Chapter 172 – Dedicated and immortal teaching high-level

“Lamb skewers?” Vice Sect Leader Liu frowned. They were here to show their colors to the Seek Tao Sect, not to actually work.

“Hey, are you guys not doing business when customers come?” Shangguan Yu was a bit puzzled. Did the shops of the Seek Tao Sect also have such unique characteristics, opening without doing business?

The second elder followed behind Shangguan Yu, looking at Vice Sect Leader Liu and his group, he suspiciously said, “You guys look unfamiliar, I haven’t seen you in the Seek Tao Sect before, could it be that you…”

Vice Sect Leader Liu recognized the second elder Bayan at a glance. This was a high-ranking official of the Seek Tao Sect, a person with real power, at the peak of the Unity stage. If he was suspected by such a person, he might be exposed.

He put on a smiling face and let the other six people get up to serve the customers: “The shop owner is not here, we were temporarily pulled in to help. Sir, you want twenty lamb skewers, right? Please wait a moment, they will be ready soon.”

As a member of the Demon Sect, a cruel sneer is a necessary skill. However, switching smiles at will is also a necessary skill for the Demon Sect.

Vice Sect Leader Liu rolled up his sleeves, tied the white and black apron hanging on the wall, and took out twenty-five lamb skewers from the basin: “You are our first customer today, I’ll give you an extra five skewers.”

A few flies were attracted by the smell of the meat and were driven away by Vice Sect Leader Liu.

The second elder was still a bit suspicious: “Your shop is not very clean…”

Vice Sect Leader Liu quickly said: “Old Gao, bring out the formation!”

Vice Sect Leader Gao took out a set of formations from his storage ring, laid them on the ground, and the flies immediately fled the barbecue shop.

Those who opened shops in the Seek Tao Sect were not ordinary people, so using storage rings and formations would not arouse suspicion.

Vice Sect Leader Liu explained with a smile: “We guarantee cleanliness. This is a pest control formation we brought from outside.”

Vice Sect Leader Liu was always meticulous in his work.

He flipped and shook the lamb skewers with one hand, and rubbed the barbecue sauce with the fingertips of the other hand. The sauce fell on the lamb skewers, and the aroma of the lamb was stimulated by the charcoal fire, it was simply mouth-watering.

Vice Sect Leader Liu’s proficiency was in no way inferior to Lu Yang’s.

The seven of them specifically sought out the best local barbecue master and studied hard for three days, all for this moment!

“Do you eat spicy food?”

Shangguan Yu thought for a while. She wasn’t very good at eating spicy food, but she felt something was missing without it: “A little spicy, please.”

“Alright.” Vice Sect Leader Liu shouted while grilling the skewers.

“Come and see, fresh tender lamb from the grassland, freshly slaughtered, meaty and chewy, the taste is unforgettable!”

This was what the mortal barbecue master shouted when they were learning from him. He also told them that the louder they shouted, the more customers they could attract.

Perhaps because he had heard the mortal barbecue master shout so much, Vice Sect Leader Liu was moved by the scene and shouted out as well.

Sure enough, it worked. Disciples from the Seek Tao Sect came one after another.

“Here, your skewers are ready.” Vice Sect Leader Liu handed the lamb skewers to Shangguan Yu.

“How much?”

Vice Sect Leader Liu didn’t know how much it cost. He glanced at the price list hanging on the wall and was taken aback.

Were the prices in the Seek Tao Sect so high?

What Vice Sect Leader Liu didn’t know was that the prices in the Seek Tao Sect were not usually high. It was because there was an event going on that the prices had temporarily increased.

Shangguan Yu took a bite, the meat was fragrant and juicy. She couldn’t tell whether it was saliva or juice in her mouth.

“It’s delicious, I’ll have fifty more skewers! And two roasted pig’s feet.”

The biggest advantage of cultivators eating is that no matter how much they eat, they will never feel full. As long as they want to eat, they can eat as much as they want and enjoy the feast to their heart’s content.

Of course, this characteristic was not shown at the banquet prepared by the Immortal Fairy.

