Chapter 162 – Dragon Ball, here I come!

After resting for two days, Xu Zong arrived at the castle of the Luo Family in the West Lake Villa.

After greeting Luo Feng, Xu Zong found Luo Hua.

“Luo Hua, how is the recent company’s income?”

“Xu Zong, it’s you.”

When Luo Hua saw Xu Zong, he lifted his head from a pile of video files, revealing a tired but bright smile.

“The company’s situation can only be described as excellent! Originally, our company only sold Earth’s specialties, and it had gained some reputation within the Silver Blue Empire. With the scroll-making technique you provided, we became famous throughout the entire Black Dragon Mountain Empire. Even the major companies in the Qianwu Universe have placed many orders!”

After Earth made contact with the universe, Luo Hua and Xu Xin started their own businesses. Luo Hua played the stock market in the universe, while Xu Xin opened a company specializing in selling tea and other Earth specialties.

Xu Zong obtained the scroll-making technique from Xu Zong in Battle Through the Heavens, and he found Luo Hua and Xu Xin. After discussing it together, they decided to merge their respective companies and studios. Xu Xin was in charge of management, Luo Hua provided the funds, and Xu Zong held the controlling stake with the scroll technique.

In the world of Swallowed Star, there was indeed a medium that could transmit secret technique information. For example, the Nine Tribulations Secret Technique created by Zuo Shanke used a material called Heavenly Soul Crystal as the medium.

But this material was not something ordinary people could use. Even if Luo Feng joined the Virtual Universe Company in the middle stage, he could only receive books delivered to his residence when buying secret techniques. This showed a glimpse of the situation.

After all, it was still in the early stages of soft science fiction.

Therefore, the scroll-making technique was bound to be highly sought after in the lower and middle levels of the human population. Xu Zong held the controlling stake with 20% of the shares. He spent some time localizing the technique and went to the official star of the Qianwu Universe to apply for a patent. Soon, scrolls became popular in the universe, and the company’s reputation greatly increased.

“But there is a problem. Many people have set their sights on this technique now.”

Luo Hua sighed, looking very troubled.

“Although we have the patent, there are still ways for others to forcefully take it. I’m really worried that it will bring trouble one day!”

The easier it is to monopolize a business, the easier it is to make big money.

Currently, the scroll technique was undoubtedly monopolized by Luo Hua’s company. All forces came to them to customize scrolls, and funds flowed into their pockets. Such huge benefits would make many people jealous. However, due to the laws of the Qianwu Universe, they didn’t dare to openly cause trouble. But even on Earth, there were still many opportunists. How could there be fewer in the universe? If there was no strong background, the company would definitely face many challenges in the future!

“Just wait for another month.”

Xu Zong naturally understood that this technique was the lifeline of the company at the moment, so he nodded seriously.

“After a month, I believe those people will shut up!”

“That’s right.”

Luo Hua smiled when he heard this.

“By the way, I want to withdraw some funds within a month. How much do you think I can get?”

Xu Zong remembered the main purpose of coming here and quickly asked.

“Well, the company has just started, so we can’t take out much money for now… How about I give you 1 Yuan if you need it urgently!”

“Wow, using Yuan as the unit now?”

Xu Zong exclaimed in surprise.

“Haha, monopolized techniques can easily make money!”

Luo Hua laughed heartily, looking quite proud.

In fact, he had made a lot of money from stock trading over the years, but he had invested it all in this company. The company was still in the rising stage and needed money in various aspects. It was already good enough for him to give Xu Zong 1 Yuan.

1 Yuan was equivalent to 1 trillion universal coins!

“It will take some time, but I will transfer the money to you after a month!”

“No problem!”

After discussing this matter, Xu Zong left Luo Feng’s castle.

There were still more than twenty days left until the arena competition, and Xu Zong planned to continue cultivating for a while.

A few days later, there was movement in the chat group again.

Dragon Ball Xu Zong: “Oh my god, I finally left the cultivation warehouse! Damn it, who came up with the idea of staying in the cultivation warehouse for three years!”

Manghuang Xu Zong: “Hahaha, I remember that Saiyan infants studied in the cultivation warehouse, right?”

Dragon Ball Xu Zong: “There is indeed a learning system in the cultivation warehouse, but it’s all about the glorious history and business of the Saiyans. It’s annoying.”

Ultraman Xu Zong: “Hulululu…”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “What’s your current battle power?”

Dragon Ball Xu Zong: “I haven’t done anything in the past three years, so my energy has naturally grown. It’s about 2,000, but my spiritual power has grown quite well.”

Dragon Ball Xu Zong: “Enough talking, I plan to go to Earth immediately!”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “Are you going on that spherical spaceship? That kind of spaceship can’t have a gravity chamber. Do you want me to teleport a spaceship to you? A Class C spaceship can travel at more than one times the speed of light, and you can practice while flying.”

Dragon Ball Xu Zong: “Actually, the spaceships here are quite outrageous. Even the worst ones are faster than light…”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “Ah?”

Dragon Ball Xu Zong: “I can’t understand it either, but it’s true.”

