Chapter 174 – The battle of monsters, fighting against the son of the sun! Intentionally launching punches!

With the grand entrance of two Hatchling Golden Dragons in the semifinals.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Amidst the rainbow glow cast by the Magic Jellyfish, the Deep Sea Octopus rhythmically tapped the sound stones with its tentacles, producing a dull, thunderous beat that resonated like the striking of a grand bell, sending ripples through the hearts of all present.

At the same time.

The legendary Brass Dragon commentator stood up, his wings and arms spread wide in excitement, his voice passionate as he announced:

“Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the two Golden Dragon contestants gracing the stage of the semifinals!”

Under the cover of brass scales, one dragon arm pointed towards the radiant Golden Dragon, Hyperion.

“A year ago, at the tender age of thirteen, he ascended to the esteemed rank of a high-tier level seven, overpowering adult dragons with the body of a Hatchling, the ‘Son of the Sun,’ hailed as the most talented Hatchling Dragon from the Deep Sea Dragon City in five thousand years—Hyperion, the Golden Dragon!”

The legendary Brass Dragon continued with fervor:

“In this competition, he stands like an insurmountable, majestic mountain before all Hatchling Dragons. Many gifted Hatchlings have fallen before him, succumbing to defeat. Among all the favorites for the crown, he is undoubtedly, indisputably, the brightest star!”

“I believe most spectators are convinced that the Golden Dragon will make it to the finals, then face off against the Dragon Empress Yekaterina in a thrilling battle between champions of different generations! Indeed, he possesses the might and power to command the respect of dragons!”

Immediately after.

The legendary Brass Dragon cast his gaze downwards, focusing on the other Hatchling Golden Dragon.

“The dark horse of this Hatchling Dragon competition, a rising star with exceptional Power Essence talent, capable of absorbing the breath of a True Dragon in an inconceivable manner. He has emerged defiantly and reached the semifinals with a proud and lofty stance—the Heart of Gold—Saga Alzhus!”

“He made the Steel Dragon Lexander cower in fear, prompting a surrender. He defeated the Amethyst Warlock Tishir, who excelled in mental prowess. He broke the twin Silver Dragons Carlos in the quarterfinals, turning three favorites for the crown into mere stepping stones.”

“Perhaps, he will bring us more surprises, like defeating the most dazzling Hatchling Dragon star of the Deep Sea Dragon City, surpassing this great mountain, and then facing off against the Dragon Empress Yekaterina in the finals, in a spectacular battle between siblings!”

From the legendary Brass Dragon’s opening remarks, it was clear he leaned towards Hyperion as the likely victor.

However, he was equally eager to witness an unexpected outcome.

A match with twists and reversals was, in his eyes, far more thrilling.

“The Heart of Gold versus the Son of the Sun.”

“The second semifinal match, officially begins!”

With the legendary Brass Dragon’s shout, the match commenced, and the rhythm tapped out by the Deep Sea Octopus grew more intense and vibrant.

At the center of countless giant dragons’ attention.

Saga and Hyperion did not rush to attack.

The two Golden Dragons calmly sized each other up.

Unhurried, their demeanor calm yet cautious.

Saga’s eyes narrowed slightly as he stood silently on the metal floor of the arena, his gaze sweeping over his opponent.

Reflected in Saga’s dragon eyes was Hyperion, his scales shimmering like the blazing sun, a sight to behold.

As always, Hyperion exuded an air of nonchalance and confidence, as if nothing could trouble him. His eyes, deep and profound, seemed too mature for a Hatchling, and the few whiskers fluttering at his chin already bore the regal bearing of a Golden Dragon, the king of dragons. Without showing any ferocity, Hyperion still managed to exert an immense pressure on his opponents.

Even in terms of aura alone, Hyperion was already quite remarkable.

“Hyperion, the Golden Dragon… I have a feeling this battle will bring me great pleasure,” Saga murmured calmly as he gazed at Hyperion.

At the same time.

Hyperion was also observing the peculiar Hatchling Golden Dragon before him.

His silent gaze swept over the crown-like triple horns, caressed each golden diamond-like scale, and traced the perfectly proportioned, sinuous, and powerful dragon body.

In the eyes of dragonkind, Hyperion’s appearance was already outstanding.

However, Saga, with his metallic dragon scales and gemstone-like appearance, as well as the robust body of a Red Dragon, was even more exceptional.


Saga bore an air of resilience and pride, forged through real battles and bloodshed, something that sheltered Hatchling Metal Dragons lacked. This gave him a special allure and charm, making him no less impressive than Hyperion.

In fact.

