Vol.2 – Chapter 59 – Surprised? Unexpected?

Su He turned his head frame by frame to look at Su Huanian.

Su Huanian, with her bare hand, pulled up a strand of white hair from her temple, looked up at him, her mouth slightly raised in a smirk.

Su He, weakly, whispered, “What if I said… it wasn’t me who taught you, would you… believe me?”

“I don’t believe it!” The toad, stroking its chin, affirmed.

Sabotage! Braised bullfrog!

Su He glanced over, his gaze imbued with Divine Sense.

The toad turned its head away, ignoring him.

I’m not a bullfrog, I’m a void frog, even in appearance, I’m closer to a tree frog.

Green Snake quietly retreated, her eyes wide and round, as if two melons were stuffed into them. On the other hand, the green bird flapped its wings and poked its head out, watching with interest, eager to interject.

Anyone with Spiritual Intelligence had their eyes on Su He.

Su He felt as if his shell was trembling.

“I almost forgot the important thing, I need to enter the Dragon Turtle’s tomb.” He rushed back to the sea as if escaping, dived in, the white waves rolled, heading straight for the land where the stone egg was.

Feng Yaya’s voice came from the island.

“Father, may you be blessed with peace.”

Su He ran even faster, only shouting back from a great distance, “Peace! Peace!”

The island was immediately filled with a joyful atmosphere.

Su He was very fast.

He had originally wanted to check on Green Snake, it seemed that Bai Ling still had a backhand on Green Snake. Let’s wait until he comes out of Bai Ling’s tomb.

Gu Luo had refined the space of Bai Ling’s world, all the doors had disappeared, the space was stable. He couldn’t find a door to go in at any time.

Su He’s current Water Manipulation speed was far beyond what it used to be, he entered the water, glided, and in an instant, he arrived at the place where the stone egg was.

There were no doors in the surrounding space. But this place had been torn open by the spirit race in the form of a locust tree for six thousand years without interruption, the damage to the space was irreparable.

Su He squinted his eyes and looked around, seeing nothing unusual.

He expanded his domain, immediately found the space full of holes, leaped up, and crashed into it. The universe was turned upside down, and when he opened his eyes, he was already in the Dragon Turtle’s tomb.

The sunlight here was dazzling, as if it had been shrouded by the locust tree for a thousand years, suddenly the clouds were parted, and even the sun was trying to compensate.

This place was bare, emitting a rotten smell. Only a huge locust tree stood alone. The seal was like a thin film attached to the outer layer of the locust tree.

The spirit race’s ghost face was closed, already in a deep sleep. Su He walked around the locust tree twice, poked it and said, “Hey! I’ve become a Dragon Turtle after crossing the Tribulation!”

The ghost face didn’t move, it was sealed to the point of unconsciousness.

“I crossed the Tribulation in the battlefield between the Mysterious Wasteland and the Emperor’s World, and received the blessings of two great worlds!”

The ghost face still didn’t move.

Su He condensed a water hand and poked him, his eyes turned and said, “Two great worlds formed two clouds of tribulation, equivalent to crossing the Tribulation twice, guess how I survived?”

The ghost face trembled slightly, returned to calm in an instant, but was immediately caught by Su He.

His eyes immediately lit up, “It’s your Eternal Hexagram! If it wasn’t for the Eternal Hexagram you stole from Xuanhuang Cave, I would have been dead!”

The ghost face of the spirit race, uncontrollably trembling.

Su He leaned in again and whispered, “No, I shouldn’t thank you. You got the Eternal Hexagram, actually it was my clan’s sister, who left it for me through your body – even your entry into Xuanhuang Cave was calculated by her. It’s that White Jade Dragon Turtle.”

After Su He finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows, let out a long chant, turned around and left, heading for the mermaid tribe.

It wasn’t until his figure disappeared that the ghost face on the locust tree suddenly opened its eyes, roaring and howling through the seal. There was nothing but resentment and anger in its eyes!

Sure enough, sure enough!

He had been suspecting all this time, why did he fall into the Dragon Turtle’s world as soon as he left Xuanhuang Cave, when he had clearly had a series of adventures when he got the Eternal Hexagram?

