Chapter 172 – Semi-final, showdown with Golden Dragon!

In the mouth of the Amethyst Dragon, the so-called singularity is actually a rather large gravitational sphere, formed by the intense compression and condensation of a massive amount of gravity.


Saga pondered thoughtfully:


"The reason it takes the form of a sphere, rather than a smaller point that would match its name, is most likely because the Amethyst Dragon's abilities are insufficient to compress the vast gravity into a point."


"So, what if I were to perform it?"


"The Amethyst Dragon's control over gravity pales in comparison to mine. Following the basic principles of constructing a singularity dragon breath, if I were to perform the singularity dragon breath, it would require less power essence and the effect would be more potent."


"But to compress it into a singularity, I estimate I can't do it now either."


Observing the Amethyst Dragon use the singularity dragon breath for the second time, and because it wasn't in a combat state, Saga observed very carefully and gained a deeper understanding of this gravity-formed dragon breath.


"If an infinite amount of gravity were to continuously converge into this focal point… it could collapse into something quite terrifying."


"Once I can fully understand and grasp its operational rules, perhaps it can be presented in other ways later, not just in the form of dragon breath."


"After watching the Amethyst Dragon use the singularity dragon breath a few more times, I should be able to attempt it myself."


Saga thought silently.


Moments later, the Amethyst Dragon, Tixil, lost to a high-tier seventh-rank Coral Construct Dragon.


With her psychic abilities, she could handle ordinary seventh-rank magic lifeforms, but the Coral Construct Dragon, with combat power not inferior to dragon kind, could be treated as an average seventh-rank True Dragon. Moreover, it was an unthinking construct, so psychic abilities were less effective against it. Given the Amethyst Dragon's current state, losing was expected.


"Saga, have you ever fought this Coral Construct Dragon?"


The Amethyst Dragon coiled on a coral cluster to rest and recover, while asking the nearby Little Golden Dragon.


"Of course."


"What was the highest level you pushed it to during your battle?"


"Just a bit higher than you, merely eighth-rank."


Saga answered modestly.


The Amethyst Dragon fell silent for a while, then wisely ended the topic, not seeking further discomfort. Even in a fully victorious state, it would be difficult for her to defeat a seventh-rank Coral Construct Dragon; it would require luck and exceptional performance.


Time flowed quietly like water.


Out of curiosity, before the ninth match began, the Amethyst Dragon stayed with Saga, discussing various topics related to the Mind Warlock path. During this time, the Amethyst Dragon, with a richer heritage of psychic knowledge, passed on a lot of psychic ability knowledge to Saga, filling in some gaps missing from the Topaz Dragon heritage.


Combining the inherited knowledge and their own practical experience, the communication between Saga and the Amethyst Dragon was fruitful for both.




Due to their deep, psychic communication and the fact that neither disliked the other's personality, the two young dragons became more familiar with each other and their relationship grew closer.


The only regret was that, due to the short time, the Amethyst Dragon couldn't use the singularity dragon breath a second time. However, through observing it twice, Saga had not yet fully grasped the gravitational arc's operational rules.


When the ninth match was about to begin.


The Amethyst Dragon and Saga went to the Young Dragon Arena together.


"Last time I came here as a contestant, but this time I'm just a spectator."


"I know my level, so I never harbored illusions of winning the Young Dragon Championship honor and prize, but my ideal goal was to make it to the semifinals, or at least the top eight. Yet, I was stopped by you."


Outside the arena, the Amethyst Dragon looked out at the huge circular arena and said.


"I'm sorry I eliminated you, but who made you encounter me? Your luck was just too bad."


"That's not right, although you lost the match, being able to make a friend like me means you're actually lucky. After all, if you don't win the championship, the other victories and defeats are meaningless."


The Little Golden Dragon grinned, then received a roll of the eyes from the Amethyst Dragon.


"It's not a good habit to roll your eyes."


Saga, noticing the other's tendency to roll their eyes, said.


"Don't worry about me; even if my eyes roll out, it's not a big deal." The Amethyst Dragon replied with a polite yet elegant smile.


As the ninth match was about to start, a large number of dragons were entering the arena. Seeing two championship favorites together attracted many gazes to Saga and the Amethyst Dragon.


Saga looked around and saw many familiar young dragon figures among the multitude of giant dragons.


There were dragons like the Iron Dragon, Lexander, whom he had defeated.


And other championship favorites who had made it to the subsequent matches.


Noticing the Little Golden Dragon who had defeated him, the Iron Dragon Lexander, mingling in the crowd, turned his head and gazed at Saga from afar. At that moment, Saga was also looking at him, so their eyes met directly.