To those unaware of the two dragons’ previous achievements and current strength, based solely on first impressions, most Sapient Beings would consider Saga the stronger of the two, for he seemed more extraordinary in comparison.

At that moment.

Hyperion stood silently, relaxed as if he were not on the battlefield but in his own Dragon’s Nest.

After hearing Saga’s words.

He smiled slightly, his eyes locked on Saga, whiskers fluttering as he spoke:

“None of my previous opponents could break my scales or draw my blood, which I found deeply regrettable and disappointing.”

“But I have a strong intuition that you are different.”

“I sense a potential threat in you, even danger.”

“You are definitely capable of hurting me.”

Hyperion’s wings slowly spread, his limbs crouched slightly, and the smile on his face gradually faded, replaced by a solemn and serious expression.

This was a look Hyperion had never shown before in the competition. He had always defeated his opponents with an air of ease and nonchalance, with the dignity and calm of a superior being, not the earnest solemnity he now displayed.

Saga watched Hyperion, his eyes burning like flames:

“Your intuition is sharp.”

“I will fulfill your wish, make you bleed, hurt you!”

Before even clashing, just from observing each other, both sensed the other’s strength.

None of the favorites for the crown that Saga had encountered in previous matches could sense the danger he posed, including the highly perceptive Amethyst Dragon.

Hyperion’s intuition was far superior to theirs.

Under Saga’s watchful gaze, Hyperion raised his head, his brilliant golden eyes shining brightly.

Then, looking straight at Saga, he whispered:


“Let me feel pain!”

As he spoke, Hyperion’s wings flapped, his body surged with power.


Beneath Hyperion’s feet, the solid metal ground instantly cracked, caved in, and shattered, with countless web-like, lightning-fast fissures radiating outward along with fierce undercurrents.

Hyperion’s scales, already dazzling, took on an even more brilliant sheen as he moved at high speed, becoming blindingly radiant, like a small sun darting through the deep sea or a golden lightning bolt tearing through the water, unstoppable and ferocious.

On the other side.

As Hyperion moved in a flash, Saga lifted his head, his eyes flickering with the bright light of mental power.

Mind Blast!


The violent explosion spread through the mind, thunderous and vast. Even a True Dragon of the same tier would be left dizzy and disoriented if struck.


Hyperion merely furrowed his brow, his swiftly moving body pausing for a moment before resuming as if nothing had happened.

His life tier was higher than Saga’s, and he possessed an extremely resilient spirit and will. As a high-tier True Dragon, his mental resistance was far stronger than that of mid-tier dragons, and all these factors combined meant that the Mind Blast did not inflict effective damage on Hyperion.


A brilliant light flared from Hyperion’s body, blinding many dragons in the audience who were below the Elder stage, including those in their prime, leaving them temporarily unable to see.

Even the prime-aged giants were not exempt, and neither was Saga, who was now blinded.

His eyes stung, and his vision was filled with a blurry white haze.

Saga lost sight of Hyperion.

However, the blinded Hatchling Golden Dragon did not panic but calmly closed his eyes.

At the same time.

Hyperion’s speed was lightning-fast, his presence imposing and oppressive.

In the blink of an eye, he was upon Saga.

They were now within striking distance.

Hyperion rose to his feet, his movements swift and fierce, his claws swinging forward.

The sea danced to his movements.

Brilliant golden light burst forth from his claws, even casting a golden halo around the surrounding waters.

This claw strike was unstoppable, carrying the might and dignity of the Metal Dragon’s sovereign.

Even an iron wall would be torn asunder in an instant.

However, Saga was not just an iron wall waiting to be struck.

Hyperion’s radiant golden claw was fast as lightning, but when it descended, it hit nothing but water, tearing through swathes of the sea.

Just as the radiant claw was about to hit him, Saga, as if anticipating the strike, crouched slightly and sidestepped, avoiding the lightning-fast, heavy blow.

Blinded eyes could not see, but perceptive vision was unaffected.

Through the movement of countless force field arcs, Saga constructed an outline of Hyperion in his perceptive vision. Every move Hyperion made was clear and visible, not escaping Saga’s perception.

Saga predicted the landing point of Hyperion’s claw and dodged it as if dancing on a knife’s edge.

The next instant.

As Hyperion continued forward due to inertia, crossing paths with Saga, Saga launched a fierce counterattack during Hyperion’s offensive gap. His claw swept across Hyperion’s side scales, creating a string of sparks that were quickly extinguished by the water.

Immediately after, the two dragons, having crossed paths and distanced themselves, turned to face each other.

Between them.

Threads of golden blood, distinct and undispersed, floated in the water, scant in quantity but strikingly visible.

