Chapter 136 – Bully intolerably

Fang Da Niu hurriedly returned to the yard to harness the carriage.


Many students were worried, Chang Wan Xu asked: "Fang Yun, don't you want to think again?"


Fang Yun calmly said: "Retreating in the face of a storm, withdrawing three steps in front of an army, knowing when to retreat, understanding the principle, is my Path of the Saints; visiting a friend who is seriously injured, whose father has just passed away, knowing when to advance, showing compassion, is also my Path of the Saints. The two do not conflict, there is no need to think too much."


"Since he is your friend, Fang Yun, he is also our friend. Let's go together."


Everyone nodded in agreement.


Soon, seven carriages left from the front door, heading to the Qian residence together.


The Qian residence was a major household in Jade Sea City, and many carriages had already parked in front of the door. After getting off the carriage, a group of people walked to the front door, and the Qian family's servants led Fang Yun and others in.


The Qian residence was filled with a mournful atmosphere, many people were already wearing mourning clothes, and some people were crying with red eyes.


"Fang Yun and Fang Mao Cai are here!" After the servant finished speaking, many people hurriedly made way, most of them were very moved, they didn't expect Fang Yun to come at this time.


The mourning hall was already set up, Fang Yun first went to mourn Qian's father, and then was led by the Qian family to Qian Bo Shang's bedroom.


The maid at the door whispered: "The young master just woke up, but he looks pale, the doctor said there is no serious problem, just…" The maid didn't continue.


Fang Yun nodded and pushed the door in.


"Brother Qian."


Fang Yun walked to the bedside, looking at Qian Bo Shang, whose face was ashen, and couldn't speak.


The candle in the room flickered, Qian Bo Shang leaned against the head of the bed with a pillow behind him, a smile appeared on his pale face, and said: "Sit down."


Fang Yun sat on a chair next to him.


"How did you know? I told others not to disturb you before I left."


"Since I'm here, don't ask about that. I didn't expect you to participate in the literary duel." Fang Yun's tone was very heavy.


Qian Bo Shang said: "I didn't want to go originally, and when no one paid attention to them, they would naturally leave. But… their words were too harsh, I couldn't bear it. Actually, it's not a big deal, I was hopeless to become an Imperial Scholar anyway, I will join the army in a few days. The Courage to Write is gone, but the Palace of Literature, talent, and divine gifts are still there. It's much stronger than being an Accomplished Scholar."


"Are the people of Qing Nation really much stronger than us in Jing Kingdom?" Fang Yun asked.


Qian Bo Shang said seriously: "Yes. If the ten nations are ranked by their scholars, Wu Nation can be in the top three, and Qing Nation in the top five. Our Jing Kingdom is now less than four states, which one of Qing Nation and Wu Nation is not more than ten states? One nation is equivalent to three of our Jing Kingdoms. The population is more than five times that of our country, how can we compare?"


"Alas, that's true. Qing Nation selects thousands of Presented Scholars every year, and our Jing Kingdom has less than three hundred, which is far from comparable." Fang Yun said.


Qian Bo Shang looked worried and said: "Fang Yun, now everyone can see that Jing Kingdom is declining, you should also find a way out for yourself. You'd better reveal the identity of your mentor, or simply leave Jing Kingdom."


Fang Yun shook his head and said: "My mentor has never mentioned this, and I can't bring it up. As for leaving Jing Kingdom, I haven't thought about it yet. After all, if I leave now, I will leave a permanent stain in terms of 'loyalty', 'etiquette', 'trust', and 'courage'. It's equivalent to giving up these four Paths of the Saints in the future, not even as good as the Left Chancellor."


Qian Bo Shang said: "That's why the Left Chancellor is the most cunning. He can turn the tide in Jing Kingdom, probably because he has long sided with the Semi-Saint Prominent Families led by the Lu family. He has the skills of the Miscellaneous School, as long as he can convince himself, as long as he does not betray the human race, nothing will go wrong."


Fang Yun thought of the past and said: "Last year, Jing Kingdom suffered a big defeat, and the Left Chancellor was making trouble in it. I'm afraid it was instigated by the Miscellaneous School and the Vertical and Horizontal School, right?"