Facing this 'big tonic,' the Little Golden Dragon blinked and smiled kindly.


However, the feeling of almost being drained was still vivid.


The shadow in the Iron Dragon's heart had not yet faded, and the corners of its mouth twitched slightly.


So, almost at the moment of eye contact with Saga, the Iron Dragon turned its head away and used some passing giant dragons to hide its figure, trying to disappear from Saga's sight.


"How come you don't even say hello, my smile was so friendly."


Watching the Iron Dragon flee, Saga shook his head.


"It seems you've left quite a psychological shadow on Lexander."


"If it can't shake off the psychological shadow you left, it will probably fall into uncontrollable fear whenever it sees you."


The Amethyst Dragon also saw the Iron Dragon's escape and spoke up.


"Just a little, I hope it recovers soon."


The Little Golden Dragon brought its claws together, closed its eyes slightly, and made a praying gesture for the Iron Dragon.




As the match was about to start, Saga entered the arena, while the Amethyst Dragon could only go to the spectator seats as an observer.


"Now appearing before us, the Golden Heart Saga Alzhus, who has defeated two championship favorites! And, the master of numerous ice elemental spells, the Ice Hell Silver Dragon, Adams Sataro! Golden Dragon versus Silver Dragon, this battle between the top two ranks of the Metal Dragon kind begins now!"


As time passed, the match finally began with the legendary Brass Dragon's opening shout.


Saga narrowed his eyes, gazing at his opponent.


His opponent in the ninth match was not a championship favorite but was still a special existence. Any young dragon that made it this far had some skills, not much different from a championship favorite.


Across from Saga.


The Silver Dragon Adams, known as the Ice Hell Silver Dragon, had an appearance different from ordinary Silver Dragons.


Normal Silver Dragons have scales that are a metallic silver-white, but the scales of the Silver Dragon Adams were a cold silver that gave off an icy chill. Moreover, there was indeed a thick cold emanating from its scales. Additionally, on its back, limb joints, and along the central line of its tail, there were clusters of cold and chilling crystals, with rich magical light flickering within.


At the same time.


The Silver Dragon Adams was also gazing at his opponent.


Compared to the confident and composed Saga, this Silver Dragon appeared calm on the surface, but its pacing betrayed a hint of nervousness.


Making it to the ninth match showed that the Silver Dragon Adams had certain strengths, but luck also played a part, such as not having encountered any championship favorites.


Facing Saga, who had already defeated the Iron Dragon Lexander and the Amethyst Dragon Tixil, two championship favorites, it couldn't help but feel nervous.


"You're nervous. Facing an opponent stronger than yourself is not a good emotional fluctuation."


"The stronger the opponent, the more you need to be calm and rational."


Saga smiled slightly, offering advice.


At the same time, a dazzling psychic light burst forth in Saga's eyes.




Psychic Blast!


It was as if thunder had struck, descending directly into the Silver Dragon's mind, with deafening thunder resounding inside its skull. The Silver Dragon's head buzzed, its vision went dark, filled with blurry double images, reds redder, blues bluer, blacks blacker, like a heavily inked abstract oil painting, with a prominent golden color rapidly enlarging, approaching in an instant.


Taking advantage of the Silver Dragon's disorientation from the psychic blast.


Saga spread his wings over twenty meters wide, stirring up a tumultuous undercurrent, and swooped in. Then, with a charged dragon punch, he struck the Silver Dragon's head.




A layer of runes lit up on the cold silver faceplate before shattering. The Silver Dragon's body flew out, tumbling across the ground, only managing to stabilize its form nearly a kilometer away. It then vigorously shook its head, its whole body wobbling, staggering as if it had drunk poison from the Green Dragon's brew.


At the same time, magical light began to flicker.


Ice Heart Technique!


A penetrating chill entered the heart, also soothing the fiery pain on the body.


The Silver Dragon's gaze regained a trace of clarity, bloodshot eyes fixed on Saga.


On the other side.


The Little Golden Dragon clenched and unclenched his fists several times.


At the moment that punch landed, Saga first shattered the defensive spell solidified on the Silver Dragon's body, then the remaining force sent the Silver Dragon flying. If not for the layer of defensive magic on its body, that punch would have ended the battle.


With a low growl.


The injured Silver Dragon's fighting spirit surged, casting a multitude of spell-like abilities at Saga.


Ice spikes, ice blades, cold rays, freezing currents, and other spells whipped up an ice storm sweeping towards the Little Golden Dragon.