Hyperion raised his right arm, turning it upward while looking down.

On his seamless, radiant golden scales, several winding, jagged cuts stood out, with strands of golden blood flowing from them.

Raising his arm to his face.

Hyperion extended his tongue, gently licking his wound, then closed his eyes and reopened them.

Next, the muscles beneath his scales tensed slightly, and the wound closed up. The marks remained, but the bleeding had stopped.

A faint sensation of pain lingered at the spot.

The pain did not anger Hyperion; instead, it excited him. A smile formed on his face, and the flames of battle in his eyes burned even brighter.

In the audience.

Many dragons below the Elder stage were just recovering from their blindness.

“What just happened? How did the majestic Hyperion end up injured?”

After regaining their senses, they were shocked to see several wounds on Hyperion’s arm scales and a small amount of golden blood in the water of the arena.

“Oh! Such excellent reaction speed, such perfect dodging and counterattacking, the Heart of Gold has such formidable close combat abilities!”

“It dodged and counterattacked in the instant Hyperion charged, and the result was outstanding, causing Hyperion to be injured for the first time in this competition, shedding the first drop of blood!”

The legendary Brass Dragon’s voice was high-pitched and excited:

“The Heart of Gold, Saga Alzhus, has been holding back even in battles against favorites for the crown!”

“In addition to his superb mental abilities, he also possesses a high level of close combat skill!”

Seeing the unexpected reversal, the legendary Brass Dragon was thrilled.

On the other side.

Saga clenched his dragon claw, then relaxed it, repeating the motion several times, flexing his talons.

Some very sharp-eyed giants noticed that the little golden dragon’s talons were trembling slightly.

“Such hard scales, compared to this level of hardness, steel is nothing but tofu dregs.”

Staring at Hyperion, Saga thought silently.

In their recent contact, Saga had managed to scratch Hyperion’s scales.

But it was not an easy task.

The severe recoil made Saga’s claws uncomfortable.

“Not even the hardest part of a high-tier Giant’s skull could match this level of hardness.”

“I’ve breached its defenses, but the damage inflicted is almost negligible for a dragon.”

If the target had been any other ordinary level seven True Dragon, a scratch from Saga would have resulted in a bloody mess, and those with weaker defenses might have been grievously wounded.

At the same time.

Hyperion revealed a radiant smile:

“You’ve made me feel pain, I was not wrong about you!”

“I will make you feel even deeper, more intense pain,” Saga replied with a serious gaze.

The two dragons looked at each other, standing still for a second or two, then simultaneously charged towards each other.

In an instant, the two golden dragons clashed at close range, embroiling in fierce combat.

Head against head.

Claw against claw.

Tail against tail.

Each collision of limbs created a myriad of afterimages, stirring up chaotic whirlpools… The battle quickly escalated to a fever pitch.

Wherever the two dragons passed, the water churned wildly.

The metal floor, designed to withstand the battles of adolescent dragons without damage, was trampled and cracked, leaving deep indentations and scars everywhere.

Occasionally, golden scales and diamond-like dragon scale fragments were scattered.

Golden and rose gold dragon blood mixed together.

The two golden dragon shadows entwined in relentless battle, their dance growing more intense and breathtaking as time passed.

Even to some seasoned prime-aged dragons.

The intensity of the battle between these two Hatchling Dragons was already quite high, as they both possessed strength not inferior to ordinary adult True Dragons, even surpassing them by a margin.

Hyperion boasted excessively strong defenses, matched by his strength and agility, with a grand and open fighting style, often foregoing defense in pursuit of offensive opportunities. He fought based on his superior physical attributes, establishing his advantage.

As Hyperion’s opponent.

Saga’s movements were agile and swift. Although his attack speed was not as fast as Hyperion’s, he always managed to dodge Hyperion’s attacks in a seemingly dangerous but actually safe manner. Occasionally, he would counterattack with his mental abilities, leaving many claw marks on Hyperion.


Hyperion’s radiant golden claw struck Saga’s shoulder, the heavy blow cracking many scales, especially where the sharp talons touched, leaving shocking claw marks and splattering rose gold blood.

Without using deflection force fields, Saga’s scales still possessed formidable defensive power, with nearly maxed-out physical and magical resistance, but they could not withstand Hyperion’s fierce attacks.

After all, Hyperion had reached a higher tier and was exceptionally gifted.

If they were of the same tier, the situation would definitely not be like this.

But basking in the sun to grow stronger, with a soaring growth rate, was Hyperion’s specialty, his talent.

This allowed him to overpower his opponents by leveraging a higher life tier, and even if they were of the same tier, Hyperion’s combat power was not ordinary, surpassing the vast majority of True Dragons at the same level.

