Chapter 152 – One minute twenty-six seconds fifty-three!

Chen Hao was well aware of the skeptical murmurs coming from all around him.


But not a single one affected him!


You just don't understand my grandeur!


He hadn't forgotten his ultimate goal—to clinch the first place with a performance that would astonish everyone!


Chen Hao took a deep breath and, after a brief pause, his hands moved back and forth at an even faster pace than before!


Under the astonished gazes of the other seven students taking the test, Chen Hao sprinted towards the finish line at a speed they couldn't match even if they ran.


One lap, two laps, and across the finish line!


The moment Chen Hao crossed the finish line, everyone present, including those watching the live stream online, were stunned.


This student, with a running style they couldn't even fathom, had secured first place with an absolute advantage.


When he crossed the final finish line, even the fastest of the other seven students, Chen Yujie, had only completed a lap and a half!


The referee at the finish line was equally astounded, doubting whether his stopwatch was functioning properly as he stared at it.




This was the time it took a student to run a thousand meters!


One minute, twenty-six seconds, and fifty-three milliseconds!


Not even two minutes!


Considering that the world record set by professional thousand-meter runners was 2:11.96!


And this student, after wasting a lap, still finished the thousand meters in 1:26:53!


Meaning, 1:26:53 wasn't even this student's true potential!


While the referee was still in shock, the female reporter in charge of the live broadcast snapped back to reality and hurried over to him.


Upon seeing the time on the stopwatch, her pupils dilated, and she nearly dropped her microphone!


Having learned about the records for the sports exam she was covering, she was flabbergasted.


This student, doubted by all, had effortlessly shattered the world record?


And by a significant margin!


The cameraman, too, had arrived beside the referee, capturing the stopwatch data clearly on camera!


After a brief silence in the live chat, the online viewers exploded into a frenzy, with comments growing exponentially!


"Holy shit, is this kid for real? I'm a sports student, and I remember the world record is close to two minutes, right?"


"Close to two minutes? Bro, are you even a sports student? The world record for a thousand meters is 2:11.96!"


"Fuck!!! Our country's student just broke the thousand-meter world record? Guys in the chat, start recording the screen, I'm going to apply for a Guinness World Record for this bro!"


"Damn, all those who mocked this kid, show yourselves! Open your damn eyes and see what his final score is!"


"Sigh, some people think they're gods behind a keyboard, but in reality, if they can run a kilometer under five minutes, they should be grateful!"




Compared to the heated online discussions, the stadium fell silent.


Everyone stared blankly at Chen Hao, who was waving to the crowd from the finish line.


Had they just witnessed the rise of a new deity?


Damn, running a kilometer in just over two minutes might be the human limit, but not for our bro here!


1:26:53, who else can compete?


After a brief silence, the stadium erupted with deafening cheers:


"Well done, student! You've made our country proud!"


"Student, are you interested in joining the national team? I'm a current national team coach, my contact is…"


"From now on, student, you are my idol!"


The principals who had been mocking moments ago were now red-faced with shame, their faces as red as a monkey's butt.


Looking around, the principal of North Hill High School noticed the absence of South Hill High School's principal…


The South Hill High School principal wished he could find a hole to crawl into!


He had just been mocking the athletic standards of North Hill High School's students, and the next second, one of them sets a world record!


Damn it, even TV dramas wouldn't dare to script this!


1:26:53, if a screenwriter dared to write this, they'd be cursed from all directions!


Could this student be a Biotics Man?


But even for Biotics Men, this wasn't realistic!


South Hill High School had its share of awakened Biotics Men, including one with an A-level ranking!


The principal had once asked that Biotics Man to run a thousand meters, and the fastest he could manage was 1:30!


Still seconds behind this new world record!


Could it be that this student was an S-level Biotics Man?


How many S-level Biotics Men were there in the whole country?


Something was definitely off!


But he had no clue what exactly was wrong.


At this moment, Chen Hao was still basking in the attention of everyone in the stadium.


He felt as if his soul had ascended!


Damn it, I've made it now, in front of tens of thousands of people!


They're all watching me!


Hey, that girl over there is pretty cute!


Old Hua watched everyone's reactions with a satisfied smile.


After this spectacle, he mused, the citizens would probably be more receptive to the idea of cultivation, right?


When the time came to implement the national cultivation plan, it would be smooth sailing!


The testing continued, but the audience's attention was no longer on the students.


Everyone was eagerly discussing Chen Hao's new world record and the reasons behind it.


But as they were still engrossed in their debate, a spectator suddenly pointed and shouted in surprise:


"Look, someone else finished in under two minutes!"


The shout drew everyone's attention.


They saw Xu Guanghui standing at the finish line, facing the audience.


On the timer screen behind him, the data read 1:26:53, strikingly prominent.


Everyone was dumbfounded.


Fuck? The same time again?


How could someone else achieve the exact same time?!

Proofreader & Editor: Peter Pan

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