Chapter 156 – Meet at the bar

My words had barely left my lips when my heart began to race, followed by a feeling of suffocation. In the midst of this suffocation, regret washed over me. It was as if I had desecrated something sacred, and then destroyed the fortress I had painstakingly built with my own hands, allowing those emotions that should have been hidden to bare themselves.

Mi Cai continued to look elsewhere, just as she had been doing. The wind that blew intermittently caused the direct rays of light to sway, thus blurring her features.

“Tell me, what do you like about me?” She asked me after a long silence.

My soul seemed to wither in the intense heat of a raging fire, the pain… I was just a dirty man. I had fallen, yet she was pure. I had nothing, yet she was so rich… So, what did she like about me?

If we were two wicks that needed to be lit, but lacked the nourishing lamp oil, even if we were intertwined, we would suffocate each other, unable to escape the torment of time…

I lit a cigarette and blew the smoke towards Mi Cai, laughing, “Just a joke… Why make it so serious, like a scholarly pursuit, digging to the root, investigating to the end!”

Mi Cai dispersed the smoke with a look of disgust and turned to walk into the bar.

Watching her retreating figure, I extinguished the cigarette that I had only taken one puff from, then squatted on the ground, looking up at the sky. The wind was strong tonight, but the moonlight was good. I guess that city must have been blown to the back of the moon by the damn wind!

It made me lose my reference direction to ignite the fireworks that should have been brilliant!

Inside the bar, the customers and friends who had come to support the opening were already seated. CC was singing quietly under the dim lights.

I looked around and finally spotted Mi Cai in the crowd. She was sitting with Chen Jingming, Circle, and others. I wanted to join them, but there was not a single empty seat.

Jian Wei and Yan Yan were sitting in another corner, where there was an empty seat. I hesitated whether to go over or not, but there were really no empty seats in the bar at the moment, even the stools in front of the bar were occupied.

I finally walked towards Yan Yan and Jian Wei. As I was about to sit down, I noticed Yan Yan’s handbag on the seat.

Yan Yan smiled at me and said, “How about it, isn’t your sister considerate? I saved this seat for you. There are really a lot of people here today!”

Only then did I realize why there was an empty seat here despite the crowd.

I put Yan Yan’s handbag on the coffee table and sat down next to her, asking, “Why aren’t you sitting with Circle?”

“They’re all colleagues chatting together, so I didn’t want to join in. By the way, I really have to thank you for recommending Circle to Zhuomei. It’s the best opportunity he’s had in his career!”

“It’s because Circle is capable.” I said, unconsciously looking towards Mi Cai. At this point, Circle and Chen Jingming had officially started working at Zhuomei. I was even more hopeful that they could become Mi Cai’s support, helping her to completely break away from her isolated situation.

Jian Wei, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke, “Zhao Yang, I’ve received the 510,000 you transferred.” She took out 10,000 in cash from her handbag and put it in front of me, “Take this 10,000 back, I don’t need it.”

I shook my head and said, “This is what Le Yao insisted on giving you. You should keep it. You should understand her intentions.”

Jian Wei laughed with emotion, “Because I’m your ex-girlfriend, so she doesn’t want to owe me any favors!”

I didn’t deny it, because Le Yao really did have a strong aversion to Jian Wei. But whether it was because of her status as an ex-girlfriend, it was hard to say.

Yan Yan put the 10,000 back into Jian Wei’s bag and said, “Since she doesn’t want to owe you any favors, you shouldn’t force it, and you shouldn’t have a problem with money.”

At this moment, I was grateful to Yan Yan. Although she always looked at things with a worldly perspective, many conflicts that needed to be resolved could be most decisively solved with worldly means.

After CC finished singing, the customers started clamoring for Mi Cai and Jian Wei to sing a duet. Most of these customers had watched the impromptu concert the day before. They wanted them to sing together because Mi Cai and Jian Wei’s performances had left a deep impression on them.

