Chapter 166 – My king, I have been waiting for you for a long time!

The female anchor and the Korean girl followed.

Cai Wenqi hesitated, she was worried that when she encountered danger, Lin Baici would not protect her, after all, they were not related.

The others didn’t move, this monster looked terrifying.

When the two dead flesh men saw Lin Baici and the others approaching, they immediately roared and moved towards them, their speed was not slow, but definitely slower than that of normal young people.

“How do you feel?” Lin Baici asked with a smile. “Disgusting.”

Hua Yueyu frowned her eyebrows and said, “I feel like I don’t want to eat boiled meat for the next month!” “In another sense, it’s perverted.”

Jin Yingzhen came from a wealthy family and had seen and heard many disgusting things. The monster in front of her was at most visually uncomfortable, and she could completely bear it mentally.

“It seems that you have a strong resistance.” Lin Baici praised, “Be careful, this monster spits out a sticky liquid that has a slight corrosive effect.”

Lin Baici had never seen a dead flesh man before, he learned about them from the information Xia Hongyao gave him.

After Lin Baici entered the range of ten meters in front of the dead flesh man, a face squeezed to the side by fat finally appeared.

With a “pu” sound, it spat out a large mass of red and green slime towards Lin Baici.

Lin Baici was prepared, he exerted force with his right foot and moved towards the right front, not only avoiding the slime mass, but also not delaying his sprint speed.


The slime mass fell to the ground, splattering and emitting a strong stench.

“After the slime falls, it covers an area of about one square meter, and the splattered slime drops can reach up to six or seven meters away!”

Lin Baici glanced and noted down this data. Splat! Splat! Splat!

The dead flesh man sprayed slime like a water gun.

Lin Baici moved sideways and dodged the sixth one, and the dead flesh man stopped spitting, indicating that it had run out of accumulated slime.

He immediately rushed forward.

It looked like he was running at full speed, but it was actually a feint. The information stated that the dead flesh man had no intelligence and relied solely on instinct, but Lin Baici still wanted to be cautious.

The dead flesh man roared and charged towards Lin Baici.

As long as a person was touched by its fat body, they would be stuck, devoured, and swallowed into its body. Lin Baici ran past the dead flesh man and stabbed it with the wooden torch.


A burst of smoke rose, accompanied by a sizzling sound, like grilling meat. Ah!

The dead flesh man screamed in pain and accelerated towards Lin Baici. The other one also started spitting acid towards Lin Baici.

Lin Baici distanced himself and looked at the burnt flesh on the dead flesh man’s body, curling his lips.

These dead flesh men were probably directly contaminated by divine radiation. In any case, the wooden torch failed to ignite them.

Of course, it could also be because the torch did not burn them for long enough. “Yueyu, give them a shot!”

Lin Baici ordered.

The female anchor held the voodoo staff in both hands and aimed at one of the dead flesh men. Fire!


A thick blue lightning bolt burst out from the staff and struck the dead flesh man in an instant. Then, another bolt curved and struck the other one.


The two dead flesh men were hit by the lightning chain, and the fine arcs of electricity spread all over their bodies like swimming fish.

This staff’s divine blessing did not have a paralyzing effect, but being hit by lightning would immediately damage the heart of most creatures, causing arrhythmia or even cardiac arrest.

The skin and muscles also suffered, resulting in thermal injuries, such as local burns, muscle spasms, and necrosis… The two dead flesh men were large in size and covered in fat. After being electrocuted, they were severely injured, emitting black smoke and a burnt smell, and their speed slowed down.

Seeing this scene, everyone’s gaze fell on the voodoo staff in Hua Yueyu’s hand. Shocked! Envious!

Their expressions varied.

The appearance of the staff was frightening, but its power was so strong! “They have such a good relationship!”

Cai Wenqi envied and once again had the idea of asking Lin Baici for a weapon for self-defense. It didn’t need to be so powerful, one-tenth of the power would be enough.

Taking advantage of the weakened vital signs of the dead flesh men after being electrocuted, Lin Baici immediately rushed over and stabbed one of them with the wooden torch.

One second, two seconds, three seconds! Boom!

The dead flesh man was ignited.

