Chapter 130 – They, once known to everyone, are now completely separated

Si Hua smiled gently and then said, “Master’s wife, my parents would like to meet with you.”

Tian Zhen was initially startled, then smiled, “Of course, your teacher and I will accommodate your parents’ schedule. Just let us know when they are free, and we’ll make it happen.”

Si Hua replied, “There’s no rush, Master’s wife. You finish up what you need to at home first, and we’ll work around your schedule.”

Si Hua continued, “Maybe you should discuss it with the teacher first, after all, his time is quite precious.”

Tian Zhen couldn’t stop smiling, “What a considerate girl, He Ju is really… I don’t know what good deeds he did in his past life to marry Si Hua in this one.”

Tian Zhen said, “Alright, I’ll discuss it with your teacher, but Si Hua…”

Tian Zhen seemed hesitant to continue.

Si Hua asked, “Is something wrong, Master’s wife?”

Tian Zhen said, “Aren’t you and He Ju already married? Why do you still call me Master’s wife and him teacher? Isn’t it time for a change?”

Si Hua felt embarrassed but realized Tian Zhen was right. After hesitating, she softly called out, “Alright, Mom.”

Tian Zhen burst into laughter, “Good, good, Si Hua is so sweet. I won’t keep you any longer, I’ll go discuss with your dad.”

Si Hua found calling her “Mom” a bit strange, but she still smiled and responded to Tian Zhen.

After hanging up the phone, Si Hua was about to get out of the car when she turned to see He Ju smiling meaningfully. She felt a sudden shyness, “You… you heard everything?”

He Ju’s voice was cheerful, “Yes, I heard. It’s nice to hear my daughter-in-law call Mom.”

Si Hua pouted at him like a little dolphin, “Are you making fun of me?”

He Ju laughed out loud, leaned down, and gently kissed Si Hua’s forehead, “How could I make fun of you? I’m so happy you’ve accepted my family.”

Si Hua felt content, her demeanor proud and lazy like a cat. Seeing this, He Ju’s heart softened, and his love for Si Hua deepened.

Si Hua was not just his wife; she was the redemption in his desperate and weary life.

During his toughest times, it was Si Hua who stood by him step by step. Even though her goal was him, He Ju was now willing.

He Ju, once heartbroken, might still be lost without Si Hua. She gave him the chance to face the world again.

So, He Ju was willing to bet once more. He had failed before, but this time, he hoped his bet would last a lifetime.

Si Hua got out of the car, saw the sunny and handsome He Ju, and hugged him, “Thank you for steadfastly standing by my side to protect me.”

Si Hua sighed, resting her head on He Ju’s chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, “He Ju, I’ve waited so long for this day. So, you’ll be by my side forever, right?”

He Ju knew girls in love often feel insecure, so he hugged her back, rubbing her head, “Of course, He Ju will always love Si Hua.”

Si Hua felt incredibly sweet inside. Despite the busy neighborhood, she couldn’t bear to let go of He Ju, murmuring, “Let’s hug a little longer, just a bit longer, then we can go home, okay?”

How could He Ju refuse? He simply agreed.

He Ju and Si Hua were lost in their own world, unaware that someone else was watching them from not too far away.

It was Su Ran, like a clown hidden in the shadows, quietly watching the man she liked embrace another woman.

The Su family’s circumstances had changed; under her parents’ pressure, Su Ran had to agree to study abroad, while Su Zhen had to consider immigration due to financial strains.

Su Zhen was wrapping up the company’s affairs. Despite their decline, the Su family was once prominent in City A and had some assets to deal with, like selling the company and their properties and cars, which all took time.

Su Ran wanted to use this time to see He Ju’s face, which she hadn’t seen look so tenderly at her for a long time.

She was so envious.

The Su family’s information network in City A was quite good, so Su Ran knew very well that the person who wanted her to leave City A was He Ju.

It was only now that Su Ran was willing to admit that He Ju understood her better than she did herself.

To protect Si Hua from harm, He Ju was willing to expel the Su family.

Somehow, Su Ran laughed, but as she did, tears blurred her vision. She trembled violently, standing there, her emotions spiraling out of control.

Her tears were not just because of He Ju’s expulsion, but because Si Hua knew about it too and had sent someone to tell Su Zhen, giving them time to transfer their assets. The Bai family and Xingyao would not make things difficult for the Su family.

And Si Hua did all this in return for He Ju’s past kindness.

Su Ran also knew that Si Hua hadn’t told He Ju about it.

How ridiculous?

She thought about how to kill Si Hua and take her place, but Si Hua gave her family a chance to breathe.

But clearly…

The former her didn’t need this charity, yet now she was forced to accept it.

Su Ran leaned against the wall, crying until her heart ached, but no one would come in a frog costume to cheer her up anymore, never again.

Su Ran sobbed, “Brother He Ju, I regret it…”

She regretted it, but she had to pay for her mistakes. Su Ran couldn’t judge her past self; she knew this was the result of her own actions, and there was no one else to blame.

The autumn wind scattered Su Ran’s confession, and as early winter approached, the once well-known figures drifted apart.

Su Ran finally faced reality.

There is no medicine for regret, and there would be no second chance with He Ju.

Su Ran didn’t know how long she stood in the cold wind, but when she came back to her senses, she saw He Ju and Si Hua coming out of the neighborhood entrance.

Su Ran wanted to leave, but having stood too long, she fell hard to the ground before taking a step. A kind passerby came to help her, “Young lady, are you alright?”

Su Ran was fine, just unable to control her tears.

The kind man blocked the view between Su Ran and He Ju. He Ju glanced over but quickly looked away, while Si Hua’s cheerful voice reached Su Ran’s ears, “It’s a bit cold today, you want to eat hotpot, right?”

He Ju laughed, “Right.”

Si Hua giggled and walked hand in hand with He Ju, “Let’s go buy ingredients, and your beautiful wife will cook for you, okay?”

He Ju teased, “You never miss a chance to compliment yourself while shopping for ingredients.”

Si Hua acted coquettishly, “Oh come on, you unromantic man, just say I’m pretty, will you?”

He Ju laughed heartily, “Pretty, pretty! Si Hua is the prettiest in the whole world!”

He Ju and Si Hua walked away, while Su Ran cried silently in the corner.

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