Chapter 185 – The Power of Poseidon

Proofreader & Editor: Howard Wong

A body with the power of the gods!


Selma got lucky this time!


The moment Du Ge opened his eyes in the assessment pod, this thought spun through his mind.


But on second thought, that wasn't quite right. Selma had been touched by him, making her his property. Theoretically, her collection was still his, so it wasn't a matter of who benefited whom. Too bad he couldn't return to the Simulation Field…


However, as Du Ge stood up and stepped out of the assessment pod, he immediately sensed something was amiss.


His perception seemed to have greatly enhanced.


He could clearly hear the hurried footsteps of Liang Fei and Liang Le approaching the manor from about sixty meters away.


He never had this ability before. An increase in mental power wouldn't enhance physical attributes in reality; that required corresponding training.


His physical fitness had been enhanced.


What was the reason?


A sense of familiarity emanated from a corner of the room.


The eyes at the back of Du Ge's head accurately captured the source of this familiarity.


It was a two-meter-long fish tank against the wall. It wasn't the fish that made him feel familiar, but the water.


Du Ge snapped his fingers subconsciously.


A small ripple formed on the water surface of the fish tank, more than three meters away from him.




Du Ge's breath hitched.


The power of Poseidon!


It was weak, but it was indeed the power of Poseidon.


At that moment.


The power of Poseidon had also transformed his soul, and then, he brought back a part of the water control ability. The physical enhancement must be a result of the power of Poseidon nourishing his body!


That meant, as long as it involved the power of the soul, he could bring it back.


If the power of the soul could nourish the body, then sooner or later, he could use the backstab effect from the Simulation Field in reality.


Just think about it, the warriors on the Alien Star Battlefield are always soaked in nutrient fluids; who has time to train their bodies?


It's too abnormal for Nan Youlong to transmit his voice over a distance of two miles.





No, that's not right.


The power of Poseidon isn't a skill, and since it's related to the soul, doesn't that mean he could control water in the next Simulation Field…


Would the Pan-Universal Entertainment leave such a loophole?


Du Ge's heart pounded.




He frowned.


No, that won't do.


The Alien Star Battlefield is a live reality show. Revealing the water control ability to the aliens could be dangerous. He must use it covertly without being discovered by others…



If even the power of Poseidon could be brought out, what exactly is the Simulation Field?


Is it really a virtual world?


For the first time, Du Ge harbored such doubts.


A minute later.


Liang Fei and Liang Le appeared at the door.


Looking at Du Ge who was lost in thought.


"Darling, how come you came out so quickly, were you eliminated?" Liang Fei cautiously asked.


Liang Le gently bumped her and smiled sweetly, "I'll go prepare dinner. Darling, what would you like to eat?"


"Anything is fine." Du Ge, in a great mood after bringing the power of Poseidon out of the Simulation Field, smiled and said, "Liang Fei, help me contact Staff Officer Nan."


The two of them responded and left, one to prepare dinner and the other to contact Nan Youlong.


A while later.


Liang Fei returned and told Du Ge that Nan Youlong was in a meeting and would come over after it ended.


This wait lasted most of the day.


During this time.


Du Ge experimented with his water control ability.


At a distance of five meters, he could make the water surface ripple; at three meters, he could create a small wave; at one meter, he could draw water into his palm…


This water control ability, if it couldn't grow further, was basically useless and lacked lethality.


The only thing that surprised Du Ge was that he now had the ability to breathe freely in water.


Like in the last Simulation Field, due to strenuous exercise, he almost suffocated to death. That would never happen again.


It wasn't appropriate to do too many experiments in the manor, but Du Ge guessed that he should no longer fear the pressure of seawater. He had never heard of any Poseidon being squashed by seawater.




In the evening.


Nan Youlong's helicopter landed at the manor's airfield.


Nan Youlong hurried towards Du Ge, ignoring the greetings from the twins, and directly asked, "What is your advanced skill? How could joy possibly produce the effect of chaos?"


"Knowing the Joy of Fish." Du Ge had prepared this answer in the Simulation Field, "I touch fish, I feel joy. As long as I touch fish, I can make them feel joy with me, and they will become very close to me."


"Touching fish?" Nan Youlong frowned, "So, you created the fish era just to touch more fish."


"Exactly!" Du Ge nodded, "I can't always jump into the sea to touch real fish, right? Since touching fish brings joy, of course, I have to find a way to turn everyone into fish."