Once the flame ignited, the full power of this torch was fully displayed. In an instant, the fire spread rapidly, engulfing the entire dead flesh man.

The monster howled and crazily pounced towards Lin Baici. In the process, not only did its speed slow down, but its skin and flesh were quickly burned into black ashes, disintegrating.


In less than ten seconds, the dead flesh man was completely burned to death, leaving only ashes on the ground. Lin Baici repeated the same process with the other one.

The sales guy and the hoodie guy looked at the torch in Lin Baici’s hand, extremely envious. This was obviously a top-quality equipment.The damage to monsters is very high.”Let’s go!” Lin Baici extinguished the torch.

Cai Wenqi ran to Lin Baici’s side, wanting to inquire about the origin of these things, but suddenly there was a scream from behind.

She quickly turned around and saw some dry corpses rushing out from the thin black mist like agile dogs, pouncing towards the crowd.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Several unlucky ones were knocked down. “Monsters!”

“Run, they’re mummies!” “Damn it!”

People panicked and ran towards Lin Baici. “Let’s run!”

Cai Wenqi pulled Lin Baici, but found that he was standing still. Although his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, he didn’t look panicked.

Is this the confidence of a divine hunter?

Lin Baici was puzzled. There were more than a dozen people who were knocked down by the mummies. Some were killed on the spot by having their throats bitten off, while others were dragged away.

“Help! Save me!”

The middle-aged woman who lost her best friend shouted, struggling non-stop, but the mummy’s strength was too great, and she couldn’t break free at all.

The mummies that bit people pounced on the next target. “You guys wait here!”

Lin Baici rushed out. He wanted to test the combat power of these mummies and help if he could.

The hoodie guy was pounced on by a mummy. He struggled with all his might. Just as the mummy was about to bite his throat, a bronze sword swung down.


The bronze sword severed the mummy’s neck. Thud!

A head fell on the hoodie guy’s face, making his nose sore and tears flow.

The mummy without a head didn’t die immediately, but instead started to scratch wildly and attacked nearby humans even more ferociously.

Lin Baici kicked the mummy in the chest. Bang!

The mummy flew out. “Thank you!”

The hoodie guy hurriedly got up, but then screamed again. The head that fell on him bit into a piece of his flesh.

The hoodie guy, not being useless, disregarded the disgust and grabbed the mummy’s head with both hands, tearing it off.

Just as the hoodie guy was about to throw it away, Lin Baici spoke. “Don’t throw it, give it to me!”

Lin Baici swung his sword and pierced through the head, then ignited it with the torch. Boom!

Unlike when igniting the dead flesh, which required waiting, when the flame touched the mummy, it only took a maximum of two seconds for it to ignite.


The mummy opened its mouth wide and let out a piercing scream. Its headless body even ran over.

Lin Baici used the torch as a spear and stabbed it in the chest. Thud!

The body sat down.

Lin Baici swung the torch and fiercely whipped it all over the body.

Each strike ignited a part of its dry skin. Soon, the sparks grew larger and spread, eventually burning it into a flaming corpse.

“Could it be that these mummies are more easily ignited because their bodies have lost moisture?” Lin Baici didn’t care about the burning corpse and rushed towards the next mummy.

Swing the sword, kill!

The head that was skewered on the bronze sword like a kebab turned into ashes. Lin Baici wielded the torch in his left hand and the dragon tooth in his right, attacking the mummies fiercely.

These mummies were agile in their movements and flexible in their bodies, but their combat power was too weak. Besides attacking like mad dogs, they couldn’t do anything else.

In one word, they were weak!

Of course, this was for a divine hunter. It was still very dangerous for ordinary people to face them.

Lin Baici swung and slashed, cutting through them like cutting melons and vegetables. Along the way, any mummy in his path was sent flying.

Hmm… there’s a problem.

After suffering physical injuries, these monsters were almost undamaged. For example, injuries like decapitation didn’t cause bleeding or death. The only effect they suffered was losing their heads and being unable to immediately capture enemies and launch attacks.

Lin Baici’s outbreak attracted the attention of the mummies. They abandoned their respective targets and collectively pounced on him.

