Chapter 148 – Ultraman Xu Zong: “Hulu lulu lulu lulu

Xu Zong from the Primitive Wilderness: “Ultraman? A world with complex elements has appeared!”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “The Ultraman world is indeed complex, with technology, magic, superpowers, gods, demons, and monsters everywhere. There are so many types of monsters that it’s hair-raising. I still don’t understand how such a tiny bit of negative energy can transform into such huge monsters. Is that reasonable?”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “There’s no need to study Ultraman so carefully.jpg”

Xu Zong from Martial World General: “Where is the newcomer? Why isn’t he speaking?”

Xu Zong Ultraman: “Snoring…”

Xu Zong from Demon Slayer: “Is the newcomer snoring?”

Xu Zong from Dragon Ball: “@Xu Zong Ultraman, wake up and introduce yourself!”

Xu Zong Ultraman: “Snoring…”

Xu Zong from Anti-Magic Ninja: “Shouldn’t a normal person have woken up by now? This is cheating!”

Xu Zong from Wind & Cloud: “This might not be a normal Xu Zong… look at his profile picture.”

The group of Xu Zongs unanimously clicked on Xu Zong Ultraman’s profile picture. In theory, the first profile picture of each Xu Zong when they joined the group would show their appearance at that time. By looking at the profile picture, they could know what each Xu Zong had transformed into.

Xu Zong from the Primitive Wilderness: “Why is it so dark that we can’t see anything?”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “I can vaguely see some outlines, but I can’t see anything else.”

Xu Zong from Wind & Cloud: “We’ve been talking so much in his mind, a normal person should have woken up by now. And this outline doesn’t feel like a human…”

Xu Zong from Demon Slayer: “Could he have transformed into a monster? lol.jpg!”

Xu Zong from Anti-Magic Ninja: “That’s bad. In the Ultraman world, Ultraman is an energy-based creature. They can replenish their energy and be full of vitality without needing to sleep. It’s fine for humans to sleep for a day, but if he has transformed into a monster, how many hundreds or thousands of years will it take for him to wake up?”

Xu Zong from the Primitive Wilderness: “I can’t say for sure.”

Xu Zong Ultraman: “Snoring…”

Xu Zong from Wind & Cloud: “He’s probably turned into a monster.”

The group of Xu Zongs had no solution. This newcomer, Xu Zong Ultraman, was sleeping too deeply. Even with so many people causing a commotion in his mind, it seemed that he wouldn’t wake up so easily.

Xu Zong from the Primitive Wilderness: “By the way, has the time for new members to join the group changed to once a year?”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “It seems so. At the beginning, it was once a month, but after leveling up, it changed to once a year. Now, it’s the ninth Xu Zong to join the group.”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “It seems there is a certain pattern. Is there a possibility that when the tenth Xu Zong joins the group, the chat group will level up again?”

Xu Zong from Demon Slayer: “And then it won’t be once every ten years, right? Don’t tell me, I’m already bored. Will even the small joy of new members joining the group be taken away?”

Xu Zong Ultraman: “Snoring…”

Xu Zong from Anti-Magic Ninja: “The newcomer is still sleeping.”

Xu Zong from Dragon Ball: “He’s the first newcomer after I joined. Why is he so lackluster…”

Xu Zong from the Primitive Wilderness: “Let’s wait until the newcomer wakes up.”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “We speculated before that the number of days without logging into the chat group would be skipped. So if you keep the chat group open, will it be completely synchronized?”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “What do you mean?”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “If Xu Zong Ultraman has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, but he has been logged in and never went offline during this time, do we also have to wait for tens of thousands of years?”

Xu Zong from Dragon Ball: “I don’t understand.”

Xu Zong from Martial World General: “It’s the rule of our chat group. If you close the chat group and then come online after ten thousand years, you will meet us from the second day. But if you log in every day for ten thousand years, then your time will be completely synchronized with ours, and you will meet us as we are ten thousand years later.”

Xu Zong from Martial World General: “After experimenting, this speculation has basically been confirmed. I’ll make a Newbie Elf 3.0 and include this setting in the video.”

Xu Zong from Dragon Ball: “Then what are you waiting for? Log off and come back online when you reach the peak of cultivation. Hurry up, I want to freeload!”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “Get lost.”

Xu Zong from the Primitive Wilderness: “Get lost.”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “Get lost.”

Xu Zong from Martial World General: “Do you understand now?”

Xu Zong from Dragon Ball: “Isn’t there a Xu Zong who is selfless?”

Xu Zong from Demon Slayer: “Why don’t you take a moment to reflect on your own personality?”

Xu Zong from Anti-Magic Ninja: “Anyway, Xu Zong Ultraman is currently sleeping with the chat group open, so our time will definitely be synchronized with his. We have to wait for him to sleep for the equivalent of real time before he wakes up.”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “That’s what I mean.”

Xu Zong from Dragon Ball: “Then it’s over. Who knows when he will wake up.”

Xu Zong from the Primitive Wilderness: “Goodness gracious, take a look at the newcomer’s talents and skills!”

Xu Zong from the Primitive Wilderness: “These are not things that a normal person would have!”

Hearing this, the group of Xu Zongs entered Xu Zong Ultraman’s personal page one after another. As they scrolled down, they saw his talents and skills.