At the same time, the Silver Dragon murmured, chanting a complex spell, with magical power rippling all over its body. Every ice magic crystal on its body glowed, constructing a more powerful spell.


But before it could complete the spell.


Suddenly, it was as if a red-hot spike had been thrust into its mind. This unbearable pain halted the Silver Dragon's spellcasting and caused a severe backlash, with layers of ice forming on its body.


On the other side, the ice storm it had stirred up posed no threat to Saga, who still had the leisure to use a psychic jab on the Silver Dragon.


The rest of the battle was without suspense.


Lacking spells to defend against psychic attacks and not having a particularly strong willpower.


In front of Saga, the Silver Dragon could only use its spell-like abilities and some low-level spells that could be cast quickly, but these were ineffective against Saga. As for the powerful spells the Silver Dragon possessed, which required longer incantations and magic gathering, they were interrupted by Saga before they could be cast.




Because Saga had been researched in advance, the Silver Dragon Adams, with a natural affinity for ice elements far stronger than ordinary Silver Dragons and possessing a frost breath far superior to its peers, ultimately did not use its dragon breath in front of Saga, fearing the same fate as the Iron Dragon.


Before long, the battle came to an end.


Afterward, only the twelve strongest young dragons remained in the arena, each outstanding and considered a championship favorite. Among them were two 'dark horses' like Saga, who had defeated previous favorites and taken their place, though they had only defeated one each.


In this match, encountering two championship favorites, Saga's luck was actually quite poor.


The next tenth match was special.


Because it involved a degree of luck.


In the tenth round, four young dragons would be randomly selected to advance to the next round without fighting, while the remaining eight would compete normally to determine the four winners. Then, those who advanced directly and those who won their battles would become the top eight.


After the ninth round ended, the selection results came out quickly.


"Dragon Empress Yekaterina, Son of the Sun Hyperion, Gemstone Golden Dragon Lakbia, Burning Steel Copper Dragon Dums."


"There's no me… my lucky Little Golden Dragon title is undeserved."


Knowing he wasn't among them, Saga shook his head.


The four lucky young dragons, besides Yekaterina and Hyperion, included a Golden Dragon born with many accompanying magic gems on its body, naturally able to use high-level blessings, and a Copper Dragon with strong fire abilities, both prominent championship favorites.


There was some time before the tenth round began.


Saga returned to his chamber and once again invited the Amethyst Dragon Tixil to discuss psychic knowledge and, once the Amethyst Dragon was well-rested, to observe the use of the singularity dragon breath and analyze the gravitational arc's operational rules during accumulation.


As time passed, Saga's understanding of psychic abilities deepened, and the blueprint for using the singularity dragon breath gradually took shape in his mind.


Soon after, the tenth round arrived as scheduled.


Saga's opponent was a fifteen-year-old, nearly adolescent, older young dragon, and also a peculiar Outsider Golden Dragon.


It was covered in scales primarily gold but dotted with many bright patches of red, orange, yellow, green, and other colors, making it look colorful and flamboyant, quite magnificent.


It's worth mentioning that among the young dragons that made it to the tenth round, a small portion were Golden Dragons or had Golden Dragon bloodlines.


Golden Heart Saga.


Dragon Empress Yekaterina.


Brilliant Golden Dragon Hyperion.


Gemstone Golden Dragon Lakbia.


And Saga's opponent, the Colorful Golden Dragon Lolita, a Little Dragoness.


"Hey, Little Golden Dragon, do you think I'm beautiful?"


The Colorful Golden Dragon Charlotte spread her brightly colored wings and a charming smile emerged on her faceplate.


In an instant, Saga felt the Colorful Golden Dragoness before him become enchantingly irresistible. Her dragon horns, wings, tail, and even every scale… seemed to be crafted to his aesthetic taste, so beautiful they didn't seem earthly, filling Saga's heart with endless fondness.


This fondness was so strong that even if she wanted to harm him, he would welcome it, unwilling to hurt her in the slightest.




Gazing at the Colorful Golden Dragon Charlotte before him, the Little Golden Dragon took a deep breath.


Psychic energy blazed like fire, burning fiercely in his will, incinerating any suggestive influences on his mind.


Saga could clearly sense.


In the depths of his mind, the fondness for the Colorful Golden Dragon still existed, impossible to remove because it wasn't an influence on the psyche.


But the boundless fondness became limited.


Now, fondness was fondness, but when it was time to strike, he could do so.


At the same time, Saga's gaze swept over the Colorful Golden Dragon and he shook his head, calmly stating:


"Not bad, but not as good as me."


