Chapter 173 – Do you have to be so silly?

With trepidation, I dialed Mi Cai’s number, only to be plunged into despair as the voice prompt on the other end indicated that her phone was switched off. What did this mean?

Mi Cai must have already gone to sleep. My heart was filled with an indescribable sense of despair, feeling as if I had been torn apart and left in this emotionless, cold rainy night.

My trembling fingers pulled out a cigarette from my pocket. My frozen hand struck the lighter several times before a gentle flame finally flickered to life, only to be extinguished by a sudden gust of wind.

I felt a surge of frustration and threw the cigarette on the ground, then let out a bitter laugh. Why did it seem that the more I missed her, the further she drifted away?

In the cold rainy night, I huddled in a corner, still being sliced by the damp, cold wind. I shivered and reached for another cigarette, only to find that the pack was empty.

I bent down to pick up the cigarette I had thrown on the ground, blew off the dust, and after several attempts, finally smelled the comforting scent of tobacco.

I was somewhat dazed, mechanically inhaling and exhaling smoke, yet unwilling to leave. After all, I had made a promise to Mi Cai. I said I would wait until she was willing to come out. I hadn’t considered that she might have turned off her phone before receiving my message.

Time was passing. I crossed my arms in front of me, pacing back and forth to ward off the cold. It seemed like it had been a long time since Suzhou had experienced such cold weather.

The door to the concierge room opened, and a middle-aged security guard came out. He asked me, “Young man, you’ve been standing outside for a long time. Are you waiting for someone?”

“Yes, sir.”

The security guard kindly suggested, “Come in and wait. There’s heating inside.”

I smiled and said, “It’s okay, sir… I’m afraid she won’t see me if I’m inside!”

“You better come in. The damp cold in the south is no less severe than in the north. This sub-zero temperature could freeze a person to death.”

“Thank you, sir, but I’m young and can handle it.”

The security guard was a good man. He came over to me and tried to persuade me, “It’s okay, there’s a surveillance camera inside. You’ll be able to see her when she comes out!”

The bone-chilling cold made me hesitate for a moment, but the hesitation was fleeting. I shook my head firmly and said, “Sir, just get me a cup of hot water. I’ll wait for her outside.”

The security guard finally let go of my hand, looking puzzled, he asked, “Are you waiting for your girlfriend?”

I didn’t lie to this warm and polite security guard. I told him the truth, “She’s not my girlfriend… You don’t know, but in her eyes, I’m not reliable at all. I’ve never done anything serious for her, so today I want to be serious. It’s okay if it’s a bit cold. As long as I can see her the moment she appears, my heart will be warm. The surveillance video inside is easy to miss!”

My words didn’t convince the security guard. He advised me again, “Young man, the girls living in this community are either born into wealthy families or are high-level executives. They all have high standards. Your waiting might not yield any results… Just a few days ago, a young man made a bigger fuss than you, turning the entrance into a garden with balloons floating everywhere. In the end, he got nothing but a scolding and left in disgrace!”

Listening to the security guard’s logical description, I seemed to see the scene he described. Indeed, nowadays, no matter how hard a man tries, he may not be able to find dignity in the eyes of a woman who is somewhat attractive and has some material foundation.

I subconsciously looked into the community, paused for a moment, then smiled and said, “Sir, she’s different from those women. She might not have seen my message yet. Otherwise, she would definitely come out… Please let me wait a little longer!”

The security guard finally stopped trying to persuade me. He sighed and said, “Ah, you young man are really stubborn! Alright, I won’t try to convince you anymore. I’ll get you a cup of hot tea.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Watching the security guard’s retreating figure, I couldn’t help but question myself. Why was I so persistent at this moment? Was it because Mr. Ban’s words had awakened me? Or was it a sudden adherence to principle?

After a while, I still couldn’t find an answer. Maybe I was overthinking it. It was actually very simple. I just missed her, regardless of the consequences.

The security guard brought me a cup of hot water and helped me light another cigarette. So, I continued to wait in the cold rainy night, my loneliness growing heavier. If she could appear in front of me at this moment, I would be the happiest person in the world. Having experienced the transition from hell to heaven, I understood the hard-won happiness.

The once scalding cup was now the same temperature as my hand. The temperature seemed to drop a bit more with the night, and I started to shiver again.

The security guard came over to me again and sighed, “Young man, I really can’t bear to see you standing here anymore, but without the owner’s permission, I can’t let you in…”

“Sir, you don’t have to worry. Even if you let me in, I wouldn’t know which building she lives in!”The security guard took off his hat and scratched his head, then suddenly slapped my shoulder and said excitedly, “Young man, look, is that the girl…?”

Under the dim light, I couldn’t see clearly, only a figure in pajamas approaching us. She seemed to be running…

As time ticked by, I finally saw her face clearly, and stammered, “It’s her… it’s her…”

In my excitement, I waved at Mi Cai, “Run faster… Comrade Xiao Mi, run faster…”

Mi Cai finally came to me. She was panting, and I felt like I was dreaming… Then I smiled at her.

“Why are you still smiling?” Mi Cai’s tone was light, but there was a hint of reproach.

“Why wouldn’t I smile when you look so pleasing to the eye?”

Mi Cai just looked at me, her eyes gradually moistening. She choked up, “…It’s so cold outside, are you silly? What if you freeze?”

I didn’t say anything, just wanted to hold her, but my hands were frozen stiff.

The security guard pulled me and Mi Cai, saying, “This girl ran out in her pajamas, she can’t stay outside in the cold. Let’s go inside and talk…”

I walked stiffly towards the house, looking at Mi Cai somewhat confusedly. She was in such a hurry in her cotton pajamas, what was she doing before?

In the reception room, the security guard made hot tea for Mi Cai and me. Mi Cai held my hand, transferring the warmth from hers, and asked with a hint of reproach, “Did you come here right after sending the message?”

“I just waited for a while.”

The security guard interrupted, “You’ve been standing here for almost an hour, and you’re still stubborn! I told him to wait inside, but he refused!”

Mi Cai squeezed my hand, “I’m sorry… for making you wait so long. I turned off my phone earlier, and only turned it back on because I couldn’t sleep… But do you have to be so silly? If I had fallen asleep… would you really have waited until tomorrow?”


Today is May 1st, a holiday, and I had a chance to meet up with friends I rarely see. I managed to update a chapter in my spare time. I hope you understand that there will only be one update today.

When I’m in a good state, I’ll make up for the missed updates.

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