"We Presented Scholars don't know the specifics. We just heard that there are disagreements in the Holy Academy. Some of the All Saints' Prominent Families insist on exterminating the demons and slaughtering the barbarians, but the Miscellaneous School and the Vertical and Horizontal School and some other Prominent Families think that they should unite the barbarians to exterminate the demons. If they complete the feat of uniting the barbarians, a new Semi-Saint might emerge. This matter. It should be that person who is in charge."


Fang Yun naturally knew that he was talking about the Semi-Saint of the Miscellaneous School now, but the Semi-Saint was too strong, and if he mentioned the name, he would definitely be sensed by the other party.


"Semi-Saint, Sub-Saint, Sage. Each step is a world apart. If they can truly unite the barbarians and achieve the status of Sub-Saint, then all efforts and all losses are worth it. The problem is, the difficulty of uniting the barbarians is equivalent to having another Sage Confucius, but its merits cannot make one a Sage. If the union of the barbarians fails and the loss is too great, the foundation of the Saints of those Semi-Saints who agree with the union of the barbarians may be shaken." Fang Yun said.


"That's why there is a lot of opposition, but others can't do anything about the Miscellaneous School and the Vertical and Horizontal School. After all, the Miscellaneous School and the Vertical and Horizontal School have the greatest power among the civil officials of all countries. Unfortunately, the temptation to achieve the status of Sub-Saint is too great, and that person will not give up. Since you don't want to leave Jing Kingdom, you must be careful everywhere. If the Left Chancellor uses the power of the Miscellaneous School or the Vertical and Horizontal School to target you, as long as it does not violate the rules of the Holy Academy, the Holy Academy may find it difficult to intervene."


"I will be more careful. You don't need to worry about me, is there any possibility of repairing your Courage to Write?"Qian Boshang smiled calmly and said, "There's no such possibility. Since I've decided to engage in a literary duel, I'm prepared for the shattering of my Courage to Write. As long as you're safe and sound, it doesn't matter what happens to Jing Kingdom in the future. You can die at the hands of the Demon Barbarian, but you can't be destroyed by the people of Qing Nation!"


"They can't destroy me." Fang Yun's tone was incredibly firm.


"I believe in you!" Qian Boshang smiled faintly.


"Since Brother Qian is clear-headed, I'll take my leave. I'll definitely be there on the day of your father's funeral. You should rest, no need to see me out." Fang Yun stood up as he spoke.


"Then I won't see you out."


As Fang Yun reached the door, he turned his back to Qian Boshang and asked, "Who hurt you?"


After a long while, Qian Boshang reluctantly said, "Xi Molu."


After bidding farewell to Qian Boshang, Fang Yun headed towards the main gate. His expression, which had been calm, turned gloomy. He couldn't show too much emotion in front of Qian Boshang.


After a few steps, Fang Yun heard a commotion coming from the courtyard near the gate.


"This is too much! It's one thing for the people of Qing Nation to bully us at our doorstep, but to insult the women of Jing Kingdom! I can't stand it, I'm going to the Holy Academy now!"


"Despicable! To lure out Fang Yun, they actually resorted to such a lowly tactic!"


"The problem is that the man is a Presented Scholar. Unless it's a major crime, it must be judged by the Holy Academy. Our Jing Kingdom's government can't do anything about it! He's hiding in the Holy Academy now, and apart from a literary duel, we can't do anything to him."


"Damn it! He publicly tore the clothes of a woman from Jade Sea City, and then insulted Fang Yun by calling him a coward. It's too much!"


"That woman was innocent. After being humiliated, she was so angry that she jumped into the river. Fortunately, someone saved her. Otherwise, I would have killed that man!"


"That man is simply a disgrace. I heard him proudly saying that this is a tactic of the Military Strategists, claiming it's a provocation tactic, a way to 'subdue the enemy without fighting'. Damn it. It's too infuriating!"


"Let's go! Even if we die, we'll make the people of Qing Nation pay in blood!"


