather?How about a walk on the field?】

It took Ruan Nianxi a few seconds to realize that Xie Shu was inviting her out.

All her feelings of loss vanished, replaced by boundless joy.

She typed back with both hands: 【Okay.】

Xie Shu: 【See you at the field!】

Ruan Nianxi: 【Okay.】

After replying, Ruan Nianxi couldn’t wait to leave.

She didn’t know if it was because curfew was approaching or because she hadn’t properly spent time with him for two days, but she was in a hurry, even speeding up her descent down the stairs.

Before reaching the field, she received another message from Xie Shu, saying he had arrived and was waiting for her at the entrance. After seeing the message, she quickened her pace even more.

Approaching the entrance, she saw a familiar figure standing under the streetlight from afar.

He stood tall, facing the field, seemingly watching the people exercising or the couples strolling…

Ruan Nianxi slowed her pace, calmed her excited heart, and walked over with a feigned casual demeanor.

Xie Shu watched the people on the field while keeping an eye on the direction of the girls’ dormitory.

When he turned his head again, he saw Ruan Nianxi slowly walking towards him.

Seeing her finally arrive, he turned to face her and took a few steps in her direction: “I hope I didn’t disturb you by calling you out so late?”

Ruan Nianxi shook her head: “No.”

She had nothing else to do anyway.

After responding, Ruan Nianxi noticed that Xie Shu was holding a thick book under his arm.

She didn’t think much of it, assuming it was some extracurricular or professional book, and looked away after a glance.

But the next second, Xie Shu took the book and handed it to her.

Ruan Nianxi: “???”

“For you.”

“Thank you!”

Xie Shu turned back to look at the field, his body following suit: “Let’s walk a few laps.”


And so they entered the field together.

On the field, some were running, others strolling along the track, couples lounged on the grass, and many people gathered to play…

Xie Shu glanced at Ruan Nianxi beside him; she was still looking down, flipping through the book in her hands.

The pop-up book he made had a band with a bow tied around it; to open the book, one had to untie the band first.

But she just held the book, looking at the cover and back, without opening it.

“What kind of book is this? Why doesn’t it have a title?” Ruan Nianxi had been looking for a while and hadn’t found the title, so she asked curiously.

Realizing what she had been doing, Xie Shu smiled lightly without answering right away, instead pointing at the band: “Open it and see.”

Without another word from him, Ruan Nianxi untied the band.

Then, she turned the first page.

As the page opened, various illustrations popped up…

The lights on the field were bright, and Ruan Nianxi could see the “contents” of the book clearly. She widened her eyes in disbelief and glanced at Xie Shu.

“Isn’t this our… childhood photos? How did they end up in this book?”

Ruan Nianxi was surprised to see the pop-up photos of their childhood.

She was unfamiliar with pop-up books and had no concept of them, so Xie Shu simply told her that he had made it.

Hearing this, Ruan Nianxi was even more astonished. She looked at the “contents” of the book again; aside from the central photo of their childhood which looked printed, the rest…

Were all drawn by him?

Not only were most of the pop-up images drawn, but even the flat pages had various patterns.

How long did that take?

Suddenly, as if remembering something, she looked at Xie Shu again and asked, “Have you been working on this for the past two days?”


So he wasn’t avoiding her; he was making her a gift, and she had doubted him…

A wave of self-reproach washed over her, but it was soon replaced by a surge of happiness.

He made it by hand!!

“You’re amazing!” Ruan Nianxi expressed her admiration.

Xie Shu continued to smile without speaking.

The two strolled leisurely around the field.

Ruan Nianxi, thrilled with the pop-up book, discovered under Xie Shu’s guidance that the book could have little mechanisms hiding “content.” She opened these mechanisms to find his hand-drawn illustrations, all featuring the two of them!

Although Xie Shu’s drawings weren’t exquisitely realistic, he captured their characteristics well, making them easily recognizable.

In the middle of the pages, beneath their photo, there were additional embellishments, a mini scene set up with two tiny figures that could move side to side—undoubtedly also representing them.

He even created a pullable mechanism that recorded the moment they first met in pictorial form, which made Ruan Nianxi laugh as she looked at it.

