Chapter 151 – The Pure Yang Body

Joining the Shenmu Sect was crucial for Chen Mobai’s future establishment in the Tianhe Realm.

To avoid missing out and to increase his chances, he decided to settle down in Nanxi Market.

For the first time, he rented a cave dwelling in the market.

Still adhering to his frugal habits, he rented the cheapest one using a single spirit stone. After all, his main focus recently was cultivating the Pure Yang Body, which didn’t require an intense amount of spiritual energy.

The “Pure Yang Body” was the foundation for breaking through the Pure Yang Scroll.

If one wanted to reach the Foundation Establishment stage, they must cultivate the Three Yang Body. However, once achieved, it could increase the chances of Foundation Establishment by ten percent.

Although Chen Mobai had entered the door of the Pure Yang Scroll under the guidance of the Red Robe Taoist Master, the cultivation of the Pure Yang Body still relied on time to slowly grind.

However, compared to others, he had spirit stones, which could greatly shorten the time.

During his half-year at Danzhu Academy, under the watchful eyes of the Golden Elixir Taoist Master, Chen Mobai, out of caution, only practiced the Pure Yang Body according to the most conventional methods of the Immortal Gate, without using any spirit stones.

As a result, his Pure Yang Body was still lingering outside the threshold of “The Birth of the First Yang”.

Now that he had returned to Nanxi Market, before the Spirit Messenger of Shenmu Sect arrived, he could foresee a period of tranquility, which could be used to try cultivating the Pure Yang Body with spirit stones.

After cleaning the newly rented cave dwelling with a cleaning spell, Chen Mobai sat down on the cushion in the middle.

He took out a spirit stone and held it in his right palm, then recalled the cultivation method of the Pure Yang Body. After confirming there were no mistakes, he closed his eyes.

A stream of extremely pure spiritual energy surged into his body through the acupoints in his palm, flowing through his meridians in a specific route, and when it finally flowed into the Dantian Qi Sea, only a thin thread was left, which disappeared before it could fall into the spiritual vortex.

Chen Mobai was mentally prepared for this.

He had read the details and steps of using spirit stones to cultivate the Pure Yang Body on the auxiliary cultivation software no less than ten times.

He knew that the disappearance of spiritual energy in various parts of the body meant that it was absorbed by the spiritual root hidden within the body, which meant that this cultivation was successful.

However, the first cultivation did not achieve the best results.

According to the posts of the experts in the Pure Yang Academy on the auxiliary cultivation software, the Pure Yang Body’s enhancement and purification of the spiritual root required to “damage the surplus and supplement the deficiency”.

Research from the Medical Academy showed that although the Five Elements Spiritual Root could not be observed specifically, the human body was a microcosm of the universe. After numerous experiments, they believed that the five internal organs and six hollow organs belonged to the Yin and Yang Five Elements, which were basically the dwelling places of the spiritual root.

Among them, the gallbladder and liver contained wood, the heart and triple burner burned fire, the stomach and spleen nourished earth, the intestines and lungs held metal, and the kidneys and bladder stored water.

According to the theory of the Pure Yang Body, one needed to damage water to nourish wood, and ignite wood to burn fire!

To avoid damaging the balance of the Five Elements Spiritual Root in the body during the process of damaging, leading to physical weakness, it was necessary to absorb spiritual energy from the outside to supplement the spiritual root that was to be damaged.

In other words, at the beginning of the cultivation of the Pure Yang Body, the spiritual energy from the spirit stone needed to be poured into the bladder and kidneys of the body. Before damaging the Water Element Spiritual Root, it needed to be supplemented.

Chen Mobai was a little unfamiliar when he first started cultivating.

However, during the second operation, the spiritual energy from the spirit stone was controlled by his divine consciousness and accurately delivered to the kidney and bladder area.

After about an incense stick’s worth of time, the remaining majority of the spiritual energy was sent to the gallbladder and liver, and the remaining was sent to the heart and triple burner.

Finally, he started the cultivation mantra of the First Yang Body, beginning to damage water and wood to ignite fire.

If there were people in the cave dwelling, they would see a mysterious light shining through Chen Mobai’s clothes at the kidney and bladder area.

The mysterious light was like water, rippling across his abdominal muscles at an angle, flowing into the gallbladder and liver.

After the mysterious light entered, the gallbladder and liver seemed to be activated, starting to shine with a green spiritual light, rising up like a sharp sword, piercing into the heart and triple burner area.

A phantom of a flame ignited at Chen Mobai’s heart, as if it could be extinguished at any moment.

But the rising strands of green spiritual light, like adding firewood to a fire, maintained the flame from extinguishing.

The black mysterious light, the green spiritual light, and the red flame.

The three colors representing the three types of spiritual roots lit up in various parts of Chen Mobai’s body. According to the cultivation method of the Pure Yang Body, they burned and shone, illuminating all parts of the body, causing the originally calm Qi and blood to start boiling.

Spiritual energy continuously poured in from his palm, the three-colored spiritual light kept flashing, and after about nine cycles of this.

With a “crack” sound.

Chen Mobai opened his eyes and saw that the spirit stone he was holding had dimmed, and even a thin crack had appeared in the middle.

This meant that half of the spiritual energy had been consumed, and the spirit stone could no longer lock in the spiritual energy.

It needed to be drained of the remaining spiritual energy in a short time, otherwise, the spiritual energy would dissipate on its own.

Although this process was slow, for every rogue cultivator, it was as painful as cutting flesh.

Chen Mobai, being so frugal, naturally wouldn’t let the spiritual energy in the spirit stone dissipate in front of his eyes.

He continued to hold it tightly, diligently cultivating the First Yang Body.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed, and the spirit stone in his hand was completely empty.

For the Tianhe Realm, this was already waste.

But for the Immortal Gate, it was a supreme treasure for extracting Dan poison, the Spirit Essence.

After putting away the waste spirit stone, Chen Mobai took out his long-unused “Spiritual Root Detector” from his bag.

He channeled a strand of Five Elements Spiritual Power from the larger spiritual vortex in his Dantian Qi Sea into it.

In a short while, a string of numbers lit up on the small screen of the Spiritual Root Detector.

【Spiritual Root: Metal 23, Wood 27, Water 30, Fire 17, Earth 10】

There was no change at all!

After carefully comparing, Chen Mobai felt the vigorous Qi and blood boiling in his body. This was the situation described in the Pure Yang Body as the entry-level of the First Yang Body.

He tested it again, finding it a bit strange.

The result was still the same.

However, he quickly realized.

If one could cause a significant change in their spiritual root after the first cultivation, then why would Ding Jinglue have to spend twenty years to cultivate the Three Yang Body.

Even Yan Bingxuan, with her exceptional talent, believed that she would need nearly ten years to purify her Ice Spiritual Root.

He needed to remain calm and patient.

With the aid of the spirit stones, based on the experiences of his predecessors, there would be changes within a month.

Chen Mobai comforted himself in this way, about to continue his cultivation with another spirit stone, when a message suddenly flew in.

He didn’t dare to neglect it and immediately received it.

Before his retreat, he had instructed Qi Er to inform him immediately if the Spirit Messenger of the Shenmu Sect arrived in Yun Country.

Chen Mobai thought it was about this matter, but after reading it, he found out it was about something else.

Zhuo Ming had come out of her retreat.

Qi Er had run into her and immediately informed him through the message.

Chen Mobai had almost forgotten that he had instructed Qi Er about this matter.


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