Wind & Cloud Xu Zong: “Think about it carefully, this is actually normal. After all, the Dragon Ball world doesn’t have the setting of the Dark Universe, and spaceships still fly directly in the universe. It’s possible that they really are faster than light!”

Baolian Lamp Xu Zong: “I just searched on Baidu. The three of them took the Namekian spaceship and arrived at Namek in a month. Goku used a Saiyan spaceship modified from the Namekian spaceship and flew directly from Earth to Namek in just a week. Dr. Brief’s Earth spaceship, on the other hand, would take more than four hundred years… The Saiyan’s technology seems to be quite advanced, huh?”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “How about you teleport a spaceship to me in the future?”

Dragon Ball Xu Zong: “Sure!”

Dragon Ball Xu Zong: “I don’t need the gravity chamber for now. I’ll arrange it when I modify the spaceship later. I’ll take the Saiyan’s spherical spaceship to Earth first. You can transfer the smart brain and the ring to me.”

Baolian Lamp Xu Zong: “I just searched again. Kakarot would take at most half a year to reach Earth.”

Dragon Ball Xu Zong: “This talent is really useful.”Dragon Ball Xu Zong: “Anyway, I’ll set off first. By the time I join the group tomorrow, I should have arrived on Earth!”

Swallowed Star Xu Zong: “OK, I’ll send you the smart brain and the space ring first.”

Dragon Ball World.

Planet Vegeta.

Xu Zong had just left the cultivation pod and found a mirror to check his hairstyle. It was like a flame shooting up into the sky, very Vegeta-like.

“Wow, such a young age, and already worrying about a receding hairline!”

The three-year-old Vegeta Xu Zong looked at the short boy in the mirror with a worried expression.

Short stature, receding hairline, bad temper, Vegeta had too many flaws to count. It was strange, why did Bulma fall for him?

The taste of a rich woman is indeed different!

“Prepare the spaceship for me!”

Xu Zong ordered with a stern face.

Currently, King Vegeta seemed to be out on business, so Xu Zong was in charge of the entire Planet Vegeta.

Saiyan cubs learned a lot in the cultivation pods, including language. This meant that there was no education industry on Planet Vegeta. All common knowledge was taught in the cultivation pods.

As the Saiyan prince, no one dared to refute Xu Zong’s orders, and his subordinates immediately began preparations.

Xu Zong then returned to the cultivation base.

“Is there a Saiyan named Kakarot?”

“Yes, Prince!”

The person in charge of the cultivation base quickly led Xu Zong to a one-year-old baby.

The baby was sleeping soundly. Although his facial features were unclear, his crab-like hairstyle was very distinctive!

Xu Zong nodded secretly.

There are two versions of Kakarot’s age. One says that Kakarot was sent to Earth by Bardock as soon as he was born. In this version, Vegeta is five years older than Kakarot. But in the new version of Dragon Ball Super, it is said that Kakarot was sent to Earth by Bardock when he was three years old. In this version, Vegeta is only two years older than Kakarot.

Since it’s the version where he’s two years older, Xu Zong guessed that this should be the timeline of Dragon Ball Super, not Dragon Ball GT.

As for the version, Xu Zong didn’t care much. What he cared about was another matter.

“Is there a Saiyan named Broly?”


The person in charge of the cultivation base was suddenly in a dilemma.

Xu Zong’s face darkened.

“Don’t tell me Broly has already been sent away by my old man.”

“Well, he was indeed sent away by the King a year ago…”

The person in charge looked terrified.

Very few people knew about Broly, the Saiyan. Because he was born with a terrifyingly high power level, far surpassing Vegeta and even threatening King Vegeta. King Vegeta was worried that Broly’s existence would affect his son Vegeta’s position as the King of the Saiyans, so he exiled Broly to a remote planet without civilization. It wasn’t until more than forty years later that he was brought out and beat up Super Blue.


Xu Zong cursed inwardly.

Broly was the same age as Kakarot. Since Kakarot was already one year old, Broly must have been sent away.

It was a pity. If Broly’s bloodline was properly utilized, he could become the strongest fighter of the Saiyan race. There would be no need to fear Frieza.

Even if he couldn’t be utilized, Xu Zong planned to get some of Broly’s blood. Unfortunately, there was no chance now.

“Your Highness, the spaceship is ready, and the route has been arranged!”

At this time, the subordinate who had been assigned to prepare the spaceship came to report.

Xu Zong immediately left the cultivation base and went to the spaceport, entering the spherical spaceship.

Soon, the spaceship was successfully launched and entered the cosmic starry sky.

Inside the spherical spaceship.

“This doesn’t look like superluminal speed at all?”

Looking at the almost identical cosmic starry sky outside the window, Xu Zong couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Then, he took out the smart light brain he got from Swallowed Star Xu Zong, used it to hack into the spaceship’s system, and took control of all the monitoring and signal functions. This light brain had already obtained all kinds of data from Planet Vegeta and had successfully localized.

To be honest, although the spaceship of the Dragon Ball world was very bug-like, its intelligent system was very ordinary and easy to hack into.

After doing all this, Xu Zong fell asleep in the spherical spaceship.

“Dragon Ball, here I come!”

(End of Chapter)

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