Then, in the midst of the Colorful Golden Dragon's pitiful gaze, like a harmless little deer, Saga took to the sky, approaching with a menacing aura, and started with a Psychic Blast combined with the Bone-Chilling Pain he had learned from the Amethyst Dragon.


"Ah! It hurts so much!"


The Colorful Golden Dragon screamed.


At the same time, in the blurry vision, she saw a golden dragon shadow rushing towards her.


As the golden dragon shadow approached, the Colorful Golden Dragon struggled to regain a trace of clarity, and shouted:


"Don't hit the face!"




The Colorful Golden Dragon felt a pain in her faceplate, then a second pain, a third pain… followed by a rapid succession of blows.


Moments later.


The bruised Colorful Golden Dragon conceded defeat, showing a face of utter despair.


"Wuwu, you're too fierce. I said not to hit the face, but you specifically targeted it. My beauty will be ruined by you."


The Colorful Golden Dragon wore an aggrieved expression, even squeezing out a few tears, accusing Saga of brutality.


The Little Golden Dragon smiled radiantly, lifting his golden-scaled fist, and said:


"Sorry, I don't like to hold back in battle."


"Against you, hitting the face is more efficient."


"I'll remember you, you despicable Little Golden Dragon!" The Colorful Golden Dragon gritted her teeth angrily.


After this match, Saga officially entered the top eight.


Then, before the eleventh round began, Saga returned to his chamber as usual, pulling the Amethyst Dragon Tixil along to continue observing the singularity dragon breath.


Before long, the eleventh round began.


The top eight young dragon competitors, each exceptional and outstanding, were seen as rising stars of the dragon race.


In this match, Saga's opponent was a seven-year-old Silver Young Dragon, the youngest among the remaining competitors, aside from Saga and Yekaterina. Making it to the eleventh round was a testament to its exceptional talent.


Similar to Saga.


It became a new championship favorite by defeating a previous favorite and using them as a stepping stone.


Moreover, this Silver Young Dragon was quite special.


Inside the arena, Saga's gaze shifted between two Silver Dragons with identical appearances and forms, revealing his curiosity.


One soul, two bodies, the Twin Silver Dragon Carlos.


It was born with a split soul and, against incredibly slim odds, perfectly formed two identical bodies within the same eggshell to accommodate its split soul, allowing the Twin Silver Dragon to be born and granting it special talents beyond the reach of its peers.


The Twin Silver Dragon's two bodies could share or transfer damage, their perceptions interconnected. Because they were one soul with two bodies, their coordination was seamless, achieving an effect greater than the sum of their parts.


The battle with the Twin Silver Dragon began.


Saga faced two opponents alone, relying on his increasingly adept and effortless psychic abilities to hold his ground.


The Twin Silver Dragon's two bodies worked perfectly together, each possessing the strength of a sixth-rank on their own. One specialized in energy-shaping spells, the other in protective spells, both with considerable skill. The strongest spear and the strongest shield combined to tangle with Saga for a long time.


They had specifically learned many protective spells against psychic abilities, which were composed of magic rather than psychic energy.


Saga's psychic abilities, amplified by electromagnetic force, remained potent but no longer had a targeted destructive effect.


In the battle with this championship favorite, relying solely on Saga's psychic prowess made it very difficult to defeat the opponent. So, during the prolonged battle, Saga quietly used a Gravity Field to create a suitable opportunity, then used psychic abilities, targeting the weaker soul in the single body due to the split, to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.


At this moment.


What started as an event with numerous young dragons, now only four remained.


Golden Heart Saga.


Dragon Empress Yekaterina.


Brilliant Golden Dragon Hyperion.


Burning Steel Copper Dragon Dums.


Each one was a shining star, the center of attention, watched by countless giant dragons, seen as a rising star of the dragon race.


Additionally, it was clear that the Golden Dragons deserved to be the leaders of the Metal Dragon kind.


Among the four dragons that made it to the semifinals, Saga and Yekaterina were of mixed Golden Dragon blood, Hyperion was a pureblood Golden Dragon, and the other, Burning Steel Copper Dragon Dums, had brought glory to the Copper Dragons, often seen as the lower end of the Metal Dragon hierarchy, by making it to the semifinals alongside the Golden Young Dragons.




After determining who his semifinal opponent would be, Saga's gaze became focused, his demeanor turning serious.


He murmured the title and name of his semifinal opponent.


"Son of the Sun, Brilliant Golden Dragon Hyperion."


In the semifinals with only four young dragons remaining, Saga faced this most spotlighted championship favorite.


Yekaterina's opponent was the Burning Steel Copper Dragon who had made it to the semifinals.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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