Sealed for six thousand years, the opportunity to break free was right in front of him, but that opportunity turned out to be a trap. Not only did it ruin his six thousand years of hard work, but it also took away his Eternal Hexagram!

How could this be described as a series of misfortunes?

Damn it! Damn it! Not a single Dragon Turtle is a good thing! The heavens are blind to let such a person cross the Tribulation!

Why did he cross the Tribulation? Why did he get eternal life? Because he’s ugly? Because… he suddenly stopped cursing.

There was a flash of disbelief in his eyes… was it because of his Eternal Hexagram?

Thinking this way, the entire ghost face twisted, banging against the seal, wishing he were dead.

The wind blew, and the leaves of the locust tree rustled.

The mermaid tribe was peaceful. The mountain that had been pressing on their heads was removed, and life suddenly returned to an unimaginable calm.

Hunting, fish herding, as calm as water.

The sacrificial grandmother, swaying her mermaid tail gently on the water surface, without worrying about the eruption of the seal, sunbathing, adjusting herbs, watching the little mermaids play in the water, this kind of peace was the most wonderful thing in the world for an old person.

A voice suddenly entered the sacrificial grandmother’s ears, “That little red-tailed mermaid, is stealing your sea octopus.”

The sacrificial grandmother immediately jumped up, this was a big marsh, it was rare to have squid, the sea octopus was too precious! She swung her tail and shouted, “Which little rabbit is stealing…”She turned around with her wooden staff, only to see a black jade Dragon Turtle lying behind her. The water beneath it was churning, yet it didn’t make a sound.

“He…” Seeing the Dragon Turtle, she naturally knew its name.

This was a passive ability unique to pure-blooded Dragon Turtles. The priestess looked at the Dragon Turtle, her pupils flickering, her breath becoming more and more rapid. Slowly, she knelt down, “Congratulations, revered god, on crossing the heavenly tribulation, attaining the great Dao, achieving immortality, and becoming a Dragon Turtle!”

She tried to suppress her excitement, her voice trembling slightly.

Did the revered god return to fulfill his promise? But their agreement was that the revered god would become a Dragon Turtle and reach adulthood.

“Thank you!” Su He looked at her and said softly, “Could you help me sort out the scriptures left by Bai Ling?”

Bai Ling was a divine name. The merfolk dared not disrespect it, but as a Dragon Turtle, it was natural to call her by her name.

The priestess was excited, trembling, and confused. She raised her head, “Revered god, why didn’t any elder come after your Tribulation Crossing?”

The Dragon Turtle clan’s heritage was all-encompassing. How could the revered god have crossed the tribulation and still need the oracle left by the gods?

Su He shook his head, “Bai Ling is my clan sister. There are many doubts about her demise. I came to investigate. There might be hidden information in the scriptures.”

The priestess was taken aback, her nostrils flaring. She tried to hold back her tears, but couldn’t. Large tears fell from her eyes, splashing into the water.

“Revered god…” Her voice choked, “Why has it been so long since any god has come to investigate… to worship?”

The clan’s scriptures recorded that when the god was still alive, she had a great relationship with other Dragon Turtles. There were visitors every few hundred years, but since the god’s demise, six thousand years had passed without any Dragon Turtle visiting…

She dared not question the Dragon Turtle, but one could imagine her grievance.

Su He shook his head and said softly, “This world was sealed by my clan sister. Other Dragon Turtles can’t enter, not even their families.”

He looked at the priestess and said proudly, “Would the Dragon Turtle clan not care about the life and death of its members? To investigate her cause of death, we have already overturned the three thousand great worlds.”

The priestess gasped, her heart filled with shock and disbelief.

The mighty Dragon Turtle would never lie. That meant that in the outside world they didn’t know about, the Dragon Turtle clan had already done something huge for the god.

She cried and laughed, slapping her tail and repeatedly bowing to Su He, “Revered god… revered god… I will go and sort out the god’s oracle and scriptures. Please rest in the tribe, I will immediately call back the clan members to wash away your dust!”

She was excited, but Su He shook his head, “I will go to the Cloud Island to look at my clan sister’s body again, hoping to gain something.”