“Xiaobai!” Hua Yueyu worried.

The tallest mummy rushed the fastest. Its rotten mouth had rotten teeth and it roared at Lin Baici. Lin Baici swung his sword and killed it!


Just as the bronze sword struck the mummy, it twisted its body, extended its arms, and chose to grab Lin Baici’s arm.

“Do these monsters have intelligence?”

Lin Baici flicked his wrist, changing from slashing to slicing, wanting to cut off the mummy’s arm. But this monster didn’t dodge or avoid, it just wanted to grab his arm.

Other mummies also rushed over.

Lin Baici shifted his body weight to his left foot, quickly lifted his right leg, and stomped on the mummy’s stomach. Thud!

The mummy was still a step too slow and was kicked away by Lin Baici. Lin Baici held the torch in his left hand and swung it in a large circle. Thud!A mummy was unlucky and got hit on the head. In the next moment, its head ignited like it was doused in gasoline, and then the flames spread throughout its body.

It was fearless and still tried to grab Lin Baici’s arm.

Lin Baici quickly stepped back. He didn’t dare to let this thing touch him, otherwise the flames would ignite him too, and there would be no cure.

The drawback of this torch was also this, it was not very controllable, and it could easily harm oneself. “Xiaobai, behind you!”

Hua Yueyu and Jin Yingzhen shouted at the same time.

Lin Baici didn’t turn around. His right arm was like a siege hammer, directly smashing into the face of a mummy that was trying to sneak attack him from behind.


The mummy was sent flying, and a cracked and damaged eyeball fell out of its eye socket. Lin Baici crushed it with his foot.

“So strong!”

Everyone watched as Lin Baici fought nearly twenty mummies without falling behind, astonished and dumbfounded. The sales guy and the hoodie guy were so envious that their saliva was dripping.

Is this the Divine Hunter? I want to be one too!

Lin Baici didn’t activate the Divine Enchantment to summon the Red Earth Clayman, nor did he call out the Muscle Buddha. Besides hiding his true strength, he also wanted to take this opportunity to hone his own combat skills. Relying on external forces was not a long-term solution. In addition to practicing driving, he also needed to add combat training!

Lin Baici swung his sword. Shattered Flesh Strike! Swish!

The bronze sword slashed across a mummy’s shoulder. With the blessing of the Divine Enchantment, the Dragon Tooth directly cut open its upper body, slicing from the waist, and the muscles at the wound were crushed into minced meat, scattering like dandruff. The mummy, with more than half of its upper body gone, writhed on the ground like a maggot.

The battle erupted rapidly and intensely, leaving everyone unable to keep up.

Between Lin Baici’s bronze sword and the torch, one mummy after another was knocked down. In less than a minute, they were all lying on the ground.

Suddenly, one mummy let out a strange cry.

When the other mummies heard this sound, they immediately gave up besieging Lin Baici and followed it, retreating into the depths of the mist. Crisis averted!

Lin Baici looked around and realized that he had saved everyone except for the unlucky ones who were pounced on and dragged away by the mummies at the beginning.

“Big brother, thank you!” The hoodie guy thanked sincerely.

“No need to be polite, it’s just a small effort!” Lin Baici waved his hand.

“Handsome guy, can you tell us about the origins of these weapons?” The sales guy smiled, wanting to gather more information. The current situation was obvious. This boy had outstanding combat power and knew a lot of information. Following him would increase their chances of survival.

Even if they couldn’t get protection, it would still be worth it to obtain some information. “No time!”

Lin Baici didn’t have the leisure to chat with the sales guy. He was still thinking about what to do if he encountered a divine being. Actually, the most correct method would be to find a safe place to hide.

The Provincial Museum had turned into the God’s Ruins, and the Security Bureau would definitely mobilize everyone. Xia Hongmian would probably also be there. It would be the best choice to sit back and reap the benefits, but…

There was always a sense of unwillingness in Lin Baici’s heart, as if a king at the top of the food chain saw another king stepping into its territory…

He had to confront it, bite and kill it! Gurgle!

Lin Baici’s stomach growled, and the feeling of hunger grew stronger. He wanted to eat something to fill this hunger. “I’ll say it again, if you follow me, there’s a high chance you’ll die!”