I looked nervously at Jian Wei, then at Mi Cai not far away. Although I was full of anticipation for their duet, it seemed unlikely. In my subconscious, these two women, both excellent to the extreme, were incompatible.

CC first came to Jian Wei’s side and said, “Wei Wei, the customers are so enthusiastic, and it’s the first day of the bar’s opening. Let’s not dampen their spirits, okay?”

Jian Wei looked towards Mi Cai and then nodded, “If she has no problem, I have no problem!”

CC nodded and smiled, “I’ll go ask her. She shouldn’t refuse, after all, everyone is so happy today.”

After CC finished speaking, she walked over to Mi Cai, whispered a few words in her ear, and Mi Cai nodded and stood up.

After CC gave Jian Wei an OK gesture, Jian Wei also stood up from her seat, and the bar immediately erupted in applause!

A subtle change came over me. Although it seemed incredible, I was still looking forward to their collaboration…

Jian Wei and Mi Cai walked towards the small stage one after the other. CC prepared a microphone for each of them and asked what song they wanted to sing together.

Jian Wei and Mi Cai looked at each other, but neither of them spoke. God knows what they were thinking at that moment.

Finally, CC, the queen of saving the day, started to speak again, but this time she was speaking to me, “Zhao Yang, what do you think would be a good song for them to sing together?”

First, the eyes of the people I knew gathered on me, then the unfamiliar customers also followed their gaze to me. For the first time, I became the center of attention.

I thought for a moment and said, “How about ‘Promise of 1998’ by Na Ying and Faye Wong?”CC clapped her hands and said, “Promise in ’98, Promise at the Bar, this song is good, really good!” After speaking, she asked Jian Wei and Mi Cai, “What do you think?”

Jian Wei and Mi Cai nodded simultaneously, but neither of them uttered a word.

CC wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, “Wei Wei, you sing Na Ying’s part, and Mi Er, you sing Faye Wong’s part, okay?”

The two of them just nodded again, so CC made another gesture of wiping sweat, as if complaining: it’s not easy to be the queen of saving the situation!

As the prelude to the music sounded, I watched intently… At this moment, their figures were extremely beautiful under the light. It must be said, this was a visual feast.

“Open your heart and peel off the shyness of spring, dance steps whirl and break the silence of winter, the warm feeling brings a deep greeting, the drizzle bathes yesterday, yesterday, the exciting moment, you greet me with warm eyes, greet me with the joy brought from yesterday, come on, let’s meet at the bar, come on, let’s meet at the bar…”

Jian Wei’s voice and Mi Cai’s voice alternated in my ears, and I couldn’t help but be intoxicated. This was a seamless collaboration, even giving me the illusion that Jian Wei and Mi Cai were long-time friends. They were equally beautiful, equally rich, equally heavenly…

As the singing gradually stopped, the applause and cheers were still ringing in my ears. I was instantly overwhelmed, and the twinkling lights made me lose my mind until Yan Yan nudged me.

Yan Yan handed her phone to me and said, “Look at the photos I just took of them!” After a slight pause, she exclaimed, “A match made in heaven, how can there be such perfect women in the world? It’s enough to make women jealous!”

Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind, and I immediately said to Yan Yan, “Send this photo to me, I can use it!”


This time I didn’t participate in the website’s burst update week, and this book has been dull for a long time, so let’s stimulate each other… If by 11 o’clock tomorrow night, the top comments under this chapter exceed 500, and the number of sign-ins on the website reaches 9100 (these two are for the computer site), and the recommendation votes on the mobile site exceed 300, I will add another chapter. (Note: All three conditions are indispensable)

Don’t think the conditions for additional updates are harsh, because I don’t have any drafts, and three updates are already challenging my limit, so let’s challenge each other a bit, let’s get passionate!

Let’s have the mobile site and the computer site work together once.

In my author’s backstage, there is the number of favorites on the website. Compared to the number of favorites, the above conditions are actually very simple. It’s up to everyone whether they are willing to do this simple task!

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