Chapter 157 – Motorcycle girl

Yan Yan was puzzled, but she still sent me the photo. I immediately went to the car to get my laptop. Using today’s photos and yesterday’s performance video at Zhuomei as materials, I started writing a soft advertisement, titled “The Beautiful World in the Fifth Season”.

I extracted the highlights from yesterday’s video to make a short montage, and then spent a quarter of an hour writing the soft advertisement. Then I went up to the stage of the bar.

I took the microphone and said to the customers below: “Ladies and Gentlemen, sorry to interrupt.”

The scene quickly quieted down, and all eyes were once again focused on me.

I quickly organized my thoughts and continued: “Today is a great day for the opening of the Fifth Season Bar. We are very grateful for everyone who came to support us… Our bar is a bit special, with a clear customer positioning, which means it’s quite niche. But we have a beautiful wish, to make this place a quiet, independent world. If you like this bar, we hope you can recommend it to friends who have the same needs… I have written a soft advertisement here, and I hope everyone can share it in their social circles. Of course, this is entirely up to you, no pressure!… For those who share, we will offer a bottle of beer as a thank you. It’s a small gesture, but it’s sincere!”

The customers present were all high-quality consumers. They immediately expressed their understanding of such an event. After all, the bar needs income to maintain its operation, and the customers who came today can’t possibly spend here every night, so more consumers with similar consumption needs are needed to fill the gap.

After I announced the Weibo address, the customers present took out their phones and shared the information on their Weibo.

The high level of cooperation from the consumers made me breathe a sigh of relief. It also initially verified that my business positioning and promotion strategy were correct, and this group of high-quality consumers would become the original driving force for the development of the bar.


It was already very late. The customers and friends who came to support us gradually left, leaving only the staff, me, Mi Cai, and CC in the bar.

Near closing time, CC said to me with joy: “Zhao Yang, the statistics are out. Do you know how many customers came today?”

I looked at Mi Cai next to me. I knew she had been waiting for this result, and then shook my head to CC: “I don’t know, there must be hundreds.”

CC nodded and said: “Not counting the friends who came to support us, 198 customers came today. It’s 198 people, not 198 visits!”

CC’s special emphasis made me stunned. Mi Cai seemed to have some kind of magic. This result was almost the same as her upper limit prediction of 200 people…

So I lost, and I was convinced.

Just as I was ready to accept my loss, CC suddenly said to me: “Zhao Yang, the restaurant is about to close too. I have to rush back now. Can you take care of the bar?”

“Sure, leave it to me. Be careful on the road.”

CC nodded, said goodbye to Mi Cai, and then left the bar, giving me another chance to face Mi Cai alone.

“Zhao Yang, will you accept your loss?” Mi Cai looked at me with a smile, her words filled with a little pride.

“Even if you didn’t ask, I wouldn’t go back on my word. I owe you a guitar!”

“Then give it to me now…”

Mi Cai’s request caught me off guard. After a while, I said: “Didn’t you say you could wait? And it’s so late, where can I buy it for you?”

“It’s because you can’t buy it now that shows your sincerity in accepting your loss.”

“Why are you so fickle? You didn’t say that before…”

Mi Cai didn’t say anything, clearly showing her displeasure. I then remembered that a little earlier, she had given me a lot of cash under the pretext of giving red envelopes… It seemed that she had mentioned using this money to buy her a guitar.

I hesitated for a moment, then took out my phone from my pocket, found Little Wu’s number, and dialed it.

After a while, Little Wu answered the phone: “Hello, Zhao Yang… What’s up calling me so late?”

I walked to another corner and whispered to him: “Don’t you have a friend who owns a music store?”

“Yes, I do.”

“I want to buy a guitar…”

Before I could finish my sentence, Little Wu, who was always impatient, interrupted me: “Then buy it, it’s not a big deal. I’ll ask my friend to give you a discount later…” After thinking for a while, he added: “Don’t you already have a badass guitar?… Are you going to change it? My friend’s store may not have a better one than yours!”

Little Wu’s words left me confused. After a while, I said: “Little Wu, don’t interrupt me, just listen to me… Well, I have two points to make. First, the guitar is for my friend. Second, I need to buy this guitar now!”

“Are you kidding me? It’s so late!… Can’t you buy it tomorrow?”

“Little Wu, that won’t work! Why else would I call you now? Do you really think it’s for the discount?… I don’t need the discount, so you need to help me with this right now, immediately, without delay!”

Little Wu was silent for a long time, then said to me: “Zhao Yang, your style is getting higher and higher… Okay, since you’ve asked, I’ll call my friend now and ask him to wait for you at the store!”

After ending the call with Little Wu, I breathed a sigh of relief. But I couldn’t understand why I was making such a fuss. Was it to make a beautiful woman smile?

It didn’t seem like it. After all, I’m not a man who is particularly good at pleasing women. I just hate to see her disappointed. Because when she’s disappointed, I seem to feel sad.


I returned to Mi Cai and asked her: “What brand and material of guitar do you want? I’ll go buy it for you now!”

“I want to go with you.”

“It’s so late, you should go home and rest!”

Mi Cai shook her head and repeated her words firmly: “I want to go with you!”

“Alright, but don’t regret it!”

“What’s there to regret?”I smiled and said, “Let’s make you a biker girl once! It’s thrilling, but a bit cold!”

“Ah!” Mi Cai exclaimed.

Without saying much, I directly pulled Mi Cai to the bar’s storage room, and then pushed out the racing motorcycle left by Robben. I handed Mi Cai a helmet and said, “We’re going to buy a guitar, so we definitely need to have a rock and roll vibe. The motorcycle is a must. But if you’re afraid of the cold, forget it! We can drive there!”

“It’s thrilling, why should I be afraid of the cold!” Mi Cai said as she put on the helmet.

I looked at Mi Cai and smiled. No wonder Robben had charmed so many women with this motorcycle. It seems that all women have a thing for motorcycles, and Mi Cai is no exception!

I pushed the motorcycle outside, with Mi Cai following me. I put on my helmet, got on the motorcycle, and then Mi Cai also got on.

I started the motorcycle, and the roar of the engine immediately broke the silence of the night. I shouted to Mi Cai behind me, “Hold on tight, I’m about to take off!”

I couldn’t hear clearly what Mi Cai said, but she tightly hugged my waist. Thus, the classic scene of a biker man with a woman played out between us. I don’t know what this means to Mi Cai, but I will definitely remember this night and this scene!


Everyone, keep going! The conditions for additional updates are theoretically possible.

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