Xu Zong Ultraman

Talent: You Are Also Light

Skill: Shadow Black Mist, Penetrating Light

Xu Zong from Martial World General: “This skill is too ominous!”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “I seem to have already figured out what the newcomer has transformed into. It’s only natural for him to sleep a little longer.”Dragon Ball Xu Zong: “Hehe haha, I feel the same!”

Wild Xu Zong: “Tsk tsk tsk, with this skill, you’re naturally born to challenge Ultraman!”

Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong: “But what does this talent mean? Are you also light? Do you bestow light upon others? So is this newcomer Xu Zong light or darkness?”

Wind & Cloud Xu Zong: “My opinion is, let’s wait until he wakes up.”

Dragon Ball Xu Zong: “Why isn’t there a default price? This chat group is so rigid!”

Ultraman Xu Zong: “Zzzzzzzz…”

The newcomer Xu Zong, whose talent price has not yet been set, cannot share it, so they can only stare at this talent, unable to even test its function.

Ultraman Xu Zong snores in the chat group every day, annoying all the other Xu Zongs to no end. Apart from signing in every day, they can’t even be bothered to enter the chat group.

Wild Xu Zong and Swallowed Star Xu Zong are both contemplating their own paths. Demon Slayer Xu Zong and Martial World General Xu Zong are playing the same game. Dragon Ball Xu Zong is still in the training chamber, and Devil Ninja Xu Zong posts videos in the group every day.

Battle Through the Heavens Xu Zong and Wind & Cloud Xu Zong are busy integrating the Burning Decision into the Flameless Skill.

To their surprise, the creation of skills seems to be included in the concept of “cultivation”. So under the talent of no bottleneck, they can still make progress every day.

Unfortunately, although the progress bar moves every day, the progress is extremely slow.

The Burning Decision, which Yao Chen obtained by chance, was not created by the first practitioner, Tuoshe Gu Emperor. Its origin is completely unknown, and it is even speculated to be from the Fire Spirit Clan of the Great Thousand World, created by the ancestor of the Fire Spirit Clan, who has been a supreme powerhouse for many years.

To integrate the characteristics of this skill into one’s own skill is not easy. It is estimated that it will take several years to complete.

Several months have passed since Ultraman Xu Zong joined the group.

One day, a loud shout came from outside Xu Zong’s secluded cave.

“Young Master, I, Gu He, request an audience!”

Xu Zong woke up from his seclusion, opened the cave, and welcomed the modest and elegant middle-aged man at the door.

“Master Gu He? What brings you here?”

“Young Master, I need your help!”

Gu He entered the cave, his face showing excitement.

“Half a year ago, I went out to find medicinal materials and accidentally discovered the information about an Exotic Fire. I tracked its traces, but unexpectedly entered the Snake Tribe of the Tagore Desert. As an alchemist, I have longed for an Exotic Fire for a long time. I hope you can help me, and I am willing to reward you with three sixth-grade pills!”

An Exotic Fire appeared in the Snake Tribe?

Xu Zong suddenly realized, has it come to this plot?

“Alright, I’ll go with you.”

Xu Zong naturally agreed.

“Thank you, Young Master!”

Gu He was overjoyed.

The Young Master had already been a Dou Emperor two years ago. A year ago, when he returned from his travels, even Sect Master Yun Yun said that she could no longer see his realm. Now he is probably a mid-level or even high-level Dou Emperor. With him accompanying, it’s like adding wings to a tiger!

Xu Zong came out of seclusion and naturally returned to Yun Yun’s palace that night.

“Yanran, what is your realm now?”

Yun Yun couldn’t help asking when she saw her aura growing stronger.

“Probably a high-star Dou Emperor.”

Xu Zong vaguely replied.

Yun Yun was speechless.

What do you mean by probably?

Don’t you know your own realm?

The Tagore Desert.

Located in the eastern part of the Gama Empire, it is the largest desert in the Gama Empire, stretching thousands of kilometers in length and width. Because of the vast desert, the surrounding area is dry and hot all year round. Walking in the desert gives people a feeling of being baked dry.

The Snake Tribe, located deep in the Tagore Desert, has eight tribes radiating around the central Snake Tribe city, where the Snake Tribe, all of whom have human heads and snake bodies, have lived for generations.

Among these tribes, there are even Dou Wang-level snake guards. The relationship between the Snake Tribe and humans is extremely poor. In the past, they even had wars with the army of the Gama Empire and even repelled the army. Ordinary mercenaries are extremely respectful of this place and absolutely dare not venture into the depths of the desert.

Late at night.

A huge flying beast flew over the desert, bypassing the outer snake tribes and entering the deepest snake city in the desert.

On the flying beast, there were several figures, including two Dou Emperors, three Dou Kings, and four Dou Spirits. Apart from Gu He and Yun Yun and Xu Zong, who were invited by Gu He, the remaining two Dou Kings were among the top ten powerhouses in the Gama Empire. As for the other Dou Spirits, they were basically just making up the numbers.

The flying beast arrived near the Snake Tribe city and had already attracted the attention of many people in the city. Several Dou Wang-level auras erupted, as if warning them.

“Master Gu He, you negotiate with Queen Medusa directly, and I will sneak into the city.”

Xu Zong scanned the surroundings, and as soon as she finished speaking, before Yun Yun and the others could react, she took a step forward, her figure suddenly blurred, and she disappeared from their sight.

(End of Chapter)

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