Vol.2 – Chapter 33 – God’s Light Slashing Demon Sword

When Chu Liang stepped out of the Water Curtain Cave, he found that it was drizzling outside, and the rain was golden.

Well, now he had become a mobile rain cloud.

He wanted to go to the Solitary Hanging Peak to ask the real dragon what was going on, why was the dragon’s aura turning into rain and following a person?

But he was a bit hesitant, after all, he didn’t know whether this was good or bad, so he decided to wait and see.

Upon returning to Silver Sword Peak, as soon as he landed, he heard a cacophony of noises from the top of the peak. The roars and howls echoed each other, interspersed with Liu Xiaoyu’s shouts: “Don’t touch the little flower garden!”

It turned out that they were playing a game over there. A few days ago, to amuse the young Hakutaku, Chu Liang had asked Wen Yulong to make a jade disc with a simple array pattern. It had no other powers, but with a gentle spin, it could fly far into the sky.

Liu Xiaoyu was throwing the disc there. With a whoosh, the jade disc spun out, twirling agilely in the air for a while. Then, with a rub, the young Hakutaku chased after it like a white lightning.

Little Jin also huffed and puffed to follow, his big head trying hard, his four paws flailing. But his body was too big, and his talent was not in speed, so he was always left behind by the young Hakutaku, struggling to catch up but always failing.


The young Hakutaku bit the jade disc first, then darted to Liu Xiaoyu’s side and handed her the disc.

“Great, Little White wins again.” Liu Xiaoyu patted its head, then smiled at Little Jin: “Little Jin, you need to work harder.”

Little White?

Upon hearing this nickname, Chu Liang couldn’t help but want to laugh. Although he was now familiar with it, and Sister Jiang no longer pretended in front of him, he still had a deep impression of this pseudonym.

As for calling Little Jin, it was even more absurd. It would be more appropriate to call him Big Head Jin.

But seeing the three little ones getting along well, Chu Liang was still very happy. At first, he was worried that the young Hakutaku, being naturally proud, would not want to interact with them. But he later found that as long as he introduced his friends to it, it was very willing to play with them. Especially these past two days, it had been having a great time with Liu Xiaoyu and Little Jin, sometimes even ignoring Chu Liang when he came over.

This made Chu Liang feel a bit left out.

Originally, the young Hakutaku’s range of activities in Shu Mountain was only the Guardian Peak and the Pagoda Peak, but now it had added the Silver Sword Peak as a nest. In the past two days, except for eating and sleeping back at the Guardian Peak, it had been playing on the Silver Sword Peak, seemingly forgetting about Shu.

After observing for a while longer, Chu Liang noticed something.

Although Little Jin was not as fast as the young Hakutaku, he didn’t lose by much. And Liu Xiaoyu’s disc was always thrown out randomly, spinning around, there were always times when it was closer to him.

But at that time, either he would start by spinning around a few times, as if he hadn’t seen the disc, or he would slip just as he was about to grab it, missing the opportunity.

In short, out of ten times, he could probably only win once, most of the time after a fierce competition, the young Hakutaku would narrowly win, no wonder it was so happy.

“Good boy…” Chu Liang couldn’t help but chuckle.

This big head really had some wisdom, it seemed that it had clearly realized that the young Hakutaku was its meal ticket in Shu Mountain.

At such a young age, it had mastered the essence of competing with the boss.

If you don’t eat your fill, who will?

After watching for a while, just as he was about to return to his room, another streak of light fell.

“Brother Wen.” Chu Liang was delighted to see the newcomer.

“Brother Chu.” Wen Yulong also had a full smile on his face, then turned his head to look at the small hillside where the spirit beasts were running around, and laughed: “Your Silver Sword Peak is getting more and more lively.”

“These kids love to make a fuss…” Chu Liang laughed in an old-fashioned tone.

He seemed to completely forget that “these kids” added up to over a thousand years old, and he himself was not even twenty yet.

“It’s good to be lively.” After exchanging a few pleasantries, Wen Yulong took out the Green Leaf artifact, “I have refined your artifact, check it.”

“Oh?” Chu Liang took it and saw that on the palm-sized Green Leaf, there was now a black pattern, and in the center of the pattern, a small red bead was embedded, like cinnabar.

“Can I test this?” He looked worriedly at the spirit beasts in the distance, afraid that it would be as intense as the previous artifact tests.

“There’s not much improvement in power this time, don’t worry.” Wen Yulong hurriedly said.

Chu Liang was then reassured, slowly injecting a strand of true qi into the Green Leaf, feeling the array pattern inside, indeed there was a new set of existence.


With a flash of light, a green lamp suddenly appeared in his palm. It was clearly made of green leaves, but the light was flowing like glass, the craftsmanship was quite exquisite. In the center of the lamp was a red wick, which was exactly like the Red Lotus Pearl.

This is…

Looking at this familiar shape, something seemed to be stirred in Chu Liang’s heart. The Lotus Lamp?

No, it’s the Green Leaf Lamp.

“How is it?” Wen Yulong proudly asked: “This is the shape I carefully designed.”

“Not bad, low-key luxury, quite meaningful.” Chu Liang sincerely praised.

As he spoke, he once again urged his true qi, and saw a red divine light emanating from the lamp wick. In an instant, a halo condensed into a beam of light, extending more than a zhang (3.3 meters) away, solid as a real sword.

A light sword?

This change was beyond Chu Liang’s expectation.

Holding the Green Leaf Lamp in his hand, it felt like a sword hilt, and the condensed divine light in front of him was like a sword pillar!

“Junior Brother Wen?” He looked at Wen Yulong with a puzzled expression, seeking an explanation with his eyes.

“Hehe.” Wen Yulong laughed, “This is my greatest design. The divine light of the Red Lotus Bead was indeed widespread, but it was too scattered, resulting in a lack of concentrated destructive power, and thus, its power was minimal.”

“I couldn’t enhance the power of the Red Lotus Bead, but I had an idea to gather its divine light. The divine light that previously covered a radius of one zhang (3.3 meters) could only repel some minor Yin entities. But now, the divine light condensed into a sword of one zhang in length can pierce and kill a Ghost King!”

“As your cultivation level gradually improves, Senior Brother Chu, the limit of this light sword can probably reach nearly a hundred zhang, and any ghost that touches it will die! I call it the Divine Light Ghost-Slaying Sword!”

Listening to his thought process, Chu Liang felt like he had turned a large light bulb into a flashlight? Limiting the range and concentrating the light more.

He had to admit, it was indeed a good design idea.

“Moreover, if you want to cover a radius of one zhang with this exponentially powerful divine light sword, it’s also possible.” Wen Yulong added.

“How so?” Chu Liang asked.

If he could maintain the current condensed power and expand the coverage of the divine light again, that would be perfect.


Wen Yulong gave a mysterious smile, took the Green Leaf Lamp, stepped back a few zhang, and then activated the divine light sword.


He started to swing it wildly!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh——

Chu Liang’s face was instantly filled with question marks.


Are you okay?

Are you okay?

“Senior Brother Chu, you just need to practice some martial arts… master a sword technique like mine that is impervious to water… then you can use this light sword to cover a radius of one zhang again…”

Wen Yulong, like a shining light ball, really covered a radius of one zhang with a light curtain. His voice intermittently came from the light curtain, full of smugness.


Chu Liang was speechless beyond description. After a long silence, he could only think of one sentence in his mind.

What a big fool!

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