Chapter 61 – She likes everything

Xie Shu and Ruan Nianxi passed by a pedestrian street on their way back and decided to grab dinner there.


Afterward, seeing that it was still early, Xie Shu didn't rush home. Instead, he took Ruan Nianxi for a stroll to digest their meal.


A walk after dinner is customary, and though they didn't buy more food, they still indulged in some entertainment along the way.


The point of going out is to have fun, after all.


As dusk fell, the streetlights shone like a festive array of fireworks, bustling with activity.


There were many couples coming and going, some holding hands, some embracing, and even a simple exchange of glances seemed to weave an endless thread of affection.


Xie Shu and Ruan Nianxi, however, seemed out of place in such a crowd.


Though they walked together and not far apart, they always maintained a safe distance.


Ruan Nianxi watched the couples with an indescribable longing in her eyes, wondering if she could ever share such moments with Xie Shu.


Caught up in watching others, she didn't realize when Xie Shu had left her side until she turned around in a panic, only to spot him a few meters away, talking to a vendor selling flowers. She hadn't heard their conversation, but by the time she looked over, Xie Shu was already scanning a QR code to pay.


The vendor handed him a small bunch of white flowers, not as large as those from a florist, but more than a single bouquet.


It was similar to a bridal bouquet but smaller, fitting comfortably in hand and quite lovely to behold.


After paying, Xie Shu stood up and looked around, only then noticing that Ruan Nianxi was a few meters away.


He was momentarily startled, wondering how she got there.


He walked over and presented the flowers to her.


Ruan Nianxi took them instinctively, then came back to her senses.


"For me… did you buy these?"


Even with the flowers in hand, her first reaction was to worry they weren't for her, prompting her to ask.


After all, buying flowers…


She wasn't sure if it was common for men to buy flowers for women in a platonic relationship, as her roommates always received flowers from their boyfriends.


Boyfriends… But her relationship with Xie Shu was…


"Of course, I'm with you, aren't I? Who else would I buy them for?" Xie Shu interrupted her trailing thoughts.


Ruan Nianxi was taken aback, then her face broke into a radiant smile.


A beautiful woman's smile is even more enchanting.


Her smile could delay the blooming of flowers, captivate a city, drawing sideways glances from passersby.


She tightened her grip on the flowers as if holding onto happiness, her smile unwavering: "Thank you, they're beautiful, I love them. What kind of flowers are these?"


Ruan Nianxi wasn't familiar with flower types.


Xie Shu came back to reality, his gaze awkwardly shifting away from her face as he cleared his throat: "Gardenias."


Ruan Nianxi buried her nose in them, taking in the fragrance.


Such a simple thing, costing only a few dozen yuan, yet it brought her immense joy.


This reminded Xie Shu of their middle school days when his parents forbade him from eating snacks. He would buy them secretly, always getting some for Ruan Nianxi too.


Simple treats costing mere cents to a few yuan made her incredibly happy.


Perhaps as happy as she was now.


She was so easily contented.


It almost gave him the illusion that no matter what he gave her, she would cherish it.


Watching Ruan Nianxi, still focused on the flowers, Xie Shu checked the time on his phone. Though it was still early compared to yesterday, it was time to head back, especially since they weren't near the school.


"Let's head back once we reach the end of this street," Xie Shu suggested.




Though reluctant to part ways, she would listen to anything he said.


They returned to where they had parked the car, Ruan Nianxi still clutching the small bunch of flowers, unsure where to place them.


Xie Shu chuckled inwardly before offering to drive back, having previously suggested it to spare her the fatigue, but she had refused. This time, however, she agreed without hesitation.


Eventually, Xie Shu took the driver's seat, and Ruan Nianxi sat beside him, still holding the flowers, her smile never fading since she received them.


Flowers! Given by Xie Shu!!






They soon arrived near the school, and at Ruan Nianxi's request, Xie Shu drove to the gate closest to the residential area.


That gate didn't allow vehicle entry, nor could cars park there for long, but Ruan Nianxi's family was wealthy, and the driver she had sent away in the morning had been on paid standby nearby all day.


He had received a call from Ruan Nianxi early on, instructing him to wait at that gate, so they simply had to get out, and someone would take the car.


At that moment, Xie Shu couldn't help but marvel at how money could make things happen.


Upon reaching the gate, he parked, and they both got out. After the driver took the car away, they entered the school together.


Like before, Xie Shu planned to walk Ruan Nianxi back to her dormitory.


Walking side by side, they saw many couples in the school, some holding hands, some playfully interacting…


Xie Shu glanced at Ruan Nianxi, who was carefully holding the flowers to her chest with one hand, while the other dangled naturally by her side, right next to his.


He caught a glimpse of other couples nearby and felt a stir in his heart.


His hand near Ruan Nianxi twitched, then cautiously curved into a small arc, inching closer to her…

Proofreader & Editor:Peter Pan

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