Chapter 181 – People who aren’t the same type don’t get along

Regarding the Time Immortal, Lu Yang only knew his honorific title, and nothing else, but he could still infer some things.

Just as the Immortal Maiden has “Immortal” as her prefix, indicating her characteristic of immortality, it could be inferred that the characteristic of the Time Immortal is related to “time”.

The spell taught by the Time Immortal to the Immortal Maiden, and then passed on to Lu Yang, was equivalent to receiving the grace of two immortals, which was enough to prove the power of this spell!

Moreover, time-related spells were the rarest among all spells, surpassing even those related to space and causality in rarity.

“Why did the Time Immortal teach you this spell?” Lu Yang wondered if the Immortal Maiden had somehow tricked the Time Immortal into teaching her while he was in a state of confusion.

The more Lu Yang thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

The Immortal Maiden feigned anger, “What are you talking about? With my charm and personality, isn’t it normal for the Time Immortal to beg me to learn his spells?”

So, he was indeed tricked by you.

“What actually happened?”

“Once, I complained to the Time Immortal, saying that I had worked so hard to prepare so much nutritious food and invited you all over, but none of you came, wasting the food. I asked if he could teach me a spell that would let me know in advance whether you would come or not. That way, I would know how much food to prepare.”

“The Time Immortal seemed reluctant. I guessed that he was worried that if I learned this spell, he would be out of a job. I understand.”

“I saw his hesitation and didn’t press him further.”

“And then?”

“You know I’m a gentle, considerate, generous, and proper fairy.” The Immortal Maiden used adjectives that didn’t quite fit her.

“At that time, I very considerately said that I understood if you were too busy managing so many planets to come over for a meal.”

“So, I reluctantly offered to deliver the meals to your tables. That way, the food I made wouldn’t be wasted, and you would save time.”

“The Time Immortal probably thought that my time was also precious and shouldn’t be wasted on such trivial matters. He immediately offered to teach me ‘Future Sight’, so I could predict who would come and who wouldn’t.”

“I said that the spell sounded difficult and I’d rather not learn it, I’d just deliver the meals. But the Time Immortal insisted that the spell was simple and easy to learn.”

“Seeing the Time Immortal’s enthusiasm, I reluctantly agreed to learn.”

“Did you learn it?”

The Immortal Maiden nodded, a proud expression on her face, “Who do you think I am? I am the great Immortal Maiden! There’s no such thing as a spell I can’t learn! I can predict what will happen three days in advance, without any deviation!”

Lu Yang was filled with respect. Being able to know what will happen three days in advance was indeed worthy of one of the five ancient immortals.

“Let me demonstrate for you!”

As the Immortal Maiden spoke, her soul floated out of her body. A breeze blew from somewhere, stirring her light blue skirt, as if she had stepped out of a painting.

The Immortal Maiden raised her right hand, chanting ancient words that were difficult to understand. As she chanted, countless golden runes appeared, floating around and disappearing into the void. When her chanting reached a crescendo, the golden runes returned, converging in the Immortal Maiden’s eyes.

The Immortal Maiden’s eyes were golden and bright.

“I see…”

“What do you see, Immortal Maiden?”

“I see that from tonight to tomorrow, it will be moderate rain turning clear, fifteen to nineteen degrees, southeast wind…”

Lu Yang: “???”

The Immortal Maiden continued, “I can also see that the day after tomorrow will be sunny turning cloudy, seventeen to twenty-four degrees…”

Seeing the Immortal Maiden continue to broadcast the weather forecast for the day after tomorrow, Lu Yang quickly interrupted.

“Wait, Immortal Maiden, is this your ‘Future Sight’?”

Did the Time Immortal let you graduate with this level of skill, without worrying about ruining his reputation?

The Immortal Maiden said to Lu Yang solemnly, “Your vision is too narrow. Do you think predicting what you or I will do is the only way to foresee the future?”

“I once had the same doubts as you. The Time Immortal told me solemnly, isn’t weather forecasting a part of foreseeing the future?”

“Rather, predicting the weather is more difficult than predicting what people will do.”

“What does the weather represent? It represents the changes in heaven and earth. Among heaven, earth, and man, man is last, heaven and earth are first. Predicting the changes in heaven and earth is definitely more difficult than predicting human behavior.”

“My ability to predict the weather just proves that I have mastered this spell! Ordinary people can’t do what I do, even if they want to!”

The Immortal Maiden repeated what the Time Immortal had said to her to Lu Yang, feeling very pleased with herself. It felt great to be a teacher.

Lu Yang suspected that the Immortal Maiden had been tricked by the Time Immortal, but he couldn’t beat the Time Immortal, so he didn’t dare to question it.

“Can you predict anything else?”

“I can only predict the weather.”

Lu Yang was certain that the Immortal Maiden had been tricked by the Time Immortal, but he couldn’t beat the Time Immortal.

The ancient times were so cruel. Even the immortals lacked basic humanity, tricking even the naive. It was despicable!”Can your weather forecast be trusted? The Seek Tao Sect experiences spring all year round, with rare rainfall.” Lu Yang looked at the Immortal Maiden with suspicion, doubting the success rate of her spell.

“My weather forecast has never been wrong!”

“So, you’re going to teach me weather forecasting?” Lu Yang’s eye twitched, retracting his initial thoughts.

This golden finger really wasn’t much use.

“What I’ve learned is the highest realm of predicting the future, forecasting the weather. Your talent for spells is good, but it’s still a bit lacking compared to mine. Besides, you’re only at the Foundation Establishment stage, how could you learn to be like me?”

Lu Yang didn’t quite understand what the Immortal Maiden was so proud of.

“So, you’re actually teaching me normal future prediction, but you’ve just learned weather forecasting?”


Lu Yang felt that this was probably what they meant by ‘birds of a feather flock together’.

It was normal for the Immortal Maiden, as his Elemental Infant, to have some similarities with him.

“Do you want to learn?”


“Since you want to learn, you have to start with the most basic ancient language. The ancient language is very different from the current language, you won’t be able to learn it in a short time. To see results in the short term, you just need to learn the ancient language used when predicting the future.”

The Immortal Maiden paused, then repeated the ancient language she had just spoken.

“What does this sentence mean?” Lu Yang was curious.

The Immortal Maiden translated, “What I just said was ‘Heavenly spirit, earthly spirit, Time Immortal you this tortoise grandson quickly show your spirit!’”

Lu Yang instinctively took two steps back, fearing that the Time Immortal would descend and pinch him to death with one finger.

Lu Yang felt that studying spells with the Immortal Maiden, even the most basic survival guarantee was not there, his senior sister was more reliable.

“You repeat after me.”

“Um, just to be safe, I want to ask, is it necessary to say ‘tortoise grandson’?”

“You don’t have to, it’s a tone particle, you can say it or not,”

Pure Invincible Text

Han Se crossed over to a parallel world where all civilizations in the universe participated in the same cosmic league, and found that he could blow out the entire universe.

(End of Chapter)

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