Fury surged in Fang Yun's heart. He had thought that the other party was just engaging in a literary duel, but he didn't expect them to resort to such despicable tactics. It had already crossed his line of tolerance.


Fang Yun strode out to the courtyard at the gate, where he saw many people heading towards the gate, including his classmates from the State Academy.


"Everyone, I'm also going to the Holy Academy!" Fang Yun's voice wasn't loud, but it seemed to have a magical power that made everyone stop in their tracks and look back at him.


Some people were overjoyed. They had been waiting for this moment since they learned that Qing Nation was coming for a literary duel. Ever since Fang Yun won the Dragon Boat Literature Festival and claimed the first place in Book Mountain, many scholars in Jiangzhou have regarded Fang Yun as the leader of Jiangzhou's literary circle. Fang Yun had almost become their spiritual pillar.


Others were both happy and worried, fearing that Fang Yun would lose.


Fang Yun's classmates looked worried.


"Fang Yun, are you really going? We don't doubt you, but the Talented Scholars from Qing Nation are all outstanding talents from various prefectures, and the Presented Scholars are all top scholars from various states. They've all been famous for several years and have been to Book Mountain."


"It's okay, I know what I'm doing." Fang Yun said as he walked.


Someone excitedly shouted, "Then let's go together! Teach those villains from Qing Nation a lesson!"


"Yes, Fang Yun, since you could ascend the Three Mountains and Three Towers, even if you didn't pass and didn't get the Heart of Literature, you're still better than them! We believe in you! You can write nation-protecting poetry, and you can definitely write good war poetry."


"Yes! It doesn't have to be a timeless war poem. A common war poem will do, and you will surely beat them!"


The crowd followed Fang Yun out.


Someone whispered, "There are three aspects to a literary duel: The War Poetry, talent, and the Courage to Write. Fang Yun is an Accomplished Scholar, without the Courage to Write, naturally he can't compete. Fang Yun is known for his poetry. What if they refuse to compete with Fang Yun in The War Poetry? He just became an Accomplished Scholar this year, no matter how solid his talent is, it's impossible to match those Talented Scholars in their twenties. So, they will definitely compete with Fang Yun in talent."


"Indeed, this is Fang Yun's weakness."


"Let's see then. Since Fang Yun could climb so high on Book Mountain, even if his talent isn't solid enough, he shouldn't lose too badly."


The crowd got on the carriage and headed towards the Holy Academy Street under the night sky.


The night sky of the tenth day was clear with sparse stars, and the Holy Academy Street of Jade Sea Prefecture was brightly lit. A large number of scholars gathered here, each with a ball of unvented anger in their hearts.


As soon as Fang Yun got off the carriage, he immediately felt the oppressive atmosphere here. It was like a giant firecracker, ready to explode at any moment.


Fang Yun looked around, and the word "grief" seemed to be written on everyone's faces.


Many people were whispering.


"These bastards, if they walk out of the Holy Academy safely, I'll follow Jing Ke's example and assassinate them!"


"You mustn't be impulsive, we only need to win one round."


"It's impossible. They are talents selected from dozens of states. We can't compete with them. I'm not afraid of losing, but they insulted our people of Jing Kingdom like this, and they must pay in blood!"




Fang Yun hadn't walked far when someone suddenly shouted, "Fang Yun is here! The top Accomplished Scholar, Fang Yun, is here! The number one Accomplished Scholar in the world is here!"


The entire Holy Academy Street fell silent from near to far. No matter what they were saying or doing before, at this moment, they all turned to look at Fang Yun.


Fang Yun bowed to the crowd, his expression solemn, and strode towards the Prefecture Academy.

Everyone made way, and those behind immediately followed, like a surging torrent rolling forward.


More and more people joined in, and the torrent quickly turned into a tsunami. Led by Fang Yun, a surge of soaring courage seemed to break through the sky, pressing towards the academy.


"Fang Yun will win!"


"Fang Yun will win!"


"Jing Kingdom is invincible!"


"Jing Kingdom is invincible!"


The crowd repeatedly chanted these slogans, venting the resentment and anger that had been pent up in their hearts these days.


.(To be continued.)

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