The outward manifestation of private property wasn't obvious.


Slaves still had their own thoughts and actions, and Du Ge wasn't worried about leaking anything.


"Loqi said that after you touched him, his flattery no longer worked on you. Is that also the effect of this skill?" Nan Youlong asked, "It's not control?"


"No control. Didn't Marsha still betray me? Of course, thinking might be influenced. After I touched Enke, Enke also listened to me." Du Ge smiled, "Maybe, it's because people or creatures are willing to be close to those who bring them joy. Just like kittens and puppies, if you feed them, they will wag their tails at you and won't hurt you anymore."


"What about the Trident of Poseidon?" Nan Youlong asked with a puzzled frown, "A thoughtless object, you just carve a fish on it, and you can use it?"


"A desperate attempt. What else could I do in that situation?" Du Ge sighed and looked at Nan Youlong strangely, "Besides, how do you know the Trident of Poseidon doesn't think? Clearly, it was very happy when I touched it, and then, I could use it, even willing to share its divine power with me…"


"…" Nan Youlong choked, "Alright, that's indeed a new approach. In the future, keywords like Joy, Happiness, and Relaxation could be developed in this direction."




If you develop in this direction, aren't you just sending them to their deaths?


My first skill was the useless 'A Kind Face Doesn't Get Hit.'


Thank goodness the skill I brought out of the Simulation Field was the second keyword's ability. Being taken advantage of is bad enough, having 'A Kind Face Doesn't Get Hit' on top of that would make me cry.


However. Du Ge wouldn't remind Nan Youlong.


Anything could happen in the Simulation Field, what if it's real?


There are no useless keywords, only useless people.


"What about the second skill?" Nan Youlong continued to ask.


"The Fountain of Joy." Du Ge said, "When I spread joy, someone will inevitably enter a state of misfortune."


That's right!


Nan Youlong glanced at Du Ge, shook his head, and smiled, "You really can develop some unique skills. The effect of the Fountain of Joy is indeed similar to chaos. No wonder it misled so many candidates."


"Lucky me." Du Ge chuckled.


"You know you're lucky?" Nan Youlong glared at him and said sternly, "What did I tell you when you entered the Simulation Field? Be careful, cautious, try to develop the keywords. Look at what you've done, how is it different from the previous two performances? If you had made one wrong move, on the Alien Star Battlefield, you would be dead, you know?


Do you think the alien warriors on the Alien Star Battlefield will be led by the nose like the candidates? Each one of them is sharper than the last.


Do you know, because of your performance, the trainers are reluctant to guide you."


Teach or don't teach! The stuff they teach, I might not even fancy.


Du Ge muttered in his heart and chuckled, "Staff Officer Nan, it's still early. I feel I need more training. Open another Simulation Field for me to practice! With more practice, maybe I can win first place for Qi Yuan Star."


"What are you thinking?" Nan Youlong said, "Do you think the Simulation Field for the elite preliminary round is something you can open whenever you want? Where would you find so many people to enter the Simulation Field with you?


In the same preliminary round, other elites are still exploring the initial stages! It's impossible for anyone to get the Trident of Poseidon in three months. This Simulation Field assesses your understanding of the keywords. You, on the other hand, went straight through!"


They can't get through because they're dumb!


Du Ge scratched the back of his head, "What about the people who entered the Simulation Field with me? Let them have a rematch with me!"


"They performed too poorly, they don't qualify anymore." Nan Youlong snorted and looked at Du Ge, "I know, training in the Simulation Field is the most effective, but the elite simulator opens and closes together. Others haven't finished, so it's impossible to open one just for you. Forget about entering the Simulation Field again. Since you're out, prepare well for two months and enter the Alien Star Battlefield! Although you have many flaws, your potential is also huge. The higher-ups actually have high hopes for you…"


"Entering the regular Simulation Field is also okay! I can continue to participate in the Rotational Examination System!" Du Ge, having tasted success, wouldn't give up easily, "Isn't there still over two months? I think with my speed, I can at least get through two more Simulation Fields."



Nan Youlong was at a loss for words, looking at Du Ge and said irritably, "Three Simulation Fields, and the higher-ups already think you're overreaching. Do you think they would continue to cultivate someone with your personality?

Two months to get through two Simulation Fields, what are you thinking?

What you need to do now is to consolidate."

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