The priestess immediately nodded, “I will prepare a bamboo raft right away.”

Su He shook his head to refuse, his four claws lightly flicked, riding the waves straight into the sky. The merfolk priestess on the water surface was stunned. He could ride the waves and ascend to the sky, the revered god really had crossed the tribulation and become a Dragon Turtle!

My god, you really have a new clan brother.

The priestess cried with joy.

Su He soared into the sky, breaking through the clouds and landing on Cloud Island again. Everything on Cloud Island was unchanged, as if time had stood still. The palace was exquisite and spotless, there were still tired birds and rabbits, and there was no trace of Dragon Turtle’s power.

Su He walked on the waves, slowly pushing open the palace gate. Two Dragon Turtle auras emanated from the palace, and the birds and beasts were stunned. They didn’t even have time to escape and fell straight to the ground.

Last time he came, he needed the help of the White Jade Turtle Shell to withstand this aura. This time, the two auras didn’t put any pressure on Su He.

Even felt comfortable and familiar, as if these two auras… two auras??!!

Su He straightened up, then became furious.

Who dared to break into the Dragon Turtle’s tomb?

Su He roared and looked into the palace, while the waves under his feet rose, ready to escape at any time.

This place where the Dragon Turtle’s elders couldn’t enter was not Su He’s home field.

He looked into the palace, and his whole body froze. His eyes were full of shock, as if he had seen the most terrifying sight.

Nothing had changed in the palace. The carved beams and painted rafters were empty, and the pool was calm. But in the middle of the island in the pool, where Bai Ling’s body used to lie, there was a change.

Originally, only Bai Ling’s ten-meter-long Dragon Turtle body was lying quietly. Now, next to the White Jade Dragon Turtle, there was a Black Jade Dragon Turtle.

It was smaller than the White Jade Dragon Turtle, but they were lying side by side. The two Dragon Turtles tilted their heads slightly, their beaks touching, as if they had just kissed each other.

The White Jade Dragon Turtle was still the same, but the Black Jade Dragon Turtle… its horns, shell, scales…

It was clearly Su He himself!

The aura on the Dragon Turtle was dead. This was a dead Dragon Turtle.

A dead Su He!

Su He stood there panting, stunned for a long time without any movement. His mind was blank. There was only one thought: I… died again?

Until a playful and lively voice rang in Su He’s ear.

“Surprise or not? Expected or not?”

It was Bai Ling. The voice came from all directions in the palace.

Trying to scare me with an illusion?

“Where are you?” Su He asked, looking up. No one answered. Only the mechanical repetition of, “Surprise or not? Expected or not?”


Su He was relieved. He rode the waves into the pool and circled around the island, but found no trace of any illusion. He gathered a water ball and showered it down, but didn’t feel like he was breaking any illusion.He attempted to step onto the small island, finding no traps or mechanisms.

He poked at the white spirit corpse, its turtle shell was hard, scales clanging. With a slight force, he could feel the flesh beneath the scales.

It seemed alive, just asleep.

He turned around to poke his own corpse, finding no difference.

Su He observed for a while, but couldn’t discern anything special.

The island was shaped like a Tai Chi symbol, with two Dragon Turtles residing at the Yin and Yang ends. Their heads and tails met at the intersection of Yin and Yang, resembling a pair of lovers who shared the same bed in life and the same grave in death.

This was too much. He could understand if you didn’t die cleanly, but to mold a copy of him for a ghost marriage was crossing the line.

Su He exhaled, looking at the white spirit corpse, and earnestly said, “Can you give an explanation?”

“Surprised? Unexpected?” The pleasant voice came again.

“Terrified! Unexpected!” Su He responded.

“Call me sister!”

Su He was speechless. After a moment, he opened his mouth and said, “Sister!”

The voice in the hall responded again, “Surprised? Unexpected?”

Su He was silent.

After several attempts, only the two recorded phrases “Surprised” and “Call me sister” were played in a loop. No matter what he said, the two phrases would randomly respond.

“If you don’t cooperate, I won’t be polite when I throw a tantrum!” Su He gritted his teeth, looking at the white spirit body.

“Good, good!” An eager voice echoed in the hall.

(End of the chapter)

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