At the same time.

Saga’s claw swept across Hyperion’s chest, breaking through the defense with a grating sound and leaving several bloody marks as golden blood flowed.

At this point, the two golden dragon shadows entwined, each stained with the other’s blood, their own blood, the colors mixing into a strange hue. The oppressive feeling of Dragon Might in the surrounding waters rose sharply, thickening as if tangible.


Saga was bleeding more rose gold blood.

At a disadvantage in such intense close combat with Hyperion one tier above him, Saga was covered in wounds and drenched in blood.

As for Hyperion, despite the dense wounds inflicted by Saga’s fierce counterattacks, his radiant golden scales’ defense far exceeded that of steel, resulting in shallow wounds and minor injuries.

“Show me your true strength!”

“These trivial wounds cannot give me pleasure!”

Hyperion roared, then lunged forward with his head.


In a manner considered undignified for a normal Golden Dragon, like a wild beast, Hyperion opened his mouth wide, revealing a set of crisscrossing fangs, and viciously bit towards Saga’s neck.

“As you wish!”

Saga murmured inwardly, his gaze cold and focused.

Ignoring the bite at his neck from Hyperion, Saga clenched his right dragon claw into a fist, twisted his body to gather strength, and then, like a cannonball, ferociously struck at Hyperion’s chest—already marked by many of Saga’s claw marks.

“Bad move, Heart of Gold!”

“His attack speed can’t match Hyperion’s, and he’s attacking second!”

“Is the match going to end like this?”

The legendary Brass Dragon spoke rapidly, all in the blink of an eye.

And just as the legendary Brass Dragon said, Hyperion was faster.

His gaping maw bit into Saga’s neck first.


The next moment left countless giants wide-eyed.


Something shattered.

But it was not the scales under the dragon’s teeth.

Hyperion’s expression twisted violently, several of his teeth shattered, and propelled by an unknown force, they shot out in different directions, leaving three trails cutting through the water.

In contrast, the bitten Saga remained unscathed.

Dragon teeth are known for their lethal power, and under normal circumstances, a dragon’s teeth can certainly damage its own scales.

“The Heart of Gold did not make a wrong choice; everything is under its control, and it has a trump card it has yet to reveal!”

“The situation has reversed! Hyperion has fallen into the Heart of Gold’s trap, and it’s in trouble!”

The legendary Brass Dragon, with his sharp insight, declared.

At the same time.

The moment the massive Power Essence was consumed, the deflection force field withstood Hyperion’s bite and shattered several of his teeth.

Saga roared, his punch unleashed.

In the perceptive vision invisible to the naked eye, invisible gravitational arcs converged, wrapping around Saga’s dragon fist, layer upon layer, coiling like a sphere, creating a heavy sensation.

This was a gravitational close combat skill honed by Saga in the Coral Training Ground against an eighth-tier Construct Dragon before the match began.

The water in front of Saga’s dragon fist churned, the overwhelming pressure from the heavy punch scattering it, creating a vacuum channel between Saga’s fist and Hyperion’s radiant scales.

Super Heavy Intent Punch!

This punch, carrying the weight of over ten thousand tons, landed squarely on the center of Hyperion’s chest.

At that moment, when the Super Heavy Punch hit Hyperion’s radiant scales, many giants in the audience couldn’t help but stand up.

In an extremely tense atmosphere.

Time seemed to slow down.

Crack! Crack!

Centered on the impact point of the Super Heavy Punch, the scales, refined by the power of the sun and thought to be indestructible, shattered.


A ring-shaped shockwave radiated perpendicularly from the seabed, causing the whiskers of some Golden Dragons in the audience to flutter.

At the same time.

A multitude of radiant golden scale fragments shot out.

Accompanied by a blood-stained trajectory, Hyperion was sent flying diagonally upwards for thousands of meters, only stopping when he hit the energy wall at the edge of the arena, sticking to it like a painting.

Amidst the roaring cheers.

Huff… Saga exhaled a long breath, shook his blood-stained dragon claw, and then raised his head.

Looking at Hyperion, who was almost plastered to the energy wall like a mural, Saga’s golden visage remained stern and focused, devoid of any joy from victory.

Because the battle was far from over.

Saga had an instinctual feeling that not only had Hyperion not lost his combat ability, but the threat he posed to Saga had also escalated dramatically, rising sharply.

A second later.

Under Saga’s watchful eye, Hyperion’s body stirred. With a backhanded slap of his claw, he detached himself from the energy wall. His body, aglow with radiant golden light, fell rapidly like a small sun.

The story continues…

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