Lin Baici reminded them.

No one left because when they encountered those rolling boulders, as long as they were smart enough to notice the coins, they could pass the level. But if they encountered these mummies, they would definitely be in danger.

At least Lin Baici wasn’t heartless and would save people. Lin Baici said this and no more.

He relied on his hunger radar to continue searching and advancing. After walking for about ten minutes, he noticed that Hua Yueyu was acting strange.

“What’s wrong with you?” Lin Baici looked at the female anchor. “Nothing!” Hua Yueyu scratched her back. “Has the contamination of the rules appeared?” Jin Yingzhen worried. “Not sure!”

Lin Baici turned his head and looked at everyone. There didn’t seem to be anything abnormal. “Handsome guy, what’s wrong?”

The girl with the hairpin asked. “Nothing!”

Lin Baici doubled his vigilance towards his surroundings.

After walking for another seven or eight minutes, a golden light appeared ahead, contrasting with the dark mist, like the rising sun.

No need to ask, it must be a divine taboo.

Everyone walked over and saw a twelve-meter-high golden pyramid. On each face of the pyramid, there was a staircase leading to the top.

At the top, there was a floating pharaoh mask.

Everyone’s gaze couldn’t help but be attracted to that mask.

It was made of pure gold, with two walnut-sized red gemstones embedded in its eyes, shining brightly. On the forehead, there was a lifelike cobra god statue.”The guardian deity of Lower Egypt is the Serpent God!” Jin Yingzhen murmured to herself.

This golden mask belonged to a pharaoh of Lower Egypt, and due to the divine radiation, it had been contaminated into a Divine Taboo. “My king, I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

The mask suddenly spoke, its gemstone eyes seemed alive. At that moment, everyone felt as if they had locked eyes with it.

The words seemed to be directed at everyone present.

In the crowd, about a dozen people rushed towards the pyramid, eager to get the mask. “It’s mine!”

“Bullshit, I am its king!” “It’s me!”

They started fighting, their eyes bloodshot and filled with rage. “Little White!”

Hua Yueyu gasped, these people were extremely ruthless, gouging eyes, kicking groins, doing anything to get the golden mask.

“Do any of you feel the urge to claim it for yourselves?” Lin Baici asked.

“Just a tiny bit!”

Except for Hua Yueyu, everyone who heard Lin Baici’s words nodded, even Jin Yingzhen was no exception. “This urge is strong!”

Jin Yingzhen felt it too and worried, “Could this rule pollution be making us fight each other to the death for the golden mask?”

“Should we drive them away?”

Hua Yueyu’s left hand stroked her staff, ready for a long-range attack. “Wait a bit longer!”

Lin Baici was not in a hurry. With his strength, no matter who got the golden mask, he could snatch it back. Thinking of this,

Lin Baici turned his head and glanced at the woman in red and the young man. They also had no intention of making a move.

The dozen or so people on the pyramid had determined the winner, a tall and sturdy man in his thirties. However, he was not in good shape.

One of his eyes was blinded, half of his teeth were knocked out, and his mouth and chest were covered in blood. But he was oblivious to it all, staring straight at the golden mask, he walked to the top of the pyramid and reached out to take it. “What should we do?”

The White Pufferfish signaled the Red Fin Whale. “Wait!”

If it weren’t for the “unexpected” Lin Baici, the Red Fin Whale would have already started fighting. To be honest, Lin Baici’s performance made her somewhat wary.

The burly man put on the Pharaoh’s golden mask.

“From today onwards, I am your king!” A solemn and majestic voice echoed from behind the mask.

Lin Baici had heard the burly man’s voice before, and it definitely didn’t sound like this. Could he have been possessed by some creature?

“Kneel down, and offer your highest respect to your king!”

The burly man spread his arms, standing at the top of the pyramid, his head held high, like a newly crowned emperor, waiting for everyone’s worship.

No one knelt, they all turned to look at Lin Baici, waiting to see what he would do.

Their gaze drew the burly man’s attention to Lin Baici, and he looked down at Lin Baici, his voice stern.


“Kneel!” “Bow in reverence!”

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