Chapter 157

“Did you remember?”

Xu Zong looked kindly at Taige, as if concerned about his memory.

“I remembered! My companions all say that my memory has always been good!”

Taige nodded earnestly.

But in his heart, he cursed silently. Why did he have to use such a nickname? It was difficult to spread this nickname, and it would easily provoke many experts. People definitely wouldn’t want to sing about it, and there would certainly be many experts coming to trouble him!

Forget it, he was just a messenger. As long as he could survive and make it into the top 1001, everything else was irrelevant to him.

“Then repeat it back to me.”


Taige was dumbfounded.

“What’s wrong? You didn’t remember?”

Xu Zong smiled, but the blade in his hand pressed a little deeper into Taige’s skin.

“No, I remembered. Your nickname is Zu, Zu Zong!”

A sharp pain shot through Taige, causing his eye to twitch. He had no choice but to compromise and smile.

“Not bad, it seems like you really remembered.”

Xu Zong nodded in satisfaction and retracted the blade.

“There’s one more thing, spread the word for me. I’m looking for someone called Puzhaluo from the Blade Clan and someone called Leidian, who has reached the fifth level of the Thunder Domain. I’m willing to pay one billion universal coins as a reward for anyone who finds them after the elimination round!”

One billion universal coins!

When this number was mentioned, Taige couldn’t help but feel a bit envious. One billion universal coins could be exchanged for 330 billion Qianwu coins! Only the extremely wealthy cosmic-level experts could possess such wealth. Although he was a genius of the Qianwu Secret Realm, this amount of money was enough to tempt him.

“No problem!”

Taige patted his chest and agreed.

“Good, then I’ll be waiting for your good news.”

Xu Zong smiled slightly and stepped on the fifth-level psychic weapon whirlwind, leaving this branch.

Watching Xu Zong disappear into the distance, Taige finally breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at the bodies of more than thirty geniuses around him and couldn’t help but feel lucky.

Encountering a genius of the laws was already a despairing situation. Even among the over one billion stellar-level experts sent by the Qianwu Secret Realm, there were only a little over two hundred who comprehended the laws. If they were dispersed, there would only be a few in each world region who comprehended the laws. It could only be described as unfortunate for him to encounter a wild one.

“Forget it, let’s go on a mission. I need to earn more points.”

Taige sighed and flew towards the distance.

If the nickname Zu Zong didn’t spread, he would face Xu Zong’s personal pursuit in ten days. The difficulty of spreading this nickname was extremely high, and he had to be prepared to be hunted.

“Listen carefully, from now on, the whirlwind is not called whirlwind, it’s called Zu Zong. If I find out that you’re not calling it that, I’ll come and kill you. Got it?”

Taige grabbed the collar of the person in front of him and threatened them fiercely.

On the other side, after Xu Zong left this branch, he thought for a moment and decided to leave the 49th mountain range and fly towards the 48th mountain range.

He had already searched all the strong individuals in the 49th mountain range, killing four of them. There were still a few that he hadn’t found, but he didn’t plan on looking for them. Instead, he wanted to explore other mountain ranges and look for the traces of Puzhaluo and Leidian.

The entire 88th world region was only a little over two million square kilometers. Stellar-level experts could freely hunt between the various mountain ranges. In other words, if they wanted to earn higher points, they had to hunt between the different mountain ranges. Of course, only experts dared to do so.

In this elimination round, there was a special rule. The first place in each world region would unconditionally become one of the 1000 representatives of the Qianwu Nation in the Human Race’s Peak Tournament!

Before the cosmic genius battle began, Xu Zong had already confirmed the strength of Hong and Leidian. Leidian had already broken through to the fifth level of the Thunder Domain for a long time, while Hong had just broken through to the sixth level of the Domain. As long as they worked hard, it was not impossible for them to advance through the elimination round.

Around him, the live broadcast room was always open, but there weren’t many Xu Zong fans online. After all, they had their own lives and cultivation, and didn’t have the time to stay in the live broadcast room all the time.

After Xu Zong killed more than thirty geniuses from the Qianwu Secret Realm, his points skyrocketed!

Participant: Xu Zong (Black Dragon Mountain Empire)

Points: 2,987,291

Ranking: 218

“He jumped to 218th place in one go! He’s so strong!”

“This person still maintains a crushing advantage. Maybe this isn’t even his limit!”

The person in charge of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire quickly reported this achievement.

After multiple reports, it even alarmed the emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire!

“Hahaha! Good, it’s been a long time since the Black Dragon Mountain Empire had a genius ranked so high. I must reward him generously!”

The emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire was overjoyed in the central administrative star of the Black Dragon Mountain. He immediately ordered the news to be spread.

In no time, the homepage of the virtual universe’s Black Dragon Mountain Station was flooded with this information.

Once this achievement was announced, the entire Black Dragon Mountain Empire went crazy. Countless citizens of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire treated Xu Zong like an idol, focusing their attention on his ranking. Even many official programs happily reported this good news.

