Chapter 8 – Mutually beneficial cultivation

In the unimaginable countless calamities of the past, it is impossible to say how many fallen powerhouses there were.

Many once arrogant and dominant races have been cut off, and countless brilliant civilizations have perished, becoming history forever, leaving only a few remnants and legends for later generations to admire and remember.

After the end of the calamity, the world shattered, the Great Dao was flawed, and the surviving creatures could only struggle to survive in the ruins.

After countless years of recuperation, signs of recovery finally appeared in the world’s spiritual energy. Countless scattered cultivators and small forces emerged, led by several extraordinary geniuses, and established cultivation techniques suitable for the era of recovery.

Then generation after generation of cultivators filled in the gaps and gradually perfected them, forming a cultivation system that is said to be no less than the ancient immortal path. With the continuous recovery of the world’s spiritual energy, countless cultivators and forces have merged and fought, and various races have given birth to new super Dao Lineages of varying sizes.

Now, a new world power structure has taken shape. With the development and growth of human civilization, the terrifying population base has led to an increasing number of talented individuals suitable for cultivation, which has also promoted the influence and rise of various Dao Lineages and Buddhist Sects.

“…Can our Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace have a chance to return to the circle of super Dao Lineages?”

On the illusory land formed by the projection of mana, Xuebing Xuan and Qing Muling stood in mid-air, walking among the gray and cold mountains and rivers. Looking around, there was only a dead silence.

“Under normal circumstances, the chance is not great, but no one can say for sure how the future trend of the world will evolve,”

Xuebing Xuan smiled and looked at her Junior Brother beside her. “Moreover, with your appearance, perhaps our sect really has a chance to recover and regain its past glory!”

Qing Muling pondered for a moment and sighed softly, “It’s very difficult.”

Qing Muling naturally knew what a super Dao Lineage meant. It was a terrifying existence that had the qualifications to dominate the entire space-time power structure, determining the life and death of countless cultivators in the world. It possessed countless unimaginable accumulations and controlled vast territories and abundant resources. There were numerous powerful individuals and brilliant elite talents, as well as countless top treasures that suppressed the fortunes of the world and gained the allegiance of countless subordinate forces.

Although the world was vast and boundless, there were not too many super forces like this. Apart from the Dao Lineages and Buddhist Sects based on human civilization, each other race only had one or two.

Due to various changes, the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace had fallen from this small circle. Now, it was not easy to return and regain its power and status.

Xuebing Xuan smiled and rubbed Qing Muling’s face, speaking gently, “Don’t underestimate your own role, and there’s no need to rush this matter. Senior Sister will protect you and help you grow. When you have reached the highest cultivation level, you will naturally be able to restore the glory of our sect.”

Qing Muling looked surprised, “Senior Sister, you are the future Supreme Sect Master. This should be your mission, right?”

“In theory, yes, but it is not yet certain,”

Xuebing Xuan shook her head slightly, “I am the first saintess of the sect and the Supreme Sect Master’s first disciple, but I have not been formally designated as the successor. So, other senior sisters still have a chance.”

“Junior Brother, are you willing to help me?”

In the history of the sect, there were indeed many examples of the Supreme Sect Master’s direct disciples becoming the next generation Supreme Sect Master. However, this was not always the case. If disciples from other factions were too outstanding and made significant contributions, surpassing all competitors from the same sect, they could naturally take the position.

As the highest authority of the sect, the sect would always choose the strongest and most outstanding one, and background and origin could not be the decisive factor.

Mu Yinghua entrusted Qing Muling to her own direct disciple for guidance and cultivation, naturally with this intention, hoping that the position of the next Supreme Sect Master would not fall into the hands of other factions, ensuring Xuebing Xuan’s advantageous position.

Of course, from Qing Muling’s perspective, this was not a bad thing. If Senior Sister became the Sect Master in the future, his own position would only rise. If someone else became the Sect Master, it would not be good news for him.

Qing Muling nodded, “In that case, I will definitely help Senior Sister achieve her wish.”

Xuebing Xuan smiled and said, “Right now, you haven’t even broken through to the Profound Realm yet. It seems a bit early to say that. At least you need to catch up to me in cultivation level in the future before you can help me, right?”

“It won’t take too long.”

Qing Muling was not worried. His growth speed far exceeded that of ordinary core disciples. As long as he had enough resources, rapid cultivation improvement was not just empty talk.

Xuebing Xuan looked at him with a hint of doubt. If it were someone else saying this, she would only consider it as boasting and unreliable. The growth of cultivation was not a trivial matter. Every bit of improvement required diligent cultivation and careful polishing. Many disciples would be stuck at a certain bottleneck for their entire lives until they died of old age.

But Qing Muling was obviously different. His destiny and aptitude could not be measured by common sense.”Speaking of which, I still don’t quite understand your cultivation method, Junior Brother. The master has not mentioned it much. Can you enlighten me today?” Xuebing Xuan asked with a smile.

“Sure, take me to the medicinal garden. Remember to clear the area first,” Qing Muling did not refuse.

Xuebing Xuan was slightly taken aback, but she immediately agreed. She waved her hand to withdraw her mana projection and disappeared from the cultivation room.

A moment later, she returned, took off her white cloak and put it on Qing Muling, wrapping him tightly, and then they both flew out of the door on their swords.

The medicinal garden owned by the sect and the one managed by the core disciples themselves were different. The former belonged to the entire Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, and everything in it had to be exchanged for merit; the latter was the private property of the core disciples and could be managed at their discretion.

Soon, on the mountainside of Fengge Peak, as Xuebing Xuan activated the Formation Array to lift the ban, a medicinal garden covering hundreds of acres appeared before Qing Muling.

The garden was filled with colorful and fragrant plants. There were thousands of spiritual herbs and grasses of various shapes and magical effects.

These were all planted by the eldest sister when she first became a core disciple. She personally sowed the seeds of the spiritual herbs, which were nourished by the earth’s veins and irrigated by the spiritual spring. She set up a Formation Array to Absorb Spirits, and carefully cultivated them with the blood of some spiritual beasts and elixirs. Many disciples took care of them day and night, and it took many years to achieve today’s scale.

At this moment, all the disciples guarding here had been sent away by Xuebing Xuan. Some Formation Arrays with monitoring functions had been shut down, leaving only her and Qing Muling. Whatever happened here would not be known to outsiders.

Qing Muling walked into the spiritual herb bushes, randomly found a place to sit cross-legged, and began to stimulate the spiritual power within his body.

Immediately, with him as the center, a breeze-like airflow emerged, spreading out like ripples in the water. A green whirlwind stirred in the medicinal garden.

In Xuebing Xuan’s eyes, the green whirlwind fell into the numerous spiritual herbs and grasses, turning into specks of light, silently penetrating into the herbs, stimulating a rainbow of light, and the natural fragrance of the herbs became even stronger.

After a while, Xuebing Xuan saw countless tiny essences of spiritual herbs and trees being drawn out, gathering in the air into a faint mist, converging towards Qing Muling, and pouring into his body like a confluence of rivers.

The spiritual power within Qing Muling’s body increased at a visible speed, but the spiritual herbs and grasses that had their essence drawn out did not show signs of withering. Strands of chaotic spiritual energy as thin as silk threads were released from Qing Muling’s body, feeding back to those spiritual herbs, silently transforming and enhancing their innate essence.

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