She had never forgotten their first encounter.

He was the first person in her memory to stand up for her; how could she forget?

Ruan Nianxi grew fonder the more she looked, and after carefully examining the first page, she reluctantly turned to the next.

The second page opened to more pop-up images.

The scene was still a mini one with characters and hidden “content” mechanisms, but the figures on this page had clearly grown a bit.

They were still cartoonish, but their faces weren’t as round.

The third page, the characters seemed to have grown a bit more, and the scene had changed, which she found amusing.

The fourth page…

Xie Shu silently watched her, not rushing, smiling as she laughed.

Due to time constraints, he didn’t make many pages for the pop-up book—just five in total.

Though not many, he made them interesting, and Ruan Nianxi took her time looking through them.

After finishing the previous pages, she turned to the last one.

Upon turning the page, a dense array of tiny hearts popped up like a starry sky, astonishing Ruan Nianxi even more.

This page wasn’t as elaborate, featuring only a bridge made of dense hearts and a window-shaped mechanism.

With her previous experience, she skillfully pulled the tab next to it, opening the window.

“Outside” the window was a blue sky with white clouds, distant mountains in the background, and a message:

“Would you like to join me in watching the future’s watercolor mountains and soft red earth?”

Ruan Nianxi suddenly stopped walking, and Xie Shu stopped as well, turning to face her.

He intended to say something but saw Ruan Nianxi slowly close the window and then the book, bowing her head.

The words he wanted to say were swallowed back.

Under the lights, Ruan Nianxi’s head was bowed so low that Xie Shu couldn’t see her expression, let alone know what she was thinking.

No response.

This reaction was something Xie Shu hadn’t anticipated.

After a moment, he tried to take Ruan Nianxi’s hand, but as soon as he touched her, she recoiled slightly as if startled.

It was a small movement, but Xie Shu noticed.

Reluctantly, he withdrew his hand.

There was no need to rush for now.

“We have half a lap left, and it’s about time. I’ll walk you back to the dormitory.”

He turned back around and took a step forward, moving very slowly, giving Ruan Nianxi enough time to collect herself and follow.

But because he turned away, he missed seeing Ruan Nianxi’s hand reaching out to grasp his again…

Xie Shu took the lead and walked away, and Ruan Nianxi had no choice but to follow.

Soon, they were walking side by side again.

But this time, the cheerful laughter was gone, replaced by silence.

Xie Shu didn’t want to pressure Ruan Nianxi; he knew she needed time to process.

The ease of the previous moments was suddenly interrupted by a lifetime commitment, which must have startled her.

And since she had accepted the gift and was holding it tightly, there probably wouldn’t be any major issues.

As they were about to leave the field, Xie Shu intended to tell her to rest early tonight, but suddenly felt a gentle tug on his sleeve.

He turned to look and saw Ruan Nianxi’s hand.

She was still looking down, her other hand clutching the pop-up book tightly.

Xie Shu smiled and took her hand that was tugging at his sleeve.

“Let’s go, the dormitory is about to close. I’ll walk you back first,” he said softly.

“Okay,” Ruan Nianxi replied in a barely audible voice, but Xie Shu heard her clearly.

Then they left the field, holding hands.

On the way to the girls’ dormitory, they remained silent, yet it felt as if they had said a lot…

Both were smiling, the warmth in their clasped hands growing, yet neither wanted to let go.

From holding hands to fingers interlocked…

Ruan Nianxi quietly looked up at Xie Shu, seeing his smile, and gently pursed her lips in response.

Such a scene had only appeared in her dreams before, but today, it became a reality.

On the way back, she had struggled internally because she knew her possessiveness was strong, and she wasn’t sure if she could control it in the future…

But she was too enamored with his tenderness to refuse, and he didn’t refuse either.

So, in the future, she wouldn’t let go.

Xie Shu, there’s no use running away.

End of the chapter, word count is about right.

Dear readers, I suddenly learned of a relative’s passing tonight and will return to my hometown tomorrow. I might be a bit busy these next few days, but I’ll try not to delay updates. If there’s no update one day, it means I’ve taken a leave.

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