Among the vassal states of the Qianwu Cosmic Nation, the Black Dragon Mountain Empire was undoubtedly one of the lower-ranked ones. In each session of the Cosmic Genius Battle, they could only have one or two people make it through the elimination round, and their rankings were usually very low in each world region.

To achieve a record like Xu Zong, who reached 218th place in just six days of the elimination round, was something that hadn’t happened in many sessions. The citizens of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire were filled with pride and enthusiastically discussed Xu Zong’s background, achievements, and how far he could go in the genius battle. There were even many nicknames like “Xu Zong’s wife” that appeared on the internet.However, all these reactions from the outside world had nothing to do with Xu Zong, who was currently in the World Zone. During the elimination round, all the participants were cut off from the outside world.

The competition had just started for six days, and Xu Zong had directly headed towards the other mountain ranges in the 88th World Zone.

He had searched the 48th mountain range from beginning to end, but he couldn’t find any traces of Pu Zharo and the Thunder God. He only killed a few famous powerhouses, found the base of the Qian Witch Secret Realm here, and left only one alive to spread his nickname. Then he set off for the 47th mountain range.

In this way, more than ten days passed.

On the tenth day of the elimination round, Luo Feng’s ranking finally made a rapid progress, jumping from over sixty million to the top sixty thousand. Two days later, he directly broke into the 1012th place. On the eighteenth day, he made a breakthrough and directly rushed to the 328th place. The person in charge of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire quickly reported this information, and the Emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain was once again pleasantly surprised.

At this time, Xu Zong had already broken into the 24th place!

The entire Black Dragon Mountain Empire was like in a climax, every place was filled with discussions about Xu Zong and Luo Feng. All the programs were crazily riding on the heat, and they had become the national idols of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. If they went out to do a live broadcast or sell goods, they would definitely make a fortune.

But in the 88th World Zone, Xu Zong was quite frustrated.

He had searched all the sixteen surrounding mountain ranges, but still couldn’t find any traces of Pu Zharo and the Thunder God.

“Run! It’s Zu…Zu Zong!”

As soon as Xu Zong arrived at the 32nd mountain range, the gathered geniuses screamed and scattered in all directions.

Xu Zong nodded secretly, it seemed that those he had spared were doing their jobs well.

He didn’t intend to completely offend the Qian Witch Secret Realm, so when he encountered a group of geniuses from the Qian Witch Secret Realm, he generally only killed the weak ones, and let the most powerful one go. This way, it didn’t affect the Qian Witch Secret Realm’s quota too much, and it was also beneficial to change his nickname.

“Kid! I heard you’ve been threatening people everywhere, asking us to call you Ancestor?”

Not an hour after he arrived at this mountain range, several figures came together and appeared in front of Xu Zong.

These people all had extraordinary momentum, looking much stronger than Hong, they were either seventh or eighth level powerhouses, and their faces were very solemn, as if they all had objections to his nickname and deliberately came to find him.


Without saying a word, Xu Zong directly controlled the whirlwind with his mind, and thirty curved blades surged out. Every three of them combined to form ten combined whirlwind blades, which flew towards these people!

Those people released their respective domains and roared as they charged towards Xu Zong.

A few seconds later, several bodies fell from the sky.

Xu Zong’s score took another step forward.

“There are always some people who are not well-informed and come to give points voluntarily!”

Xu Zong was very happy.

Compared to the fact that he was a master of laws, his nickname seemed to have spread very widely! Or rather, many people only spread his nickname, but deliberately did not spread his strength.

Suddenly, a black shadow flew over from a distance.

Xu Zong waved his hand, and a curved blade flew towards that person.

“Wait, I have the information you want!”

That person was startled and quickly shouted.

The curved blade suddenly slowed down and stopped in front of that person.

“You said you have the information I want?”

Xu Zong flew over and stopped in front of him. This was a slender young man, his face painted with the juice of some plant, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

“Yes, I’m an information dealer, specializing in selling information during the elimination round.”

Seeing that he wasn’t pierced by the curved blade, the slender young man breathed a sigh of relief, then showed the screen on his arm.

“We information dealers are not here to advance, but purely to make money, so our scores are very low, even if you kill us, you won’t earn much.”

His screen showed that he only had about ten points.

“These ten or so points were only obtained because I had to take action.”

“There are information dealers in this elimination round?”

Xu Zong was slightly taken aback, and said with a strange expression.

“There’s no way to contact the virtual universe here, and even money can’t be transferred. Can you really make money? Aren’t you afraid of people reneging on their promises later?”

“Where there are people, there are needs, this is very normal.”

The slender young man saw that Xu Zong had believed him, and he breathed a sigh of relief, put away his screen, and gave a hehe smile.

“Besides, we only serve the powerhouses. Powerhouses usually care about their reputation. After we get out, we should be able to receive a lot of money. There’s no cost in this business, why not do it?”

(End of the chapter)

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