Seeing how Shangguan Yu was eating, the people around her were drooling and followed suit, clamoring for skewers.

Vice Sect Leader Gao called out from inside: “There are seats inside, don’t crowd outside, you can come in and order!”

The five elders and guests were busy serving the customers.

On the martial arts stage, the first match of the Golden Elixir group had ended, and there was still time before the second match began. Many disciples chose to eat while watching the match, including both the Seek Tao Sect and the Five Elements Sect.

They noticed that one barbecue shop was unusually busy.

“Let’s go and see.”

More and more disciples came to eat skewers, and Vice Sect Leader Liu had a sudden surge of confidence.

“I said it before, what’s the big deal about Lu Yang and his group opening a barbecue shop in Yanjiang County? That’s because I haven’t made a move yet. If I make a move, what’s left for Lu Yang?”

“Old Gao, there are too many orders, I can’t handle it, you should also set up a stall!”


Unexpectedly, Vice Sect Leader Gao’s barbecue skills were not inferior to Vice Sect Leader Liu’s at all!!

On the viewing platform, Lu Yang brought skewers to the eldest sister, and was met with Qiu Jin’an’s surprised eyes.

Why would Sect Leader Lu stoop to selling skewers?

It hadn’t been long, what had happened during this time?

Qiu Jin’an couldn’t figure it out.

“How’s the preparation going?”

“There are only seven customers left in the shop. According to the plan, there will be disciples going to order food, there should be no accidents.”

“I see, go back.”

When Lu Yang returned, he glanced at the martial arts stage. The second match had already begun, and the representative of the Seek Tao Sect was Sister Yi Jing, who was also challenged by the Immortal Fairy.

Lu Yang noticed the brothers and sisters watching below the stage, holding many skewers, somewhat surprised. Even Bai Ming, who had just lost, was holding a bunch, eating with relish.

What’s going on?

When Lu Yang returned, Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu had already returned to the barbecue shop, busily helping the two vice sect leaders.The people secretly arranged to buy skewers couldn’t even form a line. Seeing Lu Yang, they spread their hands in helplessness.

The second elder was eating skewers by the roadside, his mouth full of oil. Seeing Lu Yang, he greeted him, “Where did you find these people? Their skewer grilling skills are top-notch.”

Shangguan Yu, who was standing by, also expressed his intention to visit the Seek Tao Sect more often.

Lu Yang: “……”

“Make way, make way.” Lu Yang shouted, wanting to go in and see what was happening.

The person who was pushed frowned, “What’s the pushing for? Don’t you know how to queue?”

“I’m a staff member!”

The person who was pushed saw Lu Yang, twitched the corner of his mouth, and made way.

Suddenly, he remembered his master’s warning that there would be infiltrators from the demonic sect at the exchange site. Lu Yang prepared to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Could the people in this barbecue shop be from the demonic sect?

He stared at the two deputy sect leaders who were grilling skewers for a long time, feeling that he might have been mistaken.

The elders of the Seek Tao Sect had already greeted everyone and said that if Lu Yang appeared where he shouldn’t, don’t panic, just pretend not to know him.

Vice Sect Leader Liu was overjoyed to see Lu Yang return, “Little Lu is back, perfect timing. You go and maintain order, make sure everyone lines up properly.”

Lu Yang: “……”

Do you even remember why you’re here?

Lu Yang’s original intention was to find a few guests to distract them, but he didn’t expect to make the barbecue shop so popular.

Lu Yang noticed Man Gu’s genuine smile amidst his busyness, and Meng Jingzhou’s expression of revisiting Yanjiang County. He didn’t even know where to start with his old complaints.

The Immortal Maiden nodded in satisfaction, “As expected of my believer, his self-reliance is quite commendable, but the quality of these skewers needs improvement.”

“Lu Yang, let me control your body. I’ll show you what immortal-level skewers are like. You all should learn.”

The Immortal Maiden was in high spirits, not caring about the rule of “not casually passing on the law”, and clamored to show off her skills.

Hearing this, Lu Yang was scared and hurriedly stopped the Immortal Maiden.

“Please don’t cause trouble